Chapter 242 Mom and Dad Sleep Together, The Movie Premieres
When Dang Kun saw that the pre-sale box office of "The Wandering Planet" had no longer increased due to the problem of the filming rate, he was overjoyed, and quickly parachuted into the fan base again, calling him to take the fans to buy tickets.

Seeing his idol's airborne fan group, those fans were excited again, and became crazy like chicken blood.

As a result, the pre-sale box office of "Modern Family" ushered in a surge again. After one o'clock in the morning, the pre-sale box office of "Modern Family" exceeded 2.8 million, and it returned to the first place again. This allows Kun's fans. Said to be quite excited.

All of them are showing off on the Internet.

"Hahaha, if you want to fight with us Kun, you don't even look at your own weight. Our Kun is the most dedicated star, and his movies must be the best."

"Wow, Kaka, finally back to number one. We, Kun, want to be number one. If you want to take it away, that's impossible."

""Modern Family" is definitely a blockbuster movie, and Kun is most proud of it. This is the movie that Kun wants to compete for the best actor of the Golden Horse Award. Just wait, Kun will definitely win the Golden Horse Award next year."

"That's right, that so-called epoch-making work is really vulnerable, and we were stepped down with a little effort."


"Chasing the Dragon 2" also relied on the strong appeal of the four film stars, and the pre-sale box office also began to exert its strength in the later stage. On February 2, it won 5 million, surpassing "Wandering Planet" and returning to the second place. Location.

This made those netizens who supported "The Wandering Planet" very depressed and helpless. As for the director Zhuo Le, he was even more depressed, so fucking aggrieved.

Especially when Zhuo Le saw that "Modern Family" was soaring all the way again, while "Wandering Planet" could only stand still, let alone how aggrieved he was.

In addition, "Taoist Down the Mountain to Catch the Monster" starring Lu Tianyu and Bai Bai, with their crazy road show, the pre-sale box office also reached 1.5 million today.

Although Lu Tianyu was very dissatisfied with this result, he could only accept it. After all, this was his first time acting in a film, and his appeal was still not good. If it wasn't for Bai Bai, the pre-sale box office would have been even lower.

Gu Chenfeng has always paid attention to the news on the Internet, but he didn't make any comments. The Spring Festival is approaching, and he has too many things to do.

Because tomorrow is New Year's Eve, Gu Chenfeng took Luo Qingcheng and Tangtang to go shopping in a low-key way to buy new year's goods. Although they didn't plan to celebrate the New Year in Linjiang Bieyuan, they still had to buy something for their parents on both sides.

As for the itinerary for the next few days, Gu Chenfeng and Luo Qingcheng have also discussed it. On the evening of the New Year's Eve, I will look back at Chenfeng's parents to have a New Year's Eve dinner together, and then go to the premiere of "The Wandering Planet" at 00:[-] in the morning .

On the first day of the new year, she went to Luo Qingcheng's house to spend the New Year with her parents.

As for the meeting between the parents of both parties, it was arranged on the second day of the new year.

On the same day, the family of three went shopping and returned home. After Luo Qingcheng settled down with Tangtang, she went to the kitchen to help Gu Chenfeng.

The two of them worked in a tacit understanding as usual and chatted about family matters.

Luo Qingcheng knew that "The Wandering Planet" would be released tomorrow, and there was a lot of news about this movie tonight, and Gu Chenfeng was under a lot of pressure, so he didn't take the initiative to mention these things.

In her opinion, no matter how much pressure Gu Chenfeng feels outside, he should give him a warm and relaxed atmosphere when he returns home.

Suddenly, Gu Chenfeng changed the topic to the lifelong events of the two of them.

"Two days ago, my uncle and aunt asked about our marriage. Seeing that the hospital is busy these two days, I didn't tell you. Did they rush you?"

"Can you not urge me?" Luo Qingcheng put the washed dishes beside Gu Chenfeng, and said with a smile: "The parents of both sides will meet soon, and they have asked me many times, both openly and secretly."

"It's probably because I didn't respond here, so I urged you to go there!"

Gu Chenfeng asked with a smile: "Then what do you think?"

