Chapter 447 Substitution (Second Change)
Zhangjiawan Wharf is sixty miles away from the Forbidden City.

The carriage traveled for two and a half hours before arriving at the Zhangjiawan Canal Wharf.

Thirty to forty ships, large and small, are parked at the pier.

Among them, there are six big ships.

The three largest ones are Yuzhou, which is preparing for the transformation of the big yellow boat.

It is seven feet nine feet three inches long, one foot five feet wide in the middle, and six feet two inches deep.

One of them is Kangxi's imperial boat, and two are spares.

The second is a queen mother's Fengzhou converted from a big yellow boat.

It is eight feet four inches long, one foot four feet four inches wide in the middle, and five feet three inches deep.

The last two big boats are small yellow boats, seven feet nine feet five inches, one foot five feet wide in the middle, and five feet two inches deep.

This is the boat of Concubine Hui and Concubine Rong.

The remaining ten or so passenger ships, about five or six feet long, were for the accompanying ministers, clansmen, and princes.

There are also ten warships six feet by one foot, serving as the front and rear ships.

Five five-foot-six-foot convenience boats come and go to support them.

There are also two imperial boats about four feet long.

Brother Nine read the documents of the Southern Tour and explained them endlessly to Shu Shu.

Shu Shu looked towards the shore, but found something was wrong.

"Didn't you say that there are only [-] people on the Shengjia's southern tour, why are there still vests?"

There are at least a thousand Eight Banners vests on the bank, and they are all full of cotton armor, equipped with one person and two riders. This is wartime equipment.

Brother Jiu looked at it and said: "Two hundred are from the guard camp, and the remaining two thousand are from the Eight Banners soldiers of the Tongzhou Camp. They have to support the shore and escort the Shengjia fleet until Qingzhou is stationed at the border of the Eight Banners and then turn back... ..."

Shu Shu thinks this is reasonable.

It's really too high a risk factor if hundreds of people go to the south of the Yangtze River.

"Seventh brother will not board the boat, but will accompany Prince Ping on the shore."

Brother Nine continued.

Not only the guards and the Eight Banners soldiers followed.

The carriages of the palace family members were also arranged by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, followed by the guards, ready to be summoned ashore on the road.

Only then did Shu Shu know why Brother Jiu didn't ride a horse, but was wearing riding clothes, and asked someone to prepare a horse to follow.

It turned out that I wanted to keep my carriage, and I could only ride a horse when I went back.

Fortunately, it is already the beginning of spring, otherwise it would be difficult to ride a horse for sixty miles.

From Datong Bridge to Zhangjiawan, there are many sluices in between.

Therefore, the convenience boat that Shengjia took was not as fast as the carriage.

People from Ningshou Palace have already boarded the boat.

Wu Fujin was one step ahead of Di'anmen, joined the team, and boarded the boat.

Although Brother Jiu was reluctant to take it with him, he still urged Shu Shu to get on the boat.

Xiaochun and Xiaoyu, who had boarded the boat yesterday, also came out to lead the way for the master.

Shu Shu looked at Brother Nine with lingering eyes, and said, "I'm fine, and my master will be fine too. See you in March..."


Brother Nine answered, but his heart was empty.

Shu Shu was also full of reluctance, turned around every three steps, and brought a few maids onto the Fengzhou.

Ninth elder brother followed to the deck, but still did not stop, and wanted to follow, but fourth elder brother grabbed him.

"Just send it here..."

The fourth elder brother said helplessly.

The two of them were sticky, as if there was no one else around.

It's not easy to interrupt him as an elder brother.

But it's not over yet?

Brothers, they still have to prepare to meet Sheng Jia.

Brother Jiu stopped in his tracks, looked at Shu Shu's back, his brows drooped.

Shu Shu stopped in her tracks, turned around, and looked at the slumped Jiu elder brother, who was also a little sour.

This is parting.

Jiugege waited in the cabin for quite a while, but when no one came, he went to the deck.

As a result, the two looked at each other.

Jiu Ge gave Shu Shu a hug: "It's windy on the boat, sister-in-law Jiu don't wait..."

Shu Shu is also a little bit enough, and it will be over if the performance continues.

It's just this situation and the situation, to be immersed in parting love with brother Jiu, otherwise it would seem too heartless.

In fact she was overjoyed.


With the aid of Jiugegra, she half-pushed and followed Jiugege into the cabin.

The whole ship has a total of fifteen cabins.

There are five front cabins, four middle cabins and six rear cabins.

The cabins of Shushu and Jiugege are just in front of the cabin. There are two cabins for each person, which are divided into inner and outer rooms.

It is about two feet long and six feet wide.

It's almost thirteen square meters.

Smaller than expected.

The house has been sorted out, the inner cabin is a comfortable living place, the outer room is a fixed table, and the bench next to it is in a fixed position.

"The emperor's grandmother is in the middle, and the fifth elder brother and fifth sister-in-law are behind..."

Jiu Ge Ge Road.

Shu Shu didn't rush to speak, but opened the window, stretched her neck, and looked at the shore.

Shengjia arrived and was about to change boats. The ninth elder brother, the fourth elder brother, and the tenth elder brother went to meet him.

Seeing Shu Shu like this, Jiu Gege joked: "We haven't separated yet, are you reluctant to part with it?"

Shu Shu took a look at Jiu Gege, and said with a light smile: "When Gege has a forehead, he will know."

Miss it or not, I can't take care of it for the time being.

Mainly because I am a little worried.

I always feel that Brother Jiu's attributes are similar to those of Moha.

I am not afraid of "letting go", but I am afraid that he will tear down the house.

If it is as Shu Shu expected, the next one will be the lawsuit of Dong E's family.

She forgot to tell Brother Jiu to restrain himself.

