Chapter 897 Clique


Brother Jiu stood up and bowed as a salute.

Elder Brother also got up.

Ma Qi bowed his hands in a salute: "Jiu Ye, Shi Ye..."

When he sat down again and faced Ma Qi, Brother Jiu's eyes were a little wandering.

It's weird, I don't know what to say.

Ma Qi remembered Kangxi's complaint, and glanced at Brother Jiu.

Handwriting is sloppy?
The first few times I handed in homework, it looked okay, not outstanding, but also average, and I didn't feel like I was stretching my hips.

Ninth elder brother looked embarrassed, somehow remembered the days when he went to the study, and sat upright.

Seeing this, Ma Qi didn't say anything else, but planned to go home and find two copybooks to send to Brother Jiu.

Otherwise, what is the meaning of the emperor's words?
It seems that he is not doing his duty as a teacher.

Heaven and earth conscience.

Didn't you learn "Etiquette"?

Who would have thought of starting from calligraphy practice?
But there is no way, the emperor mentioned it, it's not reasonable, the courtiers have to know it.

The atmosphere was somewhat silent.

Nine Elder Brothers remembered the matter of Shengjia patrolling the Yongding River tomorrow, and said: "Is the teacher also accompanying you?"

Sheng Jia sent the Empress Dowager back to the palace tomorrow morning, and then went out of the city to Wanping to Yongding River without stopping.

Mazzie nodded.

This time, not only the ministers had a lot of retinues, but also the soldiers of the Eight Banners.

Brother Jiu said: "It's a good idea to use Eight Banners soldiers as river workers, and it won't delay the farming season. Whose idea? It's so easy to use..."

Ma Qi glanced at him and said, "It's the Zhijun King's proposal."

Ninth elder brother praised: "Brother, this is a good idea. If the gathering of civil servants is procrastinating, it can't be done well. It's better to draw people from the Eight Banners to go there. If you are idle, you will be idle..."

There is money from the river workers, and it is not cheap.

The people of the Eight Banners are not all rich and well-off. For ordinary vests or step armors, the whole family only earns two or three taels of silver a month.

In the past, Yongdinghe worked ten or 20 days of labor to earn a sum of money to supplement the family, and everyone was very happy.

Mazzie said nothing.

Since the king of Zhijun made a proposal, it is rare for the king of Zhijun to be responsible for this matter.

Now that there is no war, river engineering is also a priority, and if it is done well, it must accumulate merit.

Every time he comes and goes, King Zhijun will become farther and farther away from other princes.

Brother Jiu didn't expect this at all.

After a short time, Liang Jiugong came out and passed the news to Brother Shi to go in.

Only Brother Nine and Ma Qi are left in the room.

Brother Jiu remembered something and said: "By the way, teacher, I haven't met you these few days, but I forgot to mention it. I plan to ask Khan Ama to check the population of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Over the years, the Eight Banners have bred The population was divided into a lot of new assistants who came out, but the coat of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has not been moved. The leaders of the various assistants are also in chaos. ..."

Speaking of this, he paused, and said: "There are also assistant leaders and internal management leaders. Although they are world-class officials, they are also officials under the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They should also be supervised by the Yushi Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to avoid illegal things... ..."

Ma Qi pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "Master Jiu has thought everything through."

Brother Jiu thought of Ma Qi's Yue's family. It seems that there are people from the House of Internal Affairs. Do you want to take the opportunity to take care of one or two?
But he immediately let go of this thought, if the teacher wants to support relatives, there is no need for others to help.

Besides, it's either a relative or a relative, so there's no need for me to make extra trouble.

After a while, Elder Brother Ten came out and said, "Brother Ninth, the biography of Khan Ama!"

Brother Jiu got up, told Ma Qi, left the value room, and entered Qingxi Bookstore.

"What did the Queen Mother say?"

Kangxi asked.

Brother Nine briefly talked about the conversation between grandparents and grandchildren just now.

Kangxi nodded and said: "Since there is a charter, it will be done according to the Queen Mother's wishes."

Brother Jiu agreed, and then mentioned the breeding of the coated population.

Nowadays, the living in the imperial city is messy, and the population should be checked, otherwise it is close to the imperial palace, and it is easy to cause chaos.

Kangxi frowned, thought for a while, and said, "Yes, I've drawn up a booklet and handed it over."

Brother Nine breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "Can the son ask Han Ama for a favor?"

Kangxi raised his eyebrows and said, "What are you thinking about again?"

Last year, in order to have a bite to eat, I bald all the lotus leaves in the Changchun Garden. Later, I also ordered the eunuchs in the garden's dining room to collect lotus leaves regularly and keep them in storage as ingredients.

If he wanted to miss He Ye this year, he couldn't let him do whatever he wanted.

Brother Jiu said "haha" twice, and said: "I was just thinking about Gao Yanzhong and Gao Bin's father and son, who ran for their son for three years and had no future. It's unbearable..."

"Now Gao Bin has gone to farm with the fourth brother. Gao Yanzhong, after the matter of Xiaotangshan, still has to go back to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. My son is thinking about how to pay for the work..."

