Entertainment: Taking her daughter out of the house, it is popular on the Internet

Chapter 238 Being slapped in the face crazily, the pre-sale box office skyrocketed

Chapter 238 Being slapped in the face crazily, the pre-sale box office skyrocketed (please order 58 in full)

After watching the finished film of "The Wandering Planet", everyone chatted for a long time before leaving.

Gu Chenfeng directly invited everyone to a hotel for a meal, and thanked everyone for taking time out of their busy schedules to watch the movie "The Wandering Planet".

Netizens naturally discovered Gu Chenfeng's special act of taking all his friends in the circle, even most of the main actors of "Wandering Planet" to dinner.

Netizens were a little shocked when they heard the news.

At this juncture, how could Gu Chenfeng leave the movie theater with Xu Zheng, Fa Ge and others, and then go to the hotel for dinner?

For a while, netizens discussed it one after another.

"Fuck, is this true? Hasn't Mr. Gu been out of contact recently? Why did he suddenly come out of the movie theater with Xu Dao, Fa Ge and others, and go to the hotel to have dinner together?"

"Who knows, anyway, I haven't seen Mr. Gu appear in front of the public during this period of time. I didn't expect to appear this time."

"And this time even Brother Fa and Uncle Da came from Hong Kong Island. Why is that? Could it be that they went to the cinema to watch the finished film of "The Wandering Planet" in advance?"

"Damn it, it's really possible. This time even Xu Zheng, Wen Mu, Huang Xiaochu and others are here, and they are likely to attend the screening of "The Wandering Planet"."

"Show screening ceremony? Is it to organize a group of bosses to watch the movie in advance and give their opinions?"

"Yes, there are screenings for many movies, but I didn't expect Mr. Gu to organize screenings, but the number of people he invited is a bit small!"

"If they really went to the screening of "The Wandering Planet", it won't be long before their comments on the movie will definitely appear on the Internet."

"Hey, I'm really looking forward to it. I don't know what kind of comments these big guys will give after watching "Wandering Planet". Will they still remain silent?"

"If Xu Zheng, Fa Ge and the others remain silent, does that mean that "Wandering Planet" is mediocre, or even rubbish?"

"Hehe, it's interesting, we just need to wait quietly."


Netizens believe that Gu Chenfeng must have invited Xu Zheng and others to watch "The Wandering Planet" in advance this time, so everyone is waiting for these viewers to come out and comment.

Many people have noticed the news on the Internet, and Lu Tianyu is no exception.

When he heard the news, he was stunned.

"Wandering Planet" actually held such a small-scale screening ceremony?

Neither a film critic nor a reporter was invited, so what kind of screening ceremony is this?

However, Lu Tianyu soon thought of a possibility, that is, Gu Chenfeng did not have confidence in this movie, so he only dared to invite his friends to watch the movie.

And these people haven't spoken out yet, Gu Chenfeng must have invited them to stand up and advertise for "Wandering Planet".

Otherwise, Gu Chenfeng can invite some film critics and media reporters to hold a grand screening ceremony, because this will bring greater advertising effect.

But Gu Chenfeng didn't do this, so it can only show that "The Wandering Planet" is rubbish, and Gu Chenfeng wanted to ask Xu Zheng and the others to help advertise, so he only invited these people who are more familiar with Gu Chenfeng.

Thinking of this, Lu Tianyu said to himself proudly: "Gu Chenfeng, Gu Chenfeng, I didn't expect you to be such a person. Don't you know the current situation? Even Xu Zheng and the others reluctantly If you advertise, netizens won’t buy it, after all, everyone knows that this movie must be too rubbish, so you can only invite your friends in the circle to watch the movie.”

Then, Lu Tianyu wrote on his Weibo: "Oh, I just finished running the Great Northwest Station, and the next stop will be in the east of Henan. Are the friends in the east of Henan ready? Come on. (PS: I just got the news that someone humbly begged a big director to promote himself, do you think those big directors would agree?)"

When netizens saw Lu Tianyu's Weibo post, they were taken aback for a moment, and then became suspicious.

Could it be that what Lu Tianyu said this time is true, Gu Chenfeng's screening was only attended by his friends in the circle, and Gu Chenfeng really begged for it in a low voice?
Soon, someone stepped forward to cooperate with Lu Tianyu.

This person is... Forget it, let's not mention Kun.

