Chapter 441 Ill
After coming out of Qianqing Palace, Brother Jiu walked a little softly.

Khan Ama's last look was scary.

He pursed his lips, did he say too much?
But he doesn't regret it either.

Feel the opportunity is just right.

Even if Khan Ama is angry, he should be angry at someone who "offends dignity with inferiority".

I just said it casually.

It's not about lying and deceiving people, it's about letting Khan Ama understand the people's livelihood and the world outside.

He convinced himself, and he felt much more at ease.

He slowed down and looked back at Qianqing Palace.

What will happen to Khan Ama?

They should have asked someone to find the imperial physician or doctor who consulted the uncle, right?

He turned his head, his footsteps became brisk, and he strode back to the second school.

The night is getting darker.

The second institute has already held the lamps.

Although the night breeze was slightly cool, it was less cold and more refreshing.

Brother Nine was in a good mood, he came in and said, "What's for dinner, I'm hungry..."

Shu Shu leaned on the south kang, not knowing what to think.

Seeing Brother Jiu come back, she turned over and got off the kang.

"The dining room sent some double-yellow salted duck eggs today, you can eat with lotus leaf cakes..."

Shushu said.

Brother Jiu thought for a while and said, "I still want to eat something refreshing, let me have a mustard and cabbage pie..."

Shu Shu nodded, and ordered Walnut to pass on the message: "Just cut the meat dishes into a platter of garlic sausages and meat sausages, and there is no need to do anything else..."

The walnut went down to spread the word.

After Brother Nine went out to take off his clothes and wash up briefly, the dining table was brought up.

Seeing that the ninth elder brother couldn't hide his complacency, Shu Shu smiled and said, "Did the emperor praise you for sending the things over?"

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said: "It's fine to say that there is no shortage, but if you can feel it, the old man is still happy!"

Shu Shu also laughed.

As an emperor, how could Kangxi be short of money?

What I want is the filial piety of my son.

Whether it is the royal family or the common people, this family happiness is precious.

Brother Jiu saw that she was unhappy, not as happy as before, and said: "I still think about the uncle's house. There is nothing I can do about life, old age, sickness and death..."

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "I just thought, Uncle is like this, and I still go out to visit mountains and rivers, it seems too big!"

Brother Jiu frowned and said: "The elders of the mother's parents are the elders, but the elders of the mother-in-law's parents are not elders? Besides, the emperor's grandmother has a higher seniority, and the empress added your name because she was embarrassed and asked. You are going to step down now. Not only is the queen mother unhappy, but the empress dowager I'm afraid I'm going to complain..."

Shu Shu nodded: "I know the truth, I just hesitated for a while."

After speaking, she realized something was wrong.

She looked at Brother Jiu, blinked her eyes, and said: "If I don't go, shouldn't I be happy, why does it seem like he wants to send me away?"

Who is the person who will be pestering these days and nights?

Another way to say poor!
What are you talking about spending all the intimacy in the next two months in advance, so as not to feel uncomfortable!

Why did it change again?
Brother Jiu grinned, showing a mouthful of small white teeth.

He didn't want to hide it from Shu Shu.

He waved his hand, sent Xiao Chun and Walnut off, and then poured Shu Shu a cup of tea.

Shu Shu looked at his posture, holding the teapot as if holding a jug, like a celebration wine.

"What do you want to do? Do you have to carry me behind your back?"

She had a vague guess in her heart.

Brother Jiu picked up the teacup and said, "Come on, let's replace wine with tea, and then you can listen to the truth of the master!"

Seeing that he was in high spirits, Shu Shu didn't disappoint, she picked up the teacup and clinked it with him.

Out of habit, her cup is a bit shorter than Brother Jiu's.

Brother Jiu saw it, drank a sip of tea, and said: "You can see it, you have a strong mouth, but in fact you are the most disciplined and timid..."

Shu Shu smiled and did not refute.

She just complained in her heart, this is not a rule, but the basic etiquette of the wine table.

