In the living room, Brother Jiu was explaining to Fu Song, saying: "There must be rumors going on outside again. Father-in-law and mother-in-law should be worried. You should go back to the Dutong Mansion and make it clear to the two of you that there is nothing else to do." , It is for the new censors to establish prestige, they are foreign monks, and their grades are not high, if they do not establish this prestige, those uncles of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will not be afraid..."

Fu Song looked at Brother Nine's expression and felt that he might really think so, but it's hard to say how Yuqian thinks.

Thunder, rain and dew are all the grace of the king.

These words are mostly words to comfort the elders.

It's not playing house, how can it be so simple?
"Master Jiu said it was a suspension. What about the time? How long?" Fu Song asked tentatively.

Brother Nine shook his head and said: "This Khan Ama didn't mention it, it must be after three volts, the holy driver will go to the garden after the Dragon Boat Festival, the Queen Mother will let us go first, and wait until the heat is over."

That's about three months.

Fu Song said: "Okay, then I'll go home and talk..."

After Fu Song went out, Zhang Tingzan came in.

Brother Jiu got up and said embarrassedly: "Hey, I also alarmed everyone. It's really nothing, don't worry."

He's not stupid, so naturally he won't support everyone.

It's not that I'm worried about everyone being unfaithful, but that there's no need for multiple people to worry about it, and I've failed the emperor's kindness.

Who knows what the House of Internal Affairs will do in the future.

At present, only Shu Shu, Elder Brother Shi, and Gao Yanzhong know the inside story. For the others, Elder Brother Nine is just saying the same thing.

Zhang Tingzan said: "It happens that Master Jiu is free, so you can pick up "Mencius" and review it."

Brother Jiu was puzzled and said, "Okay, what "Mencius" do you want to learn?"

He was ordered to study the "Book of Rites" before, because he did have deficiencies in human relations and sophistication, so he should make up for it by studying more.

"Mencius", one of the four books, was studied when I was in the study in my early years.

I don't need to take the Eight Banners imperial examinations, I just need to study this kind of Confucian books once.

Zhang Tingzan said: "People stand in the world, and it is not a disadvantage to learn more about the doctrine of the mean."

Listening to the preaching tone, Brother Jiu felt a headache, his eyes fluttered, and said: "Don't worry, when the master comes back from the garden, we can start studying..."

Now he really wished that the children would grow up as soon as they saw the wind, and throw them directly to Zhang Tingzan, so as not to worry about teaching himself to read.

Zhang Tingzan said: "Fucha's guards came to the Prince's Mansion just now, and after inquiring about Master Jiu, they left the mansion directly."

Brother Nine stroked his forehead, felt his head hurt even more, and said, "What a fuss, what's the fuss?"

This should be to find Ma Qi.

Needless to say, Brother Nine knows that there is also homework waiting for the appointment.

Brother Nine looked at Zhang Tingzan and said: "It's just that I'm idle, and I don't bother the second master. Fujin has a village in Haidian, and he wants to build another courtyard. You can go and have a look when you have time, and you can also make a blueprint. Wait until the time comes. After the design is completed, we can start construction together with Zhuangzi in Xiaotangshan..."

Zhang Tingzan glanced at Brother Nine, and his worries became much less.

There is also a leisurely way to repair other courtyards, which seems to have little impact.

He had already discovered that brother Jiu is not self-motivated, maybe he really doesn't care about errands.

Ninth elder brother's status is here, even if the age of the knighthood is delayed, the money is not bad, this job is optional.

When the next wave of princes can be knighted, elder brother Jiu will be the elder brother, and the knighthood will not fall behind the younger brothers.

He said: "Okay, that minister will take someone to Haidian Zhuangzi tomorrow to measure the size of the garden."

Brother Nine nodded and said: "Go, go, people have raised pigs, chickens, sheep, deer, etc. over there, and planted a lot of fruit trees and vegetable fields. Mr. Zhang will take a look."

This side sent Zhang Tingzan away, so Brother Nine called Chun Lin, the guard on duty today, and said, "Go to the prime minister's mansion to find Fu Qing, and tell him that the Lord has something to look for him, and tell him to come back quickly..."

Speaking of this, he paused, and said: "If the Prime Minister's Mansion doesn't have it, go to the Household Department's Yamen, and if the Household Department doesn't have it, go to the Lifan Court."

Ma Qi is also in the retinue, and he also arrived in Beijing today, and he is supposed to be at home on vacation, but who told him that he still has the Minister of the Ministry of Household and the Minister of Lifan Yuan, who knows whether he has gone to the Yamen or not.

