Chapter 347 Asking for Grace (Second)

The next day, Xiaochun came to mention the annual rewards of the second institute.

It is different from the previous silver rewards.

This time it's the New Year. During Zhengdan, the upper and lower people will kowtow to see each other, and the rewards of silver should also be styled, and made into silver zizi with patterns.

Advance statistics are required.

We also need to make more rich ones, and give rewards one by one to the imperial dining room, the House of Internal Affairs, and the places where elder brother has dealt with.

People outside have examples from outside, so just follow the previous ones.

Up and down the second school, Shu Shu has already changed the rules of the past.

The old rule was to give out rewards according to their level.

The higher the grade, the richer the silver reward.

Now on that, add adjustments.

According to the performance in the past six months, let people give a circle first.

Those in charge of the assessment are Director Cui, Li Yin, Nanny Qi, and Xiao Chun.

The four of them stayed behind a few months ago and saw it most clearly.

Everyone's own work was rated third.

Excellent, fair, and poor.

The other is extra work, which can be regarded as overtime performance.

For example, follow the one who fetches water in summer, and the one who sweeps snow in winter.

The scorching heat this summer is unbearable, and the second school has to splash water several times throughout the day to cool down.

The well on the elder brother's side is just beside Wusuo. There is a well pavilion with three wells inside.

The water for the five courtyards is all taken from there.

When there is a lot of water in summer, in addition to those on duty, many people go to carry water with them.

It's the same after winter. This year, there is a lot of snow and it's continuous.

In addition to the sweepers, there are also some people who have spare capacity to sweep the snow.

And those who accompanied Shu Shu and Brother Nine on the north tour, this was counted as overtime.

The performance among these people is judged by He Yuzhu and Walnut.

It is also excellent, fair, and inferior.

The annual reward is divided according to each person's score.

It means more work, more pay, less work, less pay.

After talking about this matter, Xiaotang talked about the preparations for "Fu Shou Xi".

The name "Buddha jumps over the wall" has no reason, it's weird to say it directly, so Shu Shu referred to another name of this dish.

In the first two days, I soaked sea cucumbers, abalones, shark fins, fish maws and other dry goods, and yesterday I also picked up Huadiao wine.

Just for that jar.

The chicken soup needed was also boiled early this morning.

It takes about three hours for the Buddha to jump over the wall.

Shu Shu was thinking about eating with brother Jiu, so she planned to have this meal later.

From this point of view, it will be ready in the morning.

All kinds of ingredients, half seafood, half delicacies, are all ready.

Xiaotang came over and asked how many servings to make.

The ingredients are well prepared, Huadiao wine jars, each of which weighs two catties, also took ten directly.

Shu Shu nodded and said: "I've done it all, and you will try it too."

With that said, He Yuzhu came back.

The silver reward has arrived.

"When the master got the news, he sent his slaves to the household department to pay the bills!"

With this, you can directly withdraw money at the household department.

Shu Shu looked at the amount, five thousand taels, and was satisfied.

Not much.

But thinking of Brother Jiu's little vanity, she couldn't help but ask: "How much are the other princes?"

He Yuzhu bowed and said, "It's all the same, follow the rules of the county king."

Shu Shu somewhat understood why Brother Jiu couldn't wait to ask someone to pay for it.

In order to repair the house, he has been thinking about it day and night, and he must be going to the Qing Palace right now.

This was because he had no idea, he was afraid that he would offend the emperor and take back the reward, so he paid it first.

He Yuzhu took a few other lists and said: "This is the annual ceremony of several government houses... It's a coincidence that they arrived together..."

This refers to the annual ceremony of the three queens' families of Hesheli's family, Niu Hulu's family, and Tong's family.

"Which one came first in previous years?"

Shu Shu asked curiously.

He Yuzhu said: "The Tong family, then the Hesheli family, and finally the Niu Hulu family..."

Shu Shu was not surprised.

The Tong family is still the emperor's uncle's family, and they are dual relatives, so they are different.

Shu Shu took a brief look.

Four pieces of Tongjiahang silk, four pieces of river silk, four pieces of brocade brocade, four pieces of colorful satin, one Duan inkstone, one box of lake pens, one pair of lace-up silk gold sachets, and eight pairs of purses.

