Entertainment: Taking her daughter out of the house, it is popular on the Internet

Chapter 128 The higher-ups don't agree, I'll do it myself

Chapter 128 The higher-ups don't agree, I'll do it myself (please ask for a monthly ticket)
Zhang Qingqing looked at Gu Chenfeng and asked, "Chenfeng, are you serious this time? This is a sci-fi movie, and it's a sci-fi movie with such a large investment. Is it too risky?"

Not to mention other things, with such a large investment, it is not certain whether you can find investors to make a science fiction film.

The company will certainly not invest so much at once to make a science fiction film.

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said: "Sister Zhang, if you want to hit a higher position, how can it be possible without taking some risks? Besides, I have 90% confidence."

"90% confidence?" Zhang Qingqing couldn't believe her ears.

You know, no one dares to say such amazing things before the work is finished.

But this seemingly calm man brought by him actually said such words.

Did he really have such great confidence, or did he get the title of 40 billion actor, a little bit flustered?

Seeing Zhang Qingqing's shocked expression, Gu Chenfeng grinned and said, "I was afraid of scaring you, so I said 90%. In fact, I have [-]% confidence."

Zhang Qingqing: "..."

This guy must be joking, don't take it seriously, don't take it seriously.

This is science fiction, right?
Not to mention Gu Chenfeng, even those international directors dare not say that they have 90% confidence before the production is completed.

Not to mention a 90% success rate, even if it was a 50% success rate, Zhang Qingqing felt that she could take a risk.

But the key point is that in the history of domestic films, no sci-fi film has ever been successful, which means that the success rate of domestic sci-fi films is 0%.

Gu Chenfeng knew that Zhang Qingqing definitely didn't believe it, so he said again: "Sister Zhang, believe me, as long as "The Wandering Planet" is made, then we will definitely blow up the entire domestic film field, and even influence overseas. "

"This movie is destined to be a milestone science fiction movie."

Hearing this, Zhang Qingqing trembled all over.

Max out the entire domestic film field?

Also affected overseas?

is it possible?

Gu Chenfeng stared into Zhang Qingqing's eyes, and said word by word: "Sister Zhang, please trust me."

Sensing Gu Chenfeng's firm gaze, Zhang Qingqing also made a decision in her heart, and said slowly, "Okay, I believe in you."

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said: "Okay, Sister Zhang, with your words, there is no problem."

However, Zhang Qingqing asked again: "What if the top management disagrees? After all, with so much investment, it is impossible for the company to invest alone, and it may not be easy to find investors outside."

"Besides, who do you plan to hire to direct? This is an old client. Presumably few big directors in China would dare to accept it."

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said, "I already have a director candidate."


"Director Zhuo!"

"Zuo Le?"

"Yes, that's right, it's him!"

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Zhang Qingqing was frightened.

She really didn't expect that Gu Chenfeng would choose Zhuo Le as the director of a sci-fi film with an investment of hundreds of millions.

That's a rookie director!

With such a large investment, no matter what, directors like Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige should be found to direct it!

Gu Chenfeng said with a smile: "Sister Zhang, don't laugh at Director Zhuo, he has worked in many big Hollywood crews, and I checked on the Internet, and the crews he stayed in are all The sci-fi films he shoots, that is to say, he definitely has more experience in making sci-fi films than domestic directors.”

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Zhang Qingqing nodded.

Everyone knows this. When Zhuo Le won the Best Newcomer Director Award at the Academy Awards, he played the crew he had worked in before.

To say that the person with the most experience in making sci-fi films in China is really Zhuo Le.

Maybe he really is the most suitable candidate.

Zhang Qingqing said: "The most important thing now is the high-level side."

Gu Chenfeng shrugged, and said: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if the high-level executives agree to the investment or not. The 30 billion box office revenue I received from "I'm Not the God of Medicine" is just a little bit. When the time comes, I will suddenly... cough cough , Persuade Director Zhuo, it’s no problem to compare him with something.”

"And I can act in this movie with zero pay, so if you save a little, it shouldn't be too much difference."

In fact, when Gu Chenfeng decided to redeem "Wandering Planet", he had already considered these possible problems.

Now that it has been exchanged, it is impossible for him to seal the script just because the top management of Tianmang Entertainment disagrees with the investment or cannot find the investment.

Now that it has been exchanged and decided to shoot it, even if it is a waste of money, it must be sold.

This is a script with a score of 9.8 after system transformation.

What's more, this film is of great significance to the domestic film industry.

At this time, Zhang Qingqing said: "Chenfeng, if the high-level management disagrees, I still have 5000 million, so let's also invest in it."

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said, "Okay!"

In the afternoon, Liu Kuang came to Gu Chenfeng's house.

When Gu Chenfeng saw his expression, he knew the result.

He said with an indifferent look: "Minister Liu, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter whether the senior management agrees or not. I completely understand. After all, the investment is too big and the risk is too big."

When Liu Kuang heard Gu Chenfeng's words, his face became even more ugly, and he felt a little sorry for him.

In fact, Liu Kuang himself was very optimistic about this script, but who knew that Sensible would immediately reject it without even thinking about it when he heard it was a science fiction film.

Not only that, but also told Liu Kuang that he could not use a penny of the company's money to invest in this movie. Obviously, from the perspective of the board of directors, investing in this movie is no different from throwing money into the water.

This also made Liu Kuang feel the cold-bloodedness of capitalists for the first time, and he was inexplicably chilled.

He said to Gu Chenfeng bitterly: "Mr. Gu, I'm really sorry. Originally, I could use [-] million yuan to invest, but after the senior management knew that this was a sci-fi movie, they directly canceled my right."

Liu Kuang has always been very optimistic about Gu Chenfeng. If possible, he is willing to agree to all of Gu Chenfeng's requests, because Gu Chenfeng is really outstanding.

But now, he can't help.

Looking at Liu Kuang's self-blaming and guilty expression, Gu Chenfeng smiled and said, "Mr. Liu, it really doesn't matter. I actually expected this result a long time ago, so I really don't blame you, and I understand the company's senior management."

"Because from their point of view, there is nothing wrong with not investing in such a big risk."

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Liu Kuang's heart skipped a beat.

Because he heard a trace of estrangement.

Understanding and being weird are two different things.

Of course, he also knew that Gu Chenfeng's estrangement was not aimed at him, Liu Kuang, but at Tianmang Entertainment Company and the company's top management.

But what can Liu Kuang do?

He could only watch helplessly, unable to do anything.

Everything can only be blamed on the capitalists for being too ruthless and cold-blooded.

Gu Chenfeng looked at Liu Kuang and said, "Mr. Liu, although the high-level management disagrees with the company's investment, I hope they don't stop me from preparing to start filming "Wandering Planet". I remember that there was no such constraint in the original contract."

"Even during the contract period, I can invest by myself, and all the returns on investment belong to me, right!"

Liu Kuang nodded and said, "That's right, it's written in the contract. This is Teacher Gu's freedom."

After finishing speaking, Liu Kuang thought of something else, and continued: "Teacher Gu, I invested 5000 million in my own name. Although I don't know if this movie will be successful, I believe that Teacher Gu will not let me down."

(End of this chapter)

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