"The doctor here in the House of Internal Affairs is almost the end. Gao Yanzhong is also a doctor when he comes back. What happens in the future is the grace of Khan Ama, which has nothing to do with the son. The son wondered, when the breeding population is divided among the leaders, can the Gao family be taken away? separate it……"

"Their ancestors have also been officials for several generations, and a leader is still worthy..."

Kangxi looked at Brother Nine and sneered, "It's the first time I've heard of favoritism, and it's so righteous!"

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "My son is not pretending in front of you. Who in this world has no selfishness? After thousands of years, there are not many saints. They are all hypocrites and pretending. My son is magnanimous, besides In front of Khan Ama, even if my son doesn't tell me, I can't hide this small thought from you!"

Kangxi also thought that Gao Yanzhong was good before, so he took a look at Brother Jiu and said, "You really want to send him back to the Ministry of Internal Affairs? Then you have no one under your command..."

The rest are domestic slaves, and the enslaved people who have been separated from the family have not been raised for use.

Brother Nine said: "There is nothing serious about my son now, Gao Yanzhong is wasting it if I leave it alone, and later my son has other errands, and when there is a shortage of manpower, I will just ask Khan Ama for someone."

Kangxi: "..."

He looked at Brother Jiu, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, and said, "How can there be such a thing? You are still picking people now..."

Speaking of this, he sensed something was wrong, and said, "Didn't you be ordered by Cao Yin's nephew? Where is he?"

Brother Jiu calculated in his mind, and said: "It should still be on the way, who would have thought it would be so far away, my son thought he would arrive in the next year..."

As a result, Cao Shun's letter arrived first, and he explained the situation on the road in detail. It would take another three months for the one-way trip without rest, and the round trip would take half a year.

"When Cao Shun arrived, my son made him a third-class bodyguard. He was punished and walked more than 1 miles in half a year..."

Brother Nine thought of it and felt sympathy.

In addition, the section of Cao Shun from Jiangning to the capital is also about [-] miles away.

All connected.

For almost half a year, I was on the road.

Kangxi looked at Brother Nine, but he was also speechless: "It's all over the world, just one piece of news, do you dare to send someone there?"

Brother Jiu said: "I didn't just pass it on indiscriminately, isn't that Nian Xiyao?"

Kangxi frowned, and said angrily: "That's an official sent out by the imperial court. It's your servant. If you catch him, you can order him?"

Brother Jiu sneered and said: "Isn't this mutual benefit? He went to a place with poor mountains and bad waters, and as a fellow acquaintance, he happened to be in charge of money and food. The person who chased the past brought real gold and silver. The local local products were sold, and the local people had It is also good for stability..."


Kangxi was still not happy, and said: "Nian Xiyao was born as a scholar. He didn't like to make money. He couldn't hide his face. If you deal with it, you will deal with it. If someone else helped you, I don't know what to ask of you when you look back. Earn money, actually? Give others a chance to cling to..."

Brother Jiu glanced at Kangxi, his expression a little tangled.

Kangxi frowned and said, "He wrote you a letter, mentioning related matters?"

Brother Jiu quickly shook his head and said: "It's not that, my son had a small thought in his heart before, thinking that Nian Xiyao took care of his son and handled the affairs of Chashan properly, and his son remembered him as a favor. When the qualifications are up, the son will ask someone to walk around in the official department to fill him a fat vacancy!"

Kangxi stared at Brother Jiu, his face darkened.

Brother Nine immediately said: "It's my son who wants to go left. If that is the case, he is not talking about selfishness, and he interferes with the court's employment, which is unfair to other alternate officials... My son is now guarding against the unfair selection of officials in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. You shouldn't know your mistakes and make mistakes, and interfere with the affairs of the court's candidate officials..."

Kangxi's face became better now, and he said: "Go back and read "On the Clique" carefully. You thought it was a favor, but in fact this is the sign of a 'clique'. After a long time, it has become an exchange of benefits..."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Son, you must watch it carefully. In the future...try to trouble others as little as possible. If it is really troublesome, just reward him with money. It will be convenient to settle the two..."

Kangxi rubbed his forehead, always feeling that this response was not quite right.

But it's better than thinking about "paying officials"...

Just say that the Ministry of Internal Affairs breeds population, is it only now?
Brother Jiu had been in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for three years before he thought of this, because he wanted to raise Gao Yanzhong.

Because the Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is at the end of the fifth rank, he wanted to give him a assistant.

It is true that the small calculations are all under the nose, and no one is hiding it, but there is still some confusion and incomplete thinking.

Kangxi was very lucky, fortunately he didn't mention Brother Nine to the Ministry of Households, or else he had learned the nonsense of the world and appointed the Ministry of Households to mess up the mess.

"Okay, let's kneel down, when Cao Shun arrives in Beijing, you remind him and ask him to write a letter to his family, so as not to disturb the elders..." Kangxi said.

Cao Yin is his confidant, and the nephew Cao Shun was specifically mentioned in the previous letter, which is why he gave this order.

Brother Jiu agreed and withdrew.

Liang Jiugong followed and passed Ma Qi in.

Elder Brother Ten was still outside, and said, "When will Brother Ninth return to the city? My younger brother will go back with you..."

Brother Jiu took out his pocket watch and looked at it, and said, "Let's go back now, just in time for lunch..."

(End of this chapter)

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