Chapter 230 An Extremely Professional Drama Critic

Naturally, Gu Chenfeng was also waiting for the ratings. When he saw the ratings of "Langya Bang" was 2.05%, a smile appeared on his face.

Fortunately, fortunately, he was not slapped in the face!
The ratings were barely 2%, barely saving his face.

Seeing such a hot scene on the Internet, Gu Chenfeng knew that he had gained a firm foothold in the field of TV dramas. With the success of "Langya Bang", no one will say that his vision is not good enough in the future.

Gu Chenfeng also knows that the results of "Langya Bang" will not make everyone recognize him. There must be many people who think that the reason why he has achieved such success is because the script of "Langya Bang" is too good. The director is great and the post-production is great, not because Gu Chenfeng is so good.

Of course, Gu Chenfeng does not deny this. The script is really good, and Kong Sheng also used a lot of montage expressions that are only used in movies, as well as high-quality post-production.

But no one dared to deny the influence brought by Gu Chenfeng.

With the first success, it gave Gu Chenfeng a lot of confidence, even though it won't be recognized by everyone for the first time, it would be better to do it a few more times.

Gu Chenfeng will tell everyone with success again and again that Gu Chenfeng's success is not based on luck, but on his own strong strength and ability to change the situation.

Therefore, after Gu Chenfeng saw Kong Sheng and others thanking him on Weibo, he was not complacent, let alone complacent, but kept admonishing himself.

What I have achieved is not enough, and there is no capital to be proud of.

So Gu Chenfeng wrote on Weibo: "The achievement of "Langya Bang" is not due to me alone, it is the result of the joint efforts of all the cast and crew of the entire crew. I am very grateful to Director Kong for giving me This opportunity has been waiting for me for four months, which makes me very grateful."

"Although this result seems to be good at present, I know that I have just started on the road in the field of TV dramas. I hope that in the future, I can continue to bring you more and better works. Thank you everyone."

When netizens saw Gu Chenfeng's Weibo post, they all left messages in the comment area.

"Every time I see Teacher Gu's Weibo, I feel that he is very rational, he will never be blinded by success, and he will always recognize himself."

"Yes, Teacher Gu always knows what he is doing and what he should do."

"If someone like a sissy achieved such an achievement, I'm afraid he would have gone to the sky long ago, but Mr. Gu still knows his identity and thinks that he is just at the beginning. This is the difference."

"Can you stop insulting Teacher Gu, how can you forget about that, don't mention it, and compare it with Teacher Gu?"

"Hahaha, makes sense, makes sense."

"Oh, this "Langya Bang" is really good-looking, and Mei Changsu played by Mr. Gu is simply too handsome."

"Mr. Gu, although "Langya Bang" is your first TV series, it directly made you a god!"

"That's right, Mr. Gu wants a play to become a god with "Langya Bang". This play is really good."


Even though it was late at night, netizens were still very active.

And Gu Chenfeng's Weibo made his fans believe even more that Mr. Gu is a person who will never lose himself.

His character, charisma, talent, and everything about him are so perfect that it is worth learning from fans.

On the morning of February 1th.

"Langya Bang", which was launched on Mango TV for eight hours, has successfully exceeded [-] million views.

As for the hot searches on Weibo, there are all news about this TV series, among which Gu Chenfeng has the most topics.

At twelve o'clock at noon, a professional TV drama critic named Du Tong Kanju shared an article reviewing "Langya Bang" on Weibo.

Instantly attracted the attention of many netizens.

""Langya Bang" is definitely a masterpiece of conscience. Although only two episodes have been broadcast so far, I have seen a lot of things from these two episodes. It is definitely not accidental that this TV series has achieved such a great success."

"First of all, montage is actually used in this play. Director Kong Sheng used these techniques skillfully to make the picture more vivid and memorable."

"For example, in the scene where the hunted couple was rescued on the river, a retreat-style narrative technique was used. This is a pull-out from the close-up to the distant view, which means to withdraw. First show the details, and then explain the time. environment."

"The focus of this shooting is that the couple was rescued, but after using the backward narrative technique, it can be expressed in more detail, letting us know who saved who. I am almost sure that this technique will definitely run through The whole show."

"The montage technique is usually used in filming, but this time director Kong Sheng actually used it in the TV series "Langya Bang". This director Kong is amazing!"

