Chapter 345

Cao Yin felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere, and he wasn't sure what was wrong, so he boasted: "Miscellaneous grains? Master Jiu is thrifty, following the emperor..."

Kangxi said in a bad mood: "Frugal, I know how to be picky about eating and drinking all day long, and I can't stand the slightest bit of suffering! If you can't succeed in literature, you can't do martial arts, and you have no future! They are all adults, and they have no one to take responsibility for anything. I dare not let it go." He went to Liubu for a walk, just because he was afraid of delaying his business, so he could make up for the Ministry of Internal Affairs!"

It's hard for Cao Yin to say anything.

He has worked as a bodyguard for more than ten years in front of the imperial court. He has seen the emperor's strict discipline on the prince's elder brother, and said with envy: "Look at me, Master Jiu is already very rare. From now on, as long as the son of a slave is half as capable as Master Jiu, That slave can also close his eyes!"

Kangxi snorted softly and said: "It's all about worrying, you are just this one son, how can I make Cao Yong lose his future?"

Although it is not enough for a plate of pastry, Kangxi is still uncomfortable.


After Cao Yin left, he asked a few questions carefully, only to know that not only Ningshou Palace and Yikun Palace were sent to the second institute, but also the first institute, third institute and fifth institute.

Even the bastard Fourteenth Brother has something to eat, only Qianqing Palace doesn't!
Kangxi couldn't help but asked Liang Jiugong: "Is this blaming me? It's unreasonable! I'm not good to their husband and wife? Jiu elder brother pulled half of the dry goods in the dining room of the Qing Palace, and a few days ago he even rewarded the western velvet , isn't that good enough?"

Liang Jiugong didn't speak, but his eyes fell on the inkstone on the kang table.

Kangxi: "..."

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

There are many officials in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and there is an endless stream of annual ceremonies from the Second Institute.

Everyone also felt good, not many sent to the Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

After all, it would be inconvenient to move to the second office and pass through the inner court after sending it; so it was much more convenient to send it in from Shenwumen.

The inner warehouse of the second institute is already full.

Shu Shu didn't care about studying food, so she postponed the preparations for jumping over the wall, and began to write the list of annual ceremonies in various places.

There is no precedent, which leaves one to weigh.

Especially the general scope of this year's ceremony for relatives of the natal family and relatives of the husband's family.

There is also the gift of the ancestors.

As Brother Jiu acted as the agent of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the clan's relatives also began to move around in favor.

Shu Shu doesn't have a standard for these people's annual ceremony.

Shu Shu can only draw a rough idea.

In a blink of an eye, it is the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, the day when Dafujin burns "[-]",

"Sanqi", also known as "Daughter Seven", is for the daughter and daughter-in-law to officiate.

The little elder brother was young, so he was appointed by the eldest elder brother to wear filial piety and perform the rituals of a son-in-law.

The officiant, Da Gege, saw that he was much lighter, and felt that he had grown up all of a sudden, with the calmness of a girl.

She welcomed all the aunts in, and specially thanked Shu Shu and Si Fujin.

This is the matter of burialing.

Si Fujin hugged her in his arms, and said: "This is our relationship with you, Ernie, you don't need to appreciate it, you just need to take good care of yourself, and tell you, Ama, if you have anything, or just tell me Chang Shi, if it doesn’t work, you can still send people to the palace to ask the empress to make decisions, and don’t hurt yourself, that is unfilial..."

Shu Shu was talking to Qingxi.

She asked Xiaotang to compile a recipe, all of which are made of pasta and various snacks.

"There are a few that are easy to digest, and children can eat them; there are a few that are sour and sweet, that are good for digestion..."

Qingxi accepted it solemnly, and said in a low voice: "Please think about it, the servant is also worried. These days, Da Gege and Er Gege have lost a lot of weight. They don't think about food and drink. Every time I persuade them, they can't take a few mouthfuls... ..."

The young ones are still innocent and innocent, and they don't know how to worry about their age.

Big Gege and Er Gege are half-grown children. The pain of losing their mother will take time to heal, and it is inevitable that they will be depressed.

Shu Shu asked Xiaotang to prepare the recipe, which also included several light snacks and several sweet and sour snacks.

It just stimulates the appetite.

There were many people who came to pay homage today, Da Gege said a few words with him and went to the mourning hall again.

