Chapter 410 Appropriateness (add more for dads)
Qingxi Bookstore.

Kangxi sat on the kang, and some cases were written by the Governor of Hedao.

Several places in the Huanghuai area that suffer from serious floods need a radical cure.

However, such projects are all expensive, and the imperial court has limited money.

It cannot be fully started, and can only be repaired in sections of the river.

Regarding the site selection of several projects, the governor of the river and the local governor disagreed, and a holy order was still needed.

There is also the natural disaster in Zhejiang a few years ago, which had a huge impact and damaged a lot of farmland. People's livelihood is unstable and needs to be appeased.

These two things are the primary purpose of the Southern Tour.

It is necessary to prevent officials along the way from carrying out scientific research in the name of Shengjia's southern tour.

Otherwise, it will be counterproductive to cause public grievances.

At that time, the crown prince will supervise the country...

Thinking of this, Kangxi hesitated.

Do you want to keep the boss in Beijing?

Pros and cons.

He didn't notice it, he was already a little wary of the prince, so he repeated it after he personally persuaded the elder brother to follow him for a few days.

He was depressed and felt that there seemed to be a gap between him and the prince.

The prince didn't know the inside story, he didn't know about Suo'etu's wolf ambition, did he already blame him for being cruel?
At this moment, Liang Jiugong came in and said: "Your Majesty, elder brother Jiu is here, see you outside!"

Kangxi couldn't help frowning when he heard this.

Thinking of the pulse case at the Imperial Hospital last night, he became more impatient, and said: "Pampered and spoiled, it's not decent, and you still have the face to come to the imperial court, let him get out!"

Liang Jiugong bowed out, looked at the joyful Jiu elder brother, and reminded in a low voice: "The emperor told you to get out, it doesn't seem to be happy!"

Brother Jiu put back the smile on his face, thinking that he might not have come at the right time.

He was carrying a food box in his hand, so he couldn't do somersaults in "colorful clothes to entertain relatives", so he tiptoed into the house.

Seeing that he looked like a thief, Kangxi scolded him, "What the hell are you doing?"

Brother Jiu looked around Kangxi's face, and said respectfully: "Son, I don't like seeing you, I'm afraid I will suffer from the disaster..."

Kangxi stared at him and said, "I see that I'm not happy, so tell me why I'm not happy?"

Baqi lost his courage, which was his most troublesome problem in the past few years, but it turned out that there was a waste material in his family who couldn't match Ding's armor.

Brother Jiu is a little confused, where to guess?
He wanted to touch his chin, and he still had a food box in his hand. He looked down and said, "My son is clumsy, or would Ama Khan also guess?"

Kangxi followed his gaze and said, "Guess what's in here?"

Brother Jiu shook his head and said with a smile: "No matter how powerful Khan Ama is, he can't guess things through the wooden box. Isn't that embarrassing?"

As he spoke, he opened the food box and took out a ruler.

There are six yellow and white glutinous rice balls on the top.

The six round ones looked the same size, as if they had been measured with a ruler.

The other six pieces are not very neat in shape and different in size, they look like crooked melons and jujubes.

"Seeing that the festival is coming, my son's food and drink expenses are all given by Khan Ama, and he has never paid back, so I made these glutinous rice balls with my son Fujin and honored Khan Ama..."

Brother Jiu said.

This is what he thinks in his heart, and he speaks the truth.

Especially when I just got so many properties, the gratitude in my heart is real.

If it is a common people, raising children is for the sake of old age.

But Khan Ama is the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, and he doesn't need anyone to take care of him. It's really a big loss to raise so many children and grandchildren.

Brother Nine felt a little sympathetic.

In fact, there is no need for elder brother Jiu to say, Kangxi also guessed it when he saw the ugly glutinous rice balls.

This is the filial piety of the son and daughter-in-law.

There was disgust on his face, but he was quite happy in his heart.

When he saw that the food box had two layers, he pointed and said, "What's underneath?"

Brother Jiu also brought out six glutinous rice balls.

There are also three good-looking ones and three ugly ones.

"This is for Er Niang as a filial piety, let Er Niang taste it too..."

Brother Jiu replied honestly.

Kangxi looked at the two counts and was satisfied.

Then he still felt heartbroken.

This is Brother Jiu, not Jiu Gege!
But seeing Brother Jiu's face full of admiration, he swallowed the scolding of "not doing his job properly", nodded and said: "Okay, I'll accept it..."

Speaking of which, thinking about Brother Jiu's walking just now was a bit awkward, and then thinking about the pulse case last night, the disgust in my heart is still there, but my heart is more distressed.

Stupid is stupid, but filial.

He couldn't bear Brother Jiu to send it there by himself, and ordered Wei Zhu, who was serving the pen beside him, to say, "Go back to Fangshu for Brother Jiu, and tell Concubine Yi that this is the filial piety of Brother Jiu and Fujin Jiu!"

Wei Zhu responded, packed the food box and carried it away.

Seeing that Kangxi's mood improved, Brother Nine heaved a sigh of relief, grinned and said, "Khan Ama, guess what these are?"

Kangxi raised his eyebrows, took a closer look, and said, "What is it?"

Brother Jiu said in a lawsuit: "It's not good to talk about it now..." As he spoke, he instructed Liang Jiugong to say: "Dangda, it's just in time for the meal, let's ask the dining room to cook it, this is not in the palace. The common rolled Yuanxiao is not easy to cook, they are wrapped in wet dough and cooked well..."

Liang Jiugong didn't move, waited until Kangxi nodded, then bowed to answer, took the rice balls and went down.

Brother Nine didn't get the compliment, felt unhappily, and was a bit reluctant to leave.

Seeing his leisurely appearance, Kangxi was not pleasing to his eyes.

