Chapter 217 The Cheating Little Princess Tangtang

No matter it is any awards ceremony, the red carpet link will always be the focus of attention of netizens, because it is always possible to see all kinds of celebrities playing tricks on the red carpet in order to gain attention.

This time the Hong Kong Academy Awards red carpet session is no exception. Some people dropped their heels while walking on the red carpet, bent over to pick up their shoes, and accidentally disappeared. Some even dropped their Bra, which is really eye-catching.

Even this time, there was a female star who suddenly fainted while walking on the red carpet. It was fine to just fall down on the red carpet, and she deliberately leaked her happiness. This behavior stunned everyone.

It's really just to win attention, and it will do whatever it takes!

Soon, netizens finally saw a handsome man in a light blue suit and leather shoes with a short hairstyle, holding a little girl in a pink princess dress with a happy smile on his face. On the red carpet.

This is Gu Chenfeng and Tangtang.

The appearance of their father and daughter immediately caused a frantic shooting by the reporters and media at the scene, as well as a sensation among netizens in the live broadcast room.

Gu Chenfeng at this moment is really handsome, and Tangtang is also quite cute and cute.

"Damn it, I didn't expect Mr. Gu to be so handsome with short inches on his head. It made me want to change my hairstyle."

"You can pull it down, do you have the face value of Teacher Gu?"

"Teacher Gu is so handsome!"

"Handsome man, he really can control any hairstyle!"

"Oh, it's really fascinating. How can Mr. Gu be so handsome?"

"My little daughter-in-law Tangtang is getting more and more beautiful, she will definitely be a proper fairy when she grows up!"

"My Tangtang is getting cuter and more beautiful, I really like her so much."

"Hahaha, Mr. Gu is walking the red carpet again this time, is there a scourge behind?"

"That's right, Mr. Gu, why is he walking so fast, it's as if he wished he could fly over the red carpet."

"Didn't you see that Mr. Gu was stopped by the reporters again? Hahaha, Mr. Gu was stopped by the reporters twice in a row on the red carpet. This is no one."

"By the way, Tangtang is really not afraid of life at all. Looking at her, she really enjoys the attention of everyone!"

"That is, my little daughter-in-law will definitely be an international superstar when she grows up. She is so beautiful."


When Gu Chenfeng appeared on the red carpet with Tangtang in his arms, netizens were very excited.

On the red carpet, after being stopped by the reporter, Gu Chenfeng stood there with Tangtang in his arms, posed for some poses, and then left again, less than ten seconds later.

The reporters were very helpless about this, but they could only capture the most handsome moment of the father and daughter as much as possible.

Everyone knows that after the red carpet session, it will be the interview session. When Gu Chenfeng came to the interview place with Tangtang in his arms, the reporters who had already been waiting here all asked their questions.

"Mr. Gu, it's the first time to participate in the Academy Award ceremony as a guest of honor, what kind of feeling do you have?"

"Mr. Gu, who do you think will win the Best Actor award at the Academy Awards tonight?"

"Mr. Gu, "Nirvana in Fire" starring you is about to air. Are you nervous now? I heard that this TV series was disliked by many netizens on the Internet, and even a celebrity commented that it was a rubbish script. What do you think of this?"

"Mr. Gu, a certain celebrity's "Frog Guardian" was broadcast one day earlier than "Langya Bang" starring you. Netizens thought it was a deliberate attack on you. What do you think about this? Are you worried about the ratings of "Langya Bang"? Will the rate hit the street?"

"Mr. Gu, you said before that if the ratings of "Langya Bang" do not explode, you will never step into the field of TV dramas again. Then I want to ask, what is the critical point for the ratings to explode? It is 1% Is it higher or higher?"

"Mr. Gu, when will the sci-fi movie starring you and Fa Ge be released? Recently, there has been no news about this movie. Is it because the production has not been finished yet, or is there a problem in the later stage?"


These reporters prepared a lot of questions, and some of them were very sharp, but these were the questions that netizens were most concerned about and wanted to know the most.

Obviously, these reporters are carefully prepared.

Hearing these questions, Gu Chenfeng's face remained calm. Even though some questions were rather sharp, he was not angry at all.

After so many interviews, Gu Chenfeng already knows the ways of these media reporters, and he will definitely not let it go until he finds something.

Therefore, Gu Chenfeng replied with a smile: "My friends, yours is a million points bad, and you asked me so many sharp questions right away, I don't know which question to answer first."

The reporters were amused when they heard his words.

A reporter replied: "Mr. Gu, these are the questions that netizens want to know the most. Please answer one or two questions from Mr. Gu."