Brother Jiu stretched out his thumb and said: "Mother-in-law is a righteous person, there is no need to say, it is definitely this, and father-in-law is also kind and righteous, but Master thinks that the overall situation is the most important thing, and you can't be too vain..."

"The Dong'e clan in Zhenghong Banner, the patriarch Peng Chun is more than ten years older than his father-in-law. After a few years, he was admitted to the hospital and resigned from the Mongolian capital. I am afraid that he will not be able to hold a real job in the future..."

"Father-in-law can't support himself, how many years can he last?"

"It's different when you get a title. If your father-in-law gets an uncle, the previous title can be given to Fuyong first. Toyong fills the vacancy of the flag, and he can directly fill the fourth and fifth rank officials. There are also civilian positions in the army, instead of starting from the rankless pen and post. ..."

"Zhu Liang has the position of assistant leader, so he doesn't need to fill in the vacancies. He will be promoted to the leader after his qualifications are up. Plus Fusong's master of ceremonies and Xiaoliu's bodyguard, there are four future prospects, and the remaining two will think about it. After supporting each other, the next generation will stand up..."

Fuyong, the junior of Dutong Mansion, the eldest of the twins, is thirteen years old this year.

Although he is not as handsome as his cousin Fu Song, he is the best-looking among the Dong E brothers.

He is still smart, studying in Zhenghongqi official school, and already has the title of "little wit".

Otherwise, Bei Zi Sunu would not have taken a fancy to him, and he would not be destined to be his son-in-law.

Now that the two families have a tacit understanding, they will formally leave the ceremony only after they are older.

After Brother Jiu finished speaking, he looked at Shu Shu and paid attention to her reaction.

Shu Shu smiled: "What did the Lord say in front of the emperor?"

Brother Jiu laughed and said, "I didn't hide it, I told you all..."

Shu Shu: "..."

This taste is really inexplicably sour.

She was either pedantic, thinking that "family ugliness should not be publicized", or it was an accident.

Brother Jiu's behavior is really unpredictable.

There is a feeling of "beating the master to death with random punches".

When I went to send gold, I didn't seem to have this idea.

"Why did you think of saying this?"

Brother Nine gritted his teeth and said: "I just think that the opportunity is rare. If there is no such accident, then I will definitely not interfere in your family's title inheritance, but if something like this happens, this title can't just sit and watch. Got it... Mrs. Uncle took this matter to preserve the reputation of her father-in-law, and I feel the same way!"

That's all about saving face.

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "The emperor will not intervene in this matter openly, at most he will call back when the uncle is on the throne!"

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "Of course I know, this is what I want!"

Uncle is a long-term sick person, and the foundation was destroyed all at once.
Most likely only once.

Or when you feel something is wrong with your body, hand over the booklet immediately;

Xi Zhu has already become Ding and married, but he is not as good as Ding, and he is still the son of a concubine, so it is very easy to find fault with him.

You must know that the emperor has been picking on the corruption of the Eight Banners in the past few years, the military strength has weakened, and even the clan has dealt with a batch.

Riding a horse to the Yamen, or taking a sedan chair to the Yamen, you have to talk about it.

There is no tolerance for people who eat vegetarian meals in corpses.

Shu Shu held Brother Jiu's hand, moved and grateful: "Is it because I made my master a villain..."

At this time, it would be too hypocritical for her to talk about the way of a gentleman with Brother Jiu.

In Shu Shu's heart, she also didn't want Xi Zhu to become the prince.

Really, doesn't Uncle know that he is selfish?

Insisting on establishing Xizhu as the heir satisfies his love for his son, but he is sorry for the family.

But a step-heir is unrighteous to his wife.

Seeing that the heirs of the Dutong Mansion are flourishing, the nephews below have a difficult future, and they don't think about fulfillment, because they are unfriendly to their brothers.

You're not a fool, how could you not know?

It's just that I'm used to being selfish, and I'm used to using sickness as a means.

