The capital, the Ninth Prince's Mansion, the main house.

Shu Shu is drawing the "Nine Nine Cold Dispelling Picture", holding her own rouge, and filling the plum blossoms with color.

It is already the third day of "April [-]th", and tomorrow will be the twelfth lunar month, and Brother Jiu has not returned to Beijing yet.

According to what brother Jiu said before departure, he should arrive in Beijing by the end of the month at the latest.

Shu Shu was a little worried.

Afraid of getting sick outside, but also afraid of other reasons.

When Brother Jiu was here before, she disliked Brother Jiu's clinginess; but after half a month of separation, she really thought about it.

Xiao Chun came in through the curtain, and said joyfully, "Fu Jin, Sun Jin is back!"

Those who serve around them are the most able to perceive Shu Shu's emotional changes.

Seeing that Shu Shu lost her energy and was depressed all day long, they all followed her in suspense.

Just three more days.

The husband and wife reunited after a little farewell, looking at each other with smiles on their faces.

This experience is enough.

"Didn't you bring a lot of food? There are several kinds that can be used as a midnight snack. Why are you still thin?" She said with a bit of distress.

Although in the eyes of the world, it is as normal for a woman to marry and have children as to eat and drink, and it is different to not marry or give birth, but she still misses the future generations.

Great results.

The third elder brother was more concerned about this, and said: "The belly is also big, so don't go to the ground easily, try to raise it to full term..."

The fat is supplemented with sesame and butter, which can moisten the intestines and supplement calcium.

Shu Shu nodded and said: "I regret it too. It's too hard to go out in this cold winter. Fortunately, I'm fine."

She still has some regrets.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "It should be the year after year, and this is still supported by the 'Yan Shou Pill', otherwise, the road will not be able to survive."

Brother Nine followed Eldest Brother and Third Elder Brother to send the Eldest Princess and Princess Rongxian to the Princess Courtyard, then bid farewell to the two elder brothers, and couldn't wait to return to the Prince's Mansion.

The Ninth Prince's Mansion, the main house.

All her clothes were replaced with new, loose coats.

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "Quick pass!"

When she was tortured and uncomfortable because of her pregnancy, she also had dark thoughts.

Seeing this, Sanfujin was overwhelmed with embarrassment.

The third elder brother's eyes lit up all of a sudden, he got up from his buttocks before, and sat back again, puzzled: "Why is there still a member of the old five family, isn't that a bastard?"

After receiving the letter, Shu Shu felt at ease: "Thank you for your hard work, go back and have a good rest. If you hurry at this time, it's your fault."

cross out...

Sanfujin also had similar plans, and was also worried that if she accidentally gave birth early, she would not be able to clear away the suspicion.

Unjustly dead.

"Well, I know, the imperial doctor said it was in the first month..."

"Because of the eldest princess, I walked slowly when I came back. I only traveled [-] miles a day, and I had a two-day rest in the middle. I guess I won't be able to arrive in Beijing until the fourth day of the twelfth lunar month. I was afraid that Fujin would miss it, so I sent my servants to come back first to say something." ..."

Xiao Song said: "Fu Jin, this servant will massage your legs for you..."

Brother Jiu couldn't say a word, and said: "It was okay when I went, and I was in a hurry to hurry. The delicious food didn't show much, so I just gave out a few jars of tea; when I came back, I walked slowly, and Ama Khan was idle, so I gave all my things to you. Confiscated..."

I haven't washed my hair for a few days, it's shiny and oily, and the sweet-scented osmanthus oil smells so bad.

Seeing Shu Shu, she smiled wryly.

I always feel that it is enough to be responsible for myself, and I don’t want to be responsible so much.

The cycle is too long.

The words were not speculative, and the elder brother was too lazy to listen to him, and said: "Go back, it's getting late..."

If she is still in the later life, she should not be married or have children to keep her safe.

Xiao Chun agreed.

Seeing that San Elder Brother was about to leave, San Fujin told about Hong Qing's study in Shang's study.

The third elder brother disapproved: "You have to stand up, and you have to be Ama's person."

Full-term children can still be distinguished from pre-term children.

In Shu Shu's day and night longing, it finally came to the fourth day of the twelfth lunar month, and Sheng Jia returned to the palace.

She is also in awe.

Husband travels thousands of miles and wife worries...

Zhenghongqi, Sanbeile Mansion, Shangfang.

Shu Shu looked at Walnut again and said, "Order the kitchen to order a lamb on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, and make it up for the master."

A four-month-old baby should already be as long as a palm.

Shu Shu was worried, and asked, "Is the Eldest Princess in a bad situation?"

It's almost eight months now, so we need to be careful with it.

San Fujin heard the gossip outside, and San Age naturally knew something about it.

Even if he took a detour back to the city, the distance was less than four hundred miles, and he walked for more than ten days.

There are still some unspeakable changes in my body, and I have gone to the clean room more times...

She sighed and touched her belly lightly.

Sanfujin also felt puzzled, and said: "Who knows, the ninth elder brother sent the people around him to say that he will enroll at the beginning of next year, there are Hong Yu from the elder brother's family, our Hong Qing, and the fifth elder brother's house." Go up to Hongsheng, and enlightenment with the sixteenth brother and the second brother of Yuqing Palace..."

Shu Shu nodded, now she doesn't move much, her body is rusted.

Xiaochun agreed, went out and brought Sun Jin in.

Komatsu was left in the house.

