Chapter 466 I regret it (second update)
The fourth elder brother thought that the ninth elder brother was making a show, holding the board and waiting for him to come in again.

Brother Nine pulled his neck and shouted through the window: "Fourth brother, it's getting late, brother has gone back to the palace!"

The fourth elder brother was taken aback, walked quickly a few steps, and followed him out.

Brother Nine hurried all the way, and had already arrived outside the mansion, got on his horse, and hurried away with his people.

The fourth elder brother had no choice but to stare loudly: "Slow down, no horse racing!"

Brother Jiu waved his hand and said, "Got it!"

Instead of being stubborn, he reined in and slowed down.

The eighth elder brother also followed.

The two looked at Brother Jiu's back and looked at each other in blank dismay.

The eighth elder brother smiled wryly: "Ninth brother is really annoyed!"

The fourth elder brother glanced at him, and said displeasedly: "Shouldn't you be annoyed?"

For no reason was given a hat.

If you collect something and immediately throw it behind you, you will be heartless.

Painful on the face of the eighth elder brother, he said: "I have said what should be said several times like a cart wheel, and I have also said all the reasons that should be said. My brother really has nothing to do with her."

The fourth elder brother put on a serious face and said: "Since she refused to go to pay respects to the concubine, you should discipline her. If she hadn't indulged her time and time again, how dare she be so bold?"

Now all the relatives who can be offended are offended, and they are still registered in front of the imperial court.

The eighth brother blushed and said in shame: "It's my younger brother who is not a son of man!"

The fourth elder brother looked in the direction of Zhenglan Qi and said: "Before, the An Junwang brothers protected them, and they all protected them to the front of the imperial court. This time, let them think of their own way!"

He wanted to suggest that the eighth elder brother should come back with his retinue, so he brought the Fucha family in, and handed over the inner house directly to the Fucha family for management, but he felt that it was inappropriate.

There is no reason for an older brother to meddle in his younger brother's inner house.

No matter how bad Guo Luoluo's family is, she is also the eighth elder brother's married wife.

He sighed and said, "Go back and wash your hands. Don't think about traveling at night. You can sharpen your knife and chop wood. Go back and have a good sleep, and then start tomorrow morning. The road is still long."

Tomorrow is the third day of Shengjia's departure.

Counting from Tongzhou, it is more than [-] miles of waterway.

Including the section from Beijing to Tongzhou, it is four hundred miles away.

You can't catch up with one day, you have to catch up with two days.

The eighth elder brother also knew that he was in a mess, so he nodded and went back to the next door.

Si Fujin got the news from the inner house, knowing that the fourth elder brother brought the ninth elder brother back, and wanted to order the kitchen to add more vegetables.

In the end, I got the news again, the eighth elder brother also came, and then the ninth elder brother left.

Sifujin was a little confused.

Didn't Eighth Brother leave Beijing with Shengjia?
She thought it would be better to be prepared, so she sent someone to the kitchen to add a pot and two dishes that were easy to digest.

As soon as the order was finished here, the fourth elder brother came in with a drooping face.

It's not the right mood.

Si Fujin's heart also lifted.

The fourth elder brother waved his hand and dismissed the maid in the house, then gritted his teeth and said: "This Guo Luoluo family is too inappropriate!"

He had been suffocating in his heart for a long time, but he didn't want to add fuel to the fire in front of Brother Jiu, and he didn't want to mention it in front of Brother Eight, so he could only come here and complain to Si Fujin.

Si Fujin was puzzled and said: "What's the matter? Didn't the eighth siblings take good care of them?"

This miscarriage is no different from giving birth. If you want to take care of it, you still have to have a full confinement.

The fourth elder brother said angrily: "I chased the eighth elder brother and went to insult my sister-in-law and sister-in-law!"

Dong Eshi and Jiu Gege accompanied the Queen Mother, and rushed to the Queen Mother again.

No wonder the fifth elder brother is angry with everyone, not only because Guo Luoluo is innocent, but also because she almost offended the Queen Mother again.

Si Fujin frowned when he heard this, thinking of Brother Jiu, he said: "Is it because of the younger brother and younger sister?"

The princess on the southern tour was only Jiugege.

The sister-in-law still has Sanfujin and Wufujin, but the only one who can make Brother Jiu come forward is Shu Shu, the Jiufujin.

The fourth elder brother nodded, very angry: "It's too presumptuous!"

He couldn't say those swear words, he could only say: "Brother Ba is dragging down again!"

Being on the list for the southern tour, the events of years ago were about to be overturned, but it turned out like this.

The imperial father has no shortage of sons, and the eighth elder brother finally got to his current position, but he was not lightly implicated by the Guo Luoluo family.

Sifujin also had no choice.

Ba Fujin's temper is not easy to listen to.

His temper is still sensitive, he is prone to overthinking, and he will throw face if he says something wrong.

In addition, the fourth Fujin ranks higher, but she is three years younger than the fourth elder brother, and is actually the same age as the eighth Fujin.

It's also not good to teach sisters-in-law with sister-in-law's score all day long.

She sighed and said, "I'm afraid life in Prince An's Mansion will be difficult."