Just like during the "burning seven", neither the Seventh Fujin nor the Eighth Fujin came.

The prince's wet nurse came to the East Palace.

Here is the prince Fujin, Shu Shu, San Fujin, Si Fujin, and Wu Fujin.

Shu Shu mentioned the matter of the annual ceremony, and said: "How did the sisters-in-law prepare it? Clan relatives, natal family, in-laws, what is the example?"

Hearing this, San Fujin's face was a little stiff, and he smiled a little forcedly, and said, "I've either given birth to or raised children these past few years, I don't care about this, the boss around our master is responsible for these trivial matters..."

The expressions of Shu Shu and the others remained unchanged, in fact, there was surprise in their eyes.

This gift of favor is not only a gift of favor, but also represents the financial power of the family.

San Fujin was a beautiful girl in the [-]st year of Kangxi, and later she was married. She married the third elder brother back then, and has been the prince Fujin for seven years, but she still hasn't accounted for it.

When this was in the palace, how many pairs of eyes watched, no one dared to be presumptuous.

But when Kaifu comes out, how can a servant be loyal to such a mistress who has no real power?

No wonder Tian Gege dared to be so rampant...

It's not easy for Shu Shu to talk about this again, so she changed the subject and said, "I was in the palace before, and during the Chinese New Year, when will the sister-in-laws return to the province?"

Sanfujin mentioned this, and said proudly: "Before the opening of the seal, it's okay to avoid the first and fifteenth palace banquets, but we have brought filial piety this year, I'm afraid it won't work in the first month..."

Si Fujin said: "You have to go back in the first year, just report to the elders, there is no fixed number from the next year, you can go back or not..."

Just like her natal family, her brothers and sisters-in-law are all polite and unfamiliar.

When I go back, I still have to talk about the rites of the emperor and his ministers, which makes each other feel uncomfortable.

San Fujin disagreed, looked at Si Fujin and said, "Aunt Manzhou, Jingui, don't be so sexual, go back twice more, and show my aunt's score, who would dare to pierce her?"

Sifujin smiled lightly and said: "Everyone is at ease when we are far away, why bother to get together and sit stupidly!"

Sanfujin knew about the Ulanara family's lawsuit, so he just looked at Shu Shu and said, "Don't be like your fourth sister-in-law. After being virtuous, it's so hard to go back to her mother's house. The more you move, the closer you are to this relative, and the less you move, the more alienated you are." ..."

Shu Shu couldn't say anything.

In fact, she agreed with Si Fujin's approach.

How much trouble was saved.

What San Fujin said was not wrong, but it was aimed at a natal family like the Duke's.

Pro-Ama is the head of the family, that is the mother's family.

Si Fujin, whose half-brother and sister-in-law are in charge of the family, is bearing the name of her mother's family.

Wu Fujin remained silent.

She only married into the palace last year, and in the first month of this year, according to the rules, the husband and wife returned to the province.

It took only one meal, and the family was thrown off their feet, almost making a joke.

As a result, the national ceremony will be discussed first.

Ama and Ernie want to kowtow to their daughter and son-in-law.

Wu Fujin was uncomfortable, and had already given up the idea of ​​returning to the province.

Anyway, it is convenient to come out of Kaifu now, if you miss your family, you can invite them to Baylor Mansion.

Sifujin and Wufujin looked at each other, they both understood Shushu's difficulties.

They were all in the palace before, so it was fine for Shu Shu to follow their rules.

The annual ceremony was not mentioned before, so no one mentioned it.

After the sacrificial ceremony, Si Fujin greeted Shu Shu and Wu Fujin to get into his carriage, and instructed Shu Shu carefully.

"There is no fixed number between the natal family and the in-laws. It's nothing more than 'reciprocity'. Although you are young, you are a respectable person. The annual ceremony outside comes first. When the time comes, you can return the gift according to your own circumstances. This way, there will be an example, and you will be relieved in the coming year." ...Clan relatives, you haven't conferred titles and opened a mansion yet, what the elders gave you was a favor, so you don't have to think about returning it right away..."

The emperor has many sons. In the early years, Prince Yu, the uncle of the king, had a precedent of preparing lucky money for the princes and elder brothers.

Later, Prince Gong followed suit.

But that was twenty-nine years ago, and it stopped many years ago.

The clansmen who climbed up now are the mansions and general mansions of the Shangsanqi.

It's not so much a courtesy, it's more like filial piety.

