Clan mansion, value house.

Both Yaqibu and Mother Yun were brought here.

Because of the eight elder brothers traveling together, the couple did not have chains on their bodies.

Prince Jane has come back from the palace, and told Su Nu and Elder Brother about the lawsuit between Prince Xin and Prince Kang just now.

Sunu was also speechless, he really didn't expect that a few coat slaves could make such a big commotion.

Eighth brother is unlucky this time.

Brother Nine is still sick, and he is the sufferer, so he can't get close.

If you can't clean up a few old brands of Wangfu, then you can only top the tank with the eighth elder brother.

Elder Brother Ten's face became more and more ugly, regretting that he hadn't dealt with Yaqibu sooner.

When Eighth Brother came in with a wry smile, the three of them looked at him and didn't know what to say.

The eighth elder brother was indeed at fault for flattering the grandma too much to indulge such a bold temper; but it would be unfair to say that it was all the eighth elder brother's fault.

Yazib, an old man, is now the first "decent".

The emperor opened his mouth twice, once to "severe punishment", and once to "add a higher class to the crime".

The eighth elder brother had met Prince Jian and Sunu, and then said to the tenth elder brother: "I've heard about Shi Gui, but I didn't expect Yaqibu to be involved in it."

Elder Brother Ten glanced at him, and said, "My younger brother wants to ask Brother Ba, well, why does Yaqibu remember Brother Jiu? Just because Brother Jiu kicked him last year and smashed up a shop? Relying on the old to sell the old, If you call the prince elder brother, you will come, just kick him twice, without any other punishment, so Yourong, did Yourong make a mistake?"

The eighth elder brother was embarrassed, and in front of everyone, he didn't speak for Yaqibu anymore, he just said: "Last year he offended people outside, and was followed a few times. He thought he was from the Ninth Prince's Mansion, maybe because For this reason, resentment arose.”

Prince Jian looked at the eighth elder brother, sighed, and said: "Prince Xinjun Fujin went to Prince Kang's mansion this morning because of his younger brother's theft. He was excited about the miscarriage. If the punishment is higher, you should also ask the elder brother for the punishment."

The eighth elder brother turned pale, nodded and said: "It should be like this."

people have brought.

Holy Order also invited.

Prince Jian did not let the tenth elder brother come to interrogate him, but sat on the right seat in the hall, with Sunu and the tenth elder brother on the left, and the eighth elder brother on the right.

When Yaqibu was brought up, Prince Jane told Shi Gui's confession, "You encouraged Shi Gui to target the 'Baiweiju' business?"

Yaqibu hurriedly said: "The villain is wronged, but the business of 'Baiweiju' is good, and the slaves have praised them a few times, saying that 'the same industry is an enemy'. Shi Gui's own business is not good, and he has bad thoughts. There is no such reason to use the villain's few words as a cover..."

Prince Jane looked at the guards on both sides, and said, "Take [-] boards first, so that he can understand the truth of the Clan Mansion!"

Yaqibu was taken aback when he heard the words, and looked at the eighth elder brother next to him.

He thought that since the eighth elder brother had a seat in the hall, for the sake of the eighth elder brother, he would ask more gently, so he justified his words without guilt.

The guards obeyed, immediately pulled Yaqibu down, pressed down on the bench next to him, lifted up his skirts, waved their boards, and began to fight.

But no man can bear this.

The body pain is worse, but the shame and anger are unbearable.

Yaqibu almost passed out, but was awakened by the pain again.

The eighth elder brother didn't expect Prince Jane to ask a question, so he went directly to the board and looked at Prince Jane.

Prince Jane looked at the eighth elder brother, and said: "This old slave is tricky, he doesn't teach the truth, he only takes chances."

Eighth Prince's heart sank.

This is not what Prince Jane meant.

This is what the emperor meant.

Prince Zhuang's mansion's rituals offended Brother Nine, and the in-laws of Prince Xinjun's mansion stole the Ninth Prince's mansion, and the emperor's father would all fall on Yaqibu's head.

Yazib rolled his eyes in embarrassment.

But Shi Gui didn't talk about Yaqibu with empty words, when did he eat wine, how many people sat with him, who sat nearby, and what words he heard.

Witnesses and physical evidence are all available.

Yaqibu refused to admit it at first, and after two rounds of boarding, he finally let go, and said: "It's the villain who loves our master. He always loves brothers and treats the ninth master like a younger brother, and the ninth master treats our master with respect. Master Jiu got married, he was instigated by Jiu Fujin, alienated from our master, and even blackmailed two properties of the villain's master, the villain was not angry, so he complained a few words outside..."

After hearing this, Prince Jane and Sunu frowned.

This is what makes Diao Nu hateful, not only wants to bite Brother Nine, but also wants to bite female relatives.

Brother Eight blushed and said, "What are you talking about, shut up!"

Elder Brother Shi sneered and said, "If I hadn't watched from beginning to end, you would have turned black and white! It seems that you are really old and confused. It is obvious that your master alienated his brothers after he got married, and it happened in May of the year before last. The emperor still remembers the rift between the first and second schools, if it really has something to do with the female relatives, the one involved is also the mistress of the first school!"

Speaking of this, he looked Yaqibu in the eyes, and said: "As for the good prince Fujin, why did he get so angry and angry, do you still have to ask your old couple? You old couple stayed An old girl, who regards the head as her own territory, how can she be so aggressive to the mistress?"

The eighth elder brother couldn't take it anymore, and said in a low voice: "Tenth brother, please don't say a few words, so as to save a little bit of face for the elder brother."

