Chapter 416 Picking up Customers
After a short time, Nanny Bai sent someone over.

The fifth elder brother has left the garden.

The sisters-in-law arrived at Danbo Weide Palace.

Sanfujin really did as Shu Shu expected, honestly, nothing happened.

It was not early, and people came one after another.

The crown princess arrived first, followed by several uncles and uncles Wang Fujin.

Prince Yu Fujin brought his eldest daughter-in-law, and Prince Gong Fujin brought two generals' wives.

There is also the pure prince Fujin, who walks alone.

These three are the daughters-in-law of the Empress Dowager.

The queen mother was surrounded by her daughters-in-law, and the granddaughter-in-law was all behind, only serving as the background board.

After being married to the royal family for half a year, Shu Shu rarely sees the pure Prince Fujin, this is only the second time.

In his thirties, with a black baotou, looking gentle and kind, the Queen Mother pulled her to sit beside her.

She is not only Prince Heshuo Fujin, but also the daughter of Princess Heshun and Prince Consort Shangzhilong.

The biological uncle is Prince Zhuang Boguoduo, and the adoptive uncle is the emperor Kangxi.

Although the princess has passed away, her Ama is now the Minister of Internal Affairs.

The younger sister is Fujin, the direct descendant of Wu Erzhan's beizi from the lineage of King An.

In terms of background, Prince Pure Fujin is higher than Prince Yu Fujin and Prince Gong Fujin.

In front of the empress dowager, she is also very decent.

Even if she is a widow, no one dares to despise her.

Prince Yu Fujin and Prince Gong Fujin know each other well, and treat this younger sibling very politely.

It's just that the pure Prince Fujin has a quiet temperament and abides by his duties. Except for the New Year's Day, he rarely enters the palace on weekdays.

Shu Shu thought about this age, married at fourteen and widowed at eighteen, it has been twenty years.

very scary.

But if it were her, brother Jiu would probably make the same choice if he was gone at this time.

With a strong natal family, being a widow is much more worry-free than remarrying.

What is rare is that Prince Chun Fujin is not paranoid.

Otherwise, with her status, if she has to have an heir or grandson, can the emperor still give it to her?

But what good would that do?

The emperor is reluctant to give Brother Seven his own son.

The nephew next to him, the emperor is reluctant to part with the prince.

If the pure prince Fujin insists on going against the grain and offending the emperor, it won't be long before he gets an heir.

Now there is Seventh Elder Brother, who does not have the name of an heir, but has the reality of an heir.

In the future, the tombs of Prince Chunjing and his son will also be looked after.

While speaking, the harem concubines headed by Concubine Hui also arrived.

A total of six people came, Concubine Hui, Concubine Yi, Concubine De, Concubine Rong, Concubine Wei, and Concubine Zhang, all dressed up in concubine and concubine clothes.

Following Shengjia's relocation to Changchun Garden's imperial concubine, all those who are eligible to attend are here.

Everyone stood up except the Queen Mother.

This time, even the three princes Fujin had to give way.

A prince like Shu Shu, Fujin, is like a mouse seeing an old cat, more honest, and even has no place to sit.

Who told their four mothers-in-law are among them.

When the Queen Mother saw her, she told the Crown Princess: "You little sisters-in-law don't stand here, go sit and talk in the West Room."

The crown princess agreed, and took a few people back.

Right now, these are considered family members, and the outsiders haven't arrived yet.

Afterwards, the clan Fujin who had flown the Five Banners, and the princess and county masters in Beijing would come over one after another.

Headed by the Crown Princess, plus four princes, Fujin, the third wife of Prince Yu's mansion, and two generals' wives from Prince Gong's mansion, a total of eight younger sisters-in-law moved to Xicijian.

Except for the princess, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

They are all daughter-in-laws, or young daughter-in-laws, aren't they being cautious in front of their mother-in-law?

A few nights at the Zhijun Prince's Mansion, everyone was there, so they knew each other better.

But because of the Crown Princess, the Fu Jin of the palace did not dare to act presumptuously.