"Me~~" Luo Qingcheng looked at Gu Chenfeng with a smile, and asked back: "I want to know what you think?"

After all, parents can only arrange marriage according to their children's wishes, so parents respect the opinions of Gu Chenfeng and Luo Qingcheng.

Gu Chenfeng said truthfully: "My idea is very simple. Let's find a day to get the certificate, and then invite my friends to hold a wedding. The province's uncles and aunts will miss it every day."

"Husband!" Luo Qingcheng looked at Gu Chenfeng affectionately, and said, "Can we just get the certificate and not hold the wedding, or, how about we go on a trip to get married?"

"No!" Gu Chenfeng refused decisively: "This is too wronged you, I still want to hold a grand wedding for you!"

This is Gu Chenfeng's sincere words. If he gets married, he will definitely invite those friends in the circle, and these people are all bigwigs in the entertainment industry. Such a wedding is definitely very grand.

Although he didn't care about these things, Luo Qingcheng followed him and really paid too much behind his back. If there was no wedding, Gu Chenfeng would feel that he owed her too much.

Seeing Gu Chenfeng's insistence, Luo Qingcheng thought for a while and said, "Then husband, do you think this is okay? Let's get the certificate first, and then find a time to hold it after the wedding, okay? Give me some time to prepare mentally."

Although Luo Qingcheng has no social fear, she also knows that Gu Chenfeng is now a public figure and a very popular star in the entertainment industry. When holding a wedding, no matter how low-key it is, it will definitely be known by the outside world. There will definitely be many celebrities and big names coming.

Luo Qingcheng felt a little nervous at the thought that at the wedding, she would become the focus of countless eyes.

Seeing Luo Qingcheng's nervousness, Gu Chenfeng nodded and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you!"

Seeing that Gu Chenfeng agreed, a happy smile appeared on Luo Qingcheng's face, and he said, "Thank you husband."

Afterwards, the two set a date for receiving the certificate, which is February 2, which is the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, and then notified the parents of both parties of the news.

Whether it was Gu Chenfeng's family or Luo Qingcheng's family, they were a little surprised when they heard that the two said to get the certificate first and not hold the wedding for the time being, but neither of the parents said anything.

Children grow up and have their own minds, and parents just need to support them.

When Gu Chenfeng was cooking at home, the Internet was detonated by the final program list of the Spring Festival Gala.

The annual Spring Festival Gala is one of the hot topics among netizens, because there are always various problems in the annual Spring Festival Gala, such as lip-syncing, magic costumes, and clothes passed on by the host, etc.

These are hot topics of discussion among netizens after dinner, so netizens are naturally very concerned about the final program list of this year's Spring Festival Gala.

When the netizens saw that their favorite stars participated, they were immediately excited. As for the stars who were dismissed, their fans were quite depressed.

You know, although the annual Spring Festival Gala is used as jokes, it is undeniable that many celebrities became popular through the Spring Festival Gala.

Therefore, many people want to go to the Spring Festival Gala.

At Gu Chenfeng's house, he was cooking when he heard Luo Qingcheng come over with his mobile phone and say, "Husband, look at this year's Spring Festival Gala, there is Shen Teng again!"

"He is one of the few well-known comedians in China. It is not surprising that his work can be shown in the Spring Festival Gala!" Gu Chenfeng replied with a smile while preparing the ingredients in his hand.

"Huh! Husband, what soup are you going to make!" Seeing that Gu Chenfeng was not very interested in the Spring Festival Gala, Luo Qingcheng didn't continue the topic, but changed the topic and asked.

Gu Chenfeng took out a piece of tofu and said with a smile, "You probably haven't had this soup before. It's called Wensi Tofu Soup."

"Wensi Tofu Soup?" Luo Qingcheng put away the phone, and said with a face full of surprise: "Wow, there is a new soup to drink. With such a nice name, it must be very delicious."

"Hmm!" Gu Chenfeng put the tofu on the chopping board and said with a smile, "This soup tastes really good, you and Tangtang should like it."

"Wensi?" Luo Qingcheng looked at Gu Chenfeng with his head tilted, and said, "This should be a person's name!"

