Chapter 26 Visit Jade City, He Xiujuan
Gu Chenfeng looked at his attribute panel.

[Host: Gu Chenfeng. 】

[Current skill: A-level acting. 】

[Current reputation value: 65434 points. 】

[Current task: The box office of the first work reaches [-] million. 】

[Copyright items: the song "Start Over" and "The Hill", the film and television work "Buried Alive". 】

Nothing else has changed, the most important thing is this prestige value.

The last time Gu Chenfeng submitted the task, he had already spent [-] yuan, and during this time, he had been filming on the set of "Buried Alive", so there was no exposure at all!

How could there be more than 6 reputation points?

Soon he figured it out, it should be the single of his two songs, which has been loved by many people on the Internet, so the reputation value has increased!

Although there are more than 6 prestige points now, Gu Chenfeng has no plan to use them, but plans to save enough [-], and then go to draw a wave of prizes.

After leaving the hospital, Gu Chenfeng did not go home immediately, but took Tangtang to the Jade City for a stroll.

Besides wanting to buy a jade pendant for Tangtang, Gu Chenfeng also wanted to buy some for his parents.

It's been more than a month since he went back, and taking advantage of this gap, he planned to take Tangtang home and have a look.

Since the last time I left, I left 10 yuan to my parents, and after my younger sister Gu Juan learned from the Internet that the money was indeed earned by Gu Chenfeng singing, Deng Junmei and Gu Jianguo felt relieved. .

And I learned from Tangtangkou that Gu Chenfeng is earnestly making money from filming every day, which made the old couple feel very relieved.

For Gu Chenfeng, parents are always parents, and they have to go home and have a look when they have time.

The Jade City in Jinshi is located near the West Third Ring Road. It is the largest jade and jewelry city in the city. It has five floors and thousands of businesses.

Raw stones, emeralds, gold and silver, jade, agate, etc. are all available.

It was also the first time for Tangtang to come to this kind of place, her little eyes kept rolling, looking very curious.

Soon, Gu Chenfeng brought Tangtang to the shop named Yucheng Pavilion on the second floor. Since it was approaching noon, there were only two or three customers wandering around in front of the counter in the huge hall, which seemed a bit deserted.

Yucheng Pavilion is the largest jade merchant in the entire Jade City. The store area is about 300 square meters, and there are not only ornaments, pendants, handles, etc. inside.

And their main items are jadeite, Hetian jade and Shoushan stone, so some uncarved rough jade and high-quality semi-open jade can also be bought here.

Because Yucheng Pavilion is an old store, and with the reputation of being innocent, their business is also the best in the entire Yushi City.

That's why Gu Chenfeng chose to come to this store.

The two had just entered the store when they saw a middle-aged woman staring at Tangtang and exclaiming, "Wow, what a beautiful little girl!"

"Why is it so beautiful, it's like walking out of a painting."

Gu Chenfeng took a look at the middle-aged woman, she was covered in jewels, she looked like a wealthy family, and she was about to say 'thank you'.

The middle-aged woman came forward to tease Tangtang: "Little friend, hello!"

This person is the proprietress of Yucheng Pavilion, He Xiujuan.

It's just that when Gu Chenfeng saw her, he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity, as if he had seen her somewhere before, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

Tangtang greeted He Xiujuan very politely, "Hello, Auntie!"

Although He Xiujuan is over 40 years old this year, she still looks about [-] years old, so Tangtang called auntie directly.

This made He Xiujuan very happy.

Originally, almost all the elderly people especially liked children, and for He Xiujuan, she liked it even more.

Because the sisters who are about her age all have grandchildren, but his 26-year-old daughter doesn't even have a partner, let alone grandchildren, so her second-generation relatives who have nowhere to rest transferred to other children.

Every time I see a particularly beautiful child, I will inexplicably substitute, 'This is my granddaughter'.

Seeing Tangtang so well-behaved and beautiful, He Xiujuan was extremely rare.

If I had such a beautiful granddaughter, I would be willing to let her live a few years less.

"Oh, baby, what's your name?" He Xiujuan asked with a smile on her face.

Tangtang replied with a serious face: "Auntie, my name is Gu Tangtang, and I am five years old this year."

He Xiujuan was so amused by Tangtang's cute words that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear, and said: "Oh, I can't do it, baby, you are so cute.!"

"However, you have to call me grandma!"

Although He Xiujuan was very happy to be called auntie, she couldn't be cheeky.

After speaking, he took out his mobile phone, turned on the camera, squatted down, and said, "Baby, can you take a photo with grandma? Grandma really misses you so much."

Tangtang looked up at Gu Chenfeng, and after seeing her father nodding, she stood in front of He Xiujuan cooperatively and said, "Okay!"

After finishing speaking, she pouted her mouth, as cute as she wanted to be.

He Xiujuan kept pressing the camera button, and she kept saying, "Wow, it's so cute, it's so cute."

While the two were taking pictures, Gu Chenfeng walked to the counter and found what he wanted, a gemstone bracelet made of seven pea-sized crystal beads in red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.

Then he asked, "Hello, how much is this bracelet?"

The waiter smiled and said, "Hello, sir, this bracelet costs 3000 yuan. Each bead is carved from the finest natural crystal, and we can issue a quality certificate."

"Okay, show it to me!"

If it was the past, Gu Chenfeng would not even look at the 3000 yuan bracelet, let alone buy it, but now it is different, he has money, and the most important thing is that Tangtang has talked about this bracelet many times at home.

Soon the waiter took out the bracelet, and the seven-color crystal beads were slightly cool and lubricated in the hand, and it felt very comfortable, even if it was worn by a child, it would be no problem at all.

At this time, Tangtang came over and eagerly said, "Wow, it's so beautiful!"

"Dad, can I wear it for a while? Just for a while!"

Gu Chenfeng asked the waiter, and after she agreed, he said to Tangtang: "Okay, then try it on."

"Wow, what a beautiful gemstone bracelet!"

"Dad, I love this bracelet!"

"Dad, let's buy one, just one!"

Tangtang acted coquettishly and cutely at Gu Chenfeng with an excited face, just wanting this bracelet.

Naturally, Gu Chenfeng would not disappoint Tangtang, nodded, and said to the waiter, "Please issue me a ticket!"

"Okay, sir, please follow me to the cash register." With a signature smile, the waiter bent down and made an inviting gesture.

At this time, He Xiujuan, who was standing next to the cashier, never took her eyes off Tangtang, her face was filled with unconcealable affection.

If the clerk hadn't revealed her identity, Gu Chenfeng would have thought she was being targeted by traffickers.

"Dad, can you buy me one of these?"

Suddenly, Tangtang stopped, pointed to a rabbit pendant on the counter and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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