My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 631 You Hate Me

Chapter 631 You cheated me (third)
Qingxi Bookstore.

After a busy morning, it's time for dinner.

The dining table has not yet been delivered.

Kangxi got down from the kang, and Liang Jiugong handed over a wet towel.

Kangxi took it and wiped his hands carefully.

Afterwards, he handed back the towel to Liang Jiugong, stretched his waist, sat for a whole morning, and his neck was a little stiff.

Kangxi was a little surprised when he heard the little eunuch at the door coming to report that it was the third elder brother asking to see him.

It seems that I haven't seen the third child for a while.

He nodded and called in.

The little eunuch went out for a while, and the third elder brother came in.

Seeing the smile on San Age's face, Kangxi felt a little regretful.

One wrong step.

I should see you after dinner.

Otherwise, I'm afraid this meal will be heartbreaking.

"Khan Ama..."

The third elder brother's eyes are full of admiration, and his speech is much softer.

Kangxi felt that his hairs were about to stand up.

Such a posture was cute when I was a child, but now that I am so old, it will be awkward to behave like this again.

"Huh? Didn't you have something to ask to see?"

Kangxi said.

The third elder brother said: "Isn't this the ninth elder brother who asked for leave today? My son went over to have a look..."

Kangxi frowned and said, "What's the matter, brother Jiu, did you suffer from heatstroke?"

He knew about Brother Jiu sending Fujin back to Ning yesterday.

With the weather in the second volts now, it might be okay to go back to the city with someone else, but it's not guaranteed if it's Brother Nine.

That's a squeamish one.

Brother San shook his head: "No, no, I just drank too much and didn't wake up in the morning..."

Kangxi still frowned and glanced at the third elder brother.

The third elder brother smiled and said: "My son was thinking about it. There are many errands in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and only the ninth elder brother is watching. I am afraid that there will inevitably be some incomprehension. I just mentioned it in the fourth place, and the ninth elder brother said Ask your son to come to Qingxi Bookstore and tell him, and he will come..."

Kangxi was noncommittal, and said: "In this way, you have a good relationship with Brother Jiu. He gave you such an idea. Do you listen to his idea?"

The third elder brother laughed and said, "Even if they were not good for a while before, they are still brothers, close relatives and flesh and blood..."

"Then what do you want to say?" Kangxi's eyes were a little deep.

The third elder brother coughed lightly, and said: "The left and right sons are also idle, why don't the sons take over the errand of the ninth elder brother and let the ninth elder brother have a good rest?"

Kangxi raised his eyebrows and said: "I thought you could let go of your elder brother's airs, and you wanted to beat Brother Jiu, so it's not..."

The third elder brother said: "Isn't this Lao Jiu's body weak? It's hard work all day long, why don't you let him take a false job? Let the hard work be handed over to the son. Who told the son to be in the front row? What about my brother!"

He speaks eloquently and confidently.

Kangxi's expression remained unchanged, and he said: "Then tell me, what can you do when you arrive at the Ministry of Internal Affairs?"

The third elder brother immediately said: "My son can do anything, but if there is something, you just order..."

Kangxi said: "You don't have your own ideas? Since you want to take over the Ministry of Internal Affairs, there must be a charter, right?"

Brother San had really thought about it before, but he just thought about it more and it was not systematic.

When he arrived, he couldn't show that he had no plan, and said bravely: "The errands of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are nothing more than two things, increasing income and reducing expenditure...Emperor Shizu once decreed that the Eight Banners are not allowed to compete with the people for profit, so This 'open source' thing needs to be carefully planned, otherwise it will hinder the royal reputation, but it will be a 'throttling', my son has a few humble opinions..."

There was a bit of disappointment in Kangxi's eyes.

There was the third elder brother during the northern tour last year, and the pill business of the Ministry of Internal Affairs started at that time.

During the southern tour this year, there was still the third elder brother. When in Jiangning, the ninth elder brother was often with Cao Yin, and even went to the new cashmere weaving factory, but the third elder brother hadn't heard of it at all.

In addition, Cao Yin recommended his nephew Cao Shun to Brother Jiu, and Brother Jiu sent someone to Hangzhou directly, and he didn't hide it from anyone.

The third elder brother has already talked about his "humble opinion" and said: "Ice and watermelon in summer are a waste of money, so it is not necessary to cover everything; the same is true for charcoal in winter, and the charcoal fire supply under the name of Zhaoxiang's little elder brother and Xiao Gege , there are those who belong to people around me, and then the nanny and others around me will get another copy..."

"There is also the food at the guard's office, which was a special case in the early years. It has only increased over the years, and has not decreased. Compared with the elder brother and Gege in the palace, it is not bad. It's..."

"There are a lot of fish fry here in Changchun Garden every year. They can catch fish to supply the dining room in the garden, and there is less money to buy..."

Speaking of this, he paused, and said: "Kunning Palace sacrifices, two live pigs are needed every day, and most of them are purchased from outside. You can let the lower Huangzhuang raise more pigs, and this purchase will be waived..."

The more Kangxi listened, the darker his face became.

What is this throttling?
Frugal in the daily supplies of Little Elder Brother and Little Gege?

There are also guards who serve beef, which is a special case because they avoid eating pork.

As for the fish in Changchun Garden...

Don't need him to stare!
And pigs...

Also saw the Kunning Palace sacrifices, Brother Nine asked people to try to raise pigs to see if they could be raised on a large scale, Brother Three was still talking on paper here.

It's not like I don't know, brother Yibijiu is actually doing a good job.