He is also the eldest brother of the prince in the palace.

Elder brother, the prince who flies the flag, does not have this annual ceremony.

This is for the emperor to see.

Shu Shu listened carefully, and said in a low voice: "The relatives at my mother's house are okay, even if I am rude, it's okay; the main uncle's house, and Guo Luoluo's house, I'm not sure... "

In name, Hesheli's family, Niu Hulu's family, and Tong's family are the princes' natal families.

Then the birth mother’s natal family also counts as a share.

This is four.

Si Fujin patted her hand and said: "I found the old gift list and sent it to Lao Jiu. You can see that it is similar, so don't neglect it. You have to be decent, but you won't lose money. Every year At the end of the year, each family will also send money to the palace..."

Speaking of this, she mused: "According to the rules, the imperial concubine's natal family comes in first according to their annual ceremony. I don't know what's going on with Guo Luoluo's family... If it's late or delayed, you can follow the ceremony of the uncle's house. A reduction of [-]% is almost the same..."

This is the case at Wu Ya's house.

Even though Concubine De is partial to the two sons, the Wu Ya family is very close to the two princes and nephews in the palace.

Because the fourth elder brother is the eldest nephew, he pays special attention to the fourth elder brother.

Wu Fujin followed suit.

At the end of last year, she and Seventh Fujin's annual ceremony was similar to Shu Shu's, and she asked Sifujin for advice.

She didn't interrupt until Si Fujin finished speaking, and then added: "The gifts from Guo Luoluo's family have already started to be delivered..."

Speaking of this, she hesitated: "The gift list from our mansion was handed over yesterday, and it was doubled compared to last year. The eldest aunt went to the mansion and cried, saying that her mother's family was holding a funeral, but the whole family was taken away by the Punishment Department. I begged Fifth Master to come forward, but Fifth Master refused, saying that Brother Nine is in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and will act in a proper way, so there must be something wrong with the Jin family..."

It was the first time for Shu Shu to hear the news, so it was not surprising.

Kangxi wants to investigate, how did the Jin family run this line? !

"The Jin family, who died?"

Shu Shu asked.

"It's the old man of the Jin family... and the sister who was remarried by my aunt, who also disappeared a few days ago..."

Wu Fujin briefly explained the cause of the father and daughter's death.

Now there is an old saying that the end of the year is sad.

It is about the bitter cold in winter, and it is difficult for the elderly to survive.

But the old man of the Jin family died inexplicably, drunk and froze to death.

The remarried aunt of the Jin family committed suicide after killing her husband.

That doesn't sound right.

Si Fujin was listening, all frowned, and said worriedly: "Did something happen in the palace? It won't involve you, right?"

Shu Shu shook his head and said: "The people from the Punishment Department are from Yuqian now, and this is the first time I've heard of it, so it should have nothing to do with us juniors..."

Kangxi asked him to seal his mouth, and what he sealed was the owls under the roads of the four kangs.

After all, everyone around Brother Fourteen has been arrested, and such a big movement cannot be hidden from others.

Therefore, it has become a unified rhetoric to make slaves and harm masters.

After Si Fujin finished speaking, he also thought of Elder Fourteen.

The fourth elder brother talked about the move of the fourteenth elder brother, and now he is waiting for Si Fujin to prepare things when he enters the palace after the funeral, so that he can visit the twelfth elder brother.

Wu Fujin didn't hear about it.

The last time she went to the palace, she wentssip with her sister-in-law, but she didn't mention this.

Shu Shu said in a low voice to the two sister-in-laws, it was still an inappropriate remark from the people around Brother Fourteen.

When the two heard this, their expressions were not good.

They all believed it.

After all, there are two nuns who have learned from the past.

Si Fujin's face was not good: "These coatings are getting more and more rampant."

Wu Fujin nodded and said: "Yes, it's great to be a job well, it's nothing more than greed, that's why I want to control Elder Brother..."

She has experienced it firsthand.

When I was in elder brother's house, there were mothers who wanted to take advantage of her, and some who wanted to take refuge in her, and offered to charge forward to deal with Liu Gege, but Wu Fujin didn't respond...

Three more [-], make an appointment for a monthly pass at the end of the month, ^_^
The next chapter will be updated at 9:8 a.m. on September 8th. This book will be published on the starting point. Welcome to the starting point app to read
(End of this chapter)

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