I saw him write on Weibo: "My friends, let me, the master of basketball Xuanwu, give you a detailed answer. You know, some time ago, Xu Zheng, Wen Mu and others have not spoken out for someone. Movie promotion, but today, someone invited them to watch the finished film of "Wandering Planet", surely they want Xu Zheng and others to advertise for him?"

"If the screening ceremony is really held, do you think that someone will only invite a dozen people? Usually a screening ceremony will invite a group of film critics and journalists to participate, but what about someone's screening ceremony?"

"I believe everyone can understand the meaning of this. Someone is not confident in his film and dare not invite other people. He can only invite some friends in his circle. After all, some film critics will not sell friendship and say things against their will. But not necessarily friends.”

When Kun's Weibo post came out, the first reaction of netizens was to blackmail him or scold him.

He not only mocked Gu Chenfeng, but also made a mockery of Xu Zheng and others.

This made netizens very surprised.

But everyone also believed Kun's inference a little bit, because this time the screening of "Wandering Planet" really happened for a while.

There are no film critics or media reporters, only Gu Chenfeng's friends in the circle and the crew of "Wandering Planet".

This is very likely because Gu Chenfeng has no confidence in "The Wandering Planet" and only dared to invite these people to watch the movie in advance.

After all, everyone knows that the purpose of the screening ceremony is to let the people who participate in the viewing help to promote the movie, so that everyone can know how the movie is going to be in advance.

Although the netizens had this idea in their hearts, they didn't discuss Kun's Weibo, because they didn't want to give too much heat to the motherfucker.

In the hotel, Gu Chenfeng is hosting a banquet for everyone. During the meal, there are naturally some people who like to check Weibo.

Director Wen Mu was one of them. When he saw the news on the Internet, he was very emotional and said: "These people on the Internet are really too much now. They interpret and mislead the public at will, especially that Lu Tianyu and that Kun, Most hateful."

Xu Zheng was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked, "What's going on?"

Wen Mu handed the phone to Xu Zheng, and said, "Look, these people actually think that Teacher Gu invited us to watch "The Wandering Planet" in advance this time because we haven't publicized it before, saying that Teacher Gu invited us to watch it now. Yingying is begging us to help promote "Wandering Planet."

"He also said that Mr. Gu dared to only invite us because he didn't have confidence in "The Wandering Planet", and he didn't dare to invite film critics and journalists. These guys are really too much, and they are completely distorting the facts."

Hearing Wen Mu's words, everyone couldn't help becoming angry.

Netizens distorted the facts and spread them indiscriminately. I didn't expect Lu Tianyu and Kun to come out and talk nonsense. It's really too much.

Xu Zheng returned the phone to Wen Mu, and said very angrily: "I have always seen these homeless stars as disgusting, they are the cancer of the entertainment industry, especially the one who is like a rat, looking at it now Come on, it's true."

Seeing everyone's angry expressions, Gu Chenfeng smiled and said: "Everyone, don't be so angry, let them go, they are eager to step on me now, seeing this situation now will definitely have different It's a kind of fantasy, but let them dance first, and they won't know how painful their faces are until "Wandering Planet" is released."

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Xu Zheng couldn't help admiring: "Mr. Gu, you are still amazing. When you encounter such a thing, you can be calm and calm. If it were me, I would have hated them long ago."

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said: "Director Xu, in fact, the more we fight against this kind of people, the happier they will be, because what they seek is popularity, and if we stand up and fight against them, we will It just gave them enthusiasm, it was completely unnecessary, and my consistent style is to speak with my works."

Hearing this, Fa Ge couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "It's really the waves behind the Yangtze River that push the waves ahead. I think I was still worrying about three meals a day when I was at Teacher Gu's age, but Teacher Gu has already achieved such an achievement, not only that. , Teacher Gu can still have such a state of mind, it is really rare."

Gu Chenfeng looked at Brother Fa with some dumbfounding, and said, "Brother Fa, are you praising me for being young and mature?"

Brother Fa smiled and said: "No, I admire you. To be honest, I am full of expectations for your future. I feel that it is a lucky thing for Huaguo film industry to have an actor like you."

At this time Xu Zheng also said: "That's right, I agree with Fa Ge's words. It is definitely a blessing that Huaguo's film industry has young actors like Mr. Gu. At least those sissies will not be allowed to run amok. If they are really caught If they run rampant, the Huaguo entertainment industry will be in danger."