Seeing that his wife still had sympathy for Ba Fujin, the fourth elder brother frowned and said, "Stay away from her in the future, don't need to talk to her, and when the Fucha family enters the door, just point the Fucha family well."

Sifujin choked so badly that he lived next to him, so how could he stay away from the Fa?

Ignore this serious sister-in-law and want to socialize with a side Fujin?

What do others think?
After the fourth elder brother finished speaking, he also felt that it was inappropriate, and said: "Forget it, anyway, don't go there in the future, stay away from Guo Luoluo's family!"

Sifujin nodded slowly.

There should be other things in it, otherwise my grandfather would not have such an attitude.

Did Fujin get into trouble again?
Worse than disobeying the Empress Dowager in Ningshou Palace last time?

She has a steady temperament, and she doesn't pursue to inquire, she just said: "It seems to be Jingzhe, when the ninth and tenth uncle's Prince's Mansion will start construction."

The fourth elder brother frowned even more when he heard this.

I thought very well before, the brothers grew up together when they were young, and later they also stayed next to each other in my elder brother's house.

But now it looks really inappropriate.

He rubbed his brows and said: "When you meet the tenth old man, you can ask me when the time comes. If it doesn't work, there will be an empty seat in the middle."

In this way, the Babeile Mansion can also be separated from the Ninth Prince's Mansion.

Otherwise, it is really easy to fall into the mouth.

The place next to the Baylor Mansion is not small. If it is built according to the Baylor Mansion, three can be built.

According to the construction of the County King's Mansion and the Baylor Mansion, there will be a lot of wealth.

Si Fujin was surprised, she didn't mean that when she mentioned this topic.

She just thought that her Baylor Mansion was here, and she was a brother-in-law, so she would send a steward to help keep an eye on it.

The two sisters-in-law have made a move?
Why do people worry about living next to each other?

Brother Jiu left the palace in anger, and he was not very happy when he came back.

He motioned He Yuzhu to give rewards to the two guards, and then said to Gao Bin, "You're very smart today, these days you just stare at the official documents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to see if there is any letter from the Lord, and when you get married, Grandpa will give you a big red envelope!"

Gao Bin didn't make up errands before, so he also delayed talking about his relationship.

Although it is not an official job vacancy now, it is the long-term follower of Brother Nine, who is more decent than ordinary vacancies, and the marriage has also begun.

Brother Jiu heard him raise his mouth, so he said so.

Gao Bin slapped and said: "Slave, thank Master Jiu for the reward."

Brother Jiu waved his hand: "Okay, let's go home!"

After all, he brought He Yuzhu into the palace.

He Yuzhu was beside him, carefully watching his expression.

Brother Jiu looked at him angrily: "You're so mean-spirited, you don't look like a human being!"

He Yuzhu hesitated for a moment, and said: "The slave just feels that the master just came out, and he seems to be impolite, don't offend the fourth master..."

Brother Jiu raised his chin and said: "If you offend, you will offend. Fourth brother can still do it? Even if you do it, I am not afraid!"

While speaking, the master and servant returned to elder brother's place.

Elder Brother Ten got the news before, knowing that Elder Brother Nine was going out angrily, he was very worried and asked people to keep an eye on the Second Institute.

Hearing that Brother Nine was back, Brother Ten came over.

Brother Nine was already sitting in the study, his face full of depression.

Seeing Elder Brother Shi coming over, he waved his hands and said: "It's just right that Elder Ten is here, and I plan to send someone to call you! Seeing the meal, I will have a drink or two with Brother!"

Elder Brother Ten pulled up a chair and sat down, and said, "Brother Ninth, what's wrong?"

Still in service, brother Jiu is not addicted to alcohol, why do you want to drink?
When Brother Jiu thought about it, he still felt angry, and said bitterly: "This is the first time I have encountered such a disgusting thing in my life!"

After all, he said the reason in a few words.

Elder Brother Shi heard this, and his expression turned ugly: "The heart is too poisonous!"

That is to say, both the queen mother and the emperor's father knew the character of Mrs. Jiu, otherwise, what would they think after hearing this?
Brother Nine said bitterly: "It's really bad! Khan Ama is too embarrassing to her, she should just let the starling divorce his wife!"

During the time of Emperor Taizu, Emperor Taizong was one of the four great Baylors. Dafujin Nala family had a son and a daughter. As a result, when he went to the palace on an ice cart to pay his respects, he did not get off the car when he passed by Azig’s mansion, and even Sitting on the ice bed directly into the Khan Palace.

At that time, Azig's mother, Abahai, was Khan King Dafujin. Although Azig was not as good as his elder brothers, he was named the "big brother" by the four major Baylors.

Taizu was very angry, scolded Nala for being arrogant and rude, and ordered his son to divorce his wife.

"That's just being rude to my brother-in-law, and he was dismissed. Can't Khan Ama be stricter? What kind of punishment is it to reward the side Fujin? It's too light to send back to Prince An's mansion. Who has the Guo Luoluo family been polite to? The first Wei The concubine, then the empress dowager, the fifth sister-in-law, and now they are staring at your sister-in-law like a mad dog, it is really annoying!"

