Chapter 276 Excellent Actor

The reporters looked at Gu Chenfeng and asked questions they had prepared.

"Mr. Gu, are you happy to be nominated for Outstanding Actor and Excellent Screenwriter for "The Wandering Planet" again? Are you confident to win this award?"

"Mr. Gu, all the netizens on the Internet now think that it is impossible for you to win the Huabiao Award for Outstanding Actor. What do you think about this?"

"Mr. Gu, how many awards do you think "Wandering Planet" will get after being nominated for five Huabiao Awards?"

"Mr. Gu, what is the name of the new play that you and Brother Hua are cooperating with? Can it really catch up with the Spring Festival?"

"Mr. Gu, I heard that Qingchen Entertainment has started to produce a brand new animation film again. May I ask if this news is true? Regarding the new animation film, you are confident to break the records of "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World" ?"

"Ms. Gu, may I ask you to keep cooperating with Reba because Reba is beautiful, or because Reba has a talent for acting?"

"Teacher Gu..."

A series of more than a dozen questions were raised, but Gu Chenfeng didn't hear them clearly at all. When he saw Reba beside him who was a little embarrassed because there were no reporters asking her questions.

Gu Chenfeng said: "Friends from the press, I know you all want to ask questions, but ladies first, you can ask Reba first, and I will answer your questions after Reba finishes answering."

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, the media reporters were stunned.

We want to know the answers to these questions, but you let us ask Reba?
But they saw Gu Chenfeng's look, "If you don't ask Reba, I won't answer your questions, and finally they cooperated to ask Reba.

Reba was very moved by this, and was extremely grateful to Gu Chenfeng.

It's such a wonderful feeling to be cared for.

This scene was naturally seen by the netizens in the live broadcast room, and everyone was warmed by Gu Chenfeng's heart-warming scene.

"Teacher Gu is really good at taking care of people. He immediately saw Reba being ignored by reporters, so he directly used the phrase 'ladies first' to help Reba warm up the scene and also take care of Reba's mood. "

"Yes, Mr. Gu is really a warm man. He is so good at taking care of others. He always pays attention to many details that others tend to overlook. If he becomes Mr. Gu's woman, he will be so happy!"

"Thank you Teacher Gu for doing so much for us Reba, I really appreciate it."

"If other stars cooperate with Reba, we are very upset, but Mr. Gu is an exception, because your character is really great, and we all believe in you."

"Inexplicably, I became a fan of Mr. Gu. I decided to become a fan of Mr. Gu after I made up my mind."

"Hey, I suddenly feel that Mr. Gu and Reba are really a good match. They are a perfect CP!"

"Fuck, it's true when you put it that way, they are really a good match."

"Don't make a fuss, Mr. Gu belongs to all of us, we must not let Reba snatch him away."

"That's right, Mr. Gu belongs to all of us, even Reba has to queue up behind."


Gu Chenfeng's heart-warming action has crazily reaped a wave of popularity from passers-by.

There were even some people who wanted to quarrel with Gu Chenfeng and Reba's CP, but they were directly rejected by Gu Chenfeng's female fans.

interview area.

The media reporters asked Reba a lot of questions. After she finished answering, the reporters looked at Gu Chenfeng eagerly. They were all waiting for Gu Chenfeng's answer.

At this time, a reporter asked: "Mr. Gu, do you remember the question just now? If you don't remember it, we can ask it again."

Other media reporters also nodded after hearing the words.

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said: "You are making fun of my bad memory!"

The reporter scratched his head and said honestly, "Aren't I afraid that Teacher Gu will forget it? After all, last time you said that you didn't remember to ask questions."

Gu Chenfeng smiled and waved his hands, and said: "Don't worry, I don't need it this time, I will remember it, if I don't remember it, then I will pretend that you didn't ask."

Having said that, Gu Chenfeng paused, and continued: ""Wandering Planet" can be nominated for five Huabiao Awards, whether it is for me personally or for our entire crew, it is a happy thing. As for Whether I can win an award or not, I still say "I am lucky if I win, but my life is lost.""

"As for the name of the new play, it's okay to tell you. The name of my new play is "Operation Blade Red Sea". This is a genre that I have never challenged. I hope this movie will not disappoint everyone.”

"As for the production of animated films, how do you say this? This is a very complicated job, and it is really difficult to do well. It is really hard to be able to make the animated film "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World". I am very fortunate, as for whether we can make a better animated film than it, no one can guarantee it, right!"

Having said that, Gu Chenfeng glanced at Reba and continued: "As for working with Reba, it's really a pleasure. Reba is a very dedicated actor. She may not be the most talented, but she is definitely my favorite actress." One of the hardest-working actors I have ever seen, she has always been strict with herself, trying to do her best every time."

Reba next to her felt warm after hearing Gu Chenfeng's evaluation of herself. She never thought that she was such a hardworking actor in Gu Chenfeng's heart.

As for the media reporters at the scene, they were very excited after hearing Gu Chenfeng's answer.

From Gu Chenfeng's answer just now, they learned that Gu Chenfeng and Brother Hua are cooperating in a new movie called "Blade Red Sea Operation", and this movie is a genre that Gu Chenfeng has not challenged before, which shows that Gu Chenfeng The wind itself is not very sure.

What's more, Gu Chenfeng did not directly deny that Qingchen Entertainment is producing other movie animations. He is not sure about breaking the record of "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World".

The third is that Gu Chenfeng praised Reba fiercely, which is absolutely very important to Reba.

When media reporters got the news, they were satisfied, but at the same time they were also a little depressed.

