Chapter 711 Frightened and Wrathful

But since Jiugege wanted to order gold and silverware, Shushu straightened up, and found a picture album for her from a drawer under the desk.

"The left and right sisters are also idle, so they can directly think about the appearance and draw for themselves. This is what I drew before..."

Jiugege took it with both hands, and looked at it,

The ones in front are gold bracelets of various colors.

There are several kinds of the most common garlic bracelets, including pumpkin, lotus bud, and a cat's claw.

Chubby pussy paws, looking cute and tight.

Jiugege was reluctant to let go, looked at Shushu and said, "How many pairs of these bracelets did sister-in-law make?"

This is what she wants to do, but she is also worried that what Shu Shu is doing is an orphan product, which is Shu Shu's favorite.

Shu Shu smiled and said, "Several sets..."

As she said that, she called the walnut from the next room, and ordered: "Bring those cat claw bracelets, and those two bamboo and two lotus..."

Walnut agreed and went out.

Jiugege asked curiously, "A bracelet made of bamboo? The legendary emerald bamboo?"

Shu Shu smiled and said, "My sister will see for herself later."

While talking, Walnut brought in several brocade boxes.

The aunt and sister-in-law spread out on the desk as if they had acquired a novelty toy.

There are four pairs of cat claw bracelets in total. The bracelets are solid, but not clumsy. They are small in shape, and the two round cat claws are cute.

The bamboo bracelet is also made of gold, much slimmer and looks thinner.

The lotus bracelet is drawn, and the mouth of the drawer is made into a flower bud, and the body of the bracelet is wrapped with lotus leaves.

Jiugege said in surprise: "My sister-in-law is so clever, I have never seen such a bracelet..."

The bracelets in the palace are all relatively wide, probably two to three cents wide.

The widest of these bracelets in front of them is less than two centimeters, and they seem to be a little more lively without the old-fashioned gold.

It's just that these are all boudoir girl-style bracelets, which are brand new, not something Shu Shu can wear on a daily basis.

Jiugege thought for a while, and said, "Sister-in-law's bracelets are for sisters and nieces?"

Shu Shu nodded and said: "You can't give longevity locks every year. It's fine when you're young, but it's not suitable when you grow up. If you want to wear flowers, combs, etc., you have to wait until you grow your hair. This small bracelet is fine. .”

To be honest, compared with the princes and grandchildren, the current emperor's daughter and granddaughters are much less.

Among the imperial daughters, except for Jiu Gege, the other few Gege seldom appear in front of people.

As for the imperial granddaughters, there are currently nine of them.
There are four gege in the Zhijun Wangfu, one in the East Palace, one in each of the Sibaile Mansion and the Fifth Baylor Mansion, and two in the Seventh Baylor Mansion.

Four of them are pitiful little ones who lost their mothers, and three are the eldest daughters of concubines from various prefectures.

Shu Shu is on good terms with Sifujin, Wufujin, and Qifujin, like sisters, and there is no need to praise the nieces of each family, it's just for the sake of the princes of Zhijun.

"Sister-in-law is so kind..."

Jiugege sighed.

There is no need to pay any attention to the elders to the younger ones.

Even if it is reminded, it is just as a rule.

In this way, I can think about making the little princesses like it, which is very considerate.

Shu Shu waved his hands, and said with a smile: "When you look at my sister, you don't want to eat fireworks. A long-life lock looks exquisite and costs three taels of gold. A collar doesn't want to be shabby. You have to buy it for four taels. This pair of little The bracelet is only about two taels, how much will you save in a year?"

Jiugege was stunned when he heard that, and then said coquettishly, "Sister-in-law is fooling me again?"

She didn't believe that Shu Shu would go to such lengths to save a tael of gold.

Nowadays, inside and outside the palace, who doesn't know that sister-in-law is a wealthy family, and she is generous with her hands.

Shu Shu frowned, and said: "It's true that people can't see the shabbiness. The one or two golds saved, and a few clothes and small things that little girls like, are not bad."

Jiugege knew in his heart that this was a feeling of pity for the weak.

Brother Nine sent a message to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, saying that if the charcoal fire exceeds the budget, the deduction will be deducted next year. This is kindness.