Chunlin responded.

Brother Jiu felt his mouth was dry, and he rubbed his lips for a long time.

He somewhat understands what is "the strong wind knows the strong grass, and the toughness knows the honest minister".

In any case, the staff members of the Prince's Mansion are good.

You know, except for Zhang Tingzan and Gao Yanzhong, the others are all selected by him, which can be regarded as a knowledgeable person.

The last trace of his frustration was gone, and he actually felt that "it's a blessing in disguise, but you don't know it's a blessing".

He stood up and was about to go back to the main courtyard, when he saw Cui Baisui leading the twelfth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother over.

"Ninth Brother..."

The thirteenth elder brother walked a few steps quickly, stepped forward and looked at the ninth elder brother.

Brother Jiu rolled his eyes when he saw this, and said: "The arms and legs are all covered, what's there to look at?"

Elder Brother Thirteen smiled and said, "Brother Ninth seems to be in good spirits."

Brother Nine snorted softly and said, "It's just a matter of stopping work, what's the matter? You can't cry and wipe away your tears! If that's the case, the third brother and the eighth brother will be lowered to the title, and they will hang themselves on the southeast branch!"

"Stop errands..."

The thirteenth elder brother saw that the ninth elder brother was like this, and couldn't help feeling sympathetic in his heart.

It seems that Brother Jiu never thought that someone would steal his job.

The ninth elder brother is quite responsible. Seeing that the twelfth elder brother also came, he couldn't help worrying about the yamen of the House of Internal Affairs, looked at the twelfth elder brother, and said, "Why did you come out? There should be a proper person in the yamen. If there is any urgent matter, Mr. Zhang is limited by his status and cannot handle it, and Mr. Ma and Mr. Ha are too weak to separate themselves..."

Brother Twelve remained silent.

The thirteenth brother hesitated for a moment, and said: "Ninth brother, third brother has gone to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, appointed as the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs..."

Brother Jiu was stunned, the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably, and he asked in surprise, "Isn't it possible?"

Khan Ama even remembered to pull him out, so how could he be willing to fill in the third child?

The first few sons, Khan Ama Ke is precious, they are the real beloved sons.

Elder Brother Thirteen nodded, and said with displeasure: "He has already gone, Brother Twelfth also told him to drive him out!"

Brother Nine was dumbfounded and didn't know what to say.

Seeing that he was silent, Brother Thirteen only thought he was sad, and persuaded him: "Brother Jiu, don't feel bad, it's not worth it for such a person. He has already been thinking about Brother Jiu's errand, otherwise how can a good censor stare at him?" Brother Shangjiu?"

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother thought about going together, and felt that the impeachment incident was caused by the third elder brother.

The ninth elder brother looked at the thirteenth elder brother, and almost guessed the reason.

The emperor's father is not cruel, and he will not push the third elder brother to top the tank for no reason.

This is the third elder brother volunteering.

In this way, it hit thunder again and seemed unfriendly.

Holding his forehead, he felt that the third elder brother was pitiful and hateful, why didn't he have a long memory?

It is conceivable that when the "nest case" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs comes out, the third elder brother will be hated by people.

Originally, the popularity was not very good, and it will be upgraded in the future.

He let out a heavy breath, feeling that his stomach was getting better and better, and he didn't hold grudges very much, but felt sorry for the third child.

He glanced at Elder Brother Twelve and said, "If you're not allowed to go, take a rest first, it's so hot, wait until it cools down..."

Speaking of this, he remembered Zhang Tingzan's words, cleared his throat, and said, "I just have time to spare, pick up "Mencius" and review it..."

Then I took notes or something, so that Zhang Tingzan didn't have an answer when he turned around and asked about it.

Brother Twelve looked at Brother Nine with doubts on his face.

Brother Jiu said solemnly: "People stand in the world, and it is not a disadvantage to learn more about the golden mean. Everything is not black and white, and you can't keep your face down. Who can do whatever they want?"

Elder Brother Twelve felt that these words were harsh, but he still listened to them with ease.

Elder Brother Thirteen was by the side, deeply touched.

Loyalty is harsh, if Brother Nine hadn't cared about Brother Twelfth, he wouldn't have taught him these principles.

Both are brothers, the gap is huge.

Brother Jiu didn't want to talk about the Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs anymore, afraid that he couldn't help laughing, so he turned away and said, "It's hard to come out, let's go, go and see your nephews and nieces..."

