Chapter 196 Romantic Dating

Gu Chenfeng first drove to the flower shop, bought a bouquet of roses, and then went to Nuoerwei Western Restaurant.

I have to say that his luck was really good. When he went there, the seats were already full. Just when he was about to change places, the waiter told him that a small box had been unsubscribed. He hesitated and ordered it directly.

Although the consumption of Nuoerwei Western Restaurant is quite high, but expensive has its advantages. The environment alone is very different from other Western restaurants.

The gorgeous yet soft crystal chandelier casts a faint light and shadow, making the whole western restaurant look elegant and quiet. The melodious and Northern Irish-style saxophone flutters in the restaurant, making people feel relaxed and relaxed.

The lily in the white jade bottle on the table exudes a faint fragrance, wearing a red vest and black tie, a polite waiter, and whispers of laughter from time to time in the booth...

Soon, Gu Chenfeng, who was fully armed, followed the waiter to the box.

The box is not big, but it is very elegantly furnished, a long table covered with a clean white tablecloth, two high-back chairs with European style, flowers and candlesticks on the table!
Soon, the waiter placed another set of cutlery on both sides of the long table, and then brought Gu Chenfeng another glass of lemonade, and then stepped back respectfully.

Six fifteen.

Just as Gu Chenfeng was flipping through the menu, the phone on the table rang. It was from Luo Qingcheng. She had already arrived at Nuoerwei Western Restaurant.

Just as Gu Chenfeng was about to stand up and go out to greet him, he saw Luo Qingcheng, who was wearing a dark blue dress and an ivory white sachet, walked slowly over under the leadership of the waiter.

Dark blue, generally few people can control it, but when worn on Luo Qingcheng, it shows a kind of nobility and grandeur.

Qingshui hibiscus is completely natural, and it is as beautiful as a fairy without makeup. It is a beauty like Luo Qingcheng.

Apart from the cheap rabbit pendant from Tangtang on his neck and a gold silk headband on his wrist for tying his hair, he has no decorations.

Luo Qingcheng's gestures were confident and elegant, and she looked so charming.

Her arrival instantly attracted the astonished eyes of the diners in the restaurant.

In the eyes of everyone, Luo Qingcheng followed Gu Chenfeng into the box, leaving everyone with a look of envy.

After entering the box, Luo Qingcheng hung the bag on the coat rack, and smiled at Gu Chenfeng: "Wait and hurry!"

"No, I just arrived too!" Gu Chenfeng smiled and shook his head, picked up a glass jug and poured a glass of lemonade for Luo Qingcheng, put it in front of her, and said, "Drink first, then see if you want something to eat." what?"

"Take a taxi here after work, I'm really thirsty!" Luo Qingcheng sat down, picked up the water glass on the table and drank a couple of sips, then said to Gu Chenfeng: "You just need to look at it, I can do it. "

Because Gu Chenfeng wanted to drive over, and this was their first date, Luo Qingcheng didn't drive.

Gu Chenfeng nodded when he heard the words, and said, "Okay, I'll order first, and you can add."

Next, Gu Chenfeng began to order food.

As Gu Chenfeng, who has S-level cooking skills, although he is not good at Western food, he still has some understanding of Western food.

The order of serving western food is strict. According to the order, it is appetizer, sour soup, side dish, main dish, salad, dessert, and finally drink.

Therefore, Gu Chenfeng ordered a foie gras as an appetizer, and the sour soup was borscht. Borscht is actually a soup made from ingredients such as tomatoes, beets, beef, and butter. The taste is mainly sweet and sour. , for appetizers.

Next came side dishes. After obtaining Luo Qingcheng's consent, Gu Chenfeng ordered caviar and ham, but each serving was not large.

There are only three or four spoons of caviar, and even less ham, with only three slices per serving.

The main course is the rib-eye steak that is medium-rare, sea cucumber with three green onions, and shrimp in oyster sauce...

Ordering steak is also very particular. Western restaurants offer filet steak, ribeye steak, Kobe steak, T-bone steak and sirloin steak.

Due to the different parts of these steaks, the taste is naturally different.

The most tender taste is naturally the filet steak. Since it is taken from the part of the cow with the least amount of exercise, the whole steak has almost no fat.

However, it also has its disadvantages, the meat is too thin and too tender, and there is no gravy that lacks chewiness.

And if the filet steak is not properly cooked, it will easily look old, so unless you trust the western chef very much, most diners will not order filet steak when they go to unfamiliar western restaurants.

But the rib eye steak is different. It is taken from the meat near the ribs of the beef. The biggest feature is that there is a piece of fat in the middle. The texture of the whole steak is like natural marble, with even fat and thin. It tastes very fragrant and chewy .

The only downside is that the calories are relatively high.

As for the next drink, since he had to drive, Gu Chenfeng didn't order any drinks, so he ordered a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice for Luo Qingcheng, and a glass of dried ginger water for himself.


The beautifully made foie gras was brought up by the waiter, followed by borscht.

Luo Qingcheng came over to fill a bowl of soup for Gu Chenfeng, and said, "Chenfeng, try it, the borscht soup here is very delicious, I must order it every time I come."