Kangxi snorted lightly.

The third elder brother stopped talking, looked at Kangxi, carefully scrutinizing his face.

Seeing him like this, Kangxi's face became even darker, and he said: "What do you see?"

This is a bad habit raised from outside the palace. She likes to read people's faces, but she still can't understand them.

The third elder brother was worried, and said: "Son is all humble opinion, there are deficiencies..."

Without mercy, Kangxi reprimanded directly: "Since you know it's a humble opinion, don't show it off. People in their twenties don't have any self-knowledge?"

The third elder brother blushed and said: "Son... the son just wants to be a few years older than the ninth elder brother, so he may be more considerate in dealing with things..."

Kangxi said with a dark face: "This is your thoughtfulness, reducing Zhaoxiang's expenses, making the guards who don't eat pork cut off the beef, and still thinking about the fish in the garden?"

The third elder brother hurriedly said: "That may not be the case, my son is just giving an example. How about the specifics, we need to plan carefully!"

Kangxi waved his hand and said: "Forget it, I won't bother you, if you don't have any errands, go outside more often, all the money, don't keep your ears open!"

Brother San still needs to say more, the eunuch carrying food outside has already brought the table in...

After leaving the small east gate, Brother San wiped the sweat from his forehead.

He rethought the conversation just now, and knew where he was wrong.

You can provide the ice and charcoal fire supplies in the palace, but you should not mention Zhaoxiang's...

To set off his meanness, as if neglecting younger brothers and younger sisters...

Only this one is not good, and it covers up all the other good things.

Can you see the waste over there, but can't others see it?

Why didn't the princess mention it?
Concubine Hui is not the kind who can't manage her family...

It is because of taboo that it will appear unkind.

He was full of longing when he came, and bowed his head when he went back.

When he reached the gate of the second institute, he pondered for a while, and then went to the fourth institute.

How come I can't make sense of the economy?

Is Lao Jiu hiding something and not saying anything?
In the living room of the four front yards, the fourth elder brother has not left yet.

The three brothers each held a small bowl with brown sugar ice powder in it, and on the small table next to it was a fruit plate with sliced ​​watermelon in it and a small fork on it.

It was sent by Shushu.

She also got up.

Knowing that there were two elder brothers in front, they asked the dining room to bring food over.

The ice powder is always in the dining room, and the watermelon is sent by Daxing Zhuangzi.

I sent two cars over, but they were only unloaded yesterday, and they haven't been distributed yet.

The third elder brother came in sweating, and when he saw their happy appearance, he fell down angrily.

Brother Jiu still didn't get up.

The fourth elder brother and the tenth elder brother both put down the ice powder and got up.

The third elder brother went up to the first seat angrily, and said: "Old Ninth, you are not kind!"

Ninth Brother let out a "puchi" and laughed out loud.

The third elder brother was annoyed, looked at the ninth elder brother with disbelief, and said, "You still have the face to smile?"

"Ha ha!"

Brother Jiu couldn't help laughing out loud seeing him like this.

The third elder brother could neither sit nor stand, his face turned pale with anger.

"Old Ninth!" Brother Si looked at Brother Nine and reminded in a low voice: "Okay, no one looks like a younger brother!"

Brother Jiu rolled his eyes and said in dissatisfaction: "Why don't I look like a younger brother, I stay at my own home, and I'm not around!"

"It was you who asked me to go to Qingxi Bookstore!" Third elder brother complained.

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said: "Look at what you said, it seems that my brother can't follow me, then if I tell you to die, you still hang on to the southeast branch?"

"You tricked me! You deliberately dug a trap to trap me!" The third elder brother felt more and more that the ninth elder brother did it on purpose.

Brother Jiu rolled his eyes and didn't bother to talk to him.

The tenth elder brother said beside him: "Third brother, you can't say that. You are the one who came here today, and you yourself mentioned the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Ninth brother just accepted your words!"

But the third elder brother couldn't listen anymore, glared at the tenth elder brother, and said: "You guys wear a pair of trousers, you belong to the same group, of course you are partial to him!"

The ninth elder brother looked at the fourth elder brother and said: "Fourth brother, you have to see the end from the beginning, you have to prove it, or the younger brother is really wronged to death! I am so idle that I can't find my way. I am sitting at home digging holes for others ?!"

The fourth elder brother glared at him, then looked at the third elder brother and said: "The third elder brother saw Khan Ama, what did Khan Ama say?"

Third Elder Brother: "..."

He glanced at the small table in his hand, it was empty.

No ice powder, no fruit plate.

He got angry and said to He Yuzhu who was at the door: "You are blind, the fruit and the ice bowl are here!"

He Yuzhu heard everything at the door, and knew that this person had fallen into a trap, so he didn't add fuel to the fire, so he immediately bowed and said, "I will take it for you..."

This is the limitation of seniority and inferiority.

For my elder brother, the younger brothers can do whatever they want, but the older brothers are not easy to show disrespect.

Seeing the appearance of the third elder brother who is tough on the outside and soft on the inside, the ninth elder brother couldn't help grinding his teeth.

Obviously he was talking to himself, went to Qingxi Bookstore to meet a disgraced face, but came here to play an asshole with himself?
With a bit of malice, he said: "You should study hard, how did I trick you, if you think that the fourth brother is unfair, you can go to the imperial court and talk about it..."

There is an extra leader, thank you "Xiaofeng Lianyue" greatly, the addition of the leader will be a few days later. ^_^.

The next update will be at 12:14 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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