Chapter 166 Happy Tangtang (seeking monthly ticket for subscription)
After Liu Ge's Weibo came out, Lu Tianyu, Bai Bai and others who starred in "Taoist Down the Mountain to Catch the Demon" also reposted this Weibo.

Started hyping the upcoming film.

On the other hand, Gu Chenfeng was enjoying himself in the square with Luo Qingcheng and Tangtang.

"Mom and Dad, I want to play this too!" Tangtang pointed to the roller skating rink on the square and said, "Dad, can you take me to learn roller skating? Their roller skating posture is so cool!"

Tangtang's face was full of envy.

Gu Chenfeng smiled wryly and said, "Unfortunately, Dad can't either!"

Tangtang, who was slightly disappointed, turned her head to look at Luo Qingcheng again, and said, "Mom, can you take me to learn roller skating?"

Luo Qingcheng nodded and said with a smile, "Of course!"

Hearing Luo Qingcheng's words, Gu Chenfeng was a little surprised, and asked, "Do you know how to roller skate?"

Seeing the astonishment on Gu Chenfeng's face, Luo Qingcheng's eyes showed a little pride, he raised his pretty chin, and said, "Of course."

There are shops that rent and sell roller skates on the roller skating rink. Luo Qingcheng was unwilling to use something worn by others, so she bought a pair for herself and Tangtang.

Tangtang is a pair of pink, while Luo Qingcheng is a pair of snow white.

In addition, Luo Qingcheng bought Tangtang a complete set of roller skating equipment, including a helmet, elbow pads, wrist pads, and knee pads.

Originally, Gu Chenfeng wanted to pay the bill, but Luo Qingcheng scanned the QR code to pay first.

The three returned to the roller skating rink, and Luo Qingcheng carefully helped Tangtang put on her roller skates, helmet and other protective gear.

Tang Tang, who was sitting on the steps, asked Gu Chenfeng, "Dad, do you think I look cool?"

"Cool, very cool." Gu Chenfeng praised.

At this time, Luo Qingcheng had already changed her shoes, stood up and turned around in a circle, wearing a white silk shirt with a tassel collar, and a black tunic skirt, such a turn, so full of immortality, that many passers-by couldn't bear it. I was dumbfounded.

One of the middle-aged men who was walking with his wife couldn't take his eyes off it. His wife walked while talking, and after walking a long way, she realized that there was no one around her.

Looking back, I saw my man was standing on the edge of the roller skating rink, staring at a beautiful girl in the rink, so the tigress was about to get angry.

He walked forward quickly, pinched the man's ear, and scolded: "Look, your eyes are falling in, don't you?"

"Don't piss and take care of your stinking virtue, are you worthy of others?"

The middle-aged man screamed and begged for mercy: "Oh, it hurts, it hurts, let it go quickly, my wife, I was wrong."

Gu Chenfeng and the others inside the roller skating rink didn't know about this little episode outside the rink. At this moment, Luo Qingcheng slid in front of Tangtang, took her little hand, and said softly: "Tangtang, stand up slowly, Come with me."

Tangtang was roller skating for the first time, and she was a little afraid of falling, so she didn't dare to stand up.

Gu Chenfeng outside the court also cheered for Tangtang: "Come on, Tangtang, you can do it."

"Well, I can, I definitely can."

"Gu Tangtang, come on." With the encouragement of Luo Qingcheng and Gu Chenfeng, the little guy began to cheer for himself, and then slowly stood up.

"Tangtang is awesome, don't be afraid, I'm holding your hand, I won't fall."

"Tangtang looked at my feet, follow me to do it together." After speaking, Luo Qingcheng turned to Tangtang's side and walked side by side with her.



"That's right, that's right, Tangtang is really amazing."

"Come on, let's continue to practice and master this movement!"




Tangtang followed Luo Qingcheng's instructions, and after a while, her movements gradually became smoother.

It has to be said that Tangtang's comprehension ability is really high. After 10 minutes, she was able to let go of Luo Qingcheng's hand and walk slowly with her hands spread apart.



The little guy was chanting slogans while skating by himself, his appearance was so cute.

Seeing this scene, Luo Qingcheng couldn't help but stop, took out her phone to take a picture of Tangtang, and exclaimed, "This is too cute!"

Tangtang's cuteness and cuteness attracted a few older children from the roller skating rink.

