Brother Nine personally wrote the greeting note.

Although Zhang Tingzan re-taught him the rules and routines of writing notes, but after thinking about it, he didn't change everything, and still kept some of the original appearance.

He can't write words that are too literary.

It roughly means that I am in the "foot ban", but the same as in previous years, I have prepared two longevity gifts for the emperor, and today I asked someone to give one first, and then I will ask for an order. Like other brothers and younger brothers, they came to the imperial court to kowtow to celebrate their birthday.

When he finished writing, he asked He Yuzhu to call Fusong over, and said, "You go to Changchun Garden, give a gift on behalf of the grandfather, and then ask for an order..."

Speaking of this, he looked at He Yuzhu and said: "My brother went to the garden for the first time, and you accompanied me, so as not to make a mistake..."

The emperor respects the rules and cannot leave a bad impression.

He Yuzhu agreed.

Fu Song had been there before, but at that time he was outside the West Garden and had not been to Changchun Garden.

On the floor of the study is a two-foot-long, one-foot-high box, with gold ingots underneath, and a dozen or so hand-copied "Diamond Sutras" on top.

Fu Song agreed, and went to order the guards, and asked people to prepare horses and carriages.

The weight of this box cannot be lifted by himself.

When the box was loaded onto the carriage, Fu Song also took a few guards onto the horses and headed for Changchun Garden.

After traveling for more than half an hour, the carriage arrived at Changchun Garden.

He Yuzhu took Fusong directly to Xiaodongmen.

After Fu Song showed his badge and said what he wanted to do, there was a eunuch on duty at the door to deliver a message to Qingxi Academy.

Coincidentally, Zhang Ying happened to be in front of the imperial court today.

What the monarch and his ministers were talking about was the farce of the fraud case in the Shuntianfu Township Examination a while ago.

No wonder the local students were upset, too many supervisors ended up in Shuntian Mansion.

In the Shuntianfu Township Examination, they seized the quota for the Shuntianfu Township Examination.

Among these supervisors, the children of Beijing officials are still the main ones, which is why they attract more attention.

Not only in Shuntianfu Township Examinations, but also in provincial exams. Every time there was suspicion of cheating in the imperial examinations, it was because there were more children of officials on the list and fewer scholars from poor families, which caused controversy.

Kangxi had already thought about it for a long time, and felt that it was still necessary to divide the papers.

He glanced at Zhang Ying, not talking about others, only Zhang Ying's family, now the father and son are Jinshi, and the second son is also a Gongshi.

Zhang Ying also has several sons who are studying in their hometowns, and their eldest grandsons have also married, so they can end up in a few years.

It’s fine if they are all real talents and learning, but if it is really the kind of officials who have a tacit understanding in private and support each other’s children, that would be terrible.

In the long run, it will become a net of interests and lose public interest.

Above the court, "cliques" will also be formed.

Kangxi said: "These officials' children can compile another official paper, and each province will enroll according to the quota. For every ten applicants, nine papers will be taken from the private paper and one paper from the official paper. There are joint fonts, south-north fonts, and official fonts. For every 20 Gongsheng students, one official roll will be taken..."

Zhang Ying listened carefully, and said: "There are more than [-] officials in the world, including Beijing officials, local officials, academic officials, and military officials. I don't know how many ranks are the official records mentioned by the emperor?"

If it's all limited, it may not be a good thing.

Those who can become officials are mostly the best among scholars, and most of them are from a scholarly family and family heirs.

But once the admission ratio of the official papers is determined, the imperial examinations for their descendants will be more difficult than ordinary scholars.

At that time, low-ranking officials would probably have to abandon their officials for the sake of their children and grandchildren's future.

Kangxi also knew that the imperial examination was very important, and everything should be stable. Even if there were changes, it would be better not to be surprised.

He said: "Don't worry about it. Starting from the next subject, Ai Qing will also discuss with Fu Lun and several servants when she goes back to see how to limit the grade of this official paper. It should be more comprehensive. Now, don’t leave behind Han Zhan Kedao and other officials’ children..."

These are positions closely related to the imperial examination.

Zhang Ying agreed.

Hearing the eunuch's message, Liang Jiugong stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, the Chief of Ceremonies of the Ninth Prince's Residence has been ordered to come and deliver things."

Kangxi glanced at Zhang Ying and said with a smile, "It's a coincidence that your son-in-law, Weng, met, and Aiqing also stayed."

Zhang Ying's expression remained unchanged, but his heart was serious.

Sure enough, the boundaries of the capital city were not hidden from the imperial court.

The two families just started discussing their relatives, and the palace knew about it.

With shame on his face, he said: "Let the emperor laugh at me, the minister is getting old and selfish."

Kangxi shook his head and said: "It's just love, I'm also a father, and I understand that it's not easy to love you."

Zhang Ying is a disciple of Confucius and Mencius, he abides by the Confucian moral norms, and behaves like a gentleman.

In addition, Yao's family has a kindness with Zhang's family, if the two families are still rivals, they can still care about it.

It is this kind of situation that is reversed, but you have to be more polite, otherwise you will become a snob who does not miss old feelings in the eyes of the world.

Knowing that his daughter's life is difficult, he is not good at interfering in other people's housework.

After a while, Fu Song followed Liang Jiugong in.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Zhang Ying sitting on the side, and his expression remained the same. He only faced the figure above him, put down his horseshoe sleeves, knelt down on his knees, and saluted, "Ninth prince, my slave." The master of ceremonies, Fu Song, has seen the emperor, please greet him..."

"Look up..."

Kangxi said.

