The greenhouse started to be erected at the end of July, and it was completed around the beginning of August, and it has only been a month since then.

It is full of greenery inside.

The fourth elder brother directly estimated that it is about five feet from north to south, and about seven feet from east to west, which is more than two points.

But there are several pieces planned in it.

Besides Fu Song, Xing Hai, the boss of the Xing family, was also waiting beside him tremblingly.

The father and son were ordered to take care of the greenhouse, and put their minds to it.

Xing Quan was afraid that something might go wrong, so he brought a long-time farmer from Zhuangzi.

Then he and his son followed suit and planted these crops and vegetable seedlings as if they were scholars.

So this greenhouse is also very stylish.

The corn has furrows, and the distance between each corn is reserved.

Then there is a piece of potato, which is also added with base fertilizer.

Peanuts are the key object here, and they are located between potatoes and a few vegetables.

As for a few vegetables, they are Dongzi vegetables that are common in winter, such as cabbage, radish sprouts, baby spinach, and some cucumbers and peppers.

Like Chinese cabbage and small water radish, they already look good and can be thinned out and eaten.

The fourth elder brother took a few glances, but the focus was still on the corn.

He took a few glances and asked Fu Song, "Brother Jiu, why did you plant this?"

He knows what corn is.

Because it was a tribute in the previous dynasty, it was also called "Yu Mai".

There is corn in the annual tribute in Guangxi.

The raw flour used in the palace is corn mash flour.

Fu Song said: "Jiuye said that Zhili has had nine droughts in ten years, and people's livelihood is difficult. Even if the weather is good, the millet will be easy to stale. If corn can tolerate drought and sloughing, it can be promoted in Zhili. There are so many grains..."

The fourth elder brother was surprised, he really didn't expect the ninth elder brother, an elder brother in the deep palace, to think of such things.

It's not for money, but for people's livelihood.

"When did you think of Zhang Luo?"

Si Age said.

Brother Nine doesn't have the temperament of a city mansion, and he would like to publicize something on weekdays and let the world know about it.

This time, no one has ever heard of it.

If I hadn't happened to come here today, I guess I would not know until I grow up.

Fu Song knew the reason, and said: "It was at the end of July. It seems that when I went to Hongluo Temple, I saw beggars or something. Compared with Jiangnan, I felt that there were too many poor people at the foot of the emperor. Drought."

The fourth elder brother looked at Xing Hai who was standing next to Fu Song, wearing a single layer of bunt clothes, the shoes under his feet were not old, and there were dirt on his fingers that hadn't been wiped clean.

He looked away and walked out of the greenhouse with Fu Song.

Can't wait any longer.

After all, it was late autumn, and they were all wearing quilted clothes.

But the temperature in the greenhouse is like spring and summer.

The fourth elder brother didn't say anything, just said: "Since it's a trial planting, make a good record, and you can see at a glance where there are deficiencies."

Fu Song nodded in response, and said: "I have written it all down, but the warm shed is different from the outside. Now I mainly focus on raising seedlings and accumulating experience. I will plant them in the village on the outskirts of Beijing in the spring of next year, and then look at the rainwater and yield... "

The fourth elder brother nodded and said: "It's just right, it's equivalent to planting two seasons, saving a year's effort."

Having said that, when he looked at the row of bright tiles again, he didn't think it was a waste of money.

Although a lot of money was spent, it was well spent.

He also thought of Brother Jiu's cashmere weaving farm. Even though the original purpose was to trade with the West and Southeast Asia, it had a huge impact on the management of Mongolia.

If it goes on smoothly, in ten or twenty years, the relationship between Mongolia and the imperial court will be closer, and the northern border will be worry-free.

But it would be a pity if the money was insufficient, delayed, or delayed.

After returning to Baylor Mansion, the fourth elder brother went to the study.

He sat behind the desk, thought for a while, and took out a small box from the desk drawer.

There is a lock on the box.

He got up and went to the altar, and took out a key from the shadow box under the altar.

When the box was opened, there was a thick stack of banknotes.

This is what Er Nie asked him to keep before he died of illness.

This is a private property.

Er Nieming's private property was divided into four parts, two for himself, one for Tong Guogong, and one for Concubine Tong who had already entered the palace at that time.

There was no share of this private house, and it was directly given to him.

Tell him to use it after dividing the household, because he is afraid of being fooled by others, and he is also worried that the Tong family will have objections.

The fourth elder brother has not used it for ten years.

Even when I opened an account last year, I never thought about using this sum of money.

Now he felt that it was useless to leave it alone, so he kept the two bank notes above, one for [-] and the other for [-].

He didn't intend to move these two sheets, but thought about them.

He took out the banknote below, which was 6 taels in total.

Even if he planned to lend this sum of money to brother Jiu, he didn't intend to show it to the public.

Thinking about Brother Nine's broken mouth, Brother Four couldn't help frowning.

It seems that this banknote can't be sent to someone else, so I have to give it to myself, and I have to warn him not to let the wind out.

Now the Tong family is not what it used to be, and the fourth elder brother, a knighted elder brother, doesn't have so many scruples, mainly because he doesn't want to embarrass other brothers.

This is a matter of how much effort is put in, there is no need to compare...

The Forbidden City, two.

As winter approaches, it gets dark earlier.

It was getting dark in Youzheng, and the lights were turned on in the house.

The five rooms in the upper room are all bright.

Xiaotang took people away from the dining table and went down.

In the evening, Shushu ordered the red bean and millet flour cake, which was very sweet, and I ate two more pieces.

She felt a little overwhelmed, so she got off the ground and planned to take a stroll.