They held hands and surrounded Tangtang, and the roller skates under their feet kept turning in circles, making Tangtang giggle and laugh.

The children's parents also followed, and when they saw Tangtang's passing, Ou Du couldn't help but gasp in amazement.

"Wow, this kid is too cute!"

"Yeah, this is too beautiful, the big eyes are like clear black gemstones."

"I really want to know how she was born. She is so cute and cute. Then look at my brat. Forget it. Forget it. Don't compare. I'm afraid I can't help but do it when I go back."

"Such a cute and cute little girl, I really want to hug her!"

"Why does this kid look so familiar? I seem to have seen it somewhere."

"You, as long as you look better than your bear kid, you seem to have seen it, probably in a dream!"


At this moment, Tangtang, who was surrounded by children, happily shouted to Gu Chenfeng and Luo Qingcheng who were standing beside him: "Mom and Dad, am I good?"


"Our Tangtang is the best."

"Then can I play with my brothers and sisters?"

"Okay, you have to be careful."

"I know mom, don't worry, I'm very brave."

The conversation between Luo Qingcheng and Tangtang attracted the parents of several children.

Originally, they were envious of Tangtang being so cute and cute, but when they saw Luo Qingcheng and Gu Chenfeng passing by, they immediately felt relieved.

The appearance of the parents is here. If the child born looks too ordinary, it will be abnormal.

Tangtang's cuteness is definitely a type that can be eaten by men, women and children, and several children especially like her.

"Sister, don't be afraid, brother will protect you."

"Sister, hold my hand, sister will teach you."

"Don't be afraid, it won't hurt if you fall."

"Wow, little sister, you are amazing!"


The steps went from small to large, and when he fell, he got up again, and his movements became more and more proficient. Driven by a group of children, after 15 minutes, Tangtang actually slid up with them in a decent manner.

Although she was still skating very slowly, Tangtang had completely mastered the essentials of roller skating that Luo Qingcheng taught her.

“Kids are awesome!”

"Come on baby!"

"Wow, you are amazing!"

The parents on the sidelines also applauded Tangtang one after another, while Luo Qingcheng slid over gently, following behind Tangtang to protect her.

"come on!"

"Gu Tangtang, come on!"

The little guy was skating hard while cheering himself up. His cute appearance made all the parents laugh.

Suddenly, Tangtang turned her head and saw Luo Qingcheng who was following behind, her pretty eyes suddenly turned into crescents, and she stretched out her hand towards Luo Qingcheng.

"Mom, I'm pulling you so you don't fall."

"Thank you Tangtang." Luo Qingcheng slowed down and took Tangtang's hand.

"Mom, you have to be careful, but don't be afraid if you fall, just get up."

"Mom, I will protect you, you will not fall."

"Mom, follow me, push-push-slide!"

"Mom, you are awesome!"

Looking at the chattering little guy, Luo Qingcheng's eyes were full of tenderness and relief.

The little man who was rescued by himself has grown up and knows how to love others.

Tangtang's concern for Luo Qingcheng was heard by the parents at the scene, and then there was another sigh of emotion.

"Look, this is someone's daughter, how much I love her, it warms my heart when I hear it."

"I am so lucky to have such a daughter!"

"The family's is a small padded jacket to keep warm, but my house has air leakage."

"Air leakage? Just be content with it, my house's refrigeration."


Tangtang was very interested in playing, and the more she skated, the more proficient she became. Luo Qingcheng didn't interrupt him in a disappointing way, and let her play.

until nine o'clock at night.

Tangtang was also tired from playing, so she ran to sit beside Luo Qingcheng.

"Come to Tangtang, drink some water first, look at the sweat on your head." Luo Qingcheng took out a tissue to wipe Tangtang's sweat, and then took the water cup that Gu Chenfeng handed over to feed her.

Gu Chenfeng stood up and said, "It's nine o'clock, Tangtang, we should go home."

"All right!"

"Mom, will you take me to skate next time?"

"Of course, I will bring you here when my mother is on vacation."

"Tangtang skated really well today, I'm so proud of you."

While speaking, Luo Qingcheng helped Tangtang take off the helmet and roller skates, and then handed them to Gu Chenfeng to put them in the bag.

"Tangtang, say goodbye to brothers, sisters, grandparents, uncles and aunts." Picking up Tangtang's water glass and slung it over his shoulder, Luo Qingcheng asked Tangtang to say goodbye to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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