Chapter 863 We Divide Each Other

Kangxi said with a wider smile on his face.

Twins have been a good omen since ancient times.

Although there is no record of twins in the imperial family of the Ming Dynasty, there are many cases of twins in the feudal domain.

In the years since the founding of the Qing Dynasty, there was only one case, which came from Prince An's Mansion.

It can be said that it is a great auspicious omen that the three lives directly belong to the royal family.

Naturally, he was looking forward to the consummation of the matter, which must be recorded in the record.

He pondered and said: "Since God blesses Daqing, Daqing also blesses these three sons. The elder brother's nickname is 'Fengsheng', the second elder brother's nickname is 'Akdan', and the elder brother's nickname is 'Ni'. Solid Pearl "..."

The three nicknames are all Manchu.

Prosperity, Fulu, and well-being.

Akdan is someone who can rely on.

Niguzhu is sixty. This is the name of the sixtieth birthday of the Empress Dowager this year.

Brother Jiu was dumbfounded, not knowing whether to thank him or to refute.

what's up?
The emperor's grandson's first name is Khan Ama, so is his nickname also Khan Ama?
So they have chosen for nothing in the past six months of being parents?

Just as he was about to retort, Elder Brother Ten had already urged him: "Brother Nine hurry up and thank you, this is Amah Khan's kindness, and she protects her grandchildren. With the name given by Ama Khan, my nephews and nieces must be strong. "

Brother Nine thought of the second son he had just met, like a little mouse, he looked so hard to hug, he really needed some protection.

He stood up, looked at Kangxi with gratitude, and said, "My son is on behalf of my little elder brother, little Gege Xiehan Ama Longen..."

Kangxi waved his hand and looked at the sky outside.

Although the days are getting longer now, it is indeed getting late, it is already the beginning of the unitary year, and the sky is already a bit dark.

It's time to go back to the palace.

Kangxi got up, and said to Brother Nine: "You just stay in the mansion, you should take care of yourself, don't let you Fujin worry about it, today's matter is fortunately complete, but if there is a mistake, it's too late for you to regret it ..."

Brother Jiu listened with his hands down, his face full of shame, and he said: "Son, I don't dare anymore. The son is the pillar of the family, and also the backbone of their mother and child. I will take it seriously."

Kangxi nodded, very satisfied with his attitude.

Forget it, I'm still young, I'll learn a lot from a pit, so take your time.

The fourth elder brother, the fifth elder brother and the tenth elder brother looked at each other in blank dismay, and they all left room for these words.

Ever since elder brother Jiu got married, he seemed to have said similar things, but it's fine if something happens, but if something happens, he still can't stand up.

The fourth elder brother frowned, he was too squeamish, so he lost his tenacity, and he was crying, not like a man.

The fifth elder brother thinks that there is no need to bother, as long as the younger siblings are reliable, this younger brother can just make do.

When I got to Elder Brother Ten, I wasn't too worried, since he was still there anyway.

He was too late to know about Shi Gui's matter last time.

If he knew that at that time, seeing that Shi Gui didn't come to make amends, he should have brought someone to deal with that old servant.

In the future, what Brother Jiu couldn't think of, he just thought of it.

Qi Xi looked at Brother Jiu, his teeth itching.

This time, he frightened him away; another time, he will encourage his daughter to "leave the father and keep the son"...

In the back cover room, slightly to the east.

Shu Shu has been carried here from the delivery room.

She was already very tired, but she didn't rush to sleep. Instead, she asked someone to bring her elder brother and elder brother over, and fed her colostrum one by one before she felt relieved.

Eccentricity is eccentricity, but it is not hard-hearted.

These two look better, compared to the second elder brother.

It's not even a month yet.

Seeing this, Nanny Qi hesitated, and looked at Jueluo.

If Shu Shu insisted on feeding a few children by herself, she would definitely have to drink milk-promoting soup instead of medicine to nourish her body.

Even so, it may not be enough for three children to drink.

Jue Luoshi was decisive, and said: "Order the dining room to stew the soup, and the milk-promoting soup is prepared..."

Ten days and a half months, just ten days and a half months.

Feed first, let's talk when there is not enough food.

If the adult delays half a month to recuperate the body, nothing serious will happen. If these few little foundations are not good, then you will really have to worry about it for the rest of your life.


