My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 754 Knowledge

Chapter 754 Knowledge

Shu Shu listened with gusto, knowing everything about the world.

This kind of courtesy is also a science.

In fact, two things are also very important.

One is reciprocity.

I can't send you off, but you don't send me off, that's not the principle of human relationship.

No one is a fool. If you let someone take advantage of you once, you can also let you take advantage of it a second time.

Another one is to follow the crowd.

If there are too few gift lists that don’t conform to the crowd, it will be surprising, and if there are too many, it will make people feel burdened.

Just like Hangzhou weaving gifts from the Jin family before, it was [-]% more than others, which made people mutter.

At this time, she should have been quiet for a few years, waiting for everyone to forget about it, instead of jumping up and down like this.

Shouldn't there be a little girl?
Gao Yanzhong said: "The rules of our banner people are written by the unmarried sister-in-law Jin Gui. Except for the small elections of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the selection of people under the banner, unless it is to choose a servant or companion for Princesses, otherwise girls are not selected."

She wanted to struggle, but her hands and feet were bound, and two thick-shouldered women were holding her down from one left to the other...

Yin De and his wife's character and deeds are all in their eyes. In the past few years, they have treated the two siblings as if they were their own.

Zhengtai died, so he couldn't enter the blessed land of Niu Hulu's family, but he had to be buried.

Fu Bao frowned, not knowing what to say.

He looked at Shu Shu and said, "Want to go out for a walk? Probably not, the journey is in a hurry."

"On 26, I went to the tenth prince's mansion that day, but the tenth master didn't call to come forward, and asked someone to disperse him; later, he said that he was going to Guanghua Temple to accompany Zhengtai, so he arranged for a nanny to follow him, but today he broke into the princess's courtyard ..."

If you really want to let Da Gege continue to make trouble, everyone will be dragged down.

Twisted melons are not sweet.

Shu Shu thought of Princess Shuhui.

The eldest princess returned to court to worship the queen mother, so she must make a trip.

That one is the elder of the three dynasties, and he is still a young seedling.

At Zhengtai, there is no lack of education and discipline that should be there, and he has beaten him when he was naughty, and he has no scruples because he is an adopted son.

Niu Hulu's house, Yinde's mansion.

When she was in the princess house, she didn't want to lose her dignity, and followed her uncle and aunt back honestly, but she didn't let them get angry.

Da Gege is here, because she is a little girl, and she was too old when she came here, so she really can't discipline her. I didn't expect her to have such a character.

The third wife sneered: "A little girl, if you want to see it, can't you see it?"

Faka has been abolished, and except for weddings and funerals, he rarely shows up in front of the tribe.

When everyone was sitting in the living room, Yin De said in a deep voice about Da Gege's rudeness these two times.

She is not afraid of making trouble.

Zhang Tingzan listened silently.

Seeing that Yin De was still unable to make up his mind, Mrs. Dong said: "Da Gege is not close to us, and we have no way to raise him, so let's send it to Shengjing first. The property under Chint's name, those of the fourth house are for the fourth house. A few brothers, the fourth sister-in-law left the dowry for Da Gege, and when Da Gege gets married, she will directly make the dowry..."

There is no such thing as making up numbers.

He is not pedantic, but he is not used to it.

The couple brought their maid along as a precaution, but Da Gege was practical, so he didn't bother, and followed him back.

Da Gege's situation, where can he continue to toss?

If it is given to Zhengtai as a step-heir, the property can be sealed; otherwise, there must be an arrangement.

Brother Nine thought for a while, and said, "Ama Khan is going to inspect the river workers in a few days, probably next month..."

As the son of the duke of the state, he is also a concubine. After losing his father when he was young, he also supported each other to grow up.

On the contrary, she asked the new Dianyi Zhang Tingzan twice, and called Fu Song over: "This is a ready-made teacher, you have to seize the opportunity..."

Dong said with a wry smile, "I don't dare to stay..."

She wanted to call, but her mouth was stuffed with a veil.

Shu Shu also knew this truth, nodded and said: "Just don't focus on the imperial examination, with such an Imperial scholar here, the advantages of asking more advice outweigh the disadvantages."

It is also a lot of trouble to go back and forth to the imperial mausoleum, more than 500 miles, and it will take ten days.

She thought about Fu Song's matter, and said: "I guess I lived in the capital for a few days, and found out about Fu Song's marriage to Niu Hulu's family earlier."

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "No, I thought of the Eldest Princess."


He thought he was inviting them over to talk about Chint's affairs.

Others have no objection.

She didn't know what happened to Niu Hulu's family at all, and she wouldn't care too much if she knew.

When the gift box came up, Mrs. Uncle looked at the contents and said, "It doesn't look like something from the outside, it should be something made inside."

Shu Shu nodded, she had a good impression of this aunt, she was a straightforward person.

This coral is red and looks magnificent.

Yin De sighed, and said: "Third sister-in-law, fifth brother, fifth sister-in-law, I can't help it. My niece was twelve when she came over, and she is a child with ideas. This principle has also been broken and broken, but said No way!"

If it were someone else, they might give an excuse to thank elder brother Jiu and send a big gift to show their friendship, but the status of Princess Rongxian does not need to be like this.

Da Gege was locked in his own room, and he was also thinking about how to deal with it.

After a while, the third wife came over.

Fu Bao and his wife also came later.

Over the past year, it has been estranged.

It's not surprising.

