My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 758 Blessing

Chapter 758 Blessing
Hearing that Shu Shu is pregnant with twins, brother Jiu's reaction is similar to Shu Shu's, and he is surprised instead of happy.

"Okay, why are there only two?"

Brother Jiu couldn't help shouting, and said anxiously: "With such a big belly, it's hard to pretend to be a child. What kind of fall will the two have? Who can bear it?"

Physician Jiang hurriedly comforted him: "This is a celebration of good deeds, as far as blessings are concerned..."

Brother Jiu held Shu Shu's arm, and didn't listen to Doctor Jiang's ramblings. He looked at her face and asked with concern, "Are you tired from sitting, and does it hurt to press your back?"

He already regretted it in his heart, and said with a stampede: "It's all my fault, I shouldn't be greedy!"

Everyone: "..."

On the other hand, Shu Shu, who has been married to him for a year and a half, somewhat understands Brother Jiu's thinking, and said with a smile: "It's just a coincidence, it's irrelevant."

After regretting it, Brother Nine became afraid and said: "Fortunately, the first group only had two clumps of bamboo dug, if there were four or five clumps..."

Shu Shu couldn't bear it anymore and gave him a sidelong glance.

Shu Shu couldn't directly talk about her uncle's sexual affairs, so she made indirect remarks.

Brother Nine has been waiting for quite a while, Princess Rong Xian has entered the palace, and is seeing you now.

If Shushu'enie hadn't taken good care of her later, after giving birth to Xiao Qi, she became a confinement child and tried her best to make up for it, what would have happened.

Shu Shu was afraid that Prince Zhuang would not succeed in seeking a child, and broke the myth of seeking a child in Hongluo Temple.

Shu Shu likes Wu Fujin's open-mindedness very much.

Shu Shu looked at Mrs. Uncle and Nanny Qi resentfully.

Those who have really experienced childbirth will treat pregnancy as normal if they can't say it.

Shu Shu pulled Wu Fujin and said: "I have to trouble sister-in-law Wu again. Today, the imperial doctor diagnosed twins, and our grandfather hurried to the palace. I'm afraid that the empress and the emperor's grandmother will be worried if they hear one or two sentences." , I just wanted to ask Mammy to go over and say hello for me."

There is some scientific explanation for this.

From September to October, A Lantai and Li Tianfu were both acquainted by Brother Jiu, and they were a few years younger than the eldest princess.

Mrs. Uncle explained from the side: "I have to go to welcome Fujin in person, but we stopped me, so I'm not happy..."

It's not about bringing someone into the palace to pay his respects, it's about hearing that she's pregnant with twins, and I'm a little worried.

Kangxi was a little surprised when he saw him pretending, and said, "Why are you here again?"

Wu Fujin said: "You're welcome, I should report it, and the elders can feel at ease."

Kangxi was really happy when he heard this, and said: "I'm sure, are they really twins?"

She sent someone to see Wu Fujin at Wubeile Mansion, mentioned this matter, and wanted to ask Wu Fujin to bring her people with her when she entered the palace tomorrow.

There is a lack of sons in the clan, but there are plenty of people.

This is the case in the first place. With their identities, it is a good thing to have a biological child. If they don't have a biological child, they have to think about it.

After the little sister-in-law spoke, Mrs. Uncle went back to Ning'an Hall first, and Nanny Qi also went back to the back room.

Brother Jiu asked curiously, "Second Sister has come out?"

Didn't you just summon me in the afternoon?

It was freezing cold in the twelfth lunar month, and it was not easy to travel. It should be back and forth before the end of November, and the departure will be at the beginning of next month at the latest.

Now there are no concubines in the harem to give birth, and there is no need for an imperial doctor who is good at gynecology to watch.

But it can also be good news.

Outside the Qianqing Palace.

Talk nonsense.

Everyone can't wait to stare at her with wide eyes, for fear that she will be tired.

It is said that the daughter Xiao's mother is not surprising. It's just that Mrs. Uncle has not experienced the pain of childbirth one after another, but she has seen it from beginning to end.

If you travel slowly, it will take ten days for a one-way trip.

Like Shushu'enie, giving birth five times in nine years is too dense.

Wu Fujin heard this, and said with a smile: "It can be seen that it is a good omen, and it happens to be here."

Are you a pig?
Four or five? !
Only then did Mrs. Uncle and Doctor Jiang realize that they were talking about bamboo.

When Wu Fujin came in, he saw Shu Shu who was full of helplessness.

Shu Shu said: "Thinking about it now, before we went to burn incense, our master was very pious and fasted for half a month..."

Wu Fujin said: "It was also in the afternoon, when it was warm outside, we went out for a walk, and now it's windy..."

Brother Jiu nodded and followed Liang Jiugong in.

It's just that Shu Shu thought of a saying that it's not easy for couples to get pregnant if they stick together, but it's easier to get pregnant with the kind of intimacy of visiting relatives.

Mrs. Uncle made a note in her mind that after the birth of this child, if she wanted to persuade Shu Shu to avoid pregnancy, she would have to raise her for two or three years before she had another child.

Kangxi was wearing a brand-new royal blue uniform, which was different from his usual clothes. The clothes were embroidered with swastika patterns, and looked more refined and looser than usual.

Wu Fujin is here for favors, and the palace still needs to make a report, so Shu Shu sent Zhou Song to the guards' office with Brother Jiu's post.

With this elder sister around, Brother Nine was much more well-behaved, and honestly greeted Kangxi and the princess.

Others don't need to pay too much attention to it, but Prince Zhuang has a high status and seniority, so after getting the news, he will definitely ask for a son.

Shu Shu remembered that she hadn't paid her respects to the palace for a long time.

If it was his own Khan Ama and his mother, he wouldn't even dare to think...