"If I'm not mistaken, she should still be a beautiful woman, right, husband, there must be some allusions to this Wensi tofu soup, right?"

"My wife is smart, and there are indeed allusions, but you still guessed wrong in one thing, Wensi is not a beauty, but a monk." Gu Chenfeng explained with a smile while busy with the work at hand.

"What? Wensi is a monk?" Luo Qingcheng laughed dumbly and said, "It's really surprising!"

Afterwards, Gu Chenfeng told Luo Qingcheng the origin of Wensi Tofu Soup, and when he was talking, his hands were not idle.

When the story was finished, the piece of tofu in Gu Chenfeng's hand turned into thousands of tiny shreds of tofu.

Put it in a basin filled with clean water, it is very clear, uniform in thickness, and each one is capillary, without any sticking or breaking.

Luo Qingcheng was shocked when she saw this scene.

My husband is also too good. It is simply too good to be able to cut a piece of tofu into such small tofu shreds.

After Gu Chenfeng finished cutting the shredded tofu, he also shredded the shiitake mushrooms, bamboo shoots, carrots, lean meat, seaweed, etc. that had been soaking in the pot for a long time.

Heat oil in a hot pan, fry the shredded pork until it changes color, then add shredded bamboo shoots, shredded carrots, shredded shiitake mushrooms and stir fry together.

After half a minute, it will be out of the pot, put these ingredients into the boiled fresh soup, then add shredded tofu and simmer for 1 minute, add an appropriate amount of refined salt, and finally add seaweed and coriander...
As soon as the pot was opened, it was delicious and fragrant.

"Wow, it smells so good!" Luo Qingcheng took a deep sniff, and said with an intoxicated expression: "Your appetite will whet your appetite when you smell it, husband, you are too powerful!"

At this time, Tangtang, who was watching cartoons in the living room, also ran over and said, "Dad, what delicious food did you make, it smells so delicious."

After saying that, the little guy was about to go to the stove, so frightened that Luo Qingcheng quickly pulled her away, and Gu Chenfeng also said quickly: "Tangtang, you go out first, you have oil in the frying pan, be careful not to burn it."

"Let mom take you to wash your hands, and you'll be fine soon."

The little guy was very unwilling to go out, there was no other way, Gu Chenfeng could only ask Luo Qingcheng to take her out.

After 5 minutes, Gu Chenfeng fried the beef pot stickers, and only put some refined salt in the Wensi tofu soup, all relying on ingredients such as tofu, shiitake mushrooms, bamboo shoots, and seaweed to enhance the freshness.

A few ingredients that are considered bland to others, but in the hands of Gu Chenfeng, a man with S-level cooking skills, turned into a bowl of extremely delicious food.

"Wow, this soup is really delicious!"

"Mom, I also think it's very delicious!"

"Dad, you are amazing!"

"Mom, Dad made such a great soup for us, shouldn't we reward him?"

"Well, that's a good idea!" Luo Qingcheng looked at Tangtang and asked with a smile: "Then what reward do you think you should give Dad?"

"I'll think about it!" Tangtang blinked her big eyes, suddenly she had a flash of inspiration, and exclaimed, "Ah, I thought of a very good reward."

"How about letting Dad sleep with us at night, I sleep in the middle, Mom and Dad protect me!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Luo Qingcheng with a begging face and asked, "Mom, isn't my reward particularly good?"

Luo Qingcheng didn't expect Tangtang to think of this reward at all, she was taken aback for a moment, then her face became hot, she glanced at Gu Chenfeng, nodded and said: "Well, this is a good idea."

When she said that, she undoubtedly agreed to Tangtang's proposal.

When Tangtang heard this, she immediately clapped her hands in cheers, and said, "Yes, yes, I can finally sleep with my parents, I am so happy!"

"Dad, are you happy?"

"Of course I'm happy!" Gu Chenfeng rubbed Tangtang's little head, and said with a smile: "Hurry up and eat, or it will be cold in a while."

"Okay, Dad, I want another bowl of soup!"

