My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 586 The Way of the Son of Man

Chapter 586 The Way of the Son of Man
Coming out of Qingxi Bookstore, Brother Jiu covered up his little pride.

How clever he is!
He didn't directly mention the matter of Concubine Zhang, and he didn't suspect of meddling in the inner court, but he indirectly praised Brother Thirteen's filial piety, and even confessed his filial piety.


Khan Ama can't be refined, he likes to cover up peace, and he likes to listen to good things.

After the disturbance in the harem, isn't it just right that "father is kind and son is filial piety"?
Thirteen elder brothers...

Thinking of this, Brother Jiu hesitated a little, stood there, and looked southwest for a while.

Although the princes who came out with Shengjia live in the West Garden, their homework is still in Changchun Garden, which is in a courtyard in the southwest corner of Changchun Garden.

Do you want to tell Elder Brother Thirteen about the concubine's illness?

He hesitated.

Immediately, he turned his head to look at Qingxi Bookstore, and then went to Xiaodongmen.

Forget it...

Concubine Hui said it was all right.

Tell the thirteenth brother that a half-prince in his teens can still enter the inner court to serve his biological mother?
At most, they would send the nanny around to pay their respects on their behalf.

Now I don't know much about it, even if I tell Brother Thirteen, it will only make my younger brother anxious.


We have to wait and see how Khan Ama handles the people in Changchun Palace, so that we can know how big the matter is.

As soon as he left Xiaodongmen, he met the eighth elder brother.

Brother Nine paused, then smiled, and greeted him as usual: "Myna!"

The eighth elder brother had a thin face and walked over with a smile.

Brother Nine's eyes fell on Brother Eight's clothes.

Although they are new clothes, they are baggy and don't fit well.

His eyes fell on Eighth Brother's face again, a bit of melancholy was added to the brows and eyes, but it was a lot less clear.

With their identities, they will never lack clothes in four seasons.

It's just that the size of Ba Prince's clothes should still be from last year.

Fujin is unreliable, and he doesn't have a decent person around him, it's pitiful.

What if it was me last year?
Surely there will be injustice, right?

Brother Jiu murmured a few words in his heart, and found that he had nothing to say, so he said: "Master Ma has gone to Shanxi, is it because myna's wedding has been delayed again?"

Mazzie was busy.

Acting Minister of the Fan Yuan concurrently served as Minister of the Ministry of Households and Chief of the House of Internal Affairs.

Not long after he arrived in the capital, Ma Qi was sent on a foreign mission.

The governor of Shanxi and the chief envoy Qi Shiwu attacked each other, and there was also a deficit case between the former prefect of Taiyuan and the former prefect of Datong. In the middle, a procurator and a grain post road were involved. Kangxi sent Ma Qi to Shanxi to conduct an investigation. .

The side Fujin that Kangxi pointed out to the eighth elder brother is the eldest daughter of Ma Qi's concubine, so naturally she has to wait for her parents to come back before she can get married.

Brother Ba nodded and said, "There's no rush, it's not convenient for me to marry now."

Brother Nine was silent.

That's right, he even forgot that the eighth elder brother also lost a brother-in-law.

The eighth elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother, thinking that he had come out of the garden before, paused, and said, "Is it called by Khan Ama?"

Brother Nine shook his head and said: "No, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has some official business to report to Khan Ama."

After all, he didn't have the patience to elaborate, so he said: "Brother, you are busy, it's getting late, Fujin is still waiting for me to eat!"

The key is that Fujin knows that he will miss him when he comes to see him.

If she goes back late, she should be worried.

Thinking of this, the corner of Brother Jiu's mouth turned up, and he walked briskly towards the carriage parked not far away.

The eighth elder brother stood at the door of the east small gate, looking back at the ninth elder brother's back, with a faint envy.

Both of them got married last year, one in late May and the other in late June, and their circumstances are completely different now.

Brother Jiu is looking forward to going home for dinner, but he is looking forward to not going home...

