Cao Gege has been accompanying the princess to read, educated in the palace, and Naersu also wants to educate the inner court...

When future generations look at this period of history, they just find it incredible.

"The two daughters are both princesses"...

Now Shu Shu felt that it was logical.

Cao Gege was raised in the inner court, the daughter of a confidant.

Naersu is also raised in the inner court, the young king of the clan.

It may not be Kangxi's marriage.

Because according to the current Eight Banners' rules of marriage, the emperor only marry the prince with the closest clan.

The imperial clan under the emperor's grandfather is the close branch.

That range is the descendants of Taizong.

Narsu is not included.

This marriage is more like asking for a finger marriage from the Prince's Mansion of Pingjun.

As for this candidate, it seems that they chose it themselves.

Otherwise, if Kangxi refers to marriage, there are so many high-ranking and noble girls who go to Sanqi, and they won't point to a wrapped girl in the past, and keep such talk.

Just like Concubine Yi's niece, Concubine Yi was also promoted and married into the general's mansion or the idle clan.

That's a respectable affair, too.

Cao Yin here, no matter how decent it is, if the eldest daughter points to a Duke or Beizi, she is still Long En, so it is not worth pointing to a county king.

All the mistresses of Pingjun Prince's Mansion were the daughters of princes and nobles, and the stepwives with the lowest status were all from the uncle's mansion.

Brother Jiu started to feel sorry for Yin Zi after a few gossips.

"How many purses have you prepared?"

Brother Jiu gritted his teeth.

Shu Shu laughed and said, "It's divided into several classes, quite a few..."

Brother Jiu touched his forehead and said angrily, "It's a shame!"

This is about tomorrow's New Year's greeting purse.

Early tomorrow morning, the princes will all enter the palace, and follow the emperor to the Ningshou Palace to pay New Year's greetings to the Queen Mother.

When Brother Jiu comes back from the palace, he will also go to pay New Year's greetings, and then he will have to wait for his nephews and nieces to come to pay New Year's greetings.

It's cold in the first month, and children who are too young don't move. They have to be four or five years old before they come to my uncle's house to pay New Year's greetings.

Shu Shu estimated that there are mainly two groups of guests who will come to pay New Year's greetings tomorrow, one group is the young guests at her housewarming banquet, and the other is the staff members of the Prince's Mansion.

However, the five sisters and brothers at the Prince's Mansion in Zhijun did not go out.

The New Year's greeting package over there was brought directly by Brother Jiu to Big Brother.

"My little elder brother is born next year, and it will take four or five years before I can go out to pay New Year's greetings. I have lost so many years..."

Brother Nine gritted his teeth and said, "Master, I have to think of a way, to make up for it..."

Shu Shu looked at him and said, "Don't think about having more children!"

Even if she wanted to give birth, their mansion was no match for other mansions.

In the nearby mansion, wives and concubines are born in turn, and the number must be dominant.

Brother Nine had a smirk, and said, "Don't worry, I won't let you have a baby, I will ask Khan Ama to make up for it later!"

Shu Shu thinks of Kangxi, he is not considered generous. In the past, every time Brother Jiu raised money, he had to share it, so he said: "It's easy to be filial, it's just from the heart; it's not easy to deduct money, there are so many princes, your majesty It's always about the same..."

Just like rewarding silver, each batch is rewarded batch by batch.

A single reward is too eye-catching.

Brother Nine winked and said, "Le Fengming has a prescription that should be popularized in Mongolia..."

Everyone in the House of Internal Affairs knows that now the emperor loves his concubine the most.

The number of flops was the most, two or three times in a ten-day period, pulling away Zhang Concubine and Wang Guiren.

There are also many rewards, second only to Concubine Yi and Concubine Hui.

Brother Jiu felt that the emperor's father might also want to make up for it.

This promotional recipe is filial piety, and it is archived in the imperial pharmacy. If it is not used, it will not do his business.

Shu Shu looked at him with a dangerous smile.

Since it is to make money from the Mongolian princes, the best-selling medicine is, in the final analysis, one kind.

Men love it.

I am inconvenient now, but Brother Nine has stocked up on such medicines...

"How do you know if it's suitable or not? There's no basis for what you say, so you have to 'test the prescription'?"

Shu Shu smiled softly.

Brother Jiu felt that he heard the sound of teeth grinding, so he coughed lightly, and said, "Is the master that reckless person? I have already asked someone to try it, and it is not anyone else, but Lao Shi, Erhe and Fuqing. , all said it was good..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth, and said, "Is this all right? Why are you so embarrassed?"

Whether it's between the brothers, or the master-slave relationship, it's all well-behaved when talking in front of people, so it's not easy to talk about these private things after people, right?
They haven't reached the age of talking about the bed, have they?

Brother Jiu said disapprovingly, "They're all men, not someone else, what's there to be embarrassed about?"

Shu Shu not only felt awkward, but also felt inappropriate.

Because these three people are too young.

The oldest is in his twenties, and the youngest in his seventeenth year. He is an age full of energy. He doesn't need any icing on the cake at all. He just wants to be a perpetual motion machine.

Even if Brother Jiu said that the medicine works well, it may not really be a problem with the medicine's efficacy.

Perhaps more, just psychological reasons.

Also, when a young man of this age wants to save face, if there is something wrong with him, he should be too embarrassed to admit it to brother Jiu.

The effect of the "proven prescription" is not objective enough.

Shu Shu said: "The princes who like to buy medicine are mostly old. Shouldn't the Lord change a group of people to 'test the medicine'?"

