Chapter 464 Calling the Lord
Brother Nine couldn't keep his mouth shut.

Immediately, he began to worry again.

He took the letter from Gao Bin and opened it immediately.

The familiar clerical script has rounded strokes, as if printed.

Brother Jiu looked at it with a smile on his face.

For this font, he even laughed at Shu Shu once before, and disliked her craftsmanship.

So what did Shu Shu say?

Shu Shu said at the time: "I know people by reading, I am Zangfeng, people can't see through..."

It's funny to say, but it's not easy to find a corner with just these chubby characters.

Gao Bin didn't have time to resign, so he was put aside, and he didn't dare to interrupt, so he stood obediently.

"Ha ha……"

Seeing the description above, Brother Nine couldn't help but laugh out loud.

At this time, do you know if you miss your grandfather? !
Before he was about to set off, he could remember clearly the joyous look he had every day.

After seeing the Queen Mother and Wu Fujin taking care of her, Brother Jiu breathed a sigh of relief.

The result is good, turning to the next page is heartbreaking.

He smiled back, his face immediately covered with dark clouds.

When he saw Shu Shu's solution to Ba Fujin's provocation, he really couldn't laugh or cry.

What's the idea of ​​letting the fifth brother clean up the starling? !

Starling is really wronged.

What's next?
How did the fifth brother clean up the starling?
A reprimand?
Has Khan Ama been alarmed?

Brother Jiu scratched his heart and lungs, looked at Gao Bin and said, "Is there any other news?"

Gao Bin hesitated for a moment, and said: "My father wrote a letter to the slave, mentioning a few words about what he saw and heard when he was stationed yesterday..."

Brother Jiu narrowed his eyes and sensed something was wrong.

Gao Yanzhong is an old man in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, doesn't he know the rules of working in the palace?
Now that he is on a business trip, but he is in front of the imperial court, he must be more cautious in his words and deeds.

It only needs eyes and ears, but no mouth.

Brother Jiu directly stretched out his hand and said, "Bring it!"

The "family letter" was not for Gao Bin, but for himself.

Is this something that happened to me yesterday?
The five brothers' "lessons" to the starlings alarmed the emperor?

He couldn't write a letter directly to himself, so he mentioned it in his family letter?

Without hesitation, Gao Bin took out the family letter from his sleeve and offered it with both hands.

Brother Jiu watched, his face became tense the more he watched.

Brother Wu made a move? !

How did Bafujin bully Shu Shu?
It would never be as simple as Shu Shuxin mentioned, seeing her say a few words to Xiao Jiu and giving her a simple expression.

In Gao Yanzhong's letter, it was also mentioned that the third elder brother dragged the eighth elder brother to go to the imperial court, and then the eighth elder brother asked the Ministry of Internal Affairs for a car to return to Beijing with the eighth prince.

Brother Jiu's face was dark, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Is she being kicked back? My master is going to ask if she is seriously ill, why can she be bullied by one person?!"

After that, he went out.

As a result, there was movement in the front yard.

It was the little eunuch on duty in the South Study Room, who also came to deliver the letter.

The letter written by the fifth elder brother to the ninth elder brother was mixed with the notebook sent back by Yuqian today, and it was assigned to the South Study Room.

The ninth elder brother signaled He Yuzhu to give the reward, so he took the fifth elder brother's letter and read it.

Fifth Prince's letter is much more detailed.

Including Ba Fujin calling Shu Shu a "pug", and saying that she covets the eighth elder brother inside and outside the words.

This remark annoyed Shu Shu, so he asked fifth elder brother to send a message to eighth elder brother to restrain him, otherwise he would sue the emperor.

Brother Nine was furious.

"Guo Luo Luo Shi!"

Is she crazy?

So dirty and innocent?

Brother Nine was so disgusted that he walked out immediately.

He's going to Babeile's mansion to ask for clarification.

You bastard, it's disgusting!
The examples of Yan Zhu and Tong Jiashi are still in front of my eyes.

Now, talking about the dead couple is a joke.

This matter between men and women, it is most difficult to distinguish between wind and rain.

Last July, he got nauseous once.

He is a man, so the influence is not too great, but Shu Shu is soft-hearted, not only protecting him, but also feeling that it is not easy for Guo Luoluo, so he lowered his head to ease the relationship and resolve the rumors.