Ninth sister-in-law is also kind.

After Jiu Gege praised Brother Jiu in his heart, he became very knowledgeable, and when he arrived at Sizheng, he got up to say goodbye, politely refused Shu Shu's stay, and took the maid back to Gege's office.

At the second quarter of noon, elder brother Jiu came back stepping a little bit, with excitement on his face, looked at Shu Shu and said, "There is good news today, guess what it is?"

Shu Shu wanted to mention the matter of going out of the palace, but immediately felt something was wrong.

It was only yesterday that the charcoal was withdrawn in advance. No matter how fast things develop, it will take two or three days to ferment.

She thought for a while and said, "The emperor wants to give silver again?"

The news of the emperor bestowing silver last year seems to be at this time, although it was finally delayed until the end of the year.

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "You are so beautiful, even if you want to make up for your son, this is not the time!"

Last year, there was a reason to attack Junggar. The Eight Banners nobles who were conscripted talked about their merits and prospects, and the clan and princes who were conscripted were all rewarded with silver.

The ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother made up the numbers, and they were the emperor's pity for his son.

In the first half of this year, it was because the imperial clan, ministers of civil and military affairs, bodyguards, and army guards who followed were all rewarded. Everyone had a share, and the princes only got a share.

Now the princes of the branch government still have their own money, and he and the ten elder brothers are not short of money.

Shu Shu was so curious that she felt that she was becoming more and more impatient, so she urged: "Master, hurry up and tell me, it must be good news for you to smile so happily!"

Brother Nine proudly said: "Ama Khan asked Wei Zhu to go to the princess's courtyard to go to Aling's family this morning, and to Aling's family, Da Gege and the third grandson of the eldest princess, you think you should laugh?" Should I laugh?"

Shu Shu couldn't help laughing either.

It's not that he is cold-hearted. He hates Niu Hulu and is happy to see others marry far away.

Instead, I feel that I will be able to clean up a lot in the future.

A Ling'a's daughter, at the age of a teenager, dared to intervene in the affairs of the palace, so she knew she was arrogant.

By mistake, losing Fujin's position, she blamed Shu Shu, the prince, Fujin, and dared to play tricks. How bold is this?

Behaving like this, even if you are not allowed to marry into the clan, it is also uneasy.

Maybe when he will play tricks in a dark way again.

Teenage age is the time to be fearless and face is more important than anything else.

Brother Jiu snorted softly: "How nice this is, I'm still holding my breath here, so I'm so happy!"

Otherwise, after letting that big princess play tricks on everyone, he would be happy to marry into the Bahrain department smoothly.

There will be many decades after this, who knows if there will be a county king Fujin or something in the future.

Shu Shu knew that the tenth elder brother "recommended" the daughter of Ah Ling'a, and said: "Don't show your joy in front of others, and draw Ling'er's anger later."

Brother Jiu curled his lips and said, "Master is afraid of him? At worst, think of a way to get his inner ministers off too!"

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "It's not necessary, it's just right now."

She is not a saint either, and she is suffocating fire in her heart.

No one said anything about the previous incidents in front of Dong E's family, but behind the scenes, Fusong's life experience had to be lamented, and he felt that it was impossible to climb.

"Let them bite the dog!"

Thinking of Yin De, Shu Shu still felt disgusted, and said: "I advise you to keep it, in case A Ling'a notices it, divert your attention, inquire carefully in the palace, and don't reveal Master Shi."

In that case, Ah Ling would know that Elder Brother Ten had no good intentions towards him, who knows what would happen.

Brother Jiu snorted softly and said, "Okay, I don't bother to talk to him..."

But the news that needs to be inquired still needs to be inquired about. He has been looking forward to watching the excitement since July, and he has been waiting for March.

three months...

Brother Jiu thought thoughtfully: "I have been waiting for three months, why is Khan Ama not waiting now? When the eldest princess returned from the imperial mausoleum and set off to return to Bahrain, she would be kind and give her a marriage, wouldn't it be more Is it logical?"

It took only one or two months before and after.

Shu Shu recalled that day when Ningshou Palace visited the Eldest Princess.

