Chapter 459 Pairs Are Not Pairs

The three of them looked over in unison.

Shu Shu then explained the effects of Baduanjin, and said: "At first, I thought that my younger sister Jiumei was thin, and it happened to be these days, so I could practice together; now I realize that after a year, everyone else has gained weight. Only sister-in-law Wu has lost a lot of weight, so we can practice together."

She had also vaguely heard about why Wu Fujin lost weight.

It seems that the eldest elder brother of Wubeile Mansion was a little uncomfortable before, and Wu Fujin suffered for some days before and after.

For this reason, she still hesitated to stay in Beijing.

It was the queen mother who heard about it, and sent someone to reprimand Liu Gege before the matter was settled.

That's the reason, so there's no need to talk about it now.

The Empress Dowager looked at Shu Shu with more loving eyes.

Although she hadn't given birth before, she went back and forth. She was used to seeing pregnant women in the palace, so she knew what Shu Shu was worried about.

As a little sister-in-law who has not yet given birth, it is very rare to think of this in advance.

She just looked at Jiugege and said: "Be obedient, practice with your sister-in-law Jiu, and see how strong your sister-in-law is."

After finishing speaking, he said to Wu Fujin: "You should also practice and get your body in order, so as not to be delayed later."

During the northern tour last year, the relationship between the young couple eased, but unfortunately they did not conceive.

This time on the southern tour, the young couple lived together in the same room all day long, and it happened that they could have a baby after they got out of the service.

Both Jiugege and Wufujin agreed.

The grandparents and grandchildren looked at Shu Shu together.

Shu Shu felt too embarrassed.

The cabin is spacious and stretchable.

But if she stands in the front, and the sister-in-law and sister-in-law follow her every move, it's really uncomfortable.

She feels that she is a social fear, she should wither, so don't embarrass yourself.

She just smiled and said: "My daughter-in-law also read a lot of books to find out the efficacy, and she planned to practice with her, but I, a girl, have a long history of education, and I have learned it a long time ago."

This is Komatsu.

When eating before, Xiao Song went back to the cabin to eat, and came back to obey after eating.

Everyone knows that she is the daughter of a martial artist's family, and this stocky little body is also different from other palace people.

Xiaosong was also generous and showed Baduanjin in the open space.

Baduanjin is beautiful and smooth, without any big opening and closing movements.

Shu Shu acted as an explanation, explaining the main functions of the moves.

Hearing the fifth pose to relieve anger, the queen mother said: "This is good, this is good, ask Ni Wusao to practice hard, and go back to teach your fifth brother at night..."

Wu Fujin had a demure temperament, so he thought it was a bit embarrassing, but now he could only be serious.

Jiugege was still concerned about the Queen Mother's body, and whispered: "Sister-in-law Jiu, where is the imperial grandmother?"

Shu Shu whispered: "The third pose is to regulate the spleen and stomach. Let's practice it for two days first, and then we will bring the emperor's grandmother together..."

Why can square dancing spread?

Music is half the role.

The remaining half is simple and easy to learn.

Whoever does it knows, stretching your arms and legs is indeed a lot more comfortable.

For middle-aged and elderly people who do not like sports, it is easy to be abducted.

As long as someone is with you, the addiction will be great...

In front of Yuzhou, the fifth elder brother has already sent someone to pass the message to Yuqian, and is waiting outside.

It was the time of sunset, but the sky was not the color of bright clouds, but densely covered with dark clouds.

Is it going to rain?

The fifth elder brother's mind diverged, looking towards the canal.

Unfortunately it was dark.

Otherwise, fishing is very convenient in rainy days.

Tonight's fried fish was stopped by the emperor's grandmother, so he ate one and was still hungry.

If you can fish, let the dining room fry it directly, and the imperial grandmother will not care about it.

Liang Jiugong came out and said, "Fifth Master, the emperor calls in."


Fifth elder brother responded and walked in.

Liang Jiugong was still hesitant to say something, but now he doesn't have to worry about it, and he has no choice but to keep up.

The dining table here has also been removed.

Kangxi has always emphasized the way of health preservation, and he is pacing on the ground.

This is the so-called "walking a hundred steps after a meal can live ninety-nine".

The room is not completely dark, but the lights are on.

