Chapter 233 Everything Is Because of Lack of Money

The press conference officially started. As the director, Zhuo Le stepped onto the stage in a very flamboyant manner and played a guest role as the host.

For such a moment of pretense, he will definitely not miss it.

Looking at the crowd in the audience, Zhuo Le coughed twice, and said: "Everyone, thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend our "Wandering Planet" press conference. I am the director of "Wandering Planet" , and today's host Zhuo Le."

After the voice fell, everyone in the audience cheered in unison.

Zhuo Le on the stage opened his arms, enjoying the cheers of the crowd.

However, soon someone shouted loudly: "Zhuo Le, hurry up and let Mr. Gu and the others play, you are almost done!"

"Yes, our teacher Gu, we are all here for him."

"Let Teacher Gu and the others come out!"


Although Zhuo Le was very puzzled by these words, he still enjoyed the cheers of the crowd with a flamboyant expression on his face. After about 2 minutes, he felt that it was almost done, and then he opened his mouth slowly.

Said: "It seems that everyone can't wait any longer, so I will comply with everyone's request now, let us invite the most talented, handsome, and most creative acting, and the combination of assistant director, starring, screenwriter, producer, Mr. Gu, who has multiple identities such as planning, appeared on the stage."

"Applause please!"

Everyone in the audience was stunned when they heard the words, and then cheered.

Gu Chenfeng has a lot of identities in the movie "Wandering Planet"!

But everyone didn't think much about it, as long as they could see Teacher Gu, everything was not so important.

At this time, Gu Chenfeng came out and sat down on the stage that had been arranged earlier.

Next, Zhuo Le successively invited other leading actors to appear on stage, Uncle Da, Reba, Guan Gu and others. As for Brother Fa, he was unable to attend due to temporary business.

After the leading actors took the stage, Zhuo Le started his impassioned speech again,

I have to say that although this guy is very flamboyant, his eloquence is definitely first-class, and he adjusted the atmosphere of the scene very well.

At the same time, in the live broadcast room of the Penguin Video website, there were more than 3000 million netizens who watched the "Wandering Planet" press conference, and the bullet screens could no longer be seen clearly.

Not only the netizens are very concerned, even Lu Tianyu, Kun and others who are busy promoting their films are also paying attention to this press conference.

Everyone wants to know what news Gu Chenfeng and the others will reveal at this press conference.

An hour passed, and finally it was the most exciting questioning session.

The current media reporters suddenly couldn't sit still and raised their hands to ask questions.

Zhuo Le on the stage tidied up his already tidy suits, and said, "Okay, friends, the next step is the questioning session. This time, our "Wandering Planet" crew can answer ten questions for you. You can think about it." Ask anyone on the set."

"So who will be the lucky one to ask first?"

While speaking, Zhuo Le glanced around the audience, and finally landed on a beautiful girl, saying: "This blood, my bah, the first lucky one is this pretty little girl." sister."

"Pfft!" Zhuo Le's words made everyone burst into laughter.

As for the lucky young lady, her face was flushed. I don't know if it was because she was happy or because Zhuo Le's words made her feel shy.

Standing up excitedly, looking at Gu Chenfeng, he asked, "Mr. Gu, I'm your loyal fan. I have a lot of questions I want to ask you!"

Gu Chenfeng picked up the microphone and said with a smile: "Then I can give you a privilege, you can ask two questions."

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, the girl was immediately overwhelmed with excitement, while the others looked envious.

After the girl was excited, she asked, "Thank you, Teacher Gu. My question is that the outside world has interpreted that the crew of "Wandering Planet" does not plan to conduct a national road show. I want to know if this is true? We have many fans who hope you can Go to the city where they are."

Hearing the girl's question, the reporters immediately became interested, because they also wanted to know the answer to this question.

Gu Chenfeng nodded, and replied: "Well, your interpretation is correct, we will not conduct a nationwide roadshow."

When he said this, everyone was shocked.

The netizens in the live broadcast room also started discussing on the barrage.

"Damn it, it's actually true, "The Wandering Planet" really doesn't have a national road show."

"Hey, I thought Teacher Gu would come to our mountain city. I can go and see Teacher Gu at that time. It seems that there is no chance now."

"I'm curious, why didn't they hold a national roadshow? Although the time is tight, it should be in time!"

"Who knows, it's probably Mr. Gu and the others who spent all their money on film production, so they have no money now!"

"Our Lake Province Movie Fan Club has already prepared the support cards, but Mr. Gu can't say it. It's so depressing."

"It's really a pity!"


Netizens felt very depressed and regretful that Gu Chenfeng and others did not hold a national road show.

Even many fans of Gu Chenfeng couldn't accept it.

I prepared excitedly for a long time, but I didn't come, so sad.

In the press conference at this time.

Gu Chenfeng looked at everyone in the audience, and then said: "It's not that we don't want to do a road show, but that we spent all the money on the post-production of "Wandering Planet". There is really no money for a road show."