Seeing this, the princess ordered people to serve tea and pastry dishes, so as not to make everyone feel uncomfortable.

On her own side, she followed San Fujin and Si Fujin to talk about the Children's Book.

Seeing this, the Fujins of the palace also relaxed, and followed Wu Fujin and Shu Shu to talk.

But Shu Shu and the other sisters-in-law didn't say a few words, and they were called by the Queen Mother to run errands.

When a clan relative, Fujin, comes over, the emperor's concubine and the crown prince's concubine will not be honored, so those who go to meet the guests in front of Xiaoximen are replaced by Shu Shu and the other princes, Fujin.

Headed by Sanfujin and Sifujin.

Shu Shu and Wu Fujin followed suit.

Fortunately, there are not many who are eligible to let them out, just the prince Fujin and the county king Fujin.

When it came to Shu Shu, it was one more time.

Mrs. Uncle has the title of county lord, and she is also among the family members.

Shu Shu got the news and came out to greet her directly.

Mrs. Uncle held her hand, looked at her carefully, and whispered: "Why didn't brother Jiu go, but you want to follow the southern tour instead?"

Brother Jiu won't go, and Concubine Yi won't go.

Shu Shu, a young daughter-in-law, went out with the royal elders, and there were many inconveniences.

Ever since they went back on the sixth day of the first lunar month and told the news about Shu Shu's retinue, Mrs. Uncle and Jue Luo's sister-in-law got the news, and they became more uneasy.

For clan banquets like the one in the palace, Mrs. Uncle usually complained of illness before.

The uncle is physically here and doesn't come out to socialize, and she, Mrs. Uncle, also rarely goes out.

This time, it's just for Shu Shu.

Shu Shu said softly: "There are Wufu Jin and Jiugege, they can be companions, so don't worry, Amu."

Mrs. Uncle snorted softly: "Don't let us know that you are the one who made it up, your heart is running wild, is it so easy to be outside?"

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "I'm wronged, who wants to go out? After a while, I have seen it. I was on the road all the time. I was busy, I couldn't eat well, I couldn't live well. Fortunately, this time I took a boat. , I finally don’t have to worry about the bumping of the carriage..."

"Riding a boat is dangerous, so you are not allowed to go mischievous on the deck!"

Madame Bo warned.

Shu Shu responded obediently: "I definitely won't go, my niece is afraid of water."

This sentence is a white lie.

There is no way.

There is little water in the capital.

Shu Shu grew up staring at them under their noses, and never had a chance to play in the water.

This swimming skill can only be silent and has no chance to show it.

Mrs. Uncle then breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "Anyway, go and come back well, don't let a single strand of hair fall out, don't let us worry about it."


Shu Shu nodded, feeling warm in her heart.

From Xiaoximen to Danbo Weide Palace, the total distance is less than one mile.

No matter how slowly the two women walked, they came to the front.

The clan relatives Fujin and clan daughter came a lot, the two had no choice but to separate no matter how reluctant they were.

Mrs. Uncle went to the east room and talked with the elder women.

Shu Shu went back to Westinghouse, and followed her sisters-in-law to entertain the younger generation of female relatives.

Among them, the two sisters-in-law of Mingzhu Mansion attracted more attention.

Mingzhu's second daughter-in-law, Geng Gege, is the daughter of Princess Heshuo Roujia and her son-in-law Geng Juzhong, and the cousin of Bafujin.

Princess Heshuo Roujia is the adopted daughter of Emperor Shizu, the daughter of Prince Anhe, and the aunt of Bafujin.

Geng Juzhong, the grandson of Jingnan King Geng Zhongming, the third son of Geng Jimao, the second Jingnan King, and the younger brother of Geng Jingzhong, the third Jingnan King.

The princess died early, and Geng Juzhong took the stand of the imperial court during the San Francisco Rebellion, and was not implicated. Instead, he integrated the remaining clansmen and incorporated them into the Han Army of the Upper Three Banners.

But his life was not long, and he died of illness before his thirties.