As a result, Guo Luoluoshi is basically a white-eyed wolf.

Brother Jiu left the Forbidden City in anger, and went out directly from the Shenwu Gate, without even calling for the guards, but only called two guards at the Di'an Gate to follow, and then went to the Babeile Mansion.

Arriving at the gate of Baylor's Mansion, Brother Jiu kicked the door hard.

The masters were not there, and the concierge of the Baylor Mansion didn't hesitate, and came out cursing.

The seventh-rank officials in front of the prime minister's family, they are the prince's mansion, higher than the prime minister's family.

"Which bastard didn't grow..."

Halfway through the scolding, the concierge noticed something was wrong, the person who came was wearing a yellow belt, and looked at his face again, Brother Jiu.

He was so frightened that he immediately knelt down.

"Master Ninth, this servant greets you..."

Brother Nine stared and said: "Didn't you just speak loudly? Curse, keep scolding!"

The concierge immediately "slapped" his face with a big ear photo: "It's all owed by slaves!"

Brother Jiu didn't stop either.

The concierge heaved a sigh of relief, and his subordinates put in more effort.

This allowed him to punish himself, but there was no point of pursuing it.

Otherwise, if he insulted the prince, he would lose his skin if he didn't die.

"Ninth elder brother!"

The fourth elder brother came back from the yamen of the household department, looked straight at it, and couldn't help frowning.

In the streets and alleys, there are already people sneaking around to watch the excitement.

When the ninth elder brother saw that it was the fourth elder brother, he felt aggrieved immediately, his eyes turned red: "Fourth elder brother, I'm so pissed off, there are such disgusting people!"

The fourth elder brother got off his horse, and after hearing this, he looked sharply at the porter.

Is this daring to bully the master?
Brother Jiu saw that he had misunderstood, and hurriedly said: "It's not about this slave, it's about the eighth Fujin..."

As he spoke, he paused.

It seems that these words are not easy to say outside.

He took the fourth elder brother's arm and said, "Fourth elder brother, let's find a quiet place to talk!"

The fourth elder brother felt that it was inappropriate, but seeing his angry appearance, he let him drag it.

When we arrived at the study in the front yard, brother Jiu's tears fell.

"Guo Luoluo is simply a lunatic, like a mad dog, staring at me and bullying Fujin!"

In order to be a good Prince Fujin, Shu Shu has worked so hard for the past six months, so tired... fat...

This is what Shu Shu said, if you worry about many things, you will sleep less.

It also took a lot of brains to deal with people on and off, and I ate more than before.

The fourth elder brother was so disgusted, he handed over the handkerchief and said, "Speak up, what did Guo Luoluo do?"

It's not like a child, crying and crying like something.

Brother Jiu took the veil, wiped it on his eyes carelessly, and gritted his molars before saying: "Shameless and vicious, make up nonsense that I, Fujin, and starling are not innocent!"

The fourth elder brother heard this, his expression cracked, and he said: "This, is there some misunderstanding?"

Let's not talk about character and behavior, just say that Dong E's and Eighth Brother can't match each other.

After Dong E's entry for a month, he followed Brother Jiu to follow him.

When they come back in mid-November, they will catch up with everyone opening their homes and moving.

The two of them had no chance to get along at all, and this nonsense was really outrageous.

Brother Jiu directly took Brother Fifth's letter and handed it over, saying: "What Brother Fifth said, can it be true? I, Fujin, also wrote to me today, and only mentioned Fujin Ba Da, her and Xiao Jiu, nothing else. ..."

The fourth elder brother received the fifth elder brother's letter and read it, his face was so ugly.

Now the emperor's father respects Confucianism, and the clan also respects etiquette.

If such gossip spreads, it will not only ruin Jiufu Jin, but also the eighth elder brother.


The fourth elder brother couldn't help uttering evil words, and the hatred on his face was hard to hide.

Brother Jiu is also very irritable, and said bitterly: "I looked at myna's face before, and didn't care about her time and time again, which made her feel easy to bully!"

Speaking of this, he looked in the direction of Babeile Mansion and said: "The heart is too vicious. She is also a woman. Doesn't she know the importance of reputation? She did it on purpose. Her reputation is so bad that she can't see others being kind. She deliberately used this disgusting person !"