Because he was traveling with Zhao Chang, brother Jiu didn't go to the guard class to call for someone, only a few guards followed on horseback.

When they reached the gate of Shenwumen, Brother Jiu gave Sun Jin a look, and then took He Yuzhu a step ahead.

Sun Jin took a few steps behind, took the purse, stuffed it to the head of the school, and said politely: "It's hot, the adults have worked hard, and I will order a few plates of pastries and fruits later, and everyone will share..."

Guards are different from bodyguards.

The guards in the bodyguard office are all noble children, and the lowest-ranked Lanling bodyguard is also a sixth-rank one.

Nine elder brothers have never rewarded money, the most are all kinds of food.

Here in the guard, except for the small officials such as the school lieutenant, the others are all vests. Every time Brother Jiu uses someone, he will reward him with money.

The little schoolmaster had a heavy hand, with a joyful smile on his face, and said: "Then I will receive the Jiuye's reward on behalf of the brothers..."

Not only was the legend of the Nine Elder Brothers circulating in the guards, but the couple also had a good reputation in the guard camp.

No matter when it is used by people, there is something.

It's not rewarding money every time, but everyone who eats and drinks is also happy.

This is within the responsibility, who would not be happy with multiple rewards...

Second, the upper room.

Shu Shu was listening to Zhou Song.

Zhou Song spent the whole morning outside, inquiring around with familiar friends and collecting more news.

Master and servant Zhangpin left the West Sixth Palace yesterday morning, went to Yanxi Palace, and then rested in Yanxi Palace.

The reason why Zhao Chang came back was because the Empress of Yanxi Palace sent someone to Changchun Garden.

Dozens of people in the Changchun Palace, except for a nanny who followed Concubine Zhang to Yanxi Palace, and a maid who had just cut her hair next to Concubine Wang Shu, all of them were detained in the Punishment Department and were not released.

The empress of Yanxi Palace came to Yikun Palace in person at noon yesterday, the reason is unknown.

Duan Concubine of Changchun Palace went to Yikun Palace to make a noise yesterday afternoon, but was stopped by the empress of Yanxi Palace.

The Changchun Palace was sealed off this morning, and there are guards guarding the Changchun Gate, no entry or exit is allowed.

Zhou Song went down.

Shu Shu hesitated.

With such a big movement, she couldn't pretend to be stupid.

But Concubine Yi repeatedly asked them not to go there.

According to Yifei, the little elder brother will not do "Washing Three" and "Full Moon", only "Hundred Years" and "Zhou Zhou".

After thinking about it, Shu Shu decided to hand it over to Brother Jiu.

Wait for Brother Jiu to come back and ask, if Brother Jiu wants to go by himself, he will go by himself; if it doesn't matter, then wait.

In this way, when I came to my mother-in-law, I had something to say.

When Brother Nine came back, he saw that she was worried and thought she was worried about Concubine Zhang, and said, "Don't worry, it shouldn't be a big deal. Seeing what Ama Khan meant, she was a little annoyed, but she didn't look sad. Concubine Zhang Mother should have a minor illness..."

Shu Shu shook her head, said Zhou Song's summary of the news in the morning, and then said: "I was thinking, should I go to visit the empress, at the beginning, the empress repeatedly asked me not to go with the fifth sister-in-law to pay my respects, and I can do that too." I understand, women can't bathe or wash their hair during puerperium, so they don't like to see people, but if we don't pay attention, isn't it bad?"

Brother Jiu glanced at Xiaochun next to him, and said: "Then send someone over to ask the empress to see what the empress means. The Changchun Palace is next to the Yikun Palace. There was such a big commotion yesterday that the empress is probably also thinking about what's going on outside. information."

Shu Shu was always remonstrating, so she told Xiao Chun: "Then you just go there, just in time to bring the freshly made pork jerky, beef cubes, chicken sausage, and chicken floss from the dining room. These are snacks for your mother. If you have a full stomach and don’t gain weight, first ask Miss Peilan about your body, if you are resting, or if you are still tired this day, then you don’t need to say anything.”

