Entertainment: Taking her daughter out of the house, it is popular on the Internet

Chapter 106 Master Xing's movie will be released at the same time, will it be withdrawn?

Chapter 106 Master Xing's movie will be released at the same time, will it be withdrawn? (seeking the first order, four more)

What's more interesting is that the release date of Master Xing's movie is exactly the same day as "I'm Not the God of Medicine".

Master Xing is the king of comedy. Even though he has stopped acting in movies in recent years, the movies he directed have been doing well at the box office.

In addition, Gu Chenfeng uttered wild words on the Internet before, saying that "I'm Not the God of Medicine" can win 30 billion box office.

All of a sudden, netizens have something to talk about.

"Hehe, this is interesting. "I'm Not the God of Medicine" meets "The New King of Comedy". I don't know how Gu Chenfeng, the new actor, will feel after hearing the news."

"At first I thought that Gu Chenfeng was a down-to-earth actor, but now it seems that he has been swelled by the best actor trophy!"

"30 billion at the box office? In front of Master Xing, Gu Chenfeng still wants to get 30 billion at the box office? I don't think it's unknown whether he can get [-] million at the box office."

"It seems that Gu Chenfeng, who just became a god this time, is about to fall from the altar. It's sad enough to end his acting career just after he started."

"Who can be blamed? When I thought I was the film king, I started to swell up. I really don't know what to do."

"I used to have a good impression of Gu Chenfeng, but now it seems that I don't have any feelings. It's too arrogant and too high-profile."

"If you say that Master Xing's "The New King of Comedy" can scare 30 billion at the box office, I absolutely believe it. After all, Master Xing's works rarely disappoint us, but the movies starring Gu Chenfeng, even Xu Zheng Producer, at most one billion, no more."

"One billion? You are trying to save face for Gu Chenfeng. After all, whether Gu Chenfeng can still maintain his level of shooting "Buried Alive" in the movie "I'm Not the God of Medicine" remains to be considered."


Netizens obviously don't believe that "I'm Not the God of Medicine" starring Gu Chenfeng can get 30 billion box office.

Even Gu Chenfeng's fans were shocked by his wild words this time.

Teacher Gu is really crazy this time.

All of a sudden, the wild words of 30 billion box office made Gu Chenfeng's discussion on the Internet even higher than when he won the best actor.

At this time, Kun, who had been abused by netizens some time ago, came out to show his presence again.

Seeing that Gu Chenfeng is trampled on by so many netizens now, how could he not come to add insult to injury?

So he wrote on Weibo: "Hehe, 30 billion, I'm so scared, if someone can really get 30 billion at the box office, I will quit the film industry."

"Just, do you have that ability?"

As soon as this very ironic Weibo came out, it immediately aroused the madness of Kun's fans.

One by one frantically ran to the comment section of Gu Chenfeng's Weibo to mock him. After all, they are all spectators who don't think it's a big deal. If they can see their idol's opponent being stepped on, they will be happy to add fuel to the fire.

"Oh, I'm so scared, Gu Chenfeng wants to get 30 billion at the box office, and my legs are almost weak from fright. Our Kun said, if you can get 30 billion at the box office, he will quit the film industry , Unfortunately, do you have that ability?"

"My kun is too domineering, do you have that ability? That's a good MAN!"

"Gu Chenfeng, do you have the ability to get 30 billion at the box office?"

"We are still waiting for you to win 30 billion at the box office."


Under the frantic rhythm of Kun's fans, his Weibo also directly rushed to the Weibo trending list.

This made Kun's fans very excited. After all, it cost money to be on the hot search before, but this time it's free, so delicious!
So they worked harder, for fear that others would not know Kun's domineering, crazy bragging and rhythm.

At this time, Gu Chenfeng also replied on his Weibo: "I'm waiting!"

Then it was accompanied by a screenshot of the Weibo on Kun Weibo.

And Gu Chenfeng's response once again told everyone a message, that is, he is very confident in the movie he starred in, and he has no problem with the flag he has set.

When the crew of "I'm Not the God of Medicine" came to Xianghu Station for a road show, everyone was surprised to find that Gu Chenfeng, the leading actor, did not follow the crew to attend the road show promotion.

Everyone speculated whether it was because of Gu Chenfeng's wild words that angered Xu Zheng and was blocked by Xu Zheng.

The netizen's guess, directly driven by Kun's fans, once again maxed out the Internet.

"This time, "I'm Not the God of Medicine" did not star Gu Chenfeng in the road show at Xianghu Station. Do you think he offended Xu Zheng and was banned?"

"I think it's possible. If Gu Chenfeng is really blocked by Xu Zheng, it will really be a big joke, and his acting career will be over."

"Looking at it now, Xu Zheng's decision to choose Gu Chenfeng to star in "I'm Not the God of Medicine" was wrong!"

"Now Gu Chenfeng is going to become the biggest joke in the entertainment industry. He even said that he was an actor at the Academy Award ceremony. After this wave of operations, he killed himself. The trouble came out of his mouth It's really true!"

"As an actor who can't control his mouth, he is destined to not go for a long time."

"That's right, whether it's an actor or an actress, if you don't control your mouth, you will be drowned by the entertainment industry sooner or later."


When netizens are discussing hotly, the media reporters participating in this road show will naturally not let go of this excellent opportunity.

They all asked Xu Zheng, "Director Xu, Gu Chenfeng, the lead actor, why didn't he come to the road show after the box office hit 30 billion?"

Xu Zheng glanced at the reporter who asked the question, then passed directly, and said, "Next question."

Another reporter asked: "Director Xu, is it because Gu Chenfeng uttered wild words that angered you and you blocked him?"

"Next question!" Xu Zheng said with an ugly face.

"Director Xu, do you regret inviting Gu Chenfeng to replace you in "I'm Not the God of Medicine" now? If you starred in this movie yourself or someone else starred in it, the box office should not be too bad, but now Because of Gu Chenfeng's relationship, I'm afraid it won't be too good."

"Next question!"

"Director Xu, I heard that Master Xing's "The King of New Drama" has been finalized, and it will be released at the same time as "I'm Not the God of Medicine". Now "I'm Not the God of Medicine" can be said to be embattled on all sides. Will you choose to withdraw the file?"

The reporter's questions became more and more acute, and in the end, Xu Zheng was directly withdrawn.

This made Xu Zheng explode all of a sudden.

If "I'm Not the God of Medicine" is withdrawn now, then this movie will be truly ruined.

So Xu Zheng glared and said, "You reporters are always so self-righteous, and you have made up so many plots in your head, is it interesting?"

"Mr. Gu didn't participate in the road show because Mr. Gu wanted to go back to accompany his precious daughter Tangtang. After all, Mr. Gu has been out for a long time this time."

"It's obviously a great father's love, but you made it up to me to block Teacher Gu. What are you pretending to be in your mind?"

(End of this chapter)

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