Most of the time, the Eldest Princess shut up and spoke slowly.

Her skin had lost its luster, her eyes were cloudy, and her red face was pale.

This is holding back a cough.

Even though the cough was suppressed, there was still something strange in the throat, with obvious wheezing.

And the pair of vintage gold horseshoe bracelets.

Shu Shu sighed and said, "The Eldest Princess should be aware of her physical condition, so she will come back to pay homage to the Empress Dowager."

The life sacrifice of the Empress Dowager is on the eighth day of February, and the death sacrifice is on the 25th of the twelfth lunar month.

The 25th of the twelfth lunar month is too close to New Year's Eve, so sacrifices should be made in advance.

Brother Nine said: "Ama Khan should be sad..."

Birth, old age, sickness and death are also unavoidable things.

Brother Jiu thought of his father-in-law, when the imperial doctor said that he was preparing for the funeral, there were already signs of death, that is ten days and a half months, but in fact it has been delayed for more than two months.

If Xi Zhu hadn't been unfilial and disobedient, maybe it would have been a little longer.

"The next good concubine moved to the palace, the Lord should talk about our affairs, and then I will also mention the Lejia Fangzi..."

Brother Jiu said.

It would be great if it could be postponed until the end of February next year, just to pass the death and life sacrifices of the Empress Dowager, and I have no regrets.

This is just a little effort for Brother Nine, but it can make an old man go more at ease. Of course, Shu Shu has no reason to object.

She was undecided about one thing, and asked: "Master is going to mention the matter of moving house on the 25th day of the Imperial Palace, so when will I mention it to the empress?"

Brother Jiu said very responsibly: "Let's talk about it after 25, when the time comes, it will all be blamed on the master, and the left and right masters have also found the blame!"

Shu Shu stroked his forehead and said: "If the empress is afraid, I will really annoy the master?"

Brother Jiu said: "It's okay, I'll take care of it, I've been too clever these two years, I don't look like you anymore! If you are self-willed, you will be willful, or one day Erniang will think about it and think that I have changed the core." ..."

Shu Shu glanced at Brother Jiu.

People are addicted to food.

I am afraid of the dark and ghosts, but I like to watch Strange Tales from a Liaozhai Studio.

This big IP has been published for 20 years and has been circulating in the world for a long time.

Now in the study room of the second school, the whole set is included.

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu, provocatively, and said, "Are you afraid? Maybe this skin is also painted!"

Shu Shu thought of the version of "Painted Skin" starring Brother Xun. The scene of the worm wriggling at that time still makes people's stomach churn when they think about it now.

Stomach rolling...

Shu Shu's face turned pale, she immediately got off the kang, rushed to the corner of the study, took off the spittoon cover, and vomited on it.

It's just that the breakfast is almost digested, and I haven't eaten lunch yet, so I ate half an apple and a few cloves of tangerines with Jiugege in the morning, and vomited up...


Shu Shu vomited and there was nothing in her stomach, but she still felt nauseous.

When Brother Jiu saw this, his claws were a little numb, and he hurriedly said: "What's the matter, what's the matter? My lord, I'm going to tell someone to pass it on to the imperial physician!"

After all, he was going to call someone.

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "Master, water..."

The feeling of spitting out gastric juice is very sour, and the mouth is smelly and bitter.

Brother Nine hurried to pour tea.

The tea is just the right temperature.

Shu Shu sighed, his face turned pale from vomiting, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Brother Jiu trembled and said, "What's wrong? Did you eat something inappropriate?"

He wanted to let the Ministry of Internal Affairs take the blame, but he never thought that the Ministry of Internal Affairs would really dare to do something.

Is this when he is dead?

Seeing his frightened and angry face, Shu Shu stopped teasing him, and hurriedly said: "It's okay, it's time, it's time for morning sickness..."

Brother Nine: "..."

Is this all in order?

Depart at 05:30 in the morning, arrive home at [-]:[-] in the afternoon, lie down for more than an hour and return to the blue, so there are only two shifts today, keep accounts, and make up for the next half and half chapters. ^_^
The next update will be at 1:9 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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