Xiao Chun responded and went down to get ready.

Brother Jiu was puzzled and said: "Why do you want to make snacks, and the empress is not a child, so why would she like to eat these?"

Shu Shu glanced at him, and said: "Your Majesty, before giving birth, one person ate two people's supplements. Her appetite has grown. Now she is easy to get hungry, but she is also afraid of getting fat. I have nothing to do in the morning. It just so happened that the imperial dining room sent a few catties of beef today. So I asked someone to make a few snacks, and planned to send them to the empress..."

Brother Jiu held her hand, and said with shame: "I'm bothering you again, every time I say honoring your mother, I always talk about it, but it's not as good as you, just do whatever you think of."

Shu Shu said: "Husband and wife are one, what I do is also what I do."

Brother Nine shook his head and said: "You can't say that, whoever's filial piety is his filial piety, I know, you are 'Aiwujiwu'..."

Shu Shu frowned, and said: "It's the same, isn't the master treating his father-in-law and mother-in-law very well? I know, the master is also 'love the house and the crow'..."

Brother Jiu felt a little dry in his mouth and hot in his ears when he listened.

This smile is quite bright.

Because a few days ago, after hearing the news of the funeral one after another, the couple hadn't been warm for several days.

But at noon...

He pinched Shu Shu's hand and put it down, humming softly: "Your mouth is so sweet, it's getting better at coaxing people, I can't find Bei when I turn around..."

Shu Shu was not in a hurry to ask him about meeting him, seeing Brother Jiu's appearance, he seemed to be going well.

Brother Nine couldn't hold back his complacency any longer, and told his Majesty what he had seen before and after with high spirits.

Shu Shu sincerely praised: "Master is too powerful!"

Sounds like a good guy who is dedicated to work.

Kangxi himself is diligent in politics, so he likes to be so pragmatic, which can be regarded as the right appetite.

The filial piety mentioned at the end is simply a stroke of genius.

Brother Nine had a smirk, and said: "When I said that, I didn't think about anything else, I just thought that Ama Khan is jealous, don't put Brother Thirteen in it, it seems that he only knows how to honor his biological mother and forgets about his mother. After adding the old Ama, I added a sentence that the Lord is a servant prince, and I should also be filial to Khan Ama..."

"In this way, there is a distinction, and the loopholes in front of the thirteenth elder brother are also plugged. He is an immature little elder brother, and he doesn't have a few pieces of ice in his name. He can't even make up for his biological mother. Can we divide up again..."

"Hee hee, Khan Ama became silent afterward. He must have remembered some big boys outside the palace. Let's see when the time comes. If anyone dares to be disrespectful, he will definitely write it down in the little book!"

Shu Shu couldn't help laughing when she heard it.

This younger brother is simply the enemy of the older brothers!
"Does this count as 'harming others and benefiting oneself'?"

Shu Shu joked.

Brother Nine raised his eyebrows and said: "Of course it doesn't count. This is 'hurting others to benefit yourself'. In the future, no matter how filial the brothers next to you are, Khan Ama will remember that you are the one who initiated it..."

Shu Shu thought it was really interesting.

However, she still reminded: "Sir, don't be like this all the time. Turn around and be careful. The brothers above know about it. It's time to hold grudges."

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and with disapproval, said: "They are wrong in the first place. Isn't it right for a girl to be filial to her parents here? Khan Ama is the emperor, but he is also Ama. If you are the emperor, you don’t need anything, and the brothers forget the way of being a son of man, and you don’t know how to be filial, then it’s really wrong..."

Now that he is thinking about things, he is very able to change his position and compare his heart with his heart.

The same is true of my mother who loves me in the morning, and the same is true of the emperor Lao Ama who loves me now...

(End of this chapter)

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