"In addition to this, Director Kong also used a lot of visual effects in this TV series, which must have been felt by everyone, because everyone enjoyed it very much when watching this TV series, and felt very comfortable. It's perfect, isn't it!"

"This is because of the use of visual special effects, such as the ancient charm of ink painting, such as the beauty of green onions, etc. These are all visual special effects. Apart from these, what surprised me the most is that the screens of this drama have other things. Qiankun, if I hadn't researched it, it wouldn't be easy to find out."

"That is the composition of the screen in the play. Director Kong Sheng cleverly used symmetrical composition, V-shaped symmetry, diagonal composition, the principle of thirds, and even the golden section. These techniques are only used when making movies. The technique was used by director Kong Sheng in this TV series."


This drama critic wrote more than 2000 words eloquently, analyzing all the things shown in the first two episodes of "Langya Bang".

From his words, it can be seen that this vicious drama critic still has real talents and real learning. What he said is accompanied by pictures in the drama, and in order to make it clearer for everyone to see, he even edited the pictures. dealt with.

Netizens were instantly shocked by this drama review

They never thought that such a complicated thing would be included in a TV series, and they didn't even think that the shooting techniques used only in movies would be used by Kong Sheng in the TV series "Langya Bang".

Therefore, when netizens saw this drama review, they realized that Kong Sheng, the director of "Langya Bang", really put his heart into this drama.

At the same time, I also understand that success is not accidental!
"Oh my god, this drama critic is too scary. Could it be that "Langya Bang" really uses so many techniques that we have never heard of?"

"Those techniques are basically only used when making movies. I didn't expect Kong Sheng to apply these techniques to TV dramas. No wonder this TV drama looks much more comfortable than other TV dramas, especially the screen. It’s so beautiful, it turns out it’s because of the use of so many filming techniques!”

"Looks like the crew of "Langya Bang" is awesome, able to use so many visual effects."

"At first, I didn't quite understand what the professional terms like montage technique and diagonal composition mentioned in this drama review meant, but after seeing his picture analysis, I suddenly understood, it seems that it is really so. It's just too scary."

""Langya Bang" has become so popular, there is a reason for it!"

"This drama critic is also a genius. He actually knows so much professional knowledge, which opened my eyes at once. The backhand is to give him attention."


As soon as this drama critic's comment came out, many netizens understood that the success of "Langya Bang" was not due to luck, nor was it an accident, but that their crew was well prepared.

For a while, more netizens wanted to watch the follow-up plot of the TV series "Langya Bang".

At this moment, Kong Sheng from "Langya Bang" liked this drama review.

This behavior made netizens more sure that what the drama critic said was right, "Langya Bang" really used so many complicated things.

That night, "Langya Bang" continued to air.

The audience had been looking forward to it for a long time, and the result naturally did not disappoint everyone.

The picture of "Langya Bang" is still so good-looking, and the plot is still so addictive, one link after another, layer by layer, it makes people want to stop and can't stop at all.

In the early morning of that night, the second day's ratings of "Langya Bang" were refreshed again.

The second day's ratings were even higher than the first day's, reaching 2.18%.

Netizens were shocked when they saw the ratings. Such ratings are simply too terrifying.

Not only netizens, but even Mango TV posted an exclamation blog post on Weibo: "Totally exceeded our expectations, the ratings are really crazy, following this trend, "Langya Bang" is expected to break through the dust. A long record of 2.33% ratings.

Seeing this Weibo post on Mango Channel, netizens also started discussing it.

"Damn it, did the ratings of "Langya Bang" scare Mango TV too?"

"Many people must have been intimidated by the ratings of this TV series. After all, no one would have thought that the unpopular "Langya Bang" would get such terrifying ratings."

"Not only the ratings, but the reputation of "Langya Bang" is also very popular. Anyone who has watched it will give praise. This kind of TV series is definitely the pinnacle of domestic TV series!"

"Hey, do you think "Langya Bang" will break Mango Tower's long-sealed ratings record? I'm really looking forward to it!"

"That's right, I'm also looking forward to it. I think we should be able to make a breakthrough, because this TV series has just started broadcasting, and there is still a long time to go. Maybe it will be a breakthrough next?"


(End of this chapter)

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