There are more than a dozen lamps hanging, bright as day.

The fifth elder brother didn't see any guilty conscience on his face, and said crisply: "Khan Ama!"

Kangxi stopped, looked at him, and said angrily, "Who did you learn this bad habit from? Do you want to do it to your brother?"

It's not over once or twice, is it?
Fifth elder brother rubbed his forehead and said, "My son can't say no to him..."

Kangxi frowned and said, "Then why don't you report to the imperial court and ask me to reprimand him?"

It's nothing for an ordinary family's elder brother to teach his younger brother a lesson, but this is the royal family, and they are all the same prince elder brother. If you say a lesson, you will teach him a lesson. I'm afraid there will be rifts in the future.

The fifth elder brother was still very straightforward, and said: "The eighth elder brother has something wrong, but he is also wronged. It is not appropriate for you to punish severely."

Kangxi said with a stern face: "Now you know how to protect your brother? Why didn't you think about it when you kicked someone?"

The fifth elder brother thought for a while, and said: "I'm thinking about it too. If I don't kick my feet twice, my son is afraid that he won't remember; if he just talks and doesn't listen, there will always be some unreasonable reasoning around. Let him know how powerful he is if he does it. He's scared."

Kangxi was a little embarrassed.

Is the silly son clever, or is he stupid?

But his foot was caused by anger, not on purpose like Lao Wu.

Thinking about the appearance of the eighth elder brother, Kangxi did not regret it.

This son has gone astray.

If you can't break it, you don't have to worry about it in the future.

As for the fifth son, Kangxi also had some headaches, and warned: "Don't do anything next time!"

The fifth elder brother pursed his lips, but did not speak.

You can't say it, but if you can't do it, you will feel so aggrieved.


Kangxi glared at him and said, "You still want to fight? Are you going to make people laugh? Eighth brother respects you and didn't fight back. You have forgotten the lesson from last time?"

The last time the fifth elder brother faced the third elder brother, although he didn't suffer a loss, it was because there were others, and the eldest brother and the tenth elder brother had a fight.

If it's really a one-on-one fight, the fifth elder brother is not the opponent of the third elder brother at all.

Third elder brother's temperament is sometimes unpleasant, but his civil and martial arts skills are among the best among princes.

Except for a little bit of naive strength, the fifth elder brother is really no better than the third elder brother.

The fifth elder brother also remembered what happened last time, and said casually: "Don't worry, Ama Khan, the son knows what he knows, the son has agreed with the elder brother in advance, let him go to fight, and the son will do it!"

Kangxi heard something was wrong, looked at him, and said: "Oh? So the boss didn't pass by, but you called him?"

The fifth elder brother covered his mouth, and realized that he had missed something. He was a little anxious, and his words were not very clear. He mixed Mongolian and Chinese: "My son was vague, and my elder brother was also confused. He didn't understand until his son started to do it." ..."

Kangxi sneered and said: "At this time, you know how to take responsibility for yourself? You guys are really promising to bully your brothers together?!"

The fifth elder brother waved his hands quickly and said, "Khan Ama, my son knows he can't beat him, but he still wants to beat him, that's not bad, big brother!"

It's not that she's afraid of pain, but she's worried that there will be traces outside, which will make the emperor's grandmother worry.

Kangxi felt that his sons were all debt collectors.

On weekdays, she looks well-behaved, but sometimes she is dishonest.

Although the third elder brother did have the problem of slurring his tongue, he didn't feel at ease in encouraging Tai Ji from the Princess Mansion to toast the ninth elder brother.

But this county king's hat is indeed a bit wronged.

Kangxi thought about the people at that time, the elder brother was invited by the fifth elder brother in advance, and the tenth and thirteenth elder brothers were partial to the ninth elder brother.

It is true that the penalty for the third elder brother is a bit heavier.

On the contrary, the elder brother and the fifth elder brother were punished lightly.

Kangxi said: "It's his fault if he made a mistake, and you are not frank for acting like this. I think you were punished lightly before. Let's fine you another year's salary!"

The fifth elder brother hurriedly said: "Ama Khan, you can punish him for another two years. Don't punish him a second time. It's all the son's fault. The elder brother was implicated for nothing."

Kangxi shook his head and said: "No, he is the elder brother, he should be tolerant and fair to the younger brother, there is no reason to favor one and bully the other!"

