Entertainment: Taking her daughter out of the house, it is popular on the Internet

Chapter 146 I want to invest too, the bold Luo Qingcheng

Chapter 146 I want to invest too, the bold Luo Qingcheng

After washing her hands with Tangtang, Luo Qingcheng asked her to sit in the living room and watch cartoons, while she walked into the kitchen to help bring the food to the table.

Soon, the delicious food was served on the table.

The picture of the three of them sitting at the dining table and eating is very warm.

After eating, Luo Qingcheng cleaned up the kitchen, called Gu Chenfeng aside, and asked, "Chenfeng, how are your preparations for the new play going?"

Hearing her question, Gu Chenfeng was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "I'm almost ready. When I come back from Treasure Island, I can start filming."

"I heard from the Internet that this movie needs a lot of money, right?" Luo Qingcheng asked again.

Gu Chenfeng nodded and said: "It will cost a lot of money, but don't worry, I have already found an investment."

"I don't understand movies, but I trust you." Luo Qingcheng said, took out a bank card and handed it to Gu Chenfeng, saying: "There are 5000 million here, and the password is Tangtang's birthday, I want to invest too Your new movie."

After finishing speaking, he added: "Others can invest, but you can't refuse me!"

Gu Chenfeng was stunned.

He never expected that Luo Qingcheng would suddenly take out 5000 million to support him.

For a while, I had mixed feelings in my heart.

Although he didn't know why Luo Qingcheng was able to take out 5000 million, he could also hear the jealousy from the latter sentence.

"Qingcheng, listen to me, I really don't..."

"This is also an investment, so don't refuse, or I won't talk to you again." Before Gu Chenfeng finished speaking, Luo Qingcheng stuffed the bank card into his hand and said.

After finishing speaking, I ran to see Tangtang.

Looking at the graceful back, Gu Chenfeng looked down at the bank card in his hand again, feeling very moved.

At the same time, he secretly vowed that he must protect her well.

After a while, Gu Chenfeng was collecting clothes on the balcony, and Luo Qingcheng was going to take Tangtang upstairs to sleep.

"Chenfeng, Tangtang has to study tomorrow and has to go to bed early, so let's go up first." Luo Qingcheng said to Gu Chenfeng, holding Tangtang by the hand.

Although there are not many rooms in Gu Chenfeng's house, Tangtang, the little guy, has been going to sleep with Luo Qingcheng every night since he moved here.

This made Gu Chenfeng a little speechless, but he also relaxed a lot.

"Okay, by the way, what do you two want to eat tomorrow morning? I'm ready!" Gu Chenfeng asked.

"Tangtang, what do you want to eat?" Luo Qingcheng smiled and asked Tangtang beside him,

Tangtang replied: "I want pies, millet porridge, and meat buns."

"Okay!" Luo Qingcheng looked at Gu Chenfeng and said with a smile, "Then let's make pies, millet porridge and meat buns."

"No problem!" Gu Chenfeng made an OK gesture.

Luo Qingcheng said: "Tangtang said goodbye to Dad, let's go upstairs."

"Mom!" Tangtang took Luo Qingcheng's hand and said seriously: "Can you let Dad go upstairs to sleep with us? Look at such a big house, how scared he is to sleep alone!"

Before Luo Qingcheng could speak, Gu Chenfeng said, "This is not possible, Dad still has to prepare breakfast for you tomorrow morning."

"Hey, go upstairs with Auntie, remember to be obedient and sleep well."

Tangtang was not happy when she heard it, she looked at Gu Chenfeng and corrected, "It's mom, not auntie, stupid dad."

"Let's go!" After Tangtang said this, Luo Qingcheng couldn't stay any longer, left a word, and left as if fleeing with Tangtang in his arms.

After Luo Qingcheng left with Tangtang, Gu Chenfeng closed the door, called Zhuo Le, and told him about the extra investment of 5000 million yuan in the movie.

Now "Wandering Planet" has a total investment of 5000 million, including [-] million from Zhuo Le himself, [-] million from Gu Chenfeng, and [-] million from Liu Kuang, Zhang Qingqing, and Luo Qingcheng.