"For this movie, we raised 4.5 million at the beginning, and most of it was spent on shooting. We even added an additional 1.5 million later to barely complete the post-production special effects. Director Zhuo and I really have no money. Don’t be afraid of embarrassment, this press conference was held with borrowed money.”

Everyone was completely dumbfounded when they heard Gu Chenfeng's words.

They didn't expect that the crew of "Wandering Planet" really didn't hold a national road show because they had no money.

Invested [-] million, almost all spent on special effects?

Even this press conference was held with borrowed money?
This is so unexpected!
"Damn it, did I guess right? "The Wandering Planet" doesn't have a road show because the crew has no money?"

"Speaking of which, a total of [-] million investment was spent on special effects. Are the special effects of sci-fi movies so expensive?"

"All the money for the press conference was borrowed? Is Mr. Gu so poor? Didn't he take over the filming of "Langya Bang" and also sold the rights to broadcast the second season of "Bear Infested"? Could it be that the money has also been spent?"

"This is a big melon. The youngest film star with 40 billion double horses in history even had to borrow money to hold a press conference."

"I thought it was Teacher Gu who was lazy and didn't want to do the national road show. It turned out that it was because I didn't have money. Then I forgive you."

"It seems that the movie "Wandering Planet" really made Mr. Gu and Zhuo Le sell their iron, if this movie hits the street, then these two people will lose their money, answer overnight before liberation! "

"The investment was [-] million, and most of it was spent on special effects. Does that mean that "Wandering Planet" is really good?"

"I'm afraid that the most expensive and difficult part of science fiction is special effects. If we invest so much in special effects, I don't think it will be bad."


However, Lu Tianyu and Kun both had happy smiles on their faces after seeing Gu Chenfeng's answer.

It's a big joke that a movie king needs to borrow money even to hold a press conference.

They could all imagine that Gu Chenfeng's answer would definitely become a joke of the entire entertainment circle.

If "The Wandering Planet" hits the street again, then...
Thinking of this, both of them couldn't help looking forward to it, wishing they could see the situation right away.

At the press conference, the girl who asked the question was also shocked after hearing Gu Chenfeng's answer. She never thought that Gu Chenfeng would say such a secret thing, and she didn't have any embarrassment. Surprised the girl.

But the girl didn't think too much, and continued to ask: "Mr. Gu, my second question is that many netizens are not optimistic about the movie "Wandering Planet" now, and there is no road show now, are you worried? ?”

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said: "You can actually find the answer to this question in my Weibo, so you are wasting a precious opportunity to ask a question, but since you asked, then I will say it here Be more clear."

"Publicity is just icing on the cake for a movie, and it will never be able to give timely help. A good movie, even if it is not promoted, I believe it can counterattack at the box office with word of mouth."

"Presumably everyone knows that the first film "Buried Alive" I collaborated with Director Zhuo, we didn't promote it much at the time, and the screening rate was pitifully low, but in the end, relying on this good reputation, we won more than eight films. Billion box office, so I think the box office of a movie depends on the quality of the movie.”

Speaking of this, Gu Chenfeng paused for a while, and continued: "Of course, I'm not saying that advertising is useless, it's a waste of money, and advertising must be useful, as for me?"

"It's entirely because I don't have money that I don't advertise. If I had money, I would still advertise, because no one is 100% sure that his movie will not hit the market."

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's answer, everyone immediately understood.

"The Wandering Planet" does not have a road show or advertise for one reason: no money.

Zhuo Le was also quite satisfied with Gu Chenfeng's answer, so he said, "Okay, the first lucky guy's question has been answered, so who is the next one?"

After speaking, he began to scan the crowd again.

Soon another beautiful female reporter was selected. The female reporter stood up and asked Gu Chenfeng again, saying, "Mr. Gu, how did you invite Brother Fa and Uncle Da to go crazy with you? You know, Filming sci-fi in China is scary, everyone says it is a dead end, countless directors want to break this curse, but no one can succeed, do you think you can succeed?"

When Gu Chenfeng heard the words, he pondered for a moment, and said: "Brother Fa and I were lucky enough to meet at the award ceremony of the Academy Awards, and we have been in touch since then. After I wrote the script of "Wandering Planet", I sent it to He read it."

"After reading the script, Brother Fa agreed to participate in the film without further ado. As for Uncle Da, he only met through Brother Fa's introduction. I am very fortunate that both Brother Fa and Uncle Da agreed to participate in this movie. .”

"As for your saying that they are crazy with me? I disagree, because in my opinion, this is not madness, but the pursuit of art. As for the phrase 'making science fiction films, a dead end?' To be honest, I It's very unacceptable."

"On the contrary, I think those who always say this sentence, and then secretly laugh and gloat at other people's sci-fi movies, they have some problems in their thinking."

"Our Huaguo films' achievements in science fiction films are very low, but that is not a reason for us to give up on ourselves. We should try to fill this gap and prove to the world that we are no worse than others."

"And I am such a person who is overwhelmed. I can't judge my own failures based on the experience of the predecessors before I do it, so I insist on filming this "Wandering Planet"."

(End of this chapter)

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