Kangxi looked at the fourth elder brother, with a critical look on his face, and said: "It's just a slave in a coat, since you know it's not appropriate, why are you still tied up?"

The fourth elder brother was ashamed and said: "It's my son's fault, not being decisive enough, that's why today's disaster happened."

Kangxi glanced at him, of course he knew what he was worried about.

After all, the eighth elder brother is the knighted elder brother, not the younger elder brother. Even if the fourth elder brother is the first, it is not easy to pass the eighth elder brother to deal with the servants of the Babeile mansion.

But eighth brother here...

Kangxi was very disappointed.

But in the end it was his own son, so he couldn't ignore it.

He regretted it a bit, he should have intervened earlier.

He thought for a while, and said: "Eighth elder brother, go back to the mansion to listen to the treatment. I will arrange for the imperial physician to come over tomorrow to treat Guo Luoluo and Fucha."

The eighth elder brother clenched his fists tightly, restrained his excitement, and choked up, saying: "My son, thank you for your grace!"

From the year before last, every time something happened, the emperor asked him to reflect, but he never intervened in the affairs of the Babeile Mansion.

This time is different.

The emperor's father began to intervene in the affairs of Babeile Mansion.

The eighth elder brother knew that the title might not be kept.

But instead of being a muddle-headed Baylor, drifting away from the emperor's father, father and son are estranged, he can't say he can't be conferred, but instead he broke the deadlock, a blessing in disguise...

Ninth Prince's Mansion, Main Courtyard, Xici Room.

When Elder Brother Shi came over, he drank half a pot of tea, and then directly talked about the punishment proposed by the Clan Mansion today.

"If these two people's lives are good, and they can't survive the torture rod, it may be a blessing; if they survive, they are not allowed to redeem, and they are sent directly to Ninggu Pagoda. This is the difference between early death and late death..."

In this way, if other people fall ill again, if they want to touch the elder brother Ci'er, they have to weigh it carefully.

"Jaqibu and his wife will be executed according to the law, and the crime will be increased. They will be directly sentenced to execution. Khan Ama will not pardon..."

Elder Brother Shi said with a sneer and said, "That's fine, let everyone see who is the culprit!"

Brother Jiu didn't feel happy when he heard it, but instead became bored and said disgruntledly, "It's just a joke!"

Even if the fourth brother and the tenth brother wanted to get him out of this matter, they couldn't do it all.

After all, he was the one who offended these people, and it was he who Yaqib held a grudge against.

He's not the root of the trouble anymore, but his image isn't very good.

That sounds pathetic.

Like a bun, anyone can pinch it.

He squinted his eyes and said, "It's still because the master seemed too good-tempered before!"

Don't do bad things, but you can't put on a nice face.

There are many bullying people in this world.

It's better to be fierce.

Elder Brother Ten sighed, and said: "I was the one who made Brother Ninth tired, but if Brother Nine is conferred a title and divides the number of assistant leaders, there will be more people at his disposal, and people will be more afraid."

Brother Jiu shook his head and said, "What are you talking about? You have to learn to be content, and you have to give up to get something! Otherwise, Han Ama will let us live in Brother's house for another ten or eight years, would you like it?"

The elder brothers at the top have a small age difference, and their teeth are closely sequenced, while the younger brothers at the bottom have a large age gap.

There are five offices in Ganxi and five in Gandong, which add up to ten yards, which is enough for them to live in the Eighteenth Prince's branch palace, and they are not enough to live in.

Elder Brother Ten shook his head and said, "I'm not happy."

Not only is the place narrow, but the movement is under the eyes of others.

Also, for Fujin himself, he is more adaptable to the life in the Prince's Mansion outside, he doesn't have to follow the rules when eating and dressing, and he won't be treated like a monkey.

Brother Jiu asked curiously: "Can his Baylor really know how to change?"

Elder Brother Shi thought for a while, nodded and said: "Most likely, it's just a penalty, it's not important, and it doesn't have the meaning of deterrent."

There are so many princely mansions in the inner city, and every family has coated slaves, and there are many banners, if the rules are broken, there will be chaos.

Here, eighth prince, because of lax discipline and ignorance of people, he directly lost his title. If the coats of other princely mansions violate the law again, then the owner will have to carefully weigh his own crown.

Brother Jiu couldn't help gloating, and said: "Then what is written on the plaque of their mansion? The Eighth Prince's Mansion?"

Elder Brother Shi shook his head and said, "Babeizi Mansion, right?"

Brother Nine's eyes widened, and he said a little bitterly: "Khan Ama save face for the eighth son? Can't bear to rub it clean?"

Elder Brother Shi laughed and said, "My younger brother thinks it's just the opposite. If it becomes the prince's mansion directly, the mansion over there will just change its name. Now that it's downgraded to be a prince, it will be rebuilt..."