Seeing this, Brother Nine hurriedly said: "Wait a little longer, Master will help you..."

Shu Shu laughed and said, "Where is it like this?"

Brother Jiu helped her arm and said, "Isn't Master just idle?"

Speaking of this, he thought of one thing, looked at Xiaochun and said: "Take away all Fujin's high-soled flag shoes and replace them with flat ones. The soles should not be too flat. Sew some rhombuses to prevent slipping."

Xiaochun bowed and agreed.

The couple didn't go anywhere else, they just strolled from the east room to the main room.

When they went out, Walnut got on the kang, and opened the window as usual to diffuse the smell.

Otherwise, the room smells like rice.

Shu Shu and Brother Nine didn't stay in the main room, but passed through the Xici room and arrived at the Xishao room.

Only then did Brother Nine remember that he hadn't raised the money yet, and said triumphantly, "Master has accomplished a big event today, guess what it is?"

Shu Shu looked at him and said, "Extend the 'foot ban' to the end of the ten-day period?"

Didn't you say this before?
Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said: "It's not this, you guess again?"

Shu Shu touched her head, could it be that this is the legendary "one pregnancy and three years of foolishness", she unexpectedly had no direction for a while.

Brother Jiu helped her sit down by the Kang, then went to the desk, took a pen and paper, lay down on the Kang table, and wrote a few lines of small characters.

Shu Shu leaned over to look, and saw "Khan Ama, 50 taels" written on the first row.

There are other things below, the second line is "big brother, 15 taels", the third line is empty, and the fourth line is "fourth brother, 15 taels".

When Shu Shu saw it, she couldn't help saying: "Isn't this 80 taels?!"

Brother Nine proudly said: "Who is the master? It's just a matter of one sentence to collect the money..."

Shu Shu was aware of the previous plan, and the total plan was only 1205 million taels of silver.

"Maybe I'm going to risk..."

Shushu said.

The private money she has in hand and the share she intends to leave for Elder Brother Ten are a total of 15 taels.

There is still a share of 10 taels, which is intended to be reserved for the fifth elder brother.

Now the eldest elder brother and the fourth elder brother have set a precedent, and even if the other elder brothers are less, they will not be much less.

There are also three princes and eight princes...

Shu Shu didn't want to take advantage of the two of them, so she said: "Master, let's talk less, if someone asks, just say that the eldest brother and the fourth brother have 10 taels, otherwise you will risk too much, and the money will be for nothing." Go!"

There are countless lands around Xiaotangshan. It’s okay to prepare more than 20 or [-], and it’s meaningless to have more.

You must know that the area in the middle is designated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and you cannot buy it within a few miles, and the rest is just a circle around the side.

If the distance is too far, there is no need to sell at a high price.

In all parts of Gyeonggi, not only Changping has hot springs, but Yanqing also has hot springs.

Brother Nine nodded and said: "It must be said less, and the fourth brother also gave a word of advice, he is afraid that others will embarrass him."

In any case, with the 80 that has the trustworthiness, and the 25 that Shu Shu, the fifth elder brother, and the tenth elder brother have, even if the others don't pay a tael of silver, it is enough for the upfront expenses.

After all, the construction of the palace will not start until two years later.

That sum of money is not in a hurry now.

Thinking of the emperor's frankness, elder brother Jiu couldn't bear it anymore, looked at Shu Shu to discuss, and said: "Khan Ama has built a Changchun Garden for 40 years since he became the king, it's so pitiful, otherwise this Tangquan Palace, we plan to turn it over Double it, but you can get 10 taels of flowers?"

The previous one was a plan, and it was planned to be built according to 5 taels.

Compared with Changchun Garden, Xiaotangshan is farther away after all, and Shengjia will not live there for as long in the future.

So the palace I was thinking of building before had three hundred houses, only half the size of the Changchun Garden.

Shu Shu smiled and said, "I'm listening to you."

Brother Nine was angry again, and said: "It would be great if I just signed my name, Khan Ama will know my filial piety, and let others take advantage of it!"

Shu Shu pointed to the few lines he wrote, and said, "Is this someone else too? Didn't the Lord say before that he wanted to read 'Good People Are Rewarded'? Isn't this just good rewards!"

It is equivalent to the princes and elder brothers paying a sum of money, not only earning the same dividends, but also joint names in the matter of dedicating the palace to the emperor's father.

Brother Jiu glanced at the paper he had written, and said, "Master finally understands that five fingers are long and short. Parents look at their children this way, and brothers look at their brothers the same way!"

The husband and wife were talking when there was movement outside.

Although the gates of the palaces are not closed, it is not convenient to walk around at this time.

"Ninth brother, ninth sister-in-law, younger brother and thirteenth brother are here..."

It was the fourteenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother who came.

Because it was getting late, the two of them didn't run amok, so they waited outside.

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu curiously, put away the paper on the small table, and said loudly, "Come in!"

The fourteenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother agreed and came in.

Shu Shu stood up, but did not greet her.

Seeing that Shu Shu was also there, the two bowed politely and said, "Sister-in-law Nine!"

Shu Shu also said: "Brother An..."

Neither of them was empty-handed, and each held a small box in his hand.

But because of Shu Shu, neither of them spoke.

Shu Shu smiled and said: "You brothers are talking, sister-in-law is going to ask..."

With that said, she picked out the curtain and went out.

Brother Fourteen lowered his voice and said, "Brother Nine, Sister-in-law Nine knows that you want to mend the hole?"

Brother Thirteen also looked at Brother Ninth, with worries in his eyes...

13 on the monthly ticket list, screenshot!Go show off to your friends and thank you dads!Hope to last a few more days! ^_^!

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