Without the silver seal, those eight pairs of purses would never be empty.

When Xiaochun and Walnut counted, as expected, there were gold and silver Ruyi in the purse.

Each purse contains a pair of gold Ruyi and a pair of silver Ruyi.

Gold Ruyi is one pair of two taels, and silver Ruyi is one pair of ten taels.

Eight pairs of purses are thirty-two taels of gold and one hundred and sixty taels of silver.

When I arrived at Hesheli's house, there were also eight gifts.

The materials are even more rare, four bolts of pomegranate silk, four bolts of folded branch brocade, four bolts of black satin, four bolts of golden brocade, one handle with three inlaid Ruyi, one box of vermilion ingots, one pair of golden toads, and six pairs of gold silk purses.

One golden toad is sixteen taels, and two is thirty-two taels.

There are golden peanuts in the purse, one pair and two taels.

There are twelve purses in total, which is twenty-four taels.

The Hesheli family seemed to give way to the Tong family, but it was so generous that it overwhelmed the Tong family.

Xiaochun and Walnut both took care when tidying up.

It is true that Hesheli's family has precious materials, even though there are a few items in Shu Shu's dowry, they are all regarded as good things at the bottom of the box.

Shu Shu's eyes fell on the things, she smiled a little, and asked He Yuzhu: "Do you remember these gifts from the previous years?"

He Yuzhu nodded, and said: "It's just the study room and purse. There are more materials this year, so it should be for Fujin..."

Shu Shu lowered her head and looked at the list of Niu Hulu's family again.

Four pieces of Sichuan brocade, four pieces of python satin, two pieces of black fox fur, two rolls of mink fur, a pair of sapphire pen holders, a pair of sapphire paperweights, a pair of red gold Fushou Ruyi, and six pairs of purses.

That Jin Ruyi is not like a golden toad, only a child's fist is as big as half an adult's arm length, and has the weight of a few golden toads.

This one is Ruyi, and the ceremony is heavier than the previous two.

The result is a pair.

Including the gold locket in the purse, it is more than three hundred taels of gold.

He Yuzhu was surprised and said: "It's not like this in previous years. Both the Hesheli family and the Niu Hulu family's ceremonies are very heavy this year..."

Shu Shu put down the list from Niu Hulu's house with a half-smile.

This is not just an annual ceremony, but also an apology.

Behind Yao Zixiao is Niu Hulu's family.

Pull out the radish and bring out the puree.

Not to mention Niu Hulu's family's placement of people in the palace, but Mrs. Niu Hulu's solicitation and plotting against the prince's backyard is a crime.

But she is not only the wife, the mother of A Ling'a's children, but also the sister of Concubine De.

It must be guaranteed.

How to protect?
With the testimony of Yao Zixiao, it's not something that can be smoothed out with empty words.

Most likely it was the "substitute mother" who pushed the matter to the eldest daughter.

A fourteen-year-old Gege, who made troubles because of her marriage, and the jealousy of some daughters' family, is much less guilty than Mrs. Aling'a's meddling in court affairs.

As for the gifts from Hesheli's family, they are all tribute items.

If Shu Shu wanted to be bright and dressed up, what would others think?
It's a little flattering.


He Yuzhu didn't leave immediately, and passed on the words of Brother Jiu.

Ask her to prepare one more new dish and serve it today.

Brother Nine plans to meet His Majesty at Qianqing Palace before returning in the afternoon...

After a long time in a hurry, brother Jiu put down his pen.

Because the yamen is sealed on the [-]th day of the twelfth lunar month, many official duties have to be completed ahead of schedule, and these two days have begun to be a bit busy.

On Brother Nine's desk, there are drawings of the County King's Mansion and Baylor Mansion.

He thought about it, found a copy of Beizi's, put it together and rolled it up, and took it to Qianqing Palace.

When Kangxi heard Liang Jiugong's report, he was proud.

Although I was very annoyed before, and I didn't want Brother Jiu to come over to chat about trivial matters, but I haven't seen him for half a month, and I still miss him a little.

Too narrow-minded, not big enough.

Looking at this posture, if it weren't for the silver reward, he would not have come to Yuqian.

Thinking of this, Kangxi was annoyed again, and regretted following his heart.

Kangxi drooped his face and said, "Let him in!"