"No!" Luo Qingcheng stopped immediately, saying: "You have already drank two bowls, don't eat too much at night, it's not easy to digest."

"Ah? Okay then~~"

After dinner, Luo Qingcheng cleaned up the kitchen and cut a plate of fruit. The family of three sat on the sofa, watching TV while eating fruit, talking and laughing, very comfortable.

At eight o'clock, Luo Qingcheng took Tangtang to take a bath, and then Luo Qingcheng took a bath by herself.

When Luo Qingcheng just came out of the bathroom, Tangtang ran from the bedroom to the living room in a pink Winnie the Pooh pajamas, looked at Gu Chenfeng and said, "Dad, why don't you take a bath, I'm still waiting for you to tell me a story , you promised me just now."

"Okay, take a shower, find a picture book and wait for me, I'll be here soon." Hearing Tangtang's urging, Gu Chenfeng quickly put away his phone and went to take a shower.

In the bathroom, Luo Qingcheng had already prepared bath towels and Gu Chenfeng's pajamas.

After taking a shower, Gu Chenfeng came out of the bathroom. The door of the master bedroom was ajar, and there were lights and laughter coming from the crack in the door.

Gu Chenfeng pushed open the door and saw Luo Qingcheng and Tangtang sitting on the bed playing games, seeing Gu Chenfeng coming in, Tangtang happily jumped up from the bed and said: "Dad, come quickly, come quickly, we Let's play games together!"

Gu Chenfeng's eyes fell on the head of the bed, and he found that there was an extra pillow, a small pillow between two big pillows, and an extra blanket.

"You can't play games anymore!" Luo Qingcheng said: "You are so excited to play games that you can't fall asleep. Go to grandparents' house tomorrow, and you have to go to bed early. Let Dad read you a story!"

"Then dad, tell me a story, okay?" Tangtang coquettishly put her arms around Gu Chenfeng's neck.

"Okay, let's tell a story. Let's talk about it first, and then we'll go to bed after we're done, is that okay?"

"Okay!" Tangtang let go of Gu Chenfeng after she finished speaking, pulled the quilt and pushed it into her quilt, and said, "Mom, lie down quickly, the story is about to begin."

After the two of them lay down, Gu Chenfeng turned off the headlights, leaving only the bedside lamp, and asked with a smile: "Okay, the story is about to begin, Tangtang kid, are you ready?"

"Well, I'm ready!" Tangtang responded, then turned to look at Luo Qingcheng, and asked, "Mom, friend, are you ready? Dad is about to start!"

Luo Qingcheng nodded and said, "Okay, I'm ready too!"

"Okay, everyone pay attention, the story we are going to tell today is called The Three Little Pigs."

Tangtang and Luo Qingcheng were a little curious when they heard this name, because they had never heard of it.

Tangtang asked in surprise: "Father, is this another story you made up?"

"Yeah!" Gu Chenfeng nodded and said, "Okay, let's start talking now."

"Once upon a time, there were three little pig brothers who grew up together. When they grew up, they bid farewell to mother pig and went to build a house of their own..."

I have to say that talking stories are definitely the best lullaby. Before Gu Chenfeng finished telling a story, Tangtang closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Gu Chenfeng looked up and asked in a low voice, "Are you asleep?"

Luo Qingcheng smiled and nodded.

Gu Chenfeng patted Luo Qingcheng's arm, giving her a color.

Luo Qingcheng understood, helped Tangtang cover the quilt, got out of bed, and ran over around the end of the bed. Gu Chenfeng reached out to wrap her slender waist in his arms.


Luo Qingcheng snuggled into Gu Chenfeng's arms.

the next day.

Gu Chenfeng got up early in the morning and made a delicious breakfast.

After the family of three finished breakfast, they took the New Year gifts they bought and went to Gu Chenfeng's parents' house.

Because today is the New Year's Eve, every house is decorated with lanterns and festoons, and a festive atmosphere can be seen everywhere. Naturally, it is the same in Gu Jianguo's house, and even their family is very happy today.

Because the son is going to bring his daughter-in-law back for the New Year.

