Chapter 156 Conferring the Gods Tonight, Not a Word Is Said

Gu Chenfeng won the Best Actor Award at the Golden Horse Awards, many people were happy for him, and at the same time, many people's faces became extremely ugly.

Among them, Kun is the representative figure. He never expected that Gu Chenfeng would actually win the Golden Horse Award for Best Actor again.

How is this possible?

As well as the top management of Tianmang Entertainment, they were also collectively silent at this time.

They knew that from this moment on, Gu Chenfeng was no longer an entertainer they could handle at will.

Gu Chenfeng has already become a god, they want to ban him?

Don't be kidding, there are a lot of companies outside who want Tianmang Entertainment to block Gu Chenfeng, and then they have a chance to poach Gu Chenfeng.

Not to mention that the liquidated damages are only [-] million, even if it is [-] million or [-] billion, there are a lot of companies lining up to poach Gu Chenfeng.

This is the terrifying influence of the youngest actor with two horses in history.

As for Zhuo Le, Zhu Bing, Reba, and others, they were all very excited after seeing Gu Chenfeng win the award.

I can't wait to fly to the awards ceremony and give Gu Chenfeng a big hug and congratulations.

On stage at the awards ceremony.

Gu Chenfeng put Tangtang down, and solemnly took over the trophy for Best Actor in this year's Golden Horse Awards from Xu Ke.

Xu Ke patted Gu Chenfeng on the shoulder, and said with a gratified expression: "Mr. Gu, I have watched the two movies you acted in. You are the most creative actor I have ever seen. Your acting skills have reached the limit." You have reached the pinnacle, I believe that your future is full of infinite possibilities, work hard, don't be arrogant or impetuous, the future is your young people's world."

This Xu Ke is simply an enhanced version of the great director on earth, not only a director, but also a screenwriter and producer.

Hearing Xu Ke's words, Gu Chenfeng hurriedly said modestly: "Director Xu, please don't call me teacher, how dare I call me teacher in front of you!"

Xu Ke waved his hand and said with a smile: "Mr. Gu, you don't need to be modest. Zhou Runfa and I are fairly acquainted, and I have heard about you from him a long time ago. Even he admires your accomplishments in interpretation, so I call you One teacher Gu, there is absolutely no problem."

Gu Chenfeng hurriedly said: "That's all Brother Fa's love."

"Okay, let's not waste too much time." Xu Ke smiled, without being too entangled in this issue, and said: "I think everyone is waiting to hear your acceptance speech now."

After finishing speaking, he covered his mouth and said loudly: "The task assigned to me by the organizing committee has been completed, and it's up to you next!"

Gu Chenfeng couldn't help but smiled wryly when he heard the words: "Director Xu, you really are..."

Xu Ke waved his hand without speaking, and directly made an invitation gesture.

Gu Chenfeng adjusted his clothes, led Tangtang to the microphone, and said, "It's a little small to get this trophy today, because the performances of the other four nominated actors in the movie are no worse than mine. , especially Jiang Dao in "Hidden Man", I appreciate the thoughts expressed very much, this is a real artist."

"Compared to Director Jiang, I'm just a rookie who has just started."

When Gu Chenfeng said this, the live broadcast camera showed Jiang Wen.

Jiang Wen gave a thumbs up to the camera to express his support for Gu Chenfeng.

Gu Chenfeng on the stage continued: "I have always said that I am an actor, and acting is my job. I am very happy. My starring role in "I am not the God of Medicine" has been loved and recognized by everyone."

"Here I would like to thank Director Xu Zheng and Director Wen Mu in particular. Thank you for allowing me to have such an opportunity to play the role of Cheng Yong. I also thank all the cast and crew of the crew. Thank you. Without you, we would have Without this movie, let alone me standing here today, thank you."

Having said that, Gu Chenfeng took a step to the right, and bowed slightly towards the location of the crew of "I'm Not the God of Medicine".