Brother Nine came in with a respectful face: "Ama Khan, my son is here to thank you!"

After finishing speaking, he knelt down neatly and kowtowed.

This time the Clan Grand Award is not a general reward, but a reward for the meritorious clan who conquered Galdan.

The ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother are not close at all, and they also have meritorious service in supervising the military rations, and they are listed among them.

This is to subsidize the son.

The ninth elder brother is indeed poor here, and the tenth elder brother will get married soon, and will spend a lot of money in the future.

Kangxi's expression slowed down a little, he saw the things in Brother Jiu's hands clearly, and said with a cold snort: "I don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, so what's the matter? I don't see you coming here usually, so you don't want to make trouble?"

He thought of Cao Yin's western weaving field, and was very moved.

Nowadays, there is a shortage of silver in various places. In the past, one thousand Wen could be exchanged for one tael of silver, but now it is less than seven Yuan.

If it is really according to Brother Nine's plan, materials can be exported from Guangzhou Customs and exchanged for foreign silver, which will solve the imperial silver shortage.

He brought some anticipation.

Brother Nine did not surprise him, and actually took out a proposal for western wool.

Not only set up a weaving factory in Jiangning, but also set up cashmere and wool purchase points in various ministries of Mongolia.

This is Shu Shu's opinion.

When it comes to vassal land, it is better to treat everyone equally on the face.

It cannot be explained one by one tribe by tribe, because cashmere is collected instead of wool, so some tribes have purchasing points, and some do not.

It's better to set up all of them and buy them together. At that time, no one can make a mistake. Wool can also be used for carpets and the like.

Because of the price difference between cashmere and wool, more tribes will raise goats by then.

Seriously, goats are prairie killers.

Over time, it will make the grassland desert.

At that time, the imperial court will order "captive breeding".

Brother Nine was beaming with joy, talking about the greatest role of goats replacing sheep, the reduction of pastures, and the promotion of Mongolian settlements.

There will be more and more tribes that combine farming and animal husbandry like Harqin, and the Mongolian ownership of the court will also deepen.

Kangxi looked at Brother Nine with admiration.

What Cao Yin said is right, Brother Jiu is indeed good, but anyone who has anything to do with the economy seems to have opened up a spiritual orifice.

But seeing Brother Jiu's complacency, Kangxi swallowed his praise again, and said with a frown: "The stall selling medicine has not been opened before, and this is another one! The Ministry of Internal Affairs is the Royal Ministry of Internal Affairs after all, huh?" Since it is in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, we should put official duties first, instead of thinking about doing business with chickens and eggs all day long, and taking the opportunity to make money!"

In the end, he had brought sternness.

Brother Nine felt aggrieved, and immediately said: "Who said it was the son's business? Isn't this the business of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?! The Ministry of Internal Affairs is in charge of it, and the Lifan Court supervises it. My son worked hard and thought about it for half a month. Only then did the plan of the weaving field be made comprehensive, in order to open source and increase Han Ama's internal treasury income!"

There was more doubt in Kangxi's eyes, and he looked at Brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu is strict in righteousness and words, and has not falsified.

Kangxi coughed twice, and said: "There is a precedent for selling medicines, so I naturally thought you were tossing about this all by yourself! It's not that I'm stingy, this matter requires sending people to various ministries in Mongolia, and it's too involved to do it privately... "

Brother Nine generously handed over the plan: "There is nothing trivial about the affairs of the clan. My son has been on duty for several months, and he still doesn't know about it?! But if it is handed over to someone else, it can just happen to take over the business of selling medicines." , that benefit is also given to Khan Ama, and my son will not touch it anymore... But as for the manpower of these two errands, some people on my son's side need to be placed. They were asked by my elder brother and younger brothers before, not many, a total of more than a dozen Twenty or so people!"

Kangxi accepted the plan and looked at Brother Nine, a little afraid to admit it.

Is this still his son who keeps talking about money?
It's like a different person.

Not only the weaving field must be handed over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but also the medicine seller must be handed over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Seeing that Brother Jiu still had a few pages of paper in his hand, Kangxi couldn't help but be moved: "What is that?"

Ninth elder brother smiled obsequiously: "Ama Khan, my son wants to ask for grace..."

(End of this chapter)

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