Chapter 713 Paying back the money (the second change asks for a monthly ticket)

Coming out of the imperial doctor's room, Brother Jiu looked at the Qianqing Palace.

Although he told Shu Shu to go to the imperial court to talk about moving the palace on 25, he couldn't help it now.

There are many inconveniences in living in the palace.

If Shu Shu wants to eat outside the palace, she can send people all over the capital to visit and take care of her at any time.

Besides, Khan Ama is not a fool, even if he finds a reason and blames Bao Yi for the hasty move, he will be annoyed when he wakes up later.

Brother Jiu went directly to the gate of Qianqing Palace, and said to the eunuch on duty at the gate, "Go and tell Khan Ama, just say that I have something to see."

At this moment of time, it was the time when Kangxi had finished his dinner and hadn't taken a nap yet.

The eunuch on duty went in, reached the gate of Xinuange, and whispered to Liang Jiugong at the gate.

Kangxi was pacing on the ground when he heard movement at the door and looked over.

Liang Jiugong hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, Master Jiu is here, please see me outside."

Kangxi glanced at him, and said: "Before the second school passed on the imperial physician?"

Liang Jiugong bowed and said, "Yes, someone saw He Yuzhu coming to call for someone."

The imperial doctor is on duty, between the Qianqing Palace and the Qianqing Gate, in the Dongyu room.

There was movement over there, and the eunuchs and guards at the gate of the Qianqing Palace were all watching.

When Kangxi heard this, he couldn't help feeling worried, nodded and said, "Let's pass it on!"

Liang Jiugong went out in person, met Brother Jiu and said, "Master Jiu, the emperor has uploaded it!"

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you..."

Brother Jiu didn't have the usual smile on his face, it was a little more serious.

Seeing this, Liang Jiugong couldn't help thinking about it.


Brother Nine, this beauty lamp doesn't look sick, so what are the two traditional physicians doing?
The joy of Jiufujin...

He spat in his heart, it was unlucky, how could he think like that.

How can you think about the bad things about your sons and heirs?
When Kangxi saw Brother Jiu's appearance, he also took Nahan with him.

"Son pays homage to Khan Ama..."

It was the first time that the father and son saw each other today, so Brother Jiu greeted Ann politely.

Kangxi nodded and said, "Ann!"

As he spoke, he had a bad premonition.

I don't know what Lao Jiu is going to toss about, I guess I will be uneasy next time.

Brother Nine looked more earnest, and said: "Ama Khan, now that my son Fujin has an heir, the son is very happy, and he also looks forward to the early death of the eldest son. This anticipation is probably the same as Ama Khan's early years. "

Kangxi raised his eyebrows, noncommittal.

The eldest son landed?

It seems like it's been too long.

That was the sixth year of Kangxi, when I was 14 years old.

Cheng Rui...

If there is no Shang, Chengrui is already 33, five years older than the elder brother, and the emperor's great-grandson will be born.

Kangxi was a little stunned.

Even now, I should not be a great-grandfather or great-grandfather for a few years.

The oldest granddaughter is twelve years old, and the oldest grandson is nine years old.

Kangxi looked at Brother Jiu. This is because no son is looking forward to a son. When he has a son, he will know what "sons and daughters are debts".

Seeing that he didn't speak, brother Jiu wanted to speak again, and there was another movement at the door.

It's the prince.

After hearing the report, Kangxi also nodded and called in.

He didn't send Brother Jiu to avoid him.

Brother Jiu didn't mean to avoid it either.

Serious things haven't been said yet...

On the other hand, the prince, why did he come at this time, it's really annoying.

Brother Nine cursed in his heart.

The prince frowned slightly when he saw Brother Jiu was there, and said: "It's just right that Brother Jiu is here, so I don't have to send someone to call you again."

Brother Jiu was stunned, and said: "You have something to order..."

As he said that, he remembered the matter of the charcoal fire that he said yesterday, "If it is about the daily supplies of Yuqing Palace and Xiefang Palace, you can directly ask someone to tell He Yi!"

He didn't want to get involved with Yuqing Palace.

At that time, it will be thankless, and you will be picky and complained.

Hand it over to the Hesheli family, if you don't put your heart into it, just let them break it up themselves.

Kangxi looked at the prince, a little puzzled.

Except for the 5 taels of silver a few days ago, he really didn't expect that Yuqing Palace would have anything to do with Brother Jiu, which would make the Prince's face look dissatisfied.

The prince frowned and said, "It's not these small things. I heard that you sent someone to take Khan Ama's letter and paid 50 taels of silver from the Ministry of Internal Affairs?"

Brother Jiu said calmly: "Yes!"

I pulled it back and forth several times, a total of dozens of cars, which can't be hidden from people.

"What about the silver?"

The prince asked with a sullen face.

Brother Jiu felt baffled, looked at the prince, and said, "You don't need to worry about this!"

That was the money he "borrowed" from Khan Ama, not from the prince.

The prince's face became more and more unhappy, he looked at Kangxi and said: "Ama Khan, I'm afraid Brother Jiu was bewitched by the people around him, the prince, brother, is actually doing business..."

Kangxi's expression remained unchanged.

Although he didn't know what Brother Jiu was doing, but Qian Shengqian had other things besides buying and selling.

He was also not happy that elder brother Jiu was too focused on this matter.

But the dragon has nine sons, each of which is different.

Even when Confucius taught his disciples, they all knew how to "teach students in accordance with their aptitude".