The tenth elder brother looked at the eighth elder brother, with drooping face and deep eyes, and said: "Just now when this servant bit the ninth brother for being disrespectful and the ninth sister-in-law for being unworthy, why didn't the eighth brother think of giving some points to the ninth brother and the nine sister-in-law?" Decent?"

Yazib has made such a big commotion, and his confession must attract people's attention.

According to his rhetoric, it seems that Brother Nine "has done it for himself", but he himself is "loyal to protect the Lord", covering up his faults, which is extremely hateful.

The tenth elder brother looked at Prince Jane and said: "Babeile is in the bureau, and I am afraid that he may be deceived, but I am a bystander, and I know the weight of this slave couple in Babeile's mansion. One is in charge and the other is in charge. The common affairs of the Baylor Mansion treat the upright mistress as a display, last year the Eight Fortunes first suffered a miscarriage and then fell ill, so there is no possibility that this slave couple may persecute for selfish reasons, please ask the prince to thoroughly investigate this matter!"

The eighth elder brother changed his face, and looked at the tenth elder brother with a little anger.

Elder Brother Ten looked calm.

He knew that he could not follow Yaqibu's confession to investigate, otherwise it would draw outside attention to the Ninth Prince's Mansion.

At that time, right and wrong will be black and white, no one will care about right or wrong, they will be criticized and become a topic of discussion.

Then it is necessary to reveal a bigger news, so that everyone can divert attention from Brother Jiu and his wife.

Prince Jane saw that Elder Brother Shi had selfish intentions, but he didn't stop him.

After all, he knew that the emperor had already made a decision.

Whether it is Yaqibu or Babeile Mansion, they were launched by the emperor to appease the anger of the royal family.

His face was also tense, and he looked at Ba Age and said: "Ba Beile, involving the blood of the emperor's grandson, it's not just about Ba Beile's family..."

Elder Brother Ten is really not just talking about it.

This Yaqibu's daughter is now working as a princess in Babeile's backyard, and it is reasonable to say that the old couple have had selfish plans for a long time.

The eighth elder brother showed shame and indignation on his face, but his heart turned quickly.

The matter has come to this point, it is not something he can stop if he wants to.

But it's also an opportunity.

Husband and wife confront each other, one is honored and the other is humiliated.

Guo Luoluo made too many mistakes in the past two years, and the elders were all offended.

But that is his first wife, if he stays at home like this, then his relationship with Prince An's Mansion will only be awkward in the future, and he will lack the female relatives when communicating with outsiders.

Don't talk about other people, just say that the fourth brother and the ninth brother had a bad temper when they were young, but now they are in a different situation, because the two sisters-in-law are on a blind date.

Now that Guo Luoluo has learned his lesson, his temper has calmed down.

The eighth elder brother sighed heavily, and said: "Let's check, it's all my fault of incompetence, I only treat them as small servants, treat them as family members, I didn't think of anything else..."

The Ninth Prince's Mansion, the back building.

When Brother Jiu came over, he happened to catch up with Shu Shu arguing with the elders.

"You can't sleep with a flat head. If you don't talk about your face, it will affect your health..."

Manchurian old customs, children are more popular to "sleep with flat head", because this will make the temples full, and then they will have a "full heaven" appearance.

Jue Luo shook his head and said: "Where is this fallacy again? Generations have come here like this, but I was negligent when I was taking you. I have been joked for several years, saying that I can't take care of children. You beat me Xiao is also called an 'ugly girl', have you forgotten?"

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "What's wrong with my daughter? Does Bi Zhuliang seem to be pleasing to them now?"

There is also Fu Song, whose facial features are similar to Zhuliang's, but Bizhuliang's looks are delicate and pleasing to the eye, because of the lack of a big pancake face.

Mrs. Uncle was at the side, looking at Shu Shu's face, which was not much bigger than a slap, and looked more delicate than other girls.

"Aside from affecting your appearance, how can it affect your health?" Mrs. Bo asked.

Shu Shu made a gesture on the head, and said: "This head is full of brains. It looks like walnut kernels. If you have to flatten the pillow, can the walnut kernels inside not be deformed? Good luck, kid It's just stupid, not clever; or the eyes are not fully developed, squinting or something; bad luck, maybe it's stupid..."

Jue Luoshi: "..."

Although I don't believe it in my heart, I don't want my child to sleep flat.

Mrs. Uncle was even more worried, and hurriedly said: "Then don't sleep on Biantou, don't sleep on Biantou..."

Brother Nine had been here for quite a while, standing at the door and listening, but didn't interrupt him, so the mothers didn't see him.

He listened to Shu Shu's words, touched the back of his head, and felt a little inferior.

Is it because of sleeping with a flat head that it affects your appearance?

It seems that among the brothers, mynah and thirteenth elder brother don't have flat heads. Their faces are a little smaller than others, and they look more delicate.

Shu Shu raised her head, and saw Brother Jiu touching the back of her head, and comforted her, "The back of my head is alright, it's not so flat, and the shape of my face looks alright."

After all, Concubine Yi's appearance is there, and brother Jiu still inherited it to some extent.

I just can't get fat, and now I still have an oval face. If I really want to get fat, I will look like the fifth elder brother, absolutely big pancake face.

Brother Jiu glanced at Shu Shu, feeling that this consolation was not consolation.

At this moment, He Yuzhu came in and said to Brother Jiu: "Master, Mr. Gao is here, see you at the front..."

Brother Jiu nodded, said something to Shu Shu and the two elders, and then went forward.

This morning, Xi Kui was sent to the Department of Punishment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and Brother Jiu asked Gao Yanzhong to keep an eye on the news from the Xinjun Prince's Mansion.

Know yourself and know your enemy, that prince is not unreasonable.

Here's the news back...

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