Hearing that everyone was praising Gu Chenfeng, Zhuo Le was very envious, and wanted to be praised too.

So he also joined the camp, boasting about Gu Chenfeng, wanting to attract everyone's attention, saying: "Mr. Gu is really a monster. It is my luck to meet Mr. Gu."

Sure enough, as soon as he opened his mouth, Huang Xiaochu looked at him and said, "It's good that you know, if you don't have Teacher Gu's first "Buried Alive" after you return to China, where did you come from today? Inviting you to cooperate with "The Wandering Planet" again is really a blessing from your previous life."

"Yes, yes, the teacher is right!" Zhuo Le nodded repeatedly.

Made everyone laugh.

Fa Ge also looked at Zhuo Le, and said with a smile: "Director Zhuo is one of the most promising young directors I have ever seen. I believe you will make more and better movies in the future. Come on."

This made Zhuo Le's heart even more happy, it feels so good to be complimented by Brother Fa!

Although he was very straightforward in his heart, he hurriedly said modestly: "Oh, Brother Fa, you're flattering me too much. I'm just a new director who doesn't know anything. I still have a lot to learn."

Seeing Zhuo Le's face, Gu Chenfeng knew that this guy must have been very happy, but he didn't try to expose it.

In this way, everyone happily finished the meal.

At this time, the Internet is still very lively, especially after seeing Lu Tianyu and Kun's Weibo post, everyone is discussing it continuously.

And as time passed, Xu Zheng, Wen Mu and others still did not speak out, which made Lu Tianyu and Kun even more proud.

They are all waiting to confirm their conjectures.

But now more than two hours have passed, and Xu Zheng and others have not stepped forward, so there is only one possibility.

That is, after Xu Zheng and others watched the finished film of "Wandering Planet", they felt that this movie was too difficult. If they advertised this movie out of conscience, it would definitely have a bad influence.

After all, if they promote "Wandering Hobbies" without conscience, after the release, the audience will definitely complain wildly after watching it, and then blame them on them.

No one would do such a thankless task.

Thinking of this, Kun was very proud, and updated another post on his Weibo, "Could it be that Director Xu and the others are unwilling to promote someone's movie? Otherwise, why hasn't there been any movement for more than two hours? Could it be that "Wandering" Planet, a sci-fi film with an investment of [-] million, is it really such a piece of rubbish? It's really surprising!"

"I thought that someone who invested [-] million in a movie could become my opponent, but now it seems a pity, Gu Chenfeng is not worthy to lift my shoes!"

The reason why he is so proud is because the pre-sale box office of "Modern Family" he starred in has reached 1.9 million, ranking first in the Spring Festival.

And he was very happy to see Gu Chenfeng, who was once a nightmare for him, become a joke in the entertainment industry.

That's why Kun kept stepping on Gu Chenfeng.

After he posted this Weibo, Lu Tianyu actually liked his Weibo.

This made netizens discuss it immediately.

"Is the truth really as the motherfucker said?"

"Although I really don't want to make any comments, but now it seems that this bitch's analysis makes sense."

"Holy shit, is the bitch so fierce now? Does he still have brains? He actually knows how to use his brain? Is this the same bitch we know?"

"Although he has always been an idiot, I have to say that this deduction is still somewhat intelligent."

"Could it be that "Wandering Planet" is really rotten? It should be impossible!"

"This is a movie with an investment of [-] million yuan, so it can't be too bad!"

"I look forward to the appearance of Director Xu and others' Weibo."


Just as netizens were making various speculations, Guan Gu, one of the main actors of the "Wandering Planet" crew, who hadn't appeared on the Internet for a long time, updated a Weibo.

I saw him write on Weibo: "For these false reports on the Internet, people are really angry. Some people always think that they are so good, but they don't know that he is just a clown in the eyes of others."

"I can tell you very clearly that today I have the honor to watch the finished film of "Wandering Planet", and I can say responsibly that "Wandering Planet" is definitely an epoch-making work for the Chinese film industry. I am especially grateful to Mr. Gu, thank him for giving me an opportunity to participate in such a movie."

When netizens saw Guan Gu's Weibo post, they were a little unbelievable.

Everyone has seen Guan Gu's acting skills in the movie "I'm Not the God of Medicine", and everyone knows his character, and he will never say anything against his will just to compliment others.