Don't interfere with Mrs. Uncle.

Follow Mrs. Uncle's mind.

Whether it's transferring the title to Qi Xi, or letting Zhu Liang go, it's up to her.


If Shu Shu got off the boat to talk to brother Jiu, there would be enough time, but it was too eye-catching.

Forget it.

Shu Shu felt that it was natural.

Immediately, she frowned, pointing to the news that the shore and Jiuge Anli had just received: "Our carriage will not return to Beijing, and we will follow the guards on the shore for use when we go ashore."

After hearing this, Jiugege said with joy: "At that time, we will follow the arrangement and just go ashore. It would be great if we can live in the palace on the shore. Otherwise, we will always take the boat and feel that we have no idea..."

Shu Shu said with a smile: "I heard that Prince Zhijun left the capital with Prince Jian a while ago to check the palace on the road and prepare for the Shengjia's southern inspection tour."

It can't be said that I will disembark every day, but I have to disembark every now and then, right?
Otherwise, they are all inconvenient.

It's not about traveling with a large army, just for speed.

Since it was the Empress Dowager's tour to the south, she would have to take a stroll wherever there were scenic spots on the road.

Thinking of this, Shu Shu was a little stunned.

In this way, the duration of this southern tour should be longer than the previous two.

Fortunately, Brother Nine planned to "pick him up", otherwise the couple would really have to part for three or four months.

Jiugege smiled even better: "That's great, I was worried about taking a shower just now, it's not very convenient..."

Shu Shu also breathed a sigh of relief when she thought about the bathing issue.

Not just bathing, but also sleeping.

If you are on the boat day and night, the four masters and servants eat, drink, and scatter here, which is also worrying.

There is only one bed, and there is an Arhat couch in the remaining inner cabin, which can sleep one.

The outer cabin is a stool.

If you don't get off the boat in the middle, the little Chun and the others can only deal with it on the bench.

Dealing with it every day is enough to torture people along the way.

Shu Shu looked at the bunk in the inner cabin, which was about four feet wide.

It's perfectly fine for two people to sleep.

Let Xiaochun and the others take turns sleeping with him.

It's not like we didn't sleep together when we were young.

At this moment, Wu Fujin came over: "Why are you still waiting, the emperor's grandmother is waiting..."

Shu Shu and Jiu Gege hurriedly got up and followed to the backstage cabin.

Here are four cabins connected.

It is two and a half feet long and one foot and three feet wide.

The Empress Dowager leaned on the couch, beckoned a few people to come closer, and found that Shu Shu's complexion was not good, she was concerned, and said: "Is it because you haven't rested well?"

Shu Shu showed embarrassment, and said: "Daughter-in-law Sun has never been to Jiangnan, so she doesn't worry about things. Thinking about leaving today, she tosses and turns like a pancake at night, and then falls into bed, but the more she lies down, the more awake she becomes... "

The queen mother thought for a while and said: "Then bear with it, and go to bed later, or else you will sleep in the afternoon, and you will be refreshed again at night."


Shu Shu obediently agreed.

The queen mother said excitedly: "It's the first time for me to take a big boat, this boat is really big!"

Wu Fujin and Jiu Gege also nodded.

This time I really saw the world.

Shu Shu felt a little regretful in his heart.

The same is the emperor, Kangxi and Qianlong's imperial boats are too different.

Later generations can clearly remember that the Qianlong Yuzhou was two and a half feet high, and it was a three-story building boat.

Shu Shu thought that even if the boat this time was not as good as Qianlong Yuzhou, it should not be too far behind.

As a result, the length may not be much different. The height is two floors less, which directly compresses everyone's activity space...

By the pier.

The ninth elder brother followed the fourth elder brother, seventh elder brother, and tenth elder brother. The four greeted Sheng Jia and watched Sheng Jia board the boat.

On the imperial boat of the emperor, following the promises of several Qianqing Palaces, there are also two unborn princes, the thirteenth and fourteenth elder brothers.

The rest are guards and eunuchs.

On the two spare royal boats, there are accompanying university scholars, leading guards, internal ministers, and other guards.

The third elder brother and the eighth elder brother will take turns to listen to the summons on the spare royal boat.

Ninth elder brother remembered the news about Dong E's family before, and was a little curious, so he asked fourth elder brother in a low voice: "Didn't you say that the third sister-in-law also came, which ship did you get on? You can't follow the third elder brother to the imperial boat?"

The fourth elder brother frowned and said: "Shaohun said! The third elder brother travels with his retinue, so he has his own boat."

Brother Jiu said dissatisfied: "Just ask a question!"

Elder Brother Ten was at the side, but he noticed something moving in another place, so he looked over.

A eunuch went to look for the eighth elder brother.

The eighth elder brother hurried down from the spare royal boat, and trotted towards Concubine Hui's boat.

Brother Nine also saw it, and asked curiously, "What is myna running? Is there an order from Concubine Hui?"

The eighth elder brother did not have a special boat this time, but took care of Concubine Hui on the boat.

Concubine Hui only had her and the two concubines on board, and there were no young concubines.

In addition, Concubine Hui will soon be at the age of knowing the destiny, and is also the adoptive mother of the eighth elder brother, so there is no need to avoid it, and the eighth elder brother will stay on the boat over there to take care of her.

In Concubine Hui's cabin, the atmosphere was more tense than Brother Jiu had imagined.

Concubine Hui's face was tense, she looked at the plainly dressed Bafujin, held back her anger, and said earnestly, "It's not that I'm stopping you from going out, but you're still in the moonlight and the water is damp and cold, so you don't want your body anymore? "

Eighth brother here, it was reported earlier that Ge Ge was accompanied by a nanny.

In the end, when it was time to come, it was replaced by Ba Fujin and her nanny...

(End of this chapter)

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