"Ms. Gu, you can do it, and you have another 5000 million investment!" Zhuo Le on the other end of the phone said in surprise.

In China, few people would invest 5000 million in a sci-fi film. Of course, Zhuo Le didn't ask who invested.

Gu Chenfeng didn't explain, but asked, "Director Zhuo, how are your preparations going? I'll be back from Treasure Island in two days, and the filming will start."

"Don't worry, it's already ready, and we'll start filming when you come back."

"Okay, let's do this first. Remember to divide the investment shares well. This matter can't be sloppy."

"Teacher Gu, don't worry."

After chatting with Zhuo Le, Gu Chenfeng was about to put down his phone and take a shower.

At this time, the phone rang, and it was Luo Qingcheng calling.

"Hello, Qingcheng."

"Chenfeng, bring up a set of pajamas for Tangtang. When Tangtang took a shower and brushed his teeth, he accidentally wet the pajamas."

"Okay, I'll send it right away."

Gu Chenfeng went to the master bedroom to find a set of pajamas for Tangtang, opened the door and went upstairs.

This is the first time Gu Chenfeng came to the 12th floor.

When he came to the door of 1201, he knocked lightly twice, and after confirming that it was Gu Chenfeng outside, Luo Qingcheng opened the door.

Moon white silk pajamas, maroon slightly curly long hair casually plastered on her shoulders, her face is as beautiful as a fairy, although no makeup is applied, it is still shockingly beautiful.

Lazy, beautiful, and charming, Luo Qingcheng at this time is completely different from his usual aloofness.

Luo Qingcheng opened the door wide, it was not as big as just picking up one thing, but it was big enough for one person to walk in.

This is self-evident, Gu Chenfeng can enter.

The atmosphere was a little delicate for a while.

At this moment, Tangtang's voice came from inside the house: "Mom, is it Dad?"

"I'm going out to see Dad!"

"Don't come out." Luo Qingcheng turned her head and shouted: "You didn't wear pajamas, and you were lying obediently on the bed."

Immediately afterwards, Luo Qingcheng took the clothes from Gu Chenfeng and said softly, "Good night."

Gu Chenfeng smiled and nodded, "Good night, see you tomorrow."

Just when Luo Qingcheng was about to close the door, it suddenly opened again.

Just when Gu Chenfeng was puzzled, Luo Qingcheng stepped forward, put his arms around his waist and hugged him tightly.

After a short pause, Gu Chenfeng instinctively stretched out his arms to hold Luo Qingcheng in his arms. I don't know if it was three or five seconds later, Luo Qingcheng broke free from Gu Chenfeng's arms, blushing and said He said: "Good night!"

Then he turned around and went back to the room, closing the door hastily.

Gu Chenfeng smiled wryly in his heart.

It's over before you react?
If it weren't for the faint scent lingering at the tip of his nose, he would have thought it was just a dream.

After glancing at the closed door, Gu Chenfeng turned and went downstairs.

In the master bedroom of 1201, when Luo Qingcheng was helping Tangtang put on her pajamas, Tangtang asked curiously, "Mom, why are you blushing?"

"Ah? Yes, is there? Maybe it's hot! It's too hot today." Luo Qingcheng was in a panic at this moment. She never dreamed that she would be so bold as to embrace a man on her own initiative.

In her opinion, this is even crazier than asking her family to invest 5000 million in Gu Chenfeng.

The little guy was very curious: "But, we have turned on the air conditioner, so it's not too hot!"

"Okay, okay, why are you asking so much, little brat, go to bed, it's almost nine o'clock." Luo Qingcheng, who was guilty, didn't want to mention this matter again, she was too shy.

At this time, Tangtang said again: "Mom, you put my pants on backwards."

"Ah? Is there any?"

"Yo, it's true, take it off and change it back."

I was flustered and didn't pay attention just now, and actually put Tangtang's pajama pants on backwards.

Putting Tangtang back on her pajama pants, Tangtang curled up under the quilt and said, "Mom!"

"what's up?"

"When will you marry Dad?"

(End of this chapter)

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