But he commented that "Wandering Planet" is an epoch-making work.

This made netizens a little unbelievable.

However, Guan Gu's Weibo was just the beginning, and soon, everyone saw Reba's Weibo.

I saw her write on Weibo: "My friends, I finished watching the finished film of "Wandering Planet" today. I am very happy that I can participate in this epoch-making movie. I am very grateful to Mr. Gu for giving me such an opportunity. An opportunity and an honor to be able to see myself in this special film."

Netizens were even more surprised when they saw Reba's Weibo post.

Another person who watched "The Wandering Planet" came out to comment, and also said that this movie is an epoch-making work.

Is "The Wandering Planet" really that good-looking?
However, to the shock of netizens, Yang Mi posted Weibo next, and Teacher Huang, Zhu Bing, Wen Mu and others all posted Weibo.

Their microblogs all mean the same thing, that is, "The Wandering Planet" is an epoch-making work for the Chinese film industry, and it is the pinnacle of Chinese science fiction films.

When netizens saw this lineup, they were stunned.

What the hell is going on? Could it be that these people have been brainwashed by Gu Chenfeng?

Or is "The Wandering Planet" really as good as they say?

An epoch-making work?

The pinnacle of domestic sci-fi films?

How can this be?

At this moment, Xu Zheng's Weibo was also updated, "I'm really very angry about the random suspicions on the Internet, especially some of my peers have come forward to slander Mr. Gu, which makes me even more annoyed."

"Let me clarify that when Mr. Gu held a press conference, I wanted to send a Weibo to congratulate Mr. Gu and support him, but he stopped him. He told me that I hadn't watched "The Wandering Planet" yet. ", I didn't know how the movie was going to be, so I couldn't put unnecessary pressure on me, so I didn't post on Weibo at the time."

"Today, Teacher Gu invited us to watch the movie. I can tell you responsibly that "Wandering Planet" is a sci-fi film that does not lose to Hollywood. Even to some extent, I think "Wandering Planet" "is even better than them, because this is a domestic sci-fi film belonging to our Huaguo film industry."

"And I think, let alone 40 billion box office for this movie, even if Mr. Gu said 50 billion box office, I think it will come true. This is how I feel after watching "Wandering Planet". Those who say this movie is not good People, you can shut up, especially those two who have jumped the most recently, it's not that I look down on you, you are not even worthy of lifting Teacher Gu's shoes."

Now the netizens were dumbfounded, they didn't expect Xu Zheng to give such a high evaluation to "The Wandering Planet".

In a way, unfamiliar with any Hollywood sci-fi movie?
He also clarified that the reason why he has not helped Gu Chenfeng to promote these days is not because they want to keep silent, but because Gu Chenfeng doesn't want them to bear unnecessary pressure.

After all, it is irresponsible to yourself and irresponsible to your fans to blindly promote the movie before you have seen the finished film.

Gu Chenfeng didn't want Xu Zheng and others to be said so by those fans in the future, so he stopped Xu Zheng and others from helping to promote Weibo before seeing the finished film.

Now that they have finished watching the finished film of "Wandering Planet", they can finally make a publicity statement.

Not only that, Xu Zheng also crazily diss a wave of Lu Tianyu and Kun. Although he didn't name them, everyone understands.

For a moment, those fans of Gu Chenfeng were instantly excited. They were really excited at this moment.

Xu Zheng and others actually gave such a high evaluation to the movie "Wandering Planet", and they didn't come out to help promote it at that time because Gu Chenfeng didn't want them to take unnecessary risks.

This made movie fans admire Gu Chenfeng even more.

"My God, it turned out that Xu Zheng and the others didn't stand up immediately, not because they didn't like Mr. Gu's "Wandering Planet", but because Mr. Gu proposed it on his own initiative. They haven't seen the finished film and don't know the quality. How, I don’t want to trap them.”

"For some reason, I was inexplicably moved when I saw this Weibo post by Xu Zheng. Mr. Gu is really considerate of others. He always remembers the kindness of others to him, and he will never cheat his friends. Who the hell said Teacher Gu was gone?"

"But these people's evaluation of "Wandering Planet" is too high, isn't it an epoch-making work? Is this movie really that good?"

"I'm going to book a ticket for the premiere of "Wandering Planet" now!"

