Chapter 113 Rave reviews, super high ratings (seeking first order)
Judging from the discussions among netizens, this year's May [-]st movie does not have a movie that everyone agrees on.

Even Xingye's "The New King of Comedy" this time was given different comments by netizens, but it failed to reach the level of unanimous praise.

Those who like Master Xing's style still think this "The New King of Comedy" is very good-looking, while some netizens think that Master Xing is a bit out of his wits and this movie is not that good.

With such an evaluation, it also shows that "The New King of Comedy" may really have some problems.

As for other movies, Kun's fans think "Xxx" is a very good movie, while those netizens who are eager to test the drug are completely annihilated and died of the poison.

Even the title of the movie was directly changed to "Agent of Sissy" by netizens.

Huang Jing's "Legend of Conquering the Devil" was directly criticized by netizens as a bad movie, comparable to "The Secret Service".

As for the other four films that were released at the same time, the comments from netizens were not very high.

Now there are only reviews for the movie "I'm Not the God of Medicine" that have not yet come out.

Fortunately, netizens didn't have to wait too long, and some viewers who finished watching "I'm Not the God of Medicine" became active online.

""I'm Not the God of Medicine" is the best movie I've seen this year. It's not one of them. It's really good-looking. The acting skills of the lead actor Gu Chenfeng are much better than in "Buried Alive". It was also very good.”

"I really didn't expect that a young actor in his 20s could play the role of a middle-aged man so well. Gu Chenfeng's acting skills once again conquered me. I strongly recommend everyone to watch "I'm Not the God of Medicine" "."

"This movie is good, but it's a little teary. I advise everyone not to buy snacks to watch this movie, because you can't eat it at all."

"'The biggest disease of people is the disease of poverty.' I was inexplicably moved by this line. This movie is really very good. Teacher Gu's acting skills are absolutely explosive. I strongly recommend it."

"'Can you guarantee that you will never get sick for the rest of your life?' There are many such classic lines in "I'm Not the God of Medicine". They hit the heart purely, directly and powerfully. A good movie is worth recommending."

"I'm such an old man, I actually cried while watching "I'm Not the God of Medicine", and I cried three times. It's just too embarrassing, but this movie is really good."

"Full marks, I give full marks to Mr. Gu's movie, whether it's the plot, rhythm, or the acting skills of the actors, they are all very good."


After watching "I'm Not the God of Medicine", the viewers expressed their opinions on the movie on the Internet, which directly shocked the netizens.

Because, all praise.

It feels like spending money to hire a sailor.

This is too crazy!
However, careful netizens still discovered that this scene is exactly the same as when Gu Chenfeng's "Buried Alive" was released.

Rave reviews and almost no bad reviews.

But some people are also wondering, the two films of Gu Chenfeng are two completely different types, why did they get the same result?

Is Gu Chenfeng really that powerful?
"Oh my god, "I'm Not the God of Medicine" has all the positive reviews. Is it really that good?"

"Are you sure you didn't ask the navy to paint it?"

"Have a little more brains, you can click on those comment accounts to see for yourself, they are all normal accounts, and they are not navy at all."

"Damn it, then I can only say that Gu Chenfeng is too awesome. Is the movie "I'm Not the God of Medicine" really going to be a big hit?"

"I can tell you in a responsible manner that Gu Chenfeng's "I'm Not the God of Medicine" is really very, very good-looking. The plot is reasonable, the rhythm is relaxed, and the acting skills of the actors are online. It is definitely a rare and good movie. .”

"Fuck, is it really so good-looking? Hearing what you say, it makes me want to buy a ticket now."

"I just finished watching "The King of New Dramas", and to be honest, I'm a little disappointed. Seeing that so many of you said "I'm Not the God of Medicine" is good, I'm going to buy tickets now to see if what you said is true. "

"I'm going too, I don't believe it, "I'm Not the God of Medicine" is really as good as you say."


Even though it is already past two o'clock in the morning, netizens did not feel sleepy at all. Some netizens even read "I am not the God of Medicine" on the Internet and said it was very good, so they turned around and went to the cinema.

Up to now, the eight movies released on May [-]st have all finished the first show.

Judging from the reactions of netizens, except for "I'm Not the God of Medicine", the other seven films have mixed reviews, and only "I'm Not the God of Medicine" has received unanimous praise.

Three in the morning.

The ratings of eight released movies have been refreshed on a certain petal website.

"I'm Not the God of Medicine", which attracts the most attention from netizens, has more than 8 people, and gave it a super high score of 9.8.

This shocked netizens.

Even Master Xing's "The King of New Drama" only got a score of 7.2 on a certain website.

As for "The Secret Service" and "The Legend of the Devil", the ratings of these two films were even lower, only scoring 4.5 points and 4.2 points.

The other four movies also scored around four points.

Everyone knows that the score after the first screening of a movie has a crucial impact on the subsequent box office of the movie, so when netizens saw this score, they were all not calm.

Many well-known film critics also commented on the movies they had watched online.

Among them, Hu Chan, a film critic known for his poisonous tongue, also wrote a [-]-word film review as soon as he returned home after watching "I'm Not the God of Medicine".

In the absence of spoilers, Hu Chan highly praised the movie "I'm Not the God of Medicine", in which she once again used most of the space to praise Gu Chenfeng.

When Hu Chan's fans saw this film review, they were all dumbfounded.

Is this still the venomous film critic they knew?

Why did she act like a different person when she came to Gu Chenfeng's movie?
It was like this in "Buried Alive", and it's like this now in "I'm Not the God of Medicine".

This has become Gu Chenfeng's licking dog!

"After the appraisal, Hu Chan has been conquered by Gu Chenfeng."

"That's what I said, but "I'm Not the God of Medicine" starring Gu Chenfeng this time is really fucking good. I went to see it. Gu Chenfeng's performance in this movie is better than "Buried Alive". Okay, so Hu Chan is not wrong."

"Yes, yes, I also watched "I'm Not the God of Medicine", and I think Hu Chan's comments are very good. It's not a deliberate compliment to Gu Chenfeng, but an objective and true comment."

"It can only be said that Gu Chenfeng's acting skills have improved again. When he played Paul in "Buried Alive", his acting skills were already superb. This time, Cheng Yong played in "I'm Not the God of Medicine" is even more impressive. Amazing."

"It seems that if you want to see Hu Chan's poisonous tongue comments in the future, you can only wait for other movies, such as "The Secret Service" and "The Legend of Conquering the Devil". In the movies starring Gu Chenfeng, Hu Chan is no longer Poisonous film critic."

"Have you noticed that Hu Chan is not the only film critic who praised the movie "I'm Not the God of Medicine", but all other film critics are also praising this movie. It seems that this movie is really going to be a big hit. !"

 No.11 update today.

  It has just been put on the shelves, please order first, two to three chapters will be updated tomorrow morning, and then two will be updated at noon.

  The deadline for the first set is [-]:[-] noon tomorrow. If it exceeds [-], it will continue to be updated the day after tomorrow.

  The monkey is trying to code words.

(End of this chapter)

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