Chapter 11 Signed the contract, super good treatment (recommendation ticket for follow-up reading)
Zhang Qingqing took Gu Chenfeng for a walk around Tianmang Entertainment Company.

Here, gyms, swimming pools, recording studios, accommodation, canteens, etc., as long as it is related to entertainment, you can see it.

After walking around, Gu Chenfeng also had a preliminary understanding of Zhang Qingqing, and at the same time had a general understanding of Tianmang Entertainment Company.

At present, there are not too many artists under Tianmang Entertainment Company, there are only six. After all, it has only been established for one year.

Those artists who have become famous have their own companies or studios.

Now the six people under Tianmang Entertainment have a lot of coffee positions. If Gu Chenfeng signs in, he will be the company's little seven, and he is also the most unpopular one.

Zhang Qingqing looked at Gu Chenfeng and said: "Gu Chenfeng, I suggest you move to the company to live. Currently there are five suites in the company that are unoccupied. You can live in one of them. Here, you can also make better use of it." The company's resources to enhance its image in all aspects."

Gu Chenfeng didn't answer directly, but stared at Zhang Qingqing and asked, "Sister Zhang, do I need to pay rent if I live in a company?"

Zhang Qingqing was taken aback, she obviously didn't expect Gu Chenfeng to ask such a question, but she still replied: "This is the company's artists' benefits, and they don't need to pay rent."

"Hey!" Gu Chenfeng smiled and said, "Sister Zhang, save a set for me."

Gu Chenfeng roughly took a look. Although the suite here has two bedrooms and two living rooms, its square meter has reached [-] square meters, and the decoration is extremely high-end.

He does have the idea of ​​moving here.

After all, the small restaurant at home is still too crowded, Tangtang lives in the villa, if it's okay to live occasionally, if it takes a long time, she might blame herself psychologically.

Hearing the words, Zhang Qingqing was stunned for a moment, and then said: "When will you move here, I will keep it for you."

"However, now we should go to sign the contract."

Gu Chenfeng nodded. Since he has decided to join Tianmang Entertainment, he will not regret it.

Even if he has a cheat now, he still needs the springboard of Tianmang Entertainment to take off.

Moreover, Tianmang Entertainment Company gave Gu Chenfeng a very good feeling as a whole, so they signed an artist contract with Zhang Qingqing very quickly.

Although this is a rookie contract, the treatment of Gu Chenfeng in the contract surprised him a bit.

There are nanny cars, drivers, assistants, and brokers.

You know, those who can own these four-piece suits are at least very popular stars, but Gu Chenfeng is just a rookie who hasn't made his debut yet.

To actually own this four-piece suit, it shows that Tianmang Entertainment attaches great importance to him.

After signing the contract, Zhang Qingqing stood up, stretched out her hand, and said, "Gu Chenfeng, you are welcome to join Tianmang Entertainment Company. I hope we can cooperate happily in the future."

Gu Chenfeng also stood up quickly, shook hands with Zhang Qingqing, and said, "Sister Zhang, we will definitely cooperate happily."

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Zhang Qingqing smiled.


hope so!
Since then, Gu Chenfeng has officially joined Tianmang Entertainment.

Tianmang Entertainment's work efficiency is very high. After Gu Chenfeng signed the contract, he was immediately equipped with an assistant, as well as a 24-hour standby driver and a nanny car.

The assistant's name is Wu Xiaoxiao, she is a cute and cute little girl; the driver is a veteran named Wu Jun.

The reason why he chose a veteran is that, to put it bluntly, this Wu Jun is not only Gu Chenfeng's driver, but also his bodyguard.

After everyone got to know each other, Zhang Qingqing looked at Gu Chenfeng and asked, "Chenfeng, when do you plan to move here?"

Gu Chenfeng thought for a while and said, "Let's pass in two days!"

The reason why he said that was because he was going back to discuss with his parents and Tangtang.

Although the company is not far from home, it takes half an hour to take a taxi, and this time Tangtang has only lived there for a long time, if she takes it away immediately.

It may make the already bad relationship between Gu Chenfeng and his parents worse.

Zhang Qingqing glanced at Gu Chenfeng in surprise, but said nothing.

Wu Jun said directly: "Mr. Gu, when you need to move, just call me and I will help you."

Assistant Wu Xiaoxiao also said with a smile: "Well, Mr. Gu, I can help too."

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said, "Thank you, but I don't have much luggage, just two sets of clothes."

This is not a lie, when he left Yang Jiao's villa, he wore one set of clothes, and with the current one, there are two sets of clothes in total.

But Zhang Qingqing ordered: "Chenfeng, if you want to go back in the afternoon, just ask Wu Jun to drive you, and then Xiaoxiao will prepare some daily necessities and decorate the room."

I have to say that Zhang Qingqing does have the demeanor of a big sister, and her overall planning ability is simply amazing.

Naturally, no one else had any opinion on what she said.

After Zhang Qingqing finished speaking, she was about to leave. At this moment, Gu Chenfeng stood up, followed her footsteps, and said, "Well, Sister Zhang, I want to ask you something."

"What's the matter?" Zhang Qingqing stopped and asked back.

Gu Chenfeng said frankly: "Can I start a live broadcast to practice singing now?"

The reason why he asks this is because he still has system tasks, and he needs to accumulate [-] reputation points in three days, and the fastest way to get reputation points is to live broadcast.

After all, he has just signed a contract now, so it is impossible for the company to ask him to participate in some talent show to gain exposure.

And judging by the speed at which the prestige value skyrocketed yesterday, if he wanted to complete the system tasks within three days, he could only sing live.

Zhang Qingqing looked at Gu Chenfeng in surprise, and asked suspiciously, "Can you still sing?"

How can it be called singing?

That's pretty good at singing!
Gu Chenfeng felt a little complacent, but still said modestly: "I'm not very good at it, just practice first, practice."

"Practice can be practiced in the company or dormitory, why go to the live broadcast?" Zhang Qingqing asked back.

Regarding the fact that Gu Chenfeng can sing, she really hadn't heard director Zhu Bing mention it.

However, if he can really sing, it will be easier to operate in the future.

Gu Chenfeng took out his mobile phone, opened Weibo and found the video of himself singing in the Shining live broadcast room last night, handed it to Zhang Qingqing, and said, "I just think live singing is quite fun, listen to it?"

Of course, you can't tell the truth to Zhang Qingqing, if there is no such fucking system task, Gu Chenfeng would not be willing to sing live if he is killed.

After picking up the phone, there was a heavy electronic voice, followed by a slightly sad male voice.

"All the honors of yesterday have become distant memories."

Just the first sentence, Zhang Qingqing felt her heart was touched. When she saw in the video, Gu Chenfeng played the electronic piano and sang at the same time, a gleam flashed in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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