Beizi Mansion, the middle road is four levels, one level less than Baylor Mansion.

This restructuring will require a lot of housework.

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said: "But those outside who don't know the details must think that his Beizi Mansion is of a higher level than ours..."

The inside of his side is built according to Baylor Mansion, but the difference between Baylor Mansion and Beizi Mansion is the same house inside, and the outside is not much different.

Elder Brother Ten said: "For Mynah, this is more heart-wrenching."

A person who is strong from a young age.

The title is obviously lower than that of his brothers, and the mansion he lives in is also lower than their regulations.

The younger brothers are princes who have not been knighted, so they can be treated like princes when they come out. As a knighted son, can he show off the prince's treatment?

He has hated his identity since he was a child, he is only the son of a concubine, in fact he is not treated much differently from his elder brothers.

This time, I can understand what it means to be inferior to brothers.

As the two brothers were talking, there was the sound of footsteps outside.

It was the fifth elder brother who came here in anger.

"Fifth Brother..."

Brother Nine and Brother Ten both got up.

The fifth elder brother's face was livid, his chest was full of anger, he looked at the ninth elder brother and said, "Where is the eighth elder brother's money?"

Brother Jiu was startled.

The fifth elder brother frowned and said, "Are you a big fool? If you should lose your temper, don't lose your temper, and you haven't collected the banker's ticket and returned it to him! You have been bullied, and you still want to earn money for him?"

Brother Nine came to his senses, patted his forehead, and said, "Things have happened one after another in the past few days, and my brother didn't even think about it!"

With so many Zhuang tickets, only [-]% of the land was purchased, and the other [-]% was exchanged by Cao Shun for imperial court tickets to take to Yunnan.

There are still others who are suppressed by him, planning to build some other courtyards in Xiaotangshan, which is farther away from the palace, and then sell them directly to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and lease them out as properties of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The banknotes were all kept in the study, and he took out 13 taels in the past, hesitating for a while, whether to add interest.

Although he is not big-minded, he really doesn't like to take advantage of money.

This is a small advantage, shabby.

It's all right to take advantage of it, it's always worth it.

It has been five months since I received the dealer's ticket last year. If I paid the highest three-point profit on the market, it would be 500 taels of silver.

Give uncomfortable.

Three-point interest is the highest interest rate on the market. In fact, there are few people who raise money with such a high interest rate.

Thinking of the trouble Shi Gui and Xi Kui brought to him, Brother Jiu still decided not to give it.

After thinking about it, he took out another [-].

The Zhuang ticket is returned, but the Tangquan Palace still needs to be built.

It is not impossible to kick the eighth elder brother out of the practice palace at this time, but Khan Ama will not be happy.

When he came out of the study, he handed the remaining 12 yuan to the fifth elder brother and said, "Fifth brother, please help me to pay it back. Make it clear, the less than [-] yuan is for Khan Ama's practice palace. Everyone has it." If he is not willing, he can send someone to talk about it."

The Fifth Elder Brother accepted the banknote, a little bit tangled, looked at the Tenth Elder Brother and said, "Old Ten, is this appropriate?"

According to his original intention, there is no need to save face for the eighth elder brother, and he should pay it back.

But when it comes to the emperor's father, you have to think more.

Elder Brother Shi nodded and said: "It's all right, there is no delay in the important matter..."

The fifth elder brother no longer entangled, went out arrogantly and vigorously, and went straight to Babeile's mansion.


When the fifth elder brother arrived at the gate of Babeile's mansion, he heard the sound of horseshoes on the corner of the street before calling for a pass.

It was the fourth elder brother and the eighth elder brother who walked side by side and came back together.

Seeing Fifth Elder Brother at the gate of Babeile Mansion, both of them rode over.

Seeing the angry appearance of the fifth elder brother, the eighth elder brother felt timid.

This Fifth Brother is the one who is not stingy, he has hit him before, seeing how angry he is now, wouldn't he still want to hit him?
The fourth elder brother was beside him, and he felt a little uneasy.

He could understand Fifth Prince's anger, but this matter should not be expanded, otherwise it would make people see the royal joke.

It is better to calm down as soon as possible, and it is not appropriate to cause extra problems at this time.

The corners of the fifth elder brother's eyes were drooping, and he looked at the fourth elder brother with displeasure.

He is a good brother when he is good, but it is not uncommon for a brother to be good to everyone!
This love and hatred are all on the face, the fourth elder brother can't laugh or cry, and can't explain it.

The fifth elder brother snorted coldly and looked away, and didn't listen to his explanation. He just threw the purse into the eighth elder brother's arms, and said viciously: "Here is 12 taels of silver. You lent Lao Jiu a total of 13 taels earlier." There is [-] silver coins to be honored to the Khan Ama Practice Palace, Lao Jiu withheld it, and the rest will be returned to you, if you want to get the [-] back, send someone to get it!"