Brother Jiu calculated the date in his mind, Princess Rongxian's entry into the palace this time should be about the trip of the eldest princess.

Shu Shu is now three months pregnant, so she doesn't need to hide it from the outside world.

If Fujin made a mistake, he felt that his life would be meaningless.

Brother Nine said: "My son has come to announce the good news to Khan Ama. Today, Imperial Physician Jiang went to ask for his son Fujin's pulse, and it was diagnosed as twins!"

These are three precious bumps, no matter how expensive they are, they should be.

Perhaps the scariest thing in this world is the unknown.

Why are twins precious?
That's because many women who are pregnant with twins can't give birth to twins, or both mother and child die, or they barely give birth, and only one can stand.

Brother Jiu couldn't wait, seeing that Shu Shu was fine, he immediately went to the palace.

Prince Zhuang is a few years older than Kangxi, and he is already fifty this year. He has been begging for a son for more than 30 years. The concubines in the mansion are all based on the appearance of men, but they have only added two concubines over the years.

In that case, not only is it not a good omen, but it is also a pity.

Fortunately, the unfamiliar relatives are getting old...

Wu Fujin also showed disapproval, looked at Shu Shu and said, "It's not easy at this time, don't say I'm not a foreigner, even if it's a stranger, I don't need you to greet me."

"What's going on here?"

However, in the imperial family of the Qing Dynasty, there is only one case of twins so far, which happened in Prince An's Mansion. It was Prince Anhe and the third Fujin Hesheli family who gave birth to dragon and phoenix twins in the ninth year of Kangxi, that is, the eighteenth son Yunduan and the nineteenth daughter. County Lord.

Seeing Brother Jiu come in, Princess Rong Xian nodded.

Shu Shubai was bored, and when she heard that Wu Fujin was coming, she was overjoyed, so she wanted to come out to welcome her, but was persuaded by everyone.

He was in a daze when Liang Jiugong came out and said, "Master Jiu, the emperor's upload..."

In the royal family of the former dynasty, the joy of twins is often recorded in the records.

Brother Nine felt depressed, but also felt a little happy.

Wu Fujin asked with concern.

Shu Shu said with a smile: "I also want to breathe, I can't be bored in the room all day."

No matter how kind the empress dowager is, the fifth elder brother is still the one who loves him most. He will not sit back and watch the fifth beile mansion have no sons.

After hearing this, Shu Shu hurriedly said: "If the spirit is not effective, it must be divided into others. Prince Zhuang Xu is suitable for a daughter."

Why didn't he see anyone?
Liang Jiugong said: "The second princess is still there."

When Wu Fujin got the news, he didn't delay and came over in person.

Neither of these two elders had experienced childbirth, so it was a big deal.

Before her birthday, both the Queen Mother and Concubine Yi sent people out. She thought about entering the palace for three months to thank her.

Shu Shu turned into a state of just finding out she was pregnant again, and was treated like a baby.

Now that she has found twins, she can only raise them more carefully. It is not good to follow her sister-in-law into the palace to pay her respects, otherwise the elders will worry about her.

Actually not.

Sometimes no one makes things difficult, but you make things difficult for yourself...

Ninth elder brother said happily: "Thank you Khan Ama, the son is relieved, otherwise he is really worried."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "It's indeed twins. My son has no idea. Apart from coming to announce the good news, he also wants to ask Han Ama for an order. Before his son Fujin gives birth, he wants to keep Imperial Physician Jiang at the house overnight."

Mrs. Uncle thought about it and then transplanted several clumps. If it should be planted on the offspring, it would really be flourishing.

Wu Fujin smiled peacefully, patted Shu Shu's hand, and said: "In this world, the fate of children is hard to tell. Some come early and some come late. It is a good thing for me to have Hongsheng in our mansion..."

The eldest princess wants to go to the imperial mausoleum, and the round trip is six hundred miles.

Princess Rong Xian was listening, and seeing that elder brother Jiu was worried, she comforted her: "My brother and sister are born in the general family, and they look strong. I appointed mother and child to be safe, so brother Jiu doesn't have to worry."

After hearing this, Kangxi also showed solemnity, and said: "You should be more careful. Besides Doctor Jiang, you can choose another person to go to the Prince's Mansion for a shift."

If there is no Hongsheng, she has not moved for three years, so I don't know how many gege will be bestowed later.

Princess Rong Xian gave the chair, she was leaning sideways, the father and daughter were talking.

Tomorrow is October 25, the day when Prince Fujin enters the palace to pay their respects.

Apart from announcing the good news, I just asked for a decree, wanting to keep Imperial Physician Jiang on duty at the Prince's Mansion, instead of asking for a safe pulse twice every ten days like now.

Seeing Wu Fujin's sincere concern, Shu Shu was more considerate of her situation, and said in a low voice, "Our master is afraid at first, but fortunately, the bamboos removed from Hongluo Temple are two clumps, otherwise something big will happen, it's just a coincidence Who would have thought it would be twins..."

Since ancient times, there has been no shortage of twins in the royal family, and it is called the accumulation of goodness, which is the "auspiciousness of twin births".

Wu Fujin comprehended, Xia Fei's cheeks changed, and he said: "I really have to go to Hongluo Temple quickly, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to grab this bamboo..."

Brother Nine sighed and said: "My younger brother also knows this truth, but he cares about it, so he can't rest assured until Fujin gives birth safely!"

Speaking of this, he complained in a tone, "They are all unfilial sons, why don't you come one by one?"

Kangxi glanced at him, seeing that he didn't just get cheap and act good, but he really thought so, and he was speechless.

Worrying and worrying all day long.

Dong E's biological mother was in her [-]s, but mother and child are safe. Dong E is so young and can draw ten bows, so what is there to worry about?
(End of this chapter)

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