Gu Chenfeng took the soup and said, "Okay, I'll try it."

Then he took a spoonful with a small spoon and put it into his mouth. In the next second, he frowned slightly and swallowed it.

Since the light was not very bright, Luo Qingcheng, who sat back to his seat, did not notice the change in Gu Chenfeng's expression, and asked with a smile, "How do you feel?"

Gu Chenfeng picked up the water glass, nodded with a smile and said, "Well, it's not bad."

Although Gu Chenfeng is a Chinese cook, he still has a very high ability to taste food, so he only needs to taste a sip to taste the advantages and disadvantages of this soup.

This soup is good, but there is an extra seasoning in this soup, which is a bit superfluous.

Looking at Gu Chenfeng, Luo Qingcheng said with a smile: "It must not be as delicious as what you made, right?"

Gu Chenfeng said with a smile: "If you want to drink in the future, I can make it for you at any time."

"Okay!" Luo Qingcheng nodded happily.

After finishing the borscht, while waiting for the main course, Luo Qingcheng asked again: "By the way, Chenfeng, have the things in the studio been settled? Are you still short of money?"

When Gu Chenfeng was running his studio before, he didn't actually borrow money like Luo Qingcheng did, but used the only 200 million yuan he had left.

Although Luo Qingcheng didn't know how much it would cost to open a studio, she felt that Gu Chenfeng's money should not be enough.

Gu Chenfeng said with a smile: "No shortage, the studio already has money. After I signed a contract with the crew of "Langya Bang", the film salary has already been paid, and the second round of broadcasting rights of the cartoon "Bear Infested" is also available. It was sold."

"That's good!" Luo Qingcheng raised the glass of orange juice and said to Gu Chenfeng: "Chenfeng, congratulations, the studio is on the right track."

"Qingcheng, thank you, you have been silently supporting me behind my back, thank you very much!"

Gu Chenfeng also raised the water glass, the two touched each other, looked at each other and smiled, everything was kept silent.

The two chatted while eating, and the meal lasted for nearly two hours.

On the way, the two chatted a lot. Gu Chenfeng shared the interesting things he encountered when setting up the studio, and Luo Qingcheng also shared the interesting things about working in the hospital.

But the two of them talked more about Tangtang, this little girl, even if Gu Chenfeng was out filming for a month or two, she was used to it because she was accompanied by her mother, Luo Qingcheng.

After the two finished the last dessert, it was already 08:30 in the evening, and the movie was about to start, so Gu Chenfeng called the waiter to come over and pay the bill.

The meal cost more than 3000 yuan in total. Although it was expensive, Gu Chenfeng felt it was worth it.

It was the first time to live a two-person world with Luo Qingcheng, and it felt very good.

The two left the restaurant, walked for 5 minutes, and arrived at Wanda Cinemas. Luo Qingcheng ran to buy two bottles of water and a bucket of popcorn, and then took Gu Chenfeng to check the tickets and enter.

As soon as the two sat down, the movie started.

The movie is a comedy, and the male actor is Shen Teng, who always brings a smile when he appears on the stage. People get married.

Due to the concentration of laughs, there would be bursts of laughter from time to time in the movie theater, even Luo Qingcheng, who was usually cold, laughed flamboyantly.

After more than three years of contact, Gu Chenfeng has never seen Luo Qingcheng smile so happily, but she really looks good when she smiles.

"Come and drink some water!" After Luo Qingcheng finished laughing, Gu Chenfeng took out water from the bottle holder on the armrest, unscrewed the bottle cap and handed it to her.

After drinking the water, Luo Qingcheng leaned on Gu Chenfeng's shoulder, with the same smile on his face, and said: "Oh, it can't be done, it's too funny."

When Luo Qingcheng and Gu Chenfeng were living a happy two-person world, in the villa of Luo Chen and his wife.

Luo Chen saw He Xiujuan in pajamas coming out of Tangtang's bedroom, so he asked softly, "Is Tangtang asleep?"

"Well, fell asleep!" He Xiujuan said with a smile: "Qingcheng was worried that Tangtang would move to another place and couldn't fall asleep. No, she fell asleep within 10 minutes after lying down."

"Hehe!" Luo Chen said with a smile: "This is my home, not a change of place. The fact that the child fell asleep so quickly shows that she trusts us and can relax."

"Yeah, Tangtang is such an obedient child, sensible and cute, so cute!" He Xiujuan said with a smile on her face: "You don't know, when I picked her up from kindergarten this afternoon, After playing in the community park for a while, many people praised her."

"That's right!" Luo Chen asked, "Did Qingcheng call back?"

When Luo Qingcheng was mentioned, the smile on He Xiujuan's face suddenly froze, and she said angrily: "I called, I asked Tangtang, I'm afraid I'll lose her daughter, she hasn't married yet, so she started to worry about it." Believe in parents, what's the use of raising this daughter."

"And when I asked her if she had any plans for the evening, she just said that she had something to do and hung up on me. It really pissed me off."

(End of this chapter)

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