The fourth elder brother didn't speak.

He also felt that Fujin had bad intentions.

It's just that brother Jiu's reaction...

Shouldn't he be chasing after Shengjia and having a seizure there?

How did you come to Babeile Mansion?

"Khan Ama kicked out someone?"

The fourth elder brother asked.

Brother Nine said happily, "Yes, it deserves it! It was kicked out yesterday afternoon, and the starling asked for a car from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It must have been delayed by the rain yesterday."

The fourth elder brother frowned and said, "What are you trying to do by blocking Lao Ba's door?"

Brother Jiu said viciously: "I want to ask Guo Luoluo in person, is she really crazy or fake? If she doesn't have a long memory this time, my brother will not spare her!"

The fourth elder brother said with a sullen face: "Why can't the law be spared?"

Brother Jiu's face was also tangled, and he said: "I can't get rid of my hatred after scolding, and if I want to do it, she is a woman..."

Speaking of this, he became even more annoyed, and said: "How about, don't care if it's a man or a woman, just hit me first?"

Otherwise, Guo Luoluo would just push his nose on his face every time he let it go lightly, there must be another time.

"Talk all the bastards! When the time comes, you will be unreasonable even if you are reasonable, and you will make people laugh!"

The fourth elder brother scolded: "Don't mess around, so you can't learn from Fujin?"

If there is really a "sister-in-law beating", it will be a scandal.

At that time, even the royal family will become a big joke.

"Learn from me, Fujin?"

Brother Jiu was a little confused: "Don't bother Guo Luoluo, just beat the starling?"

"It's still a bastard! Fifth elder brother is an older brother, he can teach eighth elder brother a lesson, you are a younger brother, if you dare to shake your fist at your elder brother, it is a big mistake!"

The fourth elder brother's face became even darker.

Is this a pig's brain?

Not very clever.

Ninth elder brother reacted, looked at fourth elder brother and prayed: "fourth elder brother, younger brother is not older brother, you are older brother, you have to be the master of younger brother!"

The fifth brother can teach the starling a lesson, and the fourth brother is at the top, so he is more qualified.

The fourth elder brother was laughed out of anger, and snorted coldly: "On weekdays mynah is long and mynah is short, so you are venting your anger?"

The eighth elder brother is the brother he grew up with. Even though he is tired of Guo Luoluo, he doesn't want the ninth elder brother and the eighth elder brother to end up as brothers. He still hopes to have something to say.

Brother Nine shook his head and said: "It's not to vent anger, it's to annoy the starling. Since Guo Luoluo entered the palace, how many baskets have been poked out, and he has been told to restrain him several times. What is the result? It can be seen that this is not a long lesson. You have to do it, the impression will be deeper!"

As expected of a fellow brother, he actually thought of the same reasoning as the fifth elder brother.

The fourth elder brother thinks it is all nonsense.

But I also understand Brother Jiu's anger.

No matter how much the eight princes and his wife struggled with each other, that was their own business, but it was too much to have bad intentions and disturb the restless lives of others.

The fourth elder brother felt a little itchy in his hands.

The gate of Babeile Mansion.

Eighth Prince got out of the carriage with a tired face.

He planned to go home and wash up briefly, and went out of Beijing overnight to catch up with the southern tour team.

The eight blessings were sent to Prince An's Mansion just now.

Every time before, King An was very close to him, not like a nephew and son-in-law, but like a nephew.

This time he delivered the emperor's father's oral order, King An's face was very ugly, not only did he have no intention of getting close, but he wished to kick him out directly.

The eighth elder brother was worried, and he couldn't take care of this side right now, he just felt exhausted physically and mentally.

As a result, as soon as he entered the gate, the concierge put on a pig's face and reported to Brother Jiu that the person who came just now was not kind and kicked the door.

After Sibeile came back, brother Jiu went to Sibeile's mansion with him.

The eighth elder brother was shocked.

He looked in the direction of the Sibeile Mansion, and his feet seemed to be wearing lead pendants...

The next chapter will be updated at 10 a.m. on October 15th. This book is the first starting point. Welcome everyone to read it on the Qidian app.

(End of this chapter)

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