Brother Jiu said disapprovingly: "What's the matter, even if Khan Ama knows that I have selfish intentions, can I still argue with him? Besides, Khan Ama must also be happy that the father-in-law's family has more weight in the Dong'e family. some……"

Otherwise, after Dong E's family pointed out a prince and concubine, they would not point to a second one.

This is the first one in the Eight Banners.

They just wanted to support Qi Xi so that he could gradually replace Peng Chun and become the pillar of the Dong E clan.

That night, the lights in the main room went out early.

But it took half a night to study.

Read the chapter on couples.

Explore the way of pillow seats.

Fairy music flutters.

The next morning.

There was a knock on the door outside, and it rang several times.

The sky is bright.

When the two woke up, they were all sleepy.

You look at me, I look at you, and I can't bear to look away.

Brother Jiu waved his long arm, hugged Shu Shu in his arms, said hoarsely, "I'm getting up today, continue to sleep, today my master sent someone to the yamen to ask for leave!"

After that, he got up, put on his clothes, and went out to unlock the door.

It was early in the morning, and He Yuzhu, Xiao Chun and others were waiting outside.

It was just now that they knocked on the door round after round.

Chen Zheng.

Not only is it past the time for the masters to get up, but it is also past the time for breakfast, and it is also past the time for Brother Jiu to go to the yamen.

Brother Nine coughed twice, and told He Yuzhu: "I caught a cold yesterday, and I had a cold. You can go to the Yamen and tell him. If you have any important documents, let Mr. Zhang sort them out, and you can get them back this afternoon..."

He Yuzhu expressed concern: "Master, do you want to teach the imperial physician?"

Brother Jiu waved his hand and said, "No, I'll let the dining room make some ginger soup and bring it over..."

Speaking of this, he was afraid that he would not be able to sleep well during the day, so he said to Xiaochun: "Make two more bowls of calming soup, Fujin took care of me last night, and didn't sleep well..."

He Yuzhu and Xiao Chun went separately.

Brother Jiu went back to Dongshao Room, continued to lie down, and said, "Drink the Anshen Tang before going to bed, so that you won't be sleepy and have a headache..."


Shu Shu responded with her eyes closed.

In fact, she really wanted to ask, wouldn't it be good to stay up until night when you were sleepy after walking during the day?

If you sit back and relax during the day, don’t you feel refreshed at night?
The whole day and night are turned upside down!
But thinking that today is the [-]th day of the first lunar month, tomorrow will be the first day of February, and the day after tomorrow will be the second day of February, and I will leave the day after tomorrow.

Just listen to him these days.

The thirtieth day of the first lunar month...

Shu Shu sensed something was wrong, opened her eyes and said, "Oops, I have to pay my respects to Ningshou Palace!"

With that said, she was about to get up.

Brother Jiu quickly stopped her and said: "Are you too confused? Didn't you say that the queen mother said that today's greetings will not be spared?"

Shu Shu lay down again, and said, "I didn't think about it for a while."

Brother Jiu snorted softly: "Master is unreliable, if it wasn't for this, he would have sent someone to Ningshou Palace to report your illness for you!"

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

After Kangxi finished his breakfast, the dining table was removed.

Zhao Chang is here.

The thing in his hand was the pulse case of the second class Bo Xindali.

Because both Xindali and his son were weak, there was also a regular doctor in the uncle's mansion as enshrined, not an imperial physician, but he was from a family of imperial physicians, and he was a cousin of an imperial physician.

This pulse case booklet is not thick, because it is only the pulse case of the past three years.

The most recent record was at the beginning of the afternoon yesterday.

It is already a rootless vein, the dead yang is outside, and the emptiness of yang is floating.

The days are numbered.

Although Kangxi believed that Brother Nine would not talk about this matter, but after being verified, he still felt chills down his spine.

Kangxi instructed Liang Jiugong: "Go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to see what brother Jiu is doing, and ask him to come over after finishing his errands..."

Touched, 29, thank you dads!The third one will be late, everyone will watch it tomorrow morning, ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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