Chapter 135 New dramas keep breaking news (seeking monthly ticket for subscription)

Netizens were shocked by Gu Chenfeng's Weibo post.

No one expected that Gu Chenfeng's new movie would start filming so soon. The youngest movie star with 40 billion yuan in history is going to set sail again.

And this time he is cooperating with old artists like Fa Ge and Da Shu.

This has caused many netizens to speculate that Gu Chenfeng has become a 40 billion actor with two films. Now that he has such a strong cast, how much box office will his third film win?
Then Brother Fa, Uncle Da, Zhuo Le, Guan Gu, Reba and others reposted Gu Chenfeng's Weibo one after another, which made his new movie very popular even before the filming started.

However, when netizens pay close attention to this new movie, everyone is also very curious, what kind of movie will be produced by the strong alliance between Fa Ge and Gu Chenfeng?

Not only netizens, but even many people in the circle want to know this question.

At this moment, someone on the Internet broke the news that an even more shocking news came out.

The breaking news account is called Circle Boge, a well-known breaking news expert on Weibo, every time the news is basically true, there are very few fake news.

It is precisely for this reason that netizens were even more shocked when they saw his revelation.

I saw on the microblog of the insider brother: "Just got an internal report that the new movie that Gu Chenfeng and Zhuo Le are currently preparing, the script is written by Gu Chenfeng, the youngest actor with 40 billion in history."

"Of course, "Buried Alive" was also written by him. This news is not a big deal. What is surprising is that Gu Chenfeng's original intention was to let Tianmang Entertainment invest in the filming, and the investment amount was as high as [-] million, but the company's executives directly Rejected, did not give Gu Chenfeng any face at all, not only rejected, but also did not vote for a cent."

"As for who is investing now, there is no news yet, but what is certain is that the funds should have been almost in place, and they are making preparations before the shooting."

"If you want to know the follow-up and latest news of this matter, please pay attention to Brother Boom in the circle."

When netizens saw this news, they couldn't believe their eyes.

As for Gu Chenfeng's ability to write scripts, everyone knew about it in "Buried Alive".

However, Gu Chenfeng has always been the face of Tianmang Entertainment, but this time he was directly rejected by the senior management, and he didn't even vote for him.

This is too incredible.

Moreover, if Tianmang Entertainment didn't like Gu Chenfeng's script, then why did big figures like Fa Ge and Da Shu agree to participate?
This doesn't make any sense at all!

"Holy shit, is this true? It makes me doubt the reputation of the hot guy in the circle."

"Isn't Gu Chenfeng the number one brother of Tianmang Entertainment? How come the executives didn't invest a cent? Even if they don't like the script, it's a good intention to invest 800 million yuan!"

"If this revelation is true, it will be too explosive. Gu Chenfeng, as Tianmang Entertainment's treasure, is treated like this by the company. It's chilling to think about it!"

"Why is this different from what was rumored on the Internet before? Didn't the Internet say that Gu Chenfeng is in Tianmang Entertainment, and the company will give him whatever he wants?"

"The point is, the investment in this movie is as high as [-] million. Although I understand the executives' reluctance to take risks, it would be really chilling not to invest a single cent."

"Oh my god, [-] million, if this is true, then this is definitely a big production, no, it should be said to be a super big production."

"The third movie will be a big production of [-] million yuan. What is Mr. Gu doing?"

"I'm curious about what kind of drama it is that requires an investment of [-] million yuan."

"If this script is really written by Mr. Gu, then Tianmang Entertainment, as the contracted company, should be more interesting. I really don't understand what the senior management of Tianmang Entertainment thinks."

"If this news is true, then I'm a little disappointed with the top management of Tianmang Entertainment. Teacher Gu is also the face of the company. Although he only made two movies, he also made a lot of money for the company. But what happened? It’s just too chilling.”

"Then the question is, where did Gu Chenfeng come from for so much investment?"


Following the breaking news of Brother Explosive in the circle, Tianmang Entertainment was directly pushed to the forefront.

If the news is true, Mang Entertainment's actions that day were a little too much.

However, what is even more shocking is that the investment in this movie is as high as [-] million.

This is too scary!
Just when netizens had many doubts that could not be solved, Zhuo Le updated a Weibo.

"Let me tell you the exact news. The new film that Mr. Gu and I are going to shoot next is indeed from Mr. Gu, and this time it is a completely different type from "Buried Alive". I can only sigh that Mr. Gu's talent is real." evildoer."

"This script is the best and most perfect script I have ever seen, bar none."

Netizens were not too shocked by Zhuo Le's Weibo post.

In other words, everyone thinks that this is Zhuo Le deliberately touting Gu Chenfeng in order to increase the attention of the new drama before the filming started.

However, netizens feel that Zhuo Le's praise is a bit too much.

"This is too full of words, isn't the script written by Gu Chenfeng the most perfect script he has ever seen? It's too fake, I really don't believe it."

"Although we all know that you are doing this for hype, can we be a little more reliable? Don't blow it so loudly, otherwise it will hurt a lot if you get slapped in the face later."

"Although Zhuo Le's exaggeration is a bit too much, judging from the fact that old artists like Fa Ge and Da Shu have agreed to participate in the performance, Gu Chenfeng's new script should still be very good."

"Then I'm even more confused. If the script is really so good, why wouldn't Tianmang Entertainment invest in it? But if the script is not good, how could Fa Ge and the others agree to participate?"

"There is another question, that is, where did Mr. Gu get his investment of up to [-] million?"


As the news about Gu Chenfeng's new play spread more and more on the Internet, all kinds of melons appeared one after another.

No, not long after Zhuo Le's Weibo was released, a real estate salesperson broke the news on the Internet that Zhuo Le had recently sold two villas under his name.

After seeing the news, netizens immediately understood where the investment for Gu Chenfeng's new play came from.

"According to the news on the Internet, Zhuo Le's two villas are worth [-] million, but what about the [-] million investment?"

"Teacher Gu may have invested in it himself. After all, he has made two movies, especially the movie "I'm Not the God of Medicine" which earned 30 billion at the box office. Teacher Gu must have made a lot of money himself."

"Even if it's a lot, it's impossible to have [-] million. There should be other people investing!"

"I don't know if other people have invested or not, but I know that for this new play, Mrs. Gu and Zhuo Le are selling iron in frying pans. If they pounce, I'm afraid they will return to the pre-liberation overnight! "

"There are two big film kings joining the show, so I probably won't go anywhere."

"You do the math, how much box office is needed to pay back the cost of a movie with an investment of 20 million? At least 20 billion box office, even if it is a movie with two major movie stars, who can guarantee that it can win [-] billion box office?"

(End of this chapter)

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