Nanny Qi complied and went down to give orders.

Shu Shu has already fallen asleep.

After tossing for a long time, she was also very tired.

Now that she has given birth to three children, she is a little proud, and the rest is fear.

When she was awake before, she seemed to have blurred the pain of childbirth, and automatically blocked the tension and pain of those two hours.

Now that she was fast asleep, she showed weakness, her mouth mumbled, and said: "It won't give birth..."

Brother Nine had already seen off the guests and came back, sitting on the edge of the kang and watching Shu Shu.

Hearing Shu Shu's inaccurate words, he lowered his head and leaned into Shu Shu's ear.

When he heard it clearly, he hurriedly took Shu Shu's hand, with lingering fear in his heart, he said softly: "Okay, okay, no more..."

Jue Luoshi stood at the door, looked straight, his expression relaxed a little, and then he coughed lightly.

Ninth elder brother raised his eyebrows and stared at him immediately.

When he saw Jue Luo Shi, he froze, stood up embarrassingly, gently put down Shu Shu's hand, tucked her in the quilt, and went out for a while.

"mother in law……"

Brother Jiu whispered.

He was a little scared, afraid that his mother-in-law would kick him out.

Jue Luoshi was also afraid of disturbing Shu Shu, so he only spoke when he reached the main room, and said: "Brother, little Gege and little brother are not full-term, Fujin also needs to recuperate, 'washing three', 'full moon', 'hundred days', etc. Forget it, otherwise adults and children will not stop at that time..."

Banner people have many rituals, and the newborn ceremony is also an important part of the ritual of human affection.

This time, Shu Shu hurt her vitality. If she directly started to recuperate her body, Shuangyuezi would be about the same. After all, she is young and her body is still healthy.

But if breastfeeding the children, it will be delayed for half a month, and the days of recuperation will also be extended.

Let's talk about the younger ones, the eldest brother and the eldest brother are fine, but the second elder brother has to be nurtured carefully for several months.

In Brother Jiu's heart, his wife's body is naturally the most important thing, and everything else is secondary.

He nodded hurriedly and said: "Okay, my son-in-law will send people to various prefectures to announce the good news tomorrow, and tell relatives and friends that we will serve wine next year during the 'Catch the Week'..."

Jue Luo hesitated and said: "There is no need to mention Fujin's body, or the body of Little Gege or Little Elder Brother..."

She was afraid that outsiders would speculate that the mother and son were not in good health, which sounded unlucky.

I'm also afraid that there will be too many people talking about it, like a curse.


Brother Jiu also agreed.

He also meant it.

Since he doesn't plan to be born again, he can only continue to recuperate for the sake of a better life.

Otherwise, if Khan Ama gave two beautiful girls from the Ministry of Internal Affairs on a whim, then this day will be impossible...

Four Baylor Mansion, the upper room.

"Oh my god... this one gave birth, and three more?"

No one reported Sifu Jin's inner house, so naturally he didn't know about the Prince's Mansion.

Now that she heard what the fourth elder brother said, she was surprised instead of happy, took a deep breath, and said: "No wonder the belly of the ninth sibling is horribly big, at six months it is as big as a full-term child..."

She was worried, and said: "Then how are the nine younger brothers and sisters doing now? This is a serious crime!"

The fourth elder brother thought for a while, it seemed that everyone didn't bother to ask Dong E's before.

Only elder brother Jiu came over and mentioned something to Qi Xi, talking about Jiu Fujin's situation.

"Ninth brother said that the imperial doctor has seen it, and that the ninth brother and sister are all fine..." the fourth elder brother said.


Si Fujin couldn't help clasping his hands together, and said: "It's really frightening to death. Blessed by the Buddha, she is also the daughter of a brother and sister general, and her health is better than ordinary people. If it is someone else, I am afraid that this test will be sad..."

The fourth elder brother remembered what the imperial physician said in front of the imperial court.

Fortunately, it started early. If the children continue to grow in the womb, the adults will not be able to bear it, and the children will be in danger.

Even if it is born at that time, the child may have brain disease.

Although Jiufu Jin was born prematurely today, it was a blessing in disguise, otherwise, it would be really dangerous.

The fourth elder brother let out a long breath and couldn't tell what it was like.