After picking around, he sensed something was wrong, and asked Gao Yanzhong in private, "Master Gao, why are the mothers and daughters-in-law enlisted in the government?"

Mrs. Dong was resolute, and when she got home, she immediately asked the steward to invite people, to the third room to invite the Faka couple, and to the fifth room to invite the Fubao couple.

Niu Hulu's big heart is high-minded, and he was not from the Bahrain department at the time, so he would have other reasons to withdraw from the marriage.

Although it is the relationship between the eldest sister-in-law and the younger sister-in-law, but before the housewarming banquet, there is no personal relationship, and ordinary jewelry should be made up, not a plate of fine coral beads.

Brother Jiu said: "If you give it, take it. That's my sister. When she leaves Beijing later, prepare two gifts for her nephew and niece."

Follow Gao Yanzhong to choose the guards, the population of men and women, and even the servants.

Mrs. Uncle said: "Then accept it, make a note, and increase it when returning gifts. There is no need to take advantage of this, and it has nothing to do with them."

Although the daughters of these two families are young, there are also girls.

Yin De greeted him in person, and he was embarrassed when he saw his elder brother.

It's a pity that the other party has an old father, so he doesn't need someone to support him, otherwise, it would be the icing on the cake.

Fu Song thought for a while, and said, "I'll find time to ask for advice, so I don't want to mess up my priorities."

The husband and wife invited their brother and sister-in-law over to be a witness.

Gao Yanzhong said with a smile: "Your Excellency has also lived in the inner city for more than ten years, why are you still not used to it? Let alone the girls around Fujin, even before Fujin got married, you don't need to avoid people when you go out. You will know it when you go around the street a lot. The unmarried girl is more at ease..."

Zhang Tingzan's etiquette is very down-to-earth.

In addition to birthday noodles, birthday peaches, and clothing materials, there is also a plate of coral beads.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Mrs. Dong also understood.

Mrs. Uncle said: "This is to thank brother Jiu for the princess's courtyard?"

Princess House...

Zhang Tingzan was born in a scholarly family, and the education he received when he was a child was completely opposite to this.

But when he saw the maids in Fujin's room being treated as if they were in charge, and some who were directly released to be shopkeepers, he became confused again, and asked Gao Yanzhong in private, "Isn't it restraint?"

They don't like Da Gege, but no one is willing to be a bad guy, not because they are afraid of being hated by the little girl, but because it is unnecessary.

But such a big person, who can guard at twelve o'clock?
If I really want to go to Bahrain next time, I dare not think about the result...

Under the name of Zhengtai, there are also the four-bedroom property he shared before and the dowry of his biological mother.

The built-in objects around Princess Rongxian...

Fusong agreed.

When Yin De and his wife came back from the princess courtyard, Yin De drooped his head.

Shu Shu thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "Probably not, that's Brother Jiu's responsibility!"

Also, now that the birthday gift sent by Princess Rong Xian arrived, Shu Shu could see something was wrong.

Shu Shu mentioned the birthday gift sent by Princess Rong Xian, and said: "It's worth the expense, that string of coral beads looks really good."

When Brother Jiu came back from the House of Internal Affairs, she brought up the matter and said, "When will the Eldest Princess go to pay homage to the Empress Dowager?"

She is no longer at home.

Shu Shu raised her baby with peace of mind, received education from Mrs. Uncle's mistress, and lived a comfortable life.

Guarjia also kept silent.

Zhang Tingzan thinks this rule is very good, girls should be chaste and quiet.

The emperor chose such a person to teach the rules of the ninth elder brother, or the ninth elder brother should be the main one.

When she woke up in the morning, she knew something was wrong.

She didn't kill Chint personally, but Chint also died because of her.

When preparing for the annual ceremony next month, I can give it to the princess courtyard.

The third wife said: "It's getting colder, don't delay, if you want to send it, hurry up, don't make any other stories."

This one is not well-known in later generations, but he has a famous younger brother Zhang Tingyu.

She thought of various ways to deal with it.

Yin De looked at his elder brother, his lips trembling, unable to speak.

Gao Yanzhong saw that he didn't have the pretensions of a Hanlin scholar, he was humble and wanted to befriend him, so he suggested privately: "Your Excellency, as long as you know that this Ninth Prince's Mansion is Jiuye's Prince's Mansion, and it is also Jiufujin's Prince's Mansion, it is good that the Emperor comes Even Master Jiu may not be able to lead a horse and support a saddle; Master Qi came here, but it's like this..."

Princess Rong Xian has been around for more than ten years, and she already has a son and a daughter under her knees, but she did not bring her back to the capital this time.

Brother Jiu said: "Grandmother should go there early, and it should be the third brother's errand then."

Lao Liu is willing to caress the orphan, he can only praise him, but he never expected to caress the orphan like this.

Mostly from the princess' dowry...

Besides, everyone didn't even think about it.

Fu Bao saw that his complexion was not good-looking, and his eyes were also blue and black, so he patted his shoulder and said, "Don't be too sad."

Just irrelevant people.

Everyone has a tacit understanding on how to deal with Da Gege.

Shu Shu nodded, she thought so too.

I don't know if the emperor knows this.

Whose big boy is this?

It seems that there is some lack of family law discipline...

Happy New Year's Eve, everyone, enjoy the New Year, eat, drink and have fun, don't play with your mobile phone all the time, ^_^.

(End of this chapter)

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