Fu Song straightened up, unable to look directly at Shengyan, his eyes fell on the small table by Kangxi's hand.

This is the second time for Kangxi to see Fusong.

According to the current rules, Beijing officials who are above the fifth grade are called "senior officials". For the first appointment and recommendation, you must submit a note to thank you. See you in shifts.

Fu Song, the master of ceremonies of the fourth rank, also met him earlier.

It's just that when Fu Song was making up the chief of ceremonies at the beginning of last year, Sheng Jia was on his southern tour, but he didn't see him, and he didn't make up after that.

Kangxi met Fusong for the first time until a few days ago when Shuntian Mansion called for a "re-examination".

There were a lot of people at that time, so after just a few glances, I knew that he was a handsome young man with a heroic spirit.

This is a nephew raised by Qi Xi, and he is also a descendant of the Aixinjueluo family. He already had a good impression of him, and said: "Qika!"

Fu Song Xie En got up, took the booklet from his sleeve, raised his hands and said: "This is the booklet that Master Jiu gave to the emperor, and the servants brought it along with the booklet, and Master Jiu's filial piety, it's just outside Xiaodongmen."

Kangxi accepted "filial piety" for two years, and he didn't think it was unusual, so he told Liang Jiugong, "Call someone to bring it in!"

Liang Jiugong agreed and went down to pass on the message.

Kangxi looked at Fu Song and said: "Your 're-examination' is second-class, so it can be seen that the article is well done, are you still studying?"

Fu Song looked shy, glanced at Zhang Ying, and said: "Besides working as an errand, this servant is also like Master Jiu, studying with Zhang Xueshi in private..."

"Okay, okay, good reading!"

Kangxi liked motivated children, so he had to ask: "How about riding and shooting? How many crossbows can you open?"

The Eight Banners Township Examination requires riding and shooting, but it is very simple.

Fu Song said: "Barely able to open a ten-power bow..."

Kangxi: "..."

It seems not surprising.

But it's a pity that there is no supplementary military officer in riding and archery.

He thought of Fu Song's life experience, he had been a descendant of the imperial family.

No matter what the reason is, since he has been expelled, he cannot be returned to the clan unless he has made great achievements.

Otherwise, the clan would lose fear of the court's punishment.

Kangxi signaled Wei Zhu to take the booklet from Fusong, and then read it by himself.

Looking at Brother Jiu's plain words, Kangxi was dissatisfied.

Looking at the format of the invitation to An Zhezi, it seems that he has learned it, but the tone is still too straightforward, and he seems a bit ignorant.

But it can also be seen that it was not written by someone, but written by Brother Jiu himself.

For a while, Kangxi didn't know whether to be comforted or to find fault.

At this moment, Liang Jiugong led people to lift up Brother Jiu's "filial piety".

The corner of Kangxi's mouth was slightly raised, and he asked Liang Jiugong, "What are they?"

Liang Jiugong bowed and said, "There are eleven volumes of the Diamond Sutra, 99 gold ingots, and each gold ingot weighs twelve taels..."

"You bastard, it's all nonsense!"

Kangxi scolded and complained to Zhang Ying: "People who are all eighteen are still like children. When they were adults the year before last, they said that they would respect my 'pocket money' in the future. I said no, and I was not obedient. Last year before the southern tour, I also sent this box, and this year is still the same!"

Zhang Ying leaned back and said: "The ninth prince is sincere and filial, the emperor is blessed. The eldest son of this minister is over the age of [-] and is not yet able to make money. This makes the old minister feel at ease. Now he is working in the Ninth Prince's mansion. I look forward to learning from others... "

Kangxi shook his head and said: "Zhang Tingzan has a great talent. He has also learned it in the Imperial Academy over the years. I will use it in the future. Don't let that bastard Lao Jiu mislead him!"

Zhang Yingdao: "If he can learn how to be filial from Lord Nine, then the old minister will also be thankful to the emperor..."

Fu Song was at the side, listening to the response from the monarch and ministers, he was also surprised.

It seems to be the same, that is, to praise the other party's son and belittle one's own son...

When she came out of Qingxi Bookstore, Zhang Ying took a look at Fu Song.

In fact, the two have not yet celebrated.

There are things, first because Jiufu Jin's delivery date is approaching, and now because Zhang's family has candidates.

But the emperor's golden words, his son-in-law can be considered settled.

He has also been a Beijing official for 30 years, and he knows that the promotion of Manchu officials is different from that of Han officials.

He didn't have anything to warn, he just said: "Be careful and do your job, so that you can repay Master Jiu's support..."

Just like today's opportunity to face the Holy Spirit, brother Jiu can give it to Fu Song or others.

Fu Song bowed and said, "Thank you sir for your reminder, this junior will save it!"

Zhang Ying had to go to check the house, Fu Song returned the same way, still coming out of the small east gate.

In addition to He Yuzhu at the door, there is Elder Brother Ten, and there are some eunuchs and personal guards of Elder Brother Ten beside him.

Fu Song quickly walked forward a few steps and said, "Master Shi!"

Elder Brother Ten said: "Master has something to ask Brother Ninth, let's go back together!"

Fu Song had no objection, so he mounted his horse and returned to the city with Elder Brother Ten...

In Qingxi Bookstore, Kangxi looked at the dozen or so copies of the "Diamond Sutra" with satisfaction on his face.

Brother Jiu has a good character, that is, he will do what he says, and he is not the kind to coax people with his mouth.

When Brother Nine talked about copying the scriptures, Kangxi thought that two or three copies were the best, but he didn't expect that he could copy so many scriptures in just half a month.

When he picked up a book and opened it to read, he couldn't help grinding his teeth...

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