Brother Jiu complained.

Elder Brother Shi thought for a while, and said: "The punishment is not too light. Before, the Prince An brothers protected Ba Fujin in order to keep their own face; now they are required to discipline Ba Fujin, so it is not easy to protect them anymore. "

No matter how much you protect it, you won't be able to keep the county king's hat.

But can the eight blessings listen to persuasion?

Uncle and nephew turning against each other is right in front of your eyes.

Brother Nine understood what Brother Ten meant, raised his eyebrows and said, "Nah, Ama's move is pretty bad, and Brother Anjun won't be able to discipline him later, so he won't have the face to talk about protecting him. At that time, Guo Luoluo will have no one to back him up." , If it is not abolished, it is abolished!"

Having said this, I felt a little relieved, and said, "It deserves it!"

Elder Brother Ten said: "That's not necessarily the case. If Eight Fujin can restrain himself, Myna will still take care of Di Fujin's face. Guo Luoluo's family has five hereditary assistant leaders."

Brother Jiu said irritably: "In the future, you still have to look up and see you? I don't want to build the Prince's Mansion anymore, just think about it!"

At that time, Guo Luoluo will make up nonsense again, and he will have more sense and eyes.

Just like the elder brother-in-law and his sister-in-law of Niu Hulu's family, they live next to each other.

Although it is said to catch traitors and doubles, and to take stolen goods from thieves, but who called out to splash the dirty water on A Ling'a, the head of Niu Hulu's family?
It's hard to say whether this is true or not.

Thinking of this, Brother Nine looked at Brother Ten, thoughtfully, and said, "Why don't we switch?"

Elder Brother Ten felt helpless, and said, "Brother Ninth, it's against the rules, respect Dong."

If we don't repair the mansion together, it's just on the same street.

From east to west, there is an order problem.

Besides, can you always avoid it?

In that case, you are just deceiving yourself and others.

At that time, there will be weddings and funerals outside, and when you need to show up, you still have to run into them.

Brother Jiu regretted a little, and said, "Why did I talk so fast at that time? Not only the inlaid yellow flag has the official house, but also the Zhenghuang flag and the Zhengbai flag, and the Zhenghuang flag also has Haizi, which can divert water; convenient!"

Elder Brother Ten comforted: "Let's be optimistic, isn't this the largest piece of land? In the future, if our brother's title is promoted again, we will also expand it..."

Brother Nine thought for a while, and said: "Fortunately, there is still a fourth brother, otherwise we are both young, and some dare not think about it..."

Xinhe, Changleying Wharf.

Twilight Quadruple.

Shu Shu and others stayed with the queen mother later.

The cabin was brightly lit.

Seeing Shu Shu and the others stretching their arms after Xiao Song, the Queen Mother was persuaded by Nanny Bai to follow.

This movement is soothing, and she is not too tired when doing it, and she said Jiugege: "It's so empty, how easy it is, just lift your arm and it hurts, you move too little!"

Jiugege laughed and said, "The emperor's grandmother will know about it tomorrow."

The queen mother laughed and said: "Then I will ask this girl to massage for me tonight!"

"Haha, the emperor's grandmother also thinks it's better! Nanny has to prepare her purse, it's tiring."

The last sentence, Jiugege was speaking to Nanny Bai.

Nanny Bai said: "Don't worry, Ge Ge, the servant is ready."

Not only the purse was prepared, but also the little maid was prepared to help Xiaosong.

In the early years, I didn't feel much. The empress dowager had a big heart and a fat body, and her bones were healthy. In the past few years, her body has become a little heavy.

It is much more comfortable to press and pinch in the morning and evening.

Seeing that Wu Fujin was silent, and his body looked thin, the queen mother said: "This girl can't move, if Xiaofang's body is also sore, let the fifth one help you massage."

Wu Fujin knew that the Queen Mother was not joking, but just thought so, and said, "My grandson's daughter-in-law is fine, she also practiced health exercises with the nanny when she was at home earlier..."

So she just looks thin, not as weak as Jiugege, it's okay to practice this.

Shu Shu was by the side, listening with a smile.

It's just accompaniment.

Shu Shu said: "Grandmother, I heard that various ditties are popular in the south. When we get there, let's listen to them too?"

The Empress Dowager said: "Earlier, a troupe from the south came to the palace to sing. They babbled and babbled, but they couldn't understand it at all. It's our northern folklore, which is more interesting."

Shu Shu nodded, it was all kinds of causal stories.

These are all the materials in my handwriting.

Last year, I wrote two books on the Northern Tour.

This year's southern tour, can you write hundreds of thousands of words?

The grandparents and grandchildren were joking, and the fifth prince came.

"Grandmother, Khan Ama is coming this way, bringing my third brother and a few older brothers to greet you."

The Queen Mother nodded, waved to Wu Fujin and Shu Shu, and said, "Go back and rest first..."

The place is small, and it belongs to the father-in-law and the elder brother. Shu Shu and Wu Fu were blessed, so they took their entourage out.

Jiugege is a daughter and a sister, so there is no need to avoid it...

You can see everyone's comments in the background, and the bugs are also caught, ^_^.

(End of this chapter)

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