Brother Jiu got up and went to the study room, took out the brochure, and said: "We want to go together, the second time I found a few older people, Gao Yanzhong, Zhang Tingzan and Le Fengming are all over forty... ..."

Speaking of this, he still snickered, and said: "My lord is restrained, otherwise, I really want to show respect to my teacher, but I'm worried that next year there will be another little brother, so just think about it; and Mr. Zhang Yingzhang is also a man who is old and strong. He is over half a century old, and he even managed a young son to come out..."

Shu Shu had also heard about this incident. When Jue Luo Shi was pregnant last year, someone mentioned that Mrs. Zhang.

The eldest son is in his early thirties and has a younger brother.

It is not uncommon for half-brothers to be more than 30 years apart, but it is indeed news that brothers of the same father are more than 30 years apart.

As for Ma Qi, Brother Jiu is not the one who dares to provoke him.

This is the mouth hero.

If brother Jiu really dared to do this, then the homework when he came back would not be as simple as copying the "Book of Filial Piety" a hundred times or writing three notes in the "Book of Rites".

Gao Yanzhong is a confidant of Brother Nine, Le Fengming is a doctor, it's okay for the two of them to "test prescriptions", Zhang Tingzan is a disciple of Confucianism, so he probably isn't used to mentioning these things.

Zhang Tingzan is a "Ci minister", and he is also a great talent in "poetry, calligraphy, painting, and literature" that can be counted in the Imperial Academy.

Shu Shu persuaded: "Master Zhang, please be more respectful. After all, he is a bachelor. He has read a lot, so maybe he doesn't like to mention this affair..."

Brother Nine shook his head and said: "Then you have misread the person. Zhang Tingzan not only readily agreed, but also asked about 'Yanzi Pill'. My master took two bottles from the Imperial Hospital and asked him to use them for comparison..."

Shu Shu: "..."

I feel that I can't look directly at this Xueshi Zhang...

Seeing her strange expression, Brother Jiu was afraid she might misunderstand, and said, "However, it's understandable. Although Zhang Tingzan's eldest son and second son are all adults, but he himself is an old man and young wife. His second wife has not had children for many years, so it should be the same. I want to ask for a child..."

Shu Shu let out a "bah" in her heart, this is a literati, Dun Lun never mentions selfish desires, and always mentions "for the sake of heirs" on a high level.

But looking at it from another angle, Zhang Tingzan is also a kind person. Otherwise, if he has children and grandchildren, why would he care about his children?

This is for the retirement of my step-wife...

In terms of etiquette, stepsons are also sons, but they are different from biological children.

It is said to "keep the year old", but Shu Shu can't stay up late at the moment.

The couple were gossiping, and they stopped at the end of the day.

It was just because Brother Jiu had to get up early to enter the palace, the couple didn't sleep well.

Guessing Yinzheng, brother Jiu got up.

Shu Shu also wanted to sit up, but Brother Nine stopped her and said, "I don't want to eat breakfast anymore, I'll bring two packs of pastry mats, and I'll eat them when I come back."

Shu Shudao: "Don't you want to go to Prince Zhuang's Mansion, Prince Yu's Mansion, and Prince Gong's Mansion to pay New Year's greetings?"

Brother Jiu said: "Only Prince Zhuang's mansion, Uncle Wang and Uncle Wang will also pay New Year greetings to the emperor's grandmother tomorrow morning, let's see elder brother and them, if the palace directly pays homage to them, there is no need to bother, if you still go, it should be called a turn..."

Shu Shu said: "Then bring a few more purses, Prince Gong's mansion has a grandson..."

That's my nephew, and I will give a red envelope for the New Year when I see him.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "It's enough to reduce the red envelope, don't be too cheap, we are just trying to save face with the uncle's mansion."

There was no contact before, but now there is less contact, and when entering the flag in the future, they should not be next to each other.

Shu Shu nodded, called Walnut and took a few purses for Brother Jiu to prepare.

"The bright red ones are first class, two pairs of Jin Ruyi, four taels of gold, you can give to the twelve younger brothers; the second class of pomegranate red, one pair of Jin Ruyi, two taels of gold, you can give to the elder brother outside; the magenta ones Third class, a pair of hollow golden peanuts, a tael of gold, you can give them as rewards..."

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu, frowned and said, "It's all gold? This is too prodigal!"

Shu Shu: "There are also some royal blue purses, which contain a pair of two taels of silver ingots. This is for rewarding the boss..."

Brother Nine was talking about losing money, but he still asked He Yuzhu and Sun Jin to pretend.

Who is called New Year...

Enjoying the Chinese New Year package to go out is also to let everyone follow the joy.

Anyway, he is not short of money!

Prepared for Liang Jiugong and Wei Zhu, Brother Jiu put it on himself.

He didn't mean to spy on the imperial court, if that was the case, Khan Ama would not allow him to make friends with Liang Jiugong and Wei Zhu.

There is indeed some affection, and more of a good relationship.

Although speaking of far and near, the relationship between father and son sounds deeper than that between master and servant.

But that's just talking.

Those who accompanied the emperor the most were not the princes, but the eunuchs who were close to him.

"Pillow wind" is strong, and this "ear wind" is also strong.

Brother Nine felt that he was too smart.

He had a long history of friendship with Wei Zhu, and it was not a day or two since he respected Liang Jiugong.

In this way, it is very common for him to continue to maintain this relationship, and the emperor is used to it.

Try someone else?
Brother Jiu feels that outsiders think that he has no scheming, but his appearance has deceived them, and he is actually an "insider" person...

The next update will be at 2:8 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

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