Gu Chenfeng showed a helpless expression, and said: "You just want to jump up the topic, forget it, you are also doing it for performance, so I will simply answer some questions, as for the ones that have not been answered, I must not remember."

Having said that, Gu Chenfeng paused for a moment before continuing: "This time, I will be in a different mood when I participate in the Golden Image Awards Ceremony as an award presenter, because this time I am purely here as an audience. Just enjoy being a spectator."

"As for the TV series "Langya Bang" I starred in, it will be available on the evening prime time of Mango Channel on January [-]st. Friends who pass by, don't miss it. This is an addictive TV series. As for TV dramas, as for you asking me if I am nervous or worried about hitting the street? I can tell you clearly that I am not nervous or worried at all, because I have watched the finished film of "Langya Bang" and I believe it."

"As for a certain TV series being broadcast the day before me, it has no influence on me at all. If I have to say it has influence, it is the head of the door. It's really fragrant; whether a TV series is good or not, there is a reference Only in this way can the audience feel more intuitively, so I thank this good man."

"I did say before that if the ratings of "Langya Bang" don't explode, I will quit the field of TV dramas forever and never step into the field again. This is true. I will not be as brazen as Mou Kun, and the ratings will explode. The critical point of not exploding is naturally the average viewership rating above 1.5%, otherwise how can it be regarded as an explosion in ratings?"

"As for the sci-fi film I collaborated with Fa Ge, everything is proceeding according to the original plan, but I can reveal one thing, that is, this film will be available to you soon. As for the specific time, you can guess."

Gu Chenfeng talked eloquently, and left with Tangtang in his arms after answering.

At this moment, Tangtang turned around and shouted to many media reporters: "I'll tell you quietly, the movie starring my father will be released on the first day of the Lunar New Year, and it must be the best!"

When the reporters heard Tangtang's words, they were taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

Everyone knew that Tangtang always liked to talk at this session, but everyone didn't expect that Tangtang would actually say such news this time.

Could this be the legendary cheating father?
However, the netizens in the live broadcast room laughed when they saw this scene.

They never thought that Tangtang, who is usually so well-behaved, would have a scene of cheating.

"Oh my stomach, it's too bad, it's too funny, I'm so laughing!"

"Tangtang is a typical cheater, haha, I didn't expect my little daughter-in-law to be a cheating little princess!"

"Hahaha, have you noticed Teacher Gu's expression just now? It's so funny, that expression is so unlovable. It feels uncomfortable to be cheated by your daughter!"

"Tangtang is here to trick you, be firm."

"I didn't expect Mr. Gu's sci-fi film to be released during the Spring Festival, so it's interesting. It seems that this year's Spring Festival is even more intense than last year!"

"Yeah, there are quite a few blockbuster movies for the Spring Festival this year. Hehe, I just don't know who will be the cannon fodder, and who will laugh at the end. I'm really looking forward to it!"

"By the way, from Mr. Gu's answer just now, it can be seen that he is full of confidence in the TV series "Langya Bang". An average rating of 1.5% is considered a ratings explosion. How confident is that!"

"This is very cruel. I didn't expect Teacher Gu to believe in the TV series "Langya Bang" so much. You must know that the average ratings of the most popular TV series "Ren Xiaoyao" this year barely reached 1.4%. Teacher Gu actually Fla, who has established an average rating of 1.5%, does not leave any room for himself!"

"Actually, the average ratings of "Langya Bang" can reach 1%, even if it is a very good TV series, but Mr. Gu has abruptly increased it by 0.5%, which is too cruel."

"By the way, for Lu Tianyu's sniper attack, Mr. Gu's answer is too domineering. Thank you for the head, hahaha!"

"As for X-kun, don't mention it, haha, Mr. Gu has stepped on another wave of pussy lightly."


During Gu Chenfeng's interview session, the reporters got a lot of news, and so did the netizens in the live broadcast room.

Next, the red carpet continued, and the stars who appeared later did not act as monsters anymore, but adopted more advanced methods to compete for beauty.

This made the wolf friends in the live broadcast room very happy.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the Academy Awards ceremony finally began.

Although the process of awarding the awards was a bit boring, netizens still had a great time watching it.

As for Gu Chenfeng, who came to be an 'spectator', he sat below, taking out his mobile phone to chat with Luo Qingcheng from time to time, and whispering to Tangtang from time to time.

Time flies, and the awards set by the Academy Awards are announced one after another. The winners are naturally very happy, and the faces of those who did not win the award are full of regret.

(End of this chapter)

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