Ever since Gu Chenfeng started to shine in the entertainment industry, although the two elders are still running restaurants, their lives have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Gu Chenfeng bought a new house for the second elder, and often brought back the money. Although the second elder was useless, he kept it there for Gu Chenfeng.

Gu Chenfeng's family in the car is also very happy, especially the little girl Tangtang, who is even happier. This year's New Year is with her mother, and the little guy can't close his happy mouth.

When Gu Chenfeng brought his wife and children home for the New Year.

It's pretty hot online.

Because today is the New Year's Eve, the evening is the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala, and at 00:[-] in the morning, there will be a movie on the Spring Festival file to officially meet with you.

So netizens are also very active.

"Oh, I finally waited until this day, hahaha, I can watch the Spring Festival Gala again tonight."

"The Spring Festival Gala is actually not very interesting. It's like that every year. What I'm most looking forward to is the movie that will be released at 00:[-] tonight. I don't know which movie's reputation will counterattack all the way?"

"Yeah, tonight's fight is definitely very fierce, and I'm looking forward to it."

"I'm really looking forward to it. I bought "The Wandering Planet" starring Mr. Gu. I hope this movie won't disappoint me!"

"I'm not very optimistic about the movie "Wandering Planet". Although Xu Zheng and others gave this movie a high evaluation, I don't believe it is really an epoch-making movie."

"Anyway, "Wandering Planet" is definitely better than "Modern Family". I really believe that."

"Can what that bitch acted be called a movie? It's rubbish, okay? Don't compare that rubbish with "Wandering Planet"."

"Actually, I'm quite looking forward to Lu Tianyu's first movie "The Taoist Going Down the Mountain to Catch the Monster". I wonder if he will surprise us? Haha!"

"Speaking of Lu Tianyu, he really failed this year. He personally pushed down the magic drama "Langya Bang", and then let Mr. Gu become a god with a drama."

"If Lu Tianyu took over this TV series, maybe "Langya Bang" wouldn't be as popular as it is now, but it definitely wouldn't be too bad. Lu Tianyu himself could use this TV series to reach another level. It's a pity. ,Hahaha!"

"That Lu Tianyu is too short-sighted, and he didn't see the goodness of this script."

"Is no one paying attention to "Chasing the Dragon 2", a movie that gathers the four best actors? This movie is definitely worth watching."

"Hey, I've already bought the movie ticket for "Chasing the Dragon 2", and I'm looking forward to the performance of the four best actors on the same stage!"


Netizens are looking forward to the early arrival of the Spring Festival Gala tonight, and they can't wait for the early morning of the evening. They can't wait to watch the movie they are looking forward to.

Seven o'clock in the evening.

Gu Jianguo.

A large family gathered around the dinner table and began to eat the New Year's Eve dinner.

Today's New Year's Eve dinner was cooked by Gu Chenfeng and Gu Jianguo and his son, it can be said to be quite rich.

As for the women in the family, they didn't work at all today and had a good time.

Deng Junmei (Gu Chenfeng's mother), Luo Qingcheng, Gu Juan (Gu Chenfeng's younger sister), and Tangtang went out for a day of shopping.

Deng Junmei bought new clothes for Luo Qingcheng, Tangtang, and Gu Juan, and also bought a lot of snacks for Tangtang that she liked.

Originally, Luo Qingcheng was not allowed to eat some snacks, but Deng Junmei bought them, and Luo Qingcheng didn't dare to say anything.

As for Deng Junmei buying clothes for Luo Qingcheng, she originally wanted to refuse, thinking that it would not be easy for the elders to make money, but Deng Junmei told Luo Qingcheng that this is a custom, and when a daughter-in-law comes to celebrate the New Year, a mother-in-law must buy new clothes.

Regarding this, Luo Qingcheng could only let Deng Junmei do it.

However, Luo Qingcheng also bought new clothes for Deng Junmei, Gu Juan, and even Gu Jianguo. Although she and Gu Chenfeng bought a lot of things for their family yesterday, when they went shopping today, Luo Qingcheng still bought them for Gu Chenfeng's family. Bought some more.

The dinner table.