Besides, brother Jiu just likes to make money, and doesn't eat, drink, prostitute or gamble, so it's not a big mistake.

Brother Nine's face drooped, and he looked at the prince and said, "The prince sent someone to monitor my younger brother? If there is something wrong with my younger brother, Khan Ama is still here. I'm afraid it won't be the prince's turn to discipline him!"

The prince frowned and said, "You don't have capital, so it's not wrong to pool money with your brother to do business, but it's really wrong for you to trick Khan Ama into paying money from the internal treasury!"

Brother Nine was so angry that he didn't have the patience to explain, he just said: "Why shouldn't it be? My own father and son, whether it is Khan Ama who helps me or I honor Khan Ama, it is our father and son's affection. Why is it your turn to look displeased?"

The prince glanced at Brother Nine, then looked at Kangxi and said, "Ama Khan, although outsiders dare not fool him because he is the prince of the elder brother, they must prevent others from using his name to collect money, which will cause objections at that time. , it’s not good for brother.”

When Kangxi heard this, his expression was inexplicable, and he looked at Brother Jiu, as if he wanted to listen to his explanation.

Brother Jiu was about to die of anger, looked at the prince, resisted not to jump, and said with a cold face: "I am familiar with "The Law of the Qing Dynasty", I really don't know what crime I have committed, don't worry about it." Whether you are kind, or you are afraid of wasting the 5 taels of silver, I thank you!"

Speaking of this, he looked at Kangxi and said: "You have also seen, Ama, it's not that the son is estranged from the prince, it's because he feels uncomfortable in his heart, he doesn't doubt the employer, the suspect doesn't need it, and the same is true for borrowing money. Come on, the son will not borrow it!"

When Kangxi heard this, he frowned slightly, then relaxed, looked at the crown prince and said, "Jiu elder brother's actions are all reported before the imperial court. I know you have good intentions, but don't worry too much."

The prince disagreed and said: "But elder brother, the prince, there is really no need to mix with merchants."

Kangxi listened, a little puzzled.

Brother Jiu was about to die of anger, and said with a sneer, "The Ji family is originally the imperial merchant handpicked by Khan Ama, who is in charge of purchasing flowers and stones for the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Jiangnan. After a while, it becomes a lump?"

Ji Hong, the current head of the Ji family, the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River, happened to be in Beijing a few days ago. Apart from remittance and withdrawal of money to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he also has private business, which is supplying goods to the foreign goods store of Shifu Jin.

At that time, elder brother Jiu kept people in preparation for the hot spring palace two years later, and asked Ji Hong to receive a 3 taels of banknotes to prepare the flowers and stones needed for the practice palace.

The prince looked at Brother Nine, as if he could not be taught, and did not answer him, just looked at Kangxi and said: "Ama Khan, brother is still young, it is difficult to manage the House of Internal Affairs alone, Wu Ah Brother and Eighth Brother don't have errands right now, and they can also take shifts in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the brothers also have a suggestion for each other..."

He claims to be kind, the fifth elder brother is the elder brother of the ninth elder brother, and the eighth elder brother and the ninth elder brother also grew up in childhood.

He didn't mean to squeeze Brother Jiu away, but he just warned one or two not to act so capriciously.

Brother Jiu's lungs are about to explode.

He didn't even want to enter the court at all. Isn't Anxinmao's house of internal affairs just for his own sake, so he doesn't need to look at the faces of others?

What are two more brothers on top?
He didn't bother to talk to the crown prince any more, and only said to Kangxi: "Khan Ama, the crown prince's 5 taels, the son must return it, if you don't trust the son, the 50 taels of silver, the son will also return it!"

Kangxi glared at him.

Brother Jiu looked away, his expression was very firm.

bah bah bah!
Shit "Brothers and Brothers Gong"!
A prince is a prince, never a brother!

His eyes were red with anger, and he said directly: "Ama Khan, it's time to move on the 29th, please allow me to move with my son and Elder Brother Ten!"

Kangxi heard it, and said angrily: "What are you talking about?"

Although the prince's mansion of the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother has been repaired, the ninth elder brother also mentioned in the front of the imperial court that he wanted to go out, but now and then.

Now that Mrs. Dong E is pregnant, why bother?
The elders in the palace watched, and it was convenient to order the imperial physician.

The prince's face was also ugly.

What does it mean?
As if he couldn't stand the little brother.

He endured his irritability and advised, "Ninth Brother, don't be willful!"

Brother Jiu looked at him and said, "Isn't it okay to be impatient to be stared at? Before, I was only worried about the coat-coating men, and I was afraid that I would offend them first. They looked for opportunities to play tricks, and now they have added the prince's 'care'. It's unbearable, and I'm terrified!"

The prince was also annoyed.

What do you mean?
Putting him together with the coated slave, he is so rebellious, he doesn't know how to be superior or inferior!
"Presumptuous!" The prince was not in a good temper, and immediately scolded.

Brother Nine sneered and said, "Why are you presumptuous? Can't you afford to hide? If you want me to give up my position as the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I will not let it go! This is Khan Ama's Forbidden City, Khan Ama's!" House of Internal Affairs! Prince, you are indeed a prince, but it is not your turn to be the home of the House of Internal Affairs..."

He was also so angry that he couldn't choose what to say.

"Yinzhen!" Kangxi also frowned, and scolded: "Shut up! Don't talk nonsense!"

Brother Jiu closed his mouth obediently, turned his head to the side, and didn't look at anyone, but his chest was trembling, and his teeth were "clacking"...

(End of this chapter)

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