There is resentment, Prince Zhuang's arrogance.

There is also envy, the envy of the sticky energy of the Jiu elder brother and his wife.

The reason why Jiufujin moved her fetus was because she cared about Brother Jiu.

Looking at brother Jiu's mouth full of blisters, his worries about Fujin are real.

The fourth elder brother took a look at Si Fujin's stomach, and really wanted to ask, if something happened to her, would she be worried about giving birth prematurely?

Or calmly, only focusing on the fetus in the womb?

Si Fujin followed her gaze, landed on his stomach, and said with a smile: "The September in my stomach has landed, but I have grown up in the same class as the old Jiu's family..."

Speaking of this, she thought of Wu Fujin's side, and said: "There is also the fifth elder brother's side..."

After hearing this, the fourth elder brother softened his face.

Yes, the younger brothers of the next generation will also grow up class to class...

Ten Prince's Mansion.

Shi Fujin was carrying a child's clothes the size of a palm, smiling broadly.

Seeing this, Elder Brother Ten said, "Brother's clothes? What are you doing with them?"

Shi Fujin pointed to the marks on it, and said: "Little Elder Brother, Little Ge Ge urinated, and they were pressed under the pillow, maybe they are about to get upper body..."

Elder Brother Ten took a look at her and said, "Don't worry, wait until the little brothers are one year old, and then bring the eldest brother over, and the younger brother will come later..."

He asked the imperial physician in private, if the ten blessings are too plump, it will also affect the fertility, so they should be treated.

Shi Fujin's eyes brightened, and he said, "Can you carry me here?"

Elder Brother Ten nodded and said, "Why not? Look, Brother Ninth had been talking about his daughters and daughters before, and this time he was appointed to spoil Da Gege, and Sister-in-law Nine had to take care of the frail Second Elder Brother. Big Brother Father doesn't love him, mother doesn't love him, it happens that we are uncles and aunts who love him..."

Shi Fujin's heart was moved by his assignment.

She thought about the appearance of several children, and described to the tenth elder brother: "The second elder brother is a bit embarrassing, maybe it's because he hasn't grown up; the eldest brother has a high forehead, and he is not as delicate as the elder brother; the elder brother is fair and clean. She is also well-behaved, yawning and holding her fists..."

The tenth elder brother said: "Ama Khan gave him a nickname, and the elder brother is called Fengsheng. Let's go and see the elder brother more in the future."


Ten Fujin nodded endlessly.

It's not that she has to give birth by herself, she can delay it for another year or a half, and wait until sister-in-law Jiu recovers to give birth to her, otherwise she will be afraid.

Although she was not in the delivery room today, she saw pots of blood coming out of the main room.

And those placentas...

She was afraid.

She wasn't as strong as Sister-in-law Jiu, and she didn't yell.

She was worried that she would cry so loudly that she would have no energy to give birth...

Ningshou Palace, main hall, second room.

It's already time to hold the lamps, and the lights are brightly lit.

Kangxi came to announce the good news in person.

The Queen Mother was surprised first and then delighted.

Surprised that it was more than a month ahead of schedule, happy that the delivery was safe, and the result was still the same.

"Haha... I'm not mistaken, Shu Shu is a lucky child. From now on, the emperor of Lao Jiu doesn't have to worry..."

The Queen Mother laughed from ear to ear.

Kangxi nodded and said: "Yes, blessed by the Buddha, I got two sons. Although the second elder brother is weaker, but the imperial doctor has seen it, it is fine to feed it carefully, and the prescription is not given..."

If there is really a bad omen, the imperial physician dare not hide it, and has already prescribed conditioning medicine. When the grandma takes it, the milk will have the medicinal properties.

After hearing this, the Empress Dowager put down her two great-grandsons, and asked only her great-granddaughter, "Is it called 'Niguzhu'? It's a good name, and if you hear it, you will be blessed..."

Kangxi said: "The body is also the strongest, five catties a tael, she is a big fat girl, the last born, she is the biggest, and I heard that her voice is also sonorous..."

Wow, thank you old and new leaders and everyone for your rewards and tickets, the monthly ticket list is 11th, and the best-selling list is 22nd, a historical record, bow and thank you.

The leader Jiageng will follow up in turn, thank you for your support, have a nice weekend.

(End of this chapter)

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