As the head of the family, Gu Jianguo picked up the drink and said to Luo Qingcheng and Gu Chenfeng: "The new year is coming, old man, I hope that you two can love each other and work together in the future."

"Thank you Dad!"

"Thank you uncle!"

Gu Chenfeng and Luo Qingcheng also picked up drinks and drank with Gu Jianguo.

Since I was going to watch the premiere of "Wandering Planet" in the evening, I didn't drink.

Tangtang also said in a childish voice: "Mom and Dad, we will always be a family that loves each other, hehe, Tangtang loves you!"

When Luo Qingcheng heard Gu Jianguo and Tangtang's words, a smile appeared on his face, he raised his hand and touched Tangtang's little head, and said with a smile: "Yes, we will always be a family that loves each other."

Afterwards, the family watched the Spring Festival Gala while eating the New Year's Eve dinner. The atmosphere was very festive.

I have to say that this year's Spring Festival Gala is still a little different from the previous ones. There are constant topics on the Internet, especially those celebrities' daily routines. They are really memorable, even Tangtang has discovered it.

Gu Chenfeng looked at it with hot eyes.

There are also various jokes about this year's Spring Festival Gala on the Internet.

However, when the netizens were excited, Lu Tianyu on the other side became a little nervous.

Because, in less than four hours, "The Taoist Going Down the Mountain to Catch the Demon" starring him will be meeting with everyone, and he is inexplicably nervous at the moment.

He is really too fancy about this movie, even though the pre-sale box office is now ranked fourth, but he is still full of confidence in his movie.

In his opinion, it is absolutely no problem for the box office of "Taoist Down the Mountain to Catch Monsters" to break one billion, and even his goal is 20 billion, so he is inexplicably nervous at this time.

I didn't even go to the Spring Festival Gala, and I have been paying attention to the developments on the Internet, for fear of any accidents at this juncture.

Contrary to Lu Tianyu's nervousness, Kun is quite excited now, because "Modern Family" starring him is finally going to meet everyone, and he has been waiting for this day for a long time.

He believes that with his acting skills, the audience can definitely enjoy watching it. By then, "Modern Family" will gain a bursting reputation, and the box office will also rise steadily.

Of course, it's not just these two who are looking forward to the arrival of 00:[-] in the morning, Zhuo Le, the director of "Wandering Planet", is also looking forward to it.

He is not as big-hearted as Gu Chenfeng, and he can still have New Year's Eve dinner with his family at this time.

Zhuo Le can be said to be counting the time today, not to mention how tormenting that feeling is.

At 10:30 in the evening, Zhuo Le couldn't wait any longer, and arrived at the Longda Cinema early that he had agreed with Gu Chenfeng to wait. At this moment, he was wearing a peaked cap and a mask, and he was tightly wrapped.

He was afraid that someone would recognize him. After all, "The Wandering Planet" did not hold a premiere ceremony, which made Zhuo Le, who always wanted to pretend to be aggressive, feel a bit pity that such a good opportunity was lost.

However, he was overthinking, and no one cared about him at all.

As the time continued to approach 00:[-] in the morning, the crowd in the cinema became more and more, almost filling the entire cinema.

On Gu Chenfeng's side, he also left his parents' house with Luo Qingcheng and Tangtang, and went to the cinema.

Finally, at 23:30, Gu Chenfeng's family of three, as well as Zhang Qingqing and Wu Xiaoxiao, who hadn't been home for the New Year, all rushed to the cinema.

With the help of the staff, a group of people low-key entered the No. 8 cinema hall ahead of schedule.

A group of people came to the last row and sat down.

Luo Qingcheng originally wanted to take Tangtang to the corner, but was held back by Gu Chenfeng and asked her to sit beside him.

Just like that, Gu Chenfeng sat in the middle, with Luo Qingcheng, Tangtang and Wu Xiaoxiao on the left, and Zhuo Le and Zhang Qingqing on the right.

After sitting down, Zhuo Le was taken aback when he saw Luo Qingcheng, but he didn't say anything. Now he also knows the relationship between Gu Chenfeng and Luo Qingcheng, and more importantly, Luo Qingcheng is also an investor of "Wandering Planet" one.