Tangtang pulled the corner of Gu Chenfeng's clothes, motioning for him to hug him up, Gu Chenfeng smiled, and hugged Tangtang up, only to see Tangtang grabbing the microphone, and said in a childish voice: " thanks."

Immediately, the audience applauded, and they were all amused by Tangtang.

Next, Gu Chenfeng thanked his manager Zhang Qingqing and assistant Wu Xiaoxiao for taking care of Tangtang and supporting his family.

This made Zhang Qingqing in the audience, Wu Xiaoxiao and Luo Qingcheng who were watching the live broadcast in the background and the hospital watching the live broadcast were very moved, their eyes were red.

Among them, the emotional Wu Xiaoxiao cried again.

Gu Chenfeng thanked them on such an occasion because he really regarded them as his family members and his partners.

It's an endorsement.

No matter how strong Luo Qingcheng is, no matter how cold she is in front of outsiders, although Gu Chenfeng did not mention her name in his thanks, she still understands it in her heart.

Gu Chenfeng regards Luo Qingcheng as his family.

Gu Chenfeng on the stage continued: "I have always had a requirement for myself, that is, I am determined not to be afraid of bad movies, determined not to shoot characters I don't like, and determined not to be sorry to the fans who have always supported me, whether it is now or far away. In the future, I will continue to be strict with myself."

"I hope that in the future, I can bring more and better works to fans."

Speaking of this, Gu Chenfeng paused for a while, and continued: "I once said, maybe I know what an actor is a little earlier than others, it is indeed my honor, but this also makes me understand more own responsibility."

"Winning the Golden Horse Award for Best Actor does not mean that I have reached a certain height, but on the contrary, I have just started on the road, and there are still many peaks waiting for me to climb in the future."

After speaking, amidst the cheers and warm applause of the crowd, Gu Chenfeng walked off the stage.

The netizens in the live broadcast room have already exploded.

"After listening to Mr. Gu's acceptance speech, I was really moved and shocked."

"Yes, Mr. Gu is always able to recognize himself, is so rational, and has not lost himself because of his high achievements. Such an actor is a real star entertainer."

"Unconsciously, as a passer-by, I couldn't help but want to know what kind of person Gu Chenfeng is."

"Go ahead, the more you understand, the more you'll fall in love with our teacher Gu, who is a serious, humble and funny actor."

"Teacher Gu uttered another golden sentence this time, 'Winning this award does not mean that I am standing at a certain height, but on the contrary, I am just on the road.' I feel it."

"The youngest actor with two horses in history, this is definitely well deserved."

"Congratulations, Teacher Gu."

"Teacher Gu really has a unique temperament that no one else has. I look forward to more and better works by Teacher Gu."

"By the way, in Teacher Gu's award acceptance speech this time, Tianmang Entertainment was not even mentioned, and he didn't even mention a single word. Back then, when he was at the Academy Awards, he specifically thanked Tianmang Entertainment, but he was shortlisted for the Golden Horse Award later on. Tianmang Entertainment was not mentioned during the awards."

"Fuck, I also found out when you said that. The company was not mentioned in the two consecutive testimonials. Does it mean something?"


For Gu Chenfeng winning the Golden Horse Award, the netizens who watched the live broadcast were very excited, very excited, because they witnessed the historic moment.

And those fans of Gu Chenfeng were even more excited and excited.

However, movie fans also noticed a special phenomenon, that is, when Gu Chenfeng gave his acceptance speech, he didn't mention his company at all, which made everyone guess a lot.

The greater the suspicion, the stronger the expectation.

At the awards ceremony, all the winners took a group photo on stage, and the best actor, Gu Chenfeng and Zhou Xun, who were the best actresses, were naturally placed in the C position.

After the group photo was over, when everyone thought the award ceremony was over, the host stepped onto the stage again and said:
"Everyone, wait a moment, delay everyone for 2 minutes, I want to announce something."

(End of this chapter)

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