"Fifth brother, my brother knows that he is wrong..."

The eighth elder brother was holding the purse, his cheeks were hot, and he was very worried.

After learning about Xiaotangshan, he was half disappointed and half happy.

What's disappointing is that he can't sell favors to brother Jiu, and the brothers are still so indifferent.

Fortunately, everyone knows that the price of land in Xiaotangshan has increased, and this money will bring huge benefits.

Brother Nine has always been generous with money, and everyone will share the profit after making such a big share.

This time... I'm afraid it won't work...

Brother Wu rubbed his fists and said: "It's like this every time. I know I'm wrong, but I just don't change it. It's hypocritical. If this was a child, I would have to give you a few hard punches to make you feel comfortable..."

"Now that you're older, I don't bother to waste my mouth. You just ask yourself about your conscience. If you take Lao Jiu seriously in your heart, your Fujin and your slaves dare to treat Lao Jiu again and again..."

"Why do you look down on Lao Jiu? Apart from being two years older than him, what else do you have more than him..."

"It's just to give you face. When he was young, he loved to get close to you, hold you in his arms, and treat you like your brother. He fell into your eye sockets, but he became a person who can be miserable. How dare you do this to the old ten..."

"Snobs, things that have lost their conscience, don't deserve people's sincerity..."


He is not a articulate person, but now his eyes are staring, his voice is loud, and his words are like knives.

The eighth elder brother wished he could find a crack in the ground and get down.

The fourth elder brother wanted to stop him, but it was difficult to persuade him.

The fifth elder brother scolded happily, without the eighth elder brother retorting, he got on his horse and left with his entourage and guards.

The eighth elder brother felt chilly, and looked at the fourth elder brother.

The fourth elder brother stared blankly at the eighth elder brother, thoughtful.

The eighth elder brother clenched his fists and said, "In the eyes of the fourth brother, the younger brother is also a snob?"

The fourth elder brother frowned and said, "I remember, you were very close to Lao Jiu and Lao Ten in the early years, so why did you treat them differently?"

The eighth elder brother held back his shame and said angrily: "Others saw that it was the three of us who were close, but I knew in my heart that the tenth elder brother was only brought by the ninth elder brother, and the only one he was close to was the ninth elder brother..."

The fourth elder brother sighed: "Okay, it's not the time to talk about these things, the fifth elder brother said all angry words, and there are too many things to do..."

Is it really just angry words?
Honest people have a bright eye and a bright heart.

The fifth elder brother has seen through the eighth elder brother...

Is Eighth Brother really that unbearable?

Is he blind?
When he returned home, the fourth elder brother was still in a daze.

He went straight back to the main room.

Si Fujin was doing needlework. There was a sewing box beside the kang, and there were several red bellybands in the dustpan next to it.

Seeing the fourth elder brother coming in, Si Fujin put down his needlework.

The fourth elder brother looked at the needlework, saw several bellybands, and said, "Is this for Lao Jiu?"

Si Fujin nodded and said: "Although we won't serve wine, but we live next to each other, we must do our best, so I thought about making a few bellybands, and I will wear them when the weather is hot, and I just passed the 'hundred-year-old'. Hardened..."

The fourth elder brother was listening to the news yesterday afternoon. Although he didn't see it with his own eyes, he was still very delicate at the moment.

These nephews and nieces, not counting the ones he delivered, were also the first to get the news.

"How do you look? I heard that Akdan is thin and weak, and his belt is insufficient..."

The fourth elder brother said with concern.

Si Fujin had already heard about Shu Shu's nickname, thought about the appearance of the second elder brother, and said with a bit of worry: "Looking thin, his face is still wrinkled, a circle smaller than the two big ones, I I didn't dare to hug, and the nine younger siblings took good care of me, the elder brother and Da Gege looked good, especially Da Gege, who cried loudly..."

When she saw the second elder brother, she thought of her concubine Honglin who died young.

Hongyu was born prematurely and the portion was not enough.

At that time, the imperial physician prescribed medicine to recuperate, and the wet nurse nursed Hongjin after drinking the medicine, but he was still seriously ill, and died within two days.

If Mrs. Li had nurtured him personally at that time, would he have recuperated Hongyi's foundation?
And Song Gege's little Gege, who died, was also congenitally deficient, and died within a month.

The husband and wife have been together for more than ten years, seeing her like this, the fourth elder brother saw that something was wrong, and said: "Didn't it mean that the imperial doctor is not worthy? Why isn't Akdan reassuring?"

Si Fujin sighed, without hiding anything, and said about how healthy breastfed children are.

"The rules passed down by the ancestors are that the nanny takes care of the children. How have you noticed so much? But after listening to the words of the ninth and tenth siblings, there is indeed some truth. The children outside are brought up by their mothers, but they are stronger. Shiyao is rare, even if he can't stand upright, he is too old to survive the epidemic or acne..."

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