How busy are the other princes?
I can't wait to eat and live in Yamen.

This bastard is good, I am afraid that he has forgotten that the Ministry of Internal Affairs is still preparing for the southern tour.

"If you're free, go to the yamen to run an errand!"

Kangxi frowned.

Brother Nine gritted his teeth and said, "This isn't a holiday. After three or five days, my son will go to the yamen!"

At that time, it is time for Khan Ama to send the Queen Mother back to the palace, so as to save him a lot of trouble.

Kangxi misunderstood, thinking it was because of his discomfort, his expression eased a little, and said: "Well, let's pass a few days, anyway, be diligent, don't slack off!"

Brother Nine bowed and agreed, and left Qingxi Bookstore with a little disappointment.

After all, I didn't get a compliment.

But I am not at a loss, the matter of the sheep belly has turned over.

Yesterday's imperial physician's pulse case, I guess it can be turned over.

Ninth elder brother relieved himself, and happily left Changchun Garden.

In Huichun villa, looking at the glutinous rice balls sent by Wei Zhu.

It is said that elder brother Jiu and Fujin Jiu made it by themselves.

Concubine Yi had a smile on her face, and the corners of the mouth of Xiang Lan, who was standing beside her, also curled up.

The master and servant looked at each other and exchanged a look, and their eyes fell on the three glutinous rice balls of different sizes.

Wei Zhu felt that this gaze was very strange, it didn't seem to be critical, but rather sideways.

But he couldn't guess the reason, so he took a purse from Xianglan and went back to report.

When he left, Concubine Yi let out a "puchi" and laughed.

Xianglan also laughed, and said, "I really didn't expect..."


Concubine Yi laughed heartily: "You really follow me everywhere, she is good at eating, but she is clumsy..."

Kangxi guessed wrongly about the real maker of Yuan Tangyuan and Ugly Tangyuan, but Concubine Yi was not wrong.

Brother Jiu was naughty when he was a child, and he liked to play with mud for a while, and he was round and round.

In total, only two people did it, and it goes without saying who made the rest of the ugly glutinous rice balls.

Danbo is the palace of virtue.

In front of the Empress Dowager, there was also a plate of raw Lantern Festival.

Shu Shu didn't take credit for it, she pointed to those beautiful Lantern Festivals and said: "These are all made by Master Jiu, and they are skillful, but grandson's daughter-in-law is stupid, the balls are not round..."

The queen mother took her hand, looked carefully, and said: "Don't do it in the future, let the girls do it, your hands are rough."

Shu Shu smiled and said: "There are not many of them, just you, Khan Amana, our mother's glutinous rice balls are made by us, and the rest are just moving our mouths. We should just give them a fresh taste."

Jiugege was beside him, and said: "Next time, sister-in-law Jiu will send someone to call me, and I will also personally wrap some filial piety for the emperor's grandmother."

Shu Shu nodded with a smile, and said: "Then I will make a note, when the next festival is celebrated, sister, don't be lazy!"

When it's time for dinner, the queen mother wants to keep the meal.

Shu Shu said shyly, "Grandmother and younger sister are with her, but your grandson is at home alone."

The queen mother smiled and waved her hands and said: "Go, go, while you are not out of Beijing, spend more time with me, so as not to make my elder brother feel sorry."

Shu Shufu was blessed, and brought Xiaochun and walnut down.

Jiugege sent it out in person.

Shu Shu reminded: "The sticky rice is not easy to restrain, just let the imperial grandmother taste it..."

Jiugege nodded in agreement, and watched Shushu's master and servant leave before turning back to Danboweide Palace.

The Empress Dowager was instructing Nanny Bai: "According to Jiufujin's instructions, those marked ones are boiled alone, and the soup is made of seaweed and shrimp skin. Don't confuse those who want salty taste!"

Bai Momo complied, and went down with a plate to cook glutinous rice balls.

Seeing Jiugege come back, the queen mother greeted her to the kang and said, "Did you learn anything today?"

Jiugege thought about it carefully, and said, "The emperor's grandmother said 'wash your hands and make soup'?"

The queen mother shook her head and said, "Think again..."

Jiugege frowned, unable to think.

The queen mother said: "It's also a gift, why is yours first and mine first?"

Jiugege blinked and said, "Naturally, seniors and youngsters are in order, and there is no distinction between seniority and inferiority..."

The Empress Dowager nodded and said: "That's the reason. The new daughter-in-law acts respectfully, respects her elders, and loves her uncles and aunts. No one can make a mistake, but you must also remember your identity..."

"Even if you ask for the source bookstore, you don't get food cooked by them yourself. This is the measure..."

Although the reserve position has been determined, farewell to the monarch and ministers.

But living in the garden is either above the court, or brothers and sisters-in-law.

If Brother Jiu and his wife treated the Crown Prince and Princess Concubine like respecting their parents and elders, it would be too flattering, and it would only make people feel that they were flattering and out of proportion.

"You are a golden branch and a jade leaf, which is different from your ninth sister-in-law, but the principles of human relationships are the same. If you go out in the future, even if you are willing to treat your mother-in-law's family well for the sake of your forehead, you must not lose your status as a princess, or else you will face others. If you get close, you will be treated with contempt, and in the long run, you will be at a loss..."

The Queen Mother spoke the truth seriously.

At first, she only thought that Jiugege had a good temper, but now she is worried.

Treat people too kindly, if you meet people who are sensible, it's okay, if you meet people who push their noses and slap their faces, I'm afraid they will suffer.

I can't stand by my side and watch...

The happiest day since the book was opened, thanks to every book friend, ^_^.

The next chapter will be updated at 9 a.m. on October 29th. This book is the first starting point. Welcome everyone to read it on the Qidian app.

(End of this chapter)

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