"Khan Ama..."

The fifth elder brother begged, sweating all over his brow.

Kangxi waved his hands and said: "Go down, don't be annoying in front of me!"

When they were young, they were all clever and cute in their own way, but when they grow up, they all have problems of one kind or another.

I really don't want to see any of them.

"Khan Ama, my son will never do anything again..."

The fifth elder brother said solemnly: "My son has corrected this problem, can you stop punishing elder brother?"

Kangxi sized him up and said, "It's really possible to change it, but what about when it doesn't make sense next time?"

The fifth elder brother thought about it carefully, and said seriously, "Then the son will follow the example of the third brother and sue. Please make the decision, or ask the emperor's grandmother to make the decision?"

Kangxi reluctantly nodded and said, "All right, just this once!"

The fifth elder brother breathed a sigh of relief, as if afraid of Kangxi's repentance, he immediately said: "You rest, son returns to the imperial grandmother..."

When he went out, Kangxi's face became better, and he followed Liang Jiugong and said, "What do you think he is here for?"

The third child is harming others and not benefiting oneself, watching the excitement is not a big deal; the eighth child is afraid of taking responsibility, so he defends himself in advance; only the fifth elder brother here, did not say a few useful words, and did not mention eight blessings, but instead stood up for him. The eighth elder brother said good things.

Liang Jiugong bowed and said, "Fifth Lord is generous."

Kangxi snorted softly: "That's the only advantage!"

The rain outside is coming fast.

Before the fifth prince returned to the boat, he started to get off.

In the queen's cabin.

Shu Shu followed Wu Fujin and Jiu Gege, imitating Xiao Song's movements, and practiced again.

At first, Jiu Gege couldn't let go, but seeing that Shu Shu and Wu Fujin were both serious, he restrained his shyness.

The Empress Dowager was sitting on the couch, watching with a smile on her face, and talking to Nanny Bai from time to time: "This posture of drawing the bow is done comfortably, Xiao Jiu can't draw it straight, Xiao Fang lacks strength..."

Wu Fujin's boudoir is named Xianfang, and the queen mother called her only Xiaofang.

Hearing that it was raining outside, the Empress Dowager was worried, and she said to Nanny Bai: "Hurry up and meet the fifth child with an umbrella, don't get watered..."

As she said that, she said to Shu Shu and Jiu Gege: "Go back quickly, be careful of the slippery boat when it rains heavily..."

At this moment, Xiaochun and Mother Lin came to pick him up with umbrellas.

Shu Shu and Jiu Gege went back to their respective places.

Xiao Chun said: "The hot water will probably have to wait for a while."

The early kitchen on this boat is at the stern, and there are two small stoves.

Several masters on board use water.

Shu Shu will be at the end.

Shu Shu said: "Don't worry, it's still early before going to bed..."

Not updated yet.

Looking at the bed inside and the arhat, and the stool outside, Shu Shu was thinking about how to sleep.

Thinking of the tiger skin mattress that the queen mother said, she remembered that she also brought a wolf skin mattress with her when she went out this time, so she said: "The two stools in the outer room are put together and put on a wolf skin mattress, and one person sleeps; the inner room sleeps on the arhat couch. The remaining one will sleep with me, the three of you will see how it turns out..."

Xiaochun looked at Xiaotang and Xiaosong, and said: "Xiaotang will sleep with Fujin first tonight, girl Xiaosong is not honest when she sleeps, don't disturb Fujin..."

Xiaosong drooped his head and fell silent.

Shu Shu said with a smile: "Then tomorrow, Xiaosong will be upside down, and the bed will be spacious..."

She thought of Brother Nine.

Fortunately, he is not here, otherwise I would be jealous again.

It's also fortunate that he is not here, otherwise, if he refuses to be honest, he will be humiliated.

The cabins on board have limited sound insulation from wooden panels.

Her room is only separated from Jiugege by a wall.

That is to say, it would be better if both of them were quiet and the people following them were not making noise.

The Forbidden City, two.

Brother Jiu had already soaked his feet and lay down.

It is obviously the same room, but without someone, it seems empty, and his heart is also empty.

"Hey! Little heartless, you must be having fun, I can't remember you coming..."

(End of this chapter)

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