Geng Gege lost her mother since childhood, and was raised in the inner court. She did not have the status of a clan daughter, but she did have the status of a clan daughter, and was called "Geng Gege" in the palace.

When she got married, the dowry was bought by the palace, and she was married to Mingzhu's family, and walking around the palace was also the case of a daughter-in-law.

She is also one of the female relatives who came to the banquet today, the only one who is not from the clan Fujin, nor the identity of the clan daughter.

Geng Gege's sister-in-law, Mingzhu's third daughter-in-law Princess Shushen, is the daughter of Prince Kangliang Jieshu and Shu Shu's cousin.

The sister-in-law still has some bad ties.

The fief of King Jingnan was Fujian, and it was Prince Kangliang Jieshu who brought the Eight Banners troops to Fujian during the San Francisco Rebellion.

Unexpectedly, the two became sisters-in-law.

As for Shu Shu and Princess Shushen's cousins, they haven't seen each other for some time.

Shu Shu leaned over and whispered to Princess Shushen.

Princess Shushen pinched her waist, and said angrily, "Little heartless, your aunt has lost all her thoughts about you, but you have a big heart, and you have grown flesh..."

Shu Shu pulled her arm, and said in a low voice: "It's winter, you are idle, you don't eat and drink all day long? Isn't this in the palace? I can't help my aunt, but our prince's mansion will It’s fixed, I’ll just come out of the palace when the time comes, maybe my aunt will think I’m getting old..."

Seeing her chubby little face, Princess Shushen can only feel regret.

Prince Fujin has done well, and Prince Fujin is naturally no problem.

It's a pity that fate was wrong.

They are all close relatives, and the uncle and aunt also expressed their concerns, worrying that the two young bloodlines are too close, which will not be good for offspring.

My younger brother took over Prince Heshuo, and Grandpa is sitting, there is nothing to improve, spreading branches and leaves, and procreating offspring is the most important thing.

Not to mention that the two may not have many children, even if they have a legitimate son and a legitimate daughter, they will still ask for a child, just in case.

At that time, can uncles and aunts not protect their daughters?
It can't be said that the relationship between the two families will also be hostile.

Now this is not a bad thing.

Uncles and aunts chose sons-in-law from the Duke's Mansion and the General's Mansion at that time, which was also the heart of loving daughters.

Unexpectedly, by mistake, the royal family proposed marriage.

Shu Shu doesn't have any older sisters, and being close to this aunt at a young age is almost like a real sister.

Seeing my aunt and my cousin today, Shu Shu is really happy.

It's a pity that my aunt hasn't served yet, so she didn't come over today.

Princess Shushen saw that she was very happy, so she also smiled and said: "I heard that you went to Baiwang Mountain with Brother Jiu a few days ago, and you even ate and played. Your life is easy."

Shushu's Zhuangzi in Baiwang Mountain is next to the property of King Kang's Mansion. The couple went there, and there was a lot of movement, so it naturally spread to King Kang's Mansion.

Princess Shushen went back to her natal home yesterday, and just heard Tai Fujin say something.

Shu Shu said insignificantly: "I learned to make a 'beggar's chicken' once, but it's a pity that I didn't catch the chicken myself. Fortunately, I roasted the bird. It tastes like when I was a child..."

Princess Shushen reminded: "Don't be too presumptuous, turn around and be careful of the elders' reprimand."

The emperor doesn't know how to discipline his daughter-in-law, but there is still a serious mother-in-law.

Shu Shu said in a low voice: "Sister, don't worry, it's our master who is on the front, and it's him who is naughty. I'm just a 'husband and wife'..."

Speaking of this, she couldn't help laughing, and said in a low voice: "In addition to catching chickens, we also caught fish the next day. In the pond ahead, we caught several baskets, weighing several hundred catties, and turned them into fish." I will share some with my aunt and sister..."

Princess Shushen squeezed her hand and said, "You are more naughty than when you were a child..."

For the rest, she didn't say anything more.

It seems that it is not groundless to say that Jiufujin is decent in front of the Queen Mother.

If it weren't for someone's backing, I wouldn't be living such a leisurely life...

(End of this chapter)

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