As he said that, he instructed He Yuzhu: "Go and tell Fujin that the twelfth and thirteenth brothers are here, and the master will take them to see the children, and then tell the dining room to serve meals earlier, so don't delay elder brother's return to the palace... ..."

He Yuzhu responded and trotted to report the letter.

Brother Twelve met several children in mid-March.

At that time, the eldest elder brother and the eldest elder brother grew up, white and tender; the second elder brother was still like a little old man, wrinkled, small and fragile.

Brother Thirteen hadn't had a chance to meet him yet, so he said in surprise, "Is it convenient?"

Brother Jiu said: "You are uncles, what's the inconvenience?"

The brothers chatted a few more gossips, guessing that after half a cup of tea, Shu Shu's side should be sorted out, so Brother Jiu took the two of them to the main courtyard.

Shu Shu was already waiting at the door of the main room. When he met the two of them, his uncle and sister-in-law greeted them.

Brother Jiu said: "Don't follow me out, I will take the two of them to see the child."

Shu Shu nodded, and didn't force it, just asked: "Then the food is set in the front yard, or the main room."

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said: "Let's go to the front yard, they will leave after eating, don't delay the time, and save the trouble of locking the palace gate."

Shu Shu agreed.

Brother Jiu directly took the two of them to the back building, and said: "Fengsheng and Akdan are here, and Niguzhu is at the county lord's side. They can't be raised together, or if one cries, the other two will be together." Crying and making a fuss."

The twelfth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother are here, and they are not interested in hearing about raising children and raising children.

While talking, when we got to the back building, Nanny Qi was waiting at the door, and told Brother Ninth: "Brother Jiu has just had milk and is awake; Brother Nine is still asleep, so Master Ninth should speak softly. "

The second elder brother has the smallest body but the worst temper. He wakes up very angry and cries if he can't sleep or eat well.

His crying is different from Da Gege's dry howling, it's the kind of soft sobbing, wipe the tears away, crying until he hiccups, he has to get over his anger, no one dares to provoke him.

Thinking of this, Brother Jiu also felt lingering fear, and said, "Okay, I understand."

He relaxed his movements, the twelfth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother looked at each other, and they also tiptoed.

Arrived at Dongshaojian first, the elder brother was awake, he didn't get in the car, and was being hiccupped by the nanny.

Seeing Brother Nine coming in, the nanny stepped aside.

The elder brother is wearing a little monk's clothes made of Songjiang cloth, looking cute and honest.

The thirteenth elder brother saw the elder brother's appearance clearly, so he couldn't help laughing, and said, "It really looks like the ninth sister-in-law..."

Brother Nine stretched out his hand, hugged elder brother from the nanny's hand, weighed it, and said: "It's better to live up to Da Gege, he doesn't gain much weight!"

Brother Thirteen has never seen a child before, so he doesn't know how big a normal baby should be, but seeing everyone's relaxed appearance, he feels that the rumors about the weak health of the triplets are a bit absurd. Still so calm and calm.

He carefully touched the elder brother's small fist, which was white and tender, with warmth.

Seeing this, elder brother Nine directly stuffed elder brother into his arms, saying: "Hold as much as you want, among the three big babies, this is the only one who doesn't pick anyone."

The thirteenth elder brother's body was tense, and he hugged him tightly, for fear of falling.

The eldest elder brother didn't recognize his birth, and lay obediently in his arms, his eyes fell on the hat of the thirteenth elder brother.

The thirteenth brother is wearing a summer hat with red tassels on it.

The weight of the little baby is here. After the thirteenth elder brother was nervous, he adjusted his posture under the instructions of the ninth elder brother, and he felt at ease in the hug. He asked curiously, "Is the second elder brother picking someone with Big Gege?"

Brother Nine nodded, and said: "Second Elder Brother is being coquettish, so I will only recognize you Ninth Sister-in-law, and no one else can do it, even if it is a nanny to breastfeed, you have to wear your Ninth Sister-in-law's old clothes on your arm; Da Gege Over there, I have to follow her mood. When she is in a good mood, she is as cute as a big brother. When she is in a bad mood, she likes to be a donkey..."

The thirteenth elder brother nodded.

Elder Brother Twelve was beside him, his eyes fell on the face of Eldest Brother, and he couldn't help complaining in his heart.

It's still a baby who can't move, how to choose someone?

It was appointed that Brother Jiu was biased, and looked at the eldest brother who was the fairest and cutest.

Daughter-in-law fans are like this, Aiwujiwu...

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