Zhuo Le looked at Gu Chenfeng excitedly, and said: "Mr. Gu, I feel so nervous and excited now. The "Wandering Planet" we have worked hard for so long is finally going to be released. When I think of this, my heart aches. Just keep jumping, thumping, thumping."

Gu Chenfeng said contemptuously: "Director Zhuo, your state of mind still needs to be improved. Isn't it just a movie coming out? Why are you so excited?"

"Why not!" Zhuo Le retorted, "I've put all my heart and soul into this "Wandering Planet". Now it's about to be released, can I not be excited?"

Gu Chenfeng shook his head with a smile and said, "You, put your heart in your stomach, I believe that when movie fans see "Wandering Planet", they will definitely like it!"

"Well, I believe it too!" Zhuo Le nodded.

Then, he looked at Zhang Qingqing next to him, and asked, "Sister Zhang, why don't you talk? What do you think will happen to the word-of-mouth after "Wandering Planet" is broadcast?"

At this moment, Zhang Qingqing was not in a good mood at first, so she didn't answer Zhuo Le's words, but instead asked: "Director Zhuo, what have you experienced during this time, why are you so dark circled, and your eyes are dull, and your face is haggard?" .”

Hearing this, Zhuo Le blushed and hurriedly explained: "It's nothing, nothing, what can I have, I'm fine!"

Hearing Zhang Qingqing's words, Gu Chenfeng couldn't help but glance at Zhuo Le.

Good guy, Zhuo Le looks really haggard, this performance...
Fuck, it's kidney deficiency!
Is this guy really looking for a young lady?
And also addicted to it, leading to kidney deficiency?
Being stared at by Gu Chenfeng, Zhuo Le felt a little nervous, and quickly said: "Mr. Gu, why are you looking at me like that? I didn't do anything. I swear it's definitely not what you think."

Gu Chenfeng didn't speak, but looked at Zhuo Le suspiciously.

At this time, Zhang Qingqing asked very puzzled: "Director Zhuo, Mr. Gu, what are you two talking about, why can't I understand?"

Zhuo Le immediately changed the subject and said, "Oh, everyone else has come in, so everyone can watch the movie in peace."

Sure enough, at this time, other movie fans also came in one after another.

Zhang Qingqing stared at Zhuo Le and Gu Chenfeng suspiciously, she always felt that these two people must have something to hide from her.

As for Luo Qingcheng next to Gu Chenfeng, she also didn't understand the conversation between Gu Chenfeng and Zhuo Le just now, but she was not curious.

Hu Chan used to be a film critic with a vicious tongue, but since she watched Gu Chenfeng's two movies, she has become Gu Chenfeng's number one fan, but she praises all Gu Chenfeng's movies.

Of course, she is not bragging without thinking, but with reasons and evidence.

So, today, Hu Chan was once again full of excitement and came to Longda Cinema, and came to the No. 8 theater.

When she found the seat in the last row and sat down, she subconsciously glanced at the side, and then she was stunned.

A group of people in full armor...
Hu Chan looked at it carefully, and then suddenly became excited, because she recognized the woman sitting next to her, who turned out to be Gu Chenfeng's manager Zhang Qingqing.

Seeing Zhang Qingqing's appearance, Hu Chan was sure that Gu Chenfeng must be there too. Sure enough, she saw Zhuo Le and Gu Chenfeng who were also wearing masks after passing Zhang Qingqing.

This made Hu Chan extremely excited. She never thought that she would still meet the lead actor and director of "The Wandering Planet".

When she saw the woman sitting on Gu Chenfeng's left, she subconsciously thought that this must be some lucky person who was able to be beside Gu Chenfeng.

Gu Chenfeng felt that someone was looking at him, so he looked left and right.

When he recognized the woman who had appeared next to him three times in a row, Gu Chenfeng was a little astonished.

This is really a surprise.

When "Buried Alive" and "I'm Not the God of Medicine" premiered, this woman was sitting next to her, but this time she came again unexpectedly.

It's really fate.

So Gu Chenfeng nodded to her as a greeting.