Do you want to tell him that this is the powerful power of the "beef diet"? !
These days, beef is plentiful, so Shu Shu adjusted her diet structure, mainly beef and eggs, supplemented by green vegetables, rice noodles were replaced by miscellaneous grains, and the quantity was reduced.

As for Mrs. Uncle, after Shu Shu stayed for two days, she stopped staying.

Xiao Song hesitated for a moment, and said: "After Fujin gave birth this time, let's not give birth first, it looks like he has suffered a lot..."

There was a push in the stomach on the left side, and I don't know if it was the child's little hands or feet that were moving.

The third elder brother shook his head and talked to the eldest elder brother: "Look at Lao Jiu's worthless appearance. He has been married for two years and is still an old married couple. He is still sticky. Fujin can't get used to it."

In the evening, Xiaochun and Walnut took turns on duty.

After talking about this, Brother Nine looked at Shu Shu a few times, and with dissatisfaction, he asked Shu Shu: "Master is running around outside, can't eat well and sleep well, and if you lose weight, you will lose weight. You are doing well at home, how can you not?" Thin?"

Sun Jin didn't hesitate, and directly explained the reason.

San elder brother's eyes fell on San Fujin's head, with a look of disgust on his face.

She had caught a cold a few days ago and had symptoms of a cold, so she didn't dare to take a bath and wash her hair.

After all, it was an elderly person, Shu Shu didn't dare to torment her anymore, so she slept separately.

She said: "The annual gift hasn't been delivered yet, I'm thinking about starting to give it when the master comes back, then let's add some to the eldest princess, and add some side dishes."

Walnut also went down to order.

After hearing this, Shu Shu couldn't help frowning, and said: "How can the emperor do this? I have prepared several copies for the Lord, and I have more to spare. I think there are still two younger brothers, the thirteenth brother and the fourteenth brother. If it is confiscated, it will also be kept as the general's share!"

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "Well, it's more or less a wish."

He didn't want to bear this reputation, and he didn't like this child very much, thinking it was inappropriate to come.

This is the high-protein, high-fat, low-carb diet.

She asked Xiao Chun to make a support belt, but she felt tired even when she was standing, and she felt flustered when she was sitting, and she lay on her side most of the time.

"What did the imperial doctor say? When is the due date?"

It would be great if there were two elder brothers, in that case, she wanted to seal her stomach.

Shu Shu thought about the food he had prepared for Brother Jiu before, including lotus root powder, black sesame paste, fried noodles with butter, walnut and red date powder, milk powder, instant millet porridge, instant rice porridge, meat floss and several seasoned vegetable and fruit granules, indeed It is more suitable for the taste of the elderly.

Because she found Mrs. Uncle settled here, she didn't sleep well, always thinking about herself, always waking up in the middle of the night.

She never felt that there was anything wrong with being a woman, and she never wanted to be a man to make achievements, but this time she was pregnant, she didn't want to be a woman anymore.

Shu Shu lowered her head and looked at her belly. It was four months old, and because of the twins, it looked like it was five or six months old.

Shu Shu looked at Brother Jiu, because he was in the car, his face was still fair, but he had lost a lot of weight, and his chin was pointed.

She doesn't have to worry about the baby in her belly being too big, and she doesn't have to worry about growing her appetite and developing a fat-prone physique.


San Age looked at San Fujin's stomach, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Sun Jin went down.

She looked at Xiaochun and said, "Every family's annual ceremony has been prepared in the past few days, and when the master comes back, he will send someone to deliver it."

The eldest elder brother glanced at the third elder brother, and said: "Let's not get involved in the matter of the young couple, as long as he likes it."

Although there is an old saying in Beijing that "it's hot at three volts and cold at three nines", but in fact "four nines" is also cold, and sometimes the temperature is lower than "three nines".

Shu Shu nodded and said, "Well, it will definitely take a few years..."

It scares people to death.

Xiao Song was standing on the edge of the kang, pressing it carefully.

In Shu Shu's current condition, there are people around at twelve o'clock.

At that time, the "washing three" and "full moon wine" will clear up the suspicion of the couple.

Brother Jiu looked a bit complicated, and said: "It's not all due to Han Ama, the ones you prepared for the master are all stomach nourishing, easy to restrain, and the Eldest Princess is also suitable for use."

As she rubbed, her eyes fell on Shu Shu's stomach, with awe in her eyes.

Shu Shu looked at Brother Nine and didn't know what to say for a while.

Whether it's the little brother or the little princess, just be good, she is worried that she will become a "tiger mother" because she is impatient.

Brother Jiu thought she was shy and distressed, regretted it, took Shu Shu's hand, and said guiltily: "I regret it, it's time to resign, and it's not now that I want to behave in front of Khan Ama!"

Shu Shu looked at the hanging "Nine Nine Cold Dispelling Picture" with joy on his face.

Both she and Xiaotang are afraid of childbirth, but they also know how to restrain themselves and try not to show it in front of Shu Shu.

But because of pregnancy, massage is not possible in many places, so I can only massage the legs and arms.

The third elder brother was surprised, and said: "Then how did you pull Hong Hui from the fourth family?"

San Fujin shook his head and said: "I haven't fallen, I asked at the time, and said that the emperor also ordered Honghui and Seventh Brother to go to the eldest brother's house, and let them enroll in the next year!"

The third elder brother had excitement in his eyes, and said: "Khan Ama is kind, it is because we are reluctant to separate our households, so we gave grace to the emperor's grandchildren..."

In this way, there is no need to worry that the imperial father only loves the elder grandson of Yuqing Palace...

The next update will be at 1:28 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

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