"Maybe we really misunderstood Teacher Gu. "Wandering Planet" is not as bad as we imagined. Maybe it is a very good domestic science fiction film!"

"Yes, otherwise, Xu Zheng and others wouldn't have given such a high evaluation."

"But Teacher Gu's box office target for "Wandering Planet" is 40 billion. Could it be that this movie is really an epoch-making science fiction film?"

"I don't know if "The Wandering Planet" is an epoch-making sci-fi film, but when I saw Director Xu diss Lu Tianyu and the sissy, I felt inexplicably happy, hahaha, they are not even worthy of carrying the shoes of Mr. Gu, I don't know Lu How will Tianyu feel in his heart when he sees this!"

"The bitch definitely doesn't have any complaints. After all, he's used to being skinny and shameless. But Lu Tianyu, an actor with a good reputation, is now being told by Xu Zheng. I don't know what his expression will be when he sees it. Hahaha!"


Netizens were shocked by the Weibo content of Xu Zheng and others.

Now everyone understands that these people did not promote "Wandering Planet" because of avoiding suspicion, but because Gu Chenfeng stopped them.

With the clarification from Xu Zheng and others, netizens re-recognized the movie "Wandering Planet" and Gu Chenfeng.

The so-called floating and swelling are simply nonsense.

Lu Tianyu, who saw Xu Zheng's Weibo, was completely dumbfounded.

Originally, he thought he had guessed the purpose of Gu Chenfeng's banquet for Xu Zheng and others, but who knew, he was slapped in the face at this time.

Not only was he slapped in the face, he was also slapped by Xu Zheng, saying that he was not worthy to lift Gu Chenfeng's shoes?
"Wandering Planet" is a work that does not lose to any Hollywood science fiction film?

How can this be?

Lu Tianyu couldn't believe it was true. You know, "The Wandering Planet" is a sci-fi film, and it is the culprit of Huaguo movies. How could Gu Chenfeng have the ability to make a sci-fi film that is not inferior to Hollywood.

This is absolutely impossible.

Not only Lu Tianyu, but Kun also looked confused at the moment. He never thought that he would be slapped in the face so quickly.

Before, he kept posting Weibo to mock Gu Chenfeng, but now he was slapped in the face by Xu Zheng, Wen Mu and others.

But although he was very angry, he was not as uncomfortable as Lu Tianyu. After all, he was Kun who was called a brazen person by netizens.

His skin is thicker than the turn of the city wall.

As for Xu Zheng and others saying that "The Wandering Planet" is an epoch-making sci-fi film, Kun can't even believe a word. He also said that his work is the best in the universe, but someone has to believe it. what.

In his opinion, it is impossible for Gu Chenfeng to make a sci-fi movie that does not lose to Hollywood, and even Gu Chenfeng's movies are still vulnerable to him.

However, soon, Kun became a little nervous, because he found that the popularity of "Wandering Planet" skyrocketed again, and the pre-sale box office also began to soar, from the original 2000 million to 5000 million.

In less than a few hours, the pre-sale box office has increased by 3000 million. This speed is simply terrifying.

However, Kun is only a little nervous. After all, his "Modern Family" has already surpassed [-] million pre-sale box office, so he is right.

As for the soaring popularity of "Wandering Planet" and the soaring pre-sale box office, it is naturally because Xu Zheng and others stood up and commented on this movie.

Let those who are watching, make up their minds to watch the movie "Wandering Planet", is it really as good as Xu Zheng and others said.

That's why the pre-sale box office soared so fast.

Moreover, among the movies released during the Spring Festival, the filming volume of "Wandering Planet" is not very high, and it can only be said that it is within the normal range stipulated by the Department of Culture.

The bulk of the film schedule is "Chasing the Dragon 2". After all, theaters are very optimistic about this film joined by the four major movie stars.

But even though the number of films scheduled was not high, after Xu Zheng and others stood up to promote "Wandering Planet", its pre-sale box office still began to skyrocket.

Until 0 o'clock in the morning that day, the pre-sale box office of "Wandering Planet" had reached 8000 million, and it soared 6000 million in just four or five hours.

This speed is really astonishing.

 Thank you for the 1666 book coins rewarded by the qq reading ca boss, and the 666 book coins rewarded by the happy chick boss.

  The reward here is not displayed in the background, sometimes I don’t see it, sorry

(End of this chapter)

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