Hu Chan was very excited when she saw Gu Chenfeng nodding to her. She knew that Gu Chenfeng recognized her, but she didn't make a sound, because now the entire No. 8 cinema hall is full of movie fans, and many of them are A fan of Gu Chenfeng.

If they were to know that Gu Chenfeng was there, it would definitely cause chaos in the cinema hall.

When Luo Qingcheng saw Gu Chenfeng nodding to a strange woman, she frowned and couldn't help but look at the woman a few more times.

She looks really pretty, and has a good figure.

Luo Qingcheng subconsciously compared herself, and then came to a conclusion that no matter in terms of appearance or figure, she still killed the opponent in seconds.

Well, that's reassuring.

At this time, the movie fans in the No. 8 theater, after sitting down, began to discuss in a low voice.

"Oh, I can finally see "The Wandering Planet" starring Mr. Gu and Fa Ge. I don't know how this movie will be. I hope it won't disappoint us!"

"I don't think this movie will disappoint us. Before watching it, Xu Zheng and others have said, "Wandering Planet" is an epoch-making movie. People of their status will definitely not talk nonsense. "

"Yeah, I also came to buy tickets after seeing Xu Zheng's Weibo. Fortunately, I bought it early. If it was later, I wouldn't be able to watch the premiere. The tickets are all sold out. It's terrible. .”

"I came to support Teacher Gu because I like Mei Changsu!"

"Me too, me too. I also like Mei Changsu very much, so I came to support Mr. Gu's "The Wandering Planet". I believe that Mr. Gu can make "Langya Bang" so good. "Planet" is definitely not bad."

"Shh, stop talking, be quiet, the movie has started."


Soon, the premiere of "Wandering Planet" began.

On the big screen, the mystery of "Wandering Planet" was unveiled.

Surprisingly, what was presented to the audience at the beginning was actually a way of narration. The narration introduced the old saying of the sun that the earth is in crisis. The only hope for human survival is to escape the solar system, and the planet suitable for human habitation is still 4.2 light years away. Outside the Proxima Centauri, the coalition government decided to install an engine on the planet to take the planet out of the solar system.

As a result, human beings did everything they could to build 1 extra-large engines, which were spread all over the world.

But human beings also paid a huge price for this plan. A series of plans led to tsunamis, earthquakes, changes in the crustal plates, etc., causing the population on the planet to drop by more than half, and the environment on the planet is constantly deteriorating.

People can only live in castles thousands of meters underground, and never see the light of day.

When the audience saw this plot, everyone was stunned.

Although it is only presented in the form of narration, everyone can still clearly perceive how powerless human beings are when facing nature.

Especially seeing the huge destruction caused by the monstrous tsunami, and the scene where countless human beings lost their lives in an instant, the hearts of the audience suddenly became tense.

Especially when the audience saw the special effects in the film with 3D eyes, they were all terrified.

"Huh~~~ This special effect is too good, I almost thought that the sea water was going to drown me!"

"Who said it wasn't? I was so scared that I broke out in a cold sweat. At first I thought this would be a garbage movie, but now it seems that it is definitely a rare and good science fiction movie!"

"Xu Zheng and the others are right. This movie is indeed epoch-making. Its special effects are no worse than those Hollywood sci-fi movies."

"So far, this movie has given me a very good feeling, and I hope I won't pull my hips in the future!"


After watching the narration, the movie fans in Hall 8 began to discuss in low voices.

Zhuo Le, who was sitting in the back row, had a smug look on his face after hearing everyone's discussion.

"The Wandering Planet" was filmed by him, and everyone praising this movie is equivalent to praising him, which makes Zhuo Le extremely proud.

As for Gu Chenfeng, it was not surprising at all, all of this was within his plan.

Hu Chan, who was sitting next to Zhang Qingqing, was very excited after seeing the scene of "The Wandering Planet". She knew that Gu Chenfeng would not let everyone down.

Now it seems that this is the case, the movie did not let her down.

Although it has not yet entered the feature film, Hu Chan knows that he already likes this movie, especially in terms of special effects, it really does not lose to Hollywood.

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(End of this chapter)

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