Because the cheating little princess didn't show up again today, otherwise they might really get more violent news.

The audience in the live broadcast room were not calm after seeing the news revealed by Gu Chenfeng.

"Oh, I didn't expect Teacher Gu and Brother Hua's new play to be called "Operation Blade Red Sea". The name is very special!"

"I feel like this will be a good movie. I guess it's going to be about a special operation, and then something happened. Hehe, I'm really looking forward to it."

"This is a type that Mr. Gu has never filmed before. I don't know how Mr. Gu will perform. I hope we won't be disappointed!"

"Since Mr. Gu's debut, he has only filmed "Buried Alive", "I'm Not the God of Medicine", "Wandering Planet", and "Wu Shuang". There are still many genres he has never filmed, but everyone can't deny his acting skills!"

"That's right, I believe that no matter what type, Mr. Gu can handle it."

"By the way, Mr. Gu is too kind to Reba. I really didn't expect to praise Reba in such a high-profile way!"

"I think Teacher Gu is right. Reba may not be the most talented, but she is definitely the hardest working one, because she is open all year round and has a full schedule every day. She really works hard. "


After Gu Chenfeng revealed the name of his new play, it was soon popularly searched by netizens.

Obviously, many netizens wanted to know about Gu Chenfeng's new play, which is why it was put on the trending list so quickly.

Finally the time came to seven o'clock in the evening.

The live broadcast room is open again.

When netizens flooded into the live broadcast room and saw Gu Chenfeng and the crew of "Wandering Planet" who were originally destined to accompany him, the seats this time were pretty good.

Not to mention that the crew was arranged in the front row, Gu Chenfeng was even arranged in the C position.

Netizens were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

"Fuck, Mr. Gu is awesome. Although he is here to make soy sauce, the Department of Culture still values ​​Mr. Gu very much!"

"Teacher Gu's current influence is quite terrifying. If such a celebrity comes to accompany him, he will naturally give Teacher Gu the respect he deserves!"

"Although Mr. Gu is young, his achievements in the entertainment industry are not inferior to those of the older generation of artists, because Mr. Gu's works are too successful, and his personality charm is too great."

"ε=(ο`*))) Oh, what a pity, it would be great if Mrs. Gu could win the Outstanding Actor Award of this year's Huabiao Awards."

"It's such a pity. Mr. Gu has already won a Golden Horse Award for best actor, and was also nominated for the Huabiao Award, which is already very good."

"That's right, it's already very good to be shortlisted, there's nothing to regret."

"By the way, Teacher Gu didn't bring Tangtang out twice in a row. I haven't seen Tangtang's little wife for a long time. I thought Tangtang would come back tonight, ε=(ο`*))) Ugh!"

"That's right, I'm also a little bit missing Tangtang. If she comes here today, she'll definitely break the news. After all, the title of cheating little princess isn't just for nothing."


When the audience in the live broadcast room was discussing enthusiastically, the award ceremony of the Huabiao Award officially began.

At the beginning, it was natural that some big names invited by the Culture Department came to speak on stage, and even the leaders of the Culture Department.

Half an hour later, the actual awards ceremony began.

Because there are still many awards set by the Huabiao Award, the speed of awarding is still very fast.

Five awards have been awarded in half an hour, which shows that this speed is really not slow at all.

However, the previous awards have nothing to do with Gu Chenfeng and the crew of "Wandering Planet", so Gu Chenfeng is not very concerned.

Finally, when it was time to present the eighth award, the crew became interested.

Because this time it was awarded the Outstanding Film Music Award.

Not only the crew, but also the netizens in the live broadcast room became excited immediately.

This is the only award that "Wandering Planet" is likely to win.

However, the result surprised everyone, because "Wandering Planet" was not the winner.

When the audience in the live broadcast room saw this reception, they couldn't believe their eyes.

"Fuck, this is really a surprise, "The Wandering Planet" didn't win the award."

"This is the only award Mr. Gu is likely to win. Now that he has lost the election, is Mr. Gu doomed to fail this time?"

"I didn't expect it at all. It's not "The Wandering Planet" that won the award. It's a pity. This movie stole the show at the Golden Horse Awards, but now it's about to fail. It's a bit embarrassing!"

"It's really embarrassing. Originally, I thought Mr. Gu would win this outstanding film music award, but it's a pity."


At the award ceremony, many people felt that "The Wandering Planet" might be reduced to a foil, so when they looked in the direction of Zhuo Le, there was a hint of sarcasm in their eyes.

This makes Zhuo Le very depressed. In fact, he also thinks that the best film music award for "Wandering Planet" is the easiest one. After all, the other four awards have been won at the Golden Horse Awards, and it is almost impossible to win again.

But now, the Excellent Film Music Award is also gone.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Le felt extremely depressed, and couldn't help looking at Gu Chenfeng, but he was shocked to find that there was a faint smile on Gu Chenfeng's face, and there was no sign of loss at all.

So, Zhuo Le couldn't help but asked in a low voice: "Mr. Gu, don't you feel depressed at all?"

"Why should I be depressed?" Gu Chenfeng frowned and asked back.

Zhuo Le said: "Because we failed to win this award, it is very likely that there will be no harvest tonight!"

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said: "What's so depressing about this, it's normal that "The Wandering Planet" failed to win the Excellent Film Music Award, because it is not outstanding in music, and it is simply impossible to win an award." An idiot talking about a dream."

Zhuo Le heard this, and said depressedly: "But if we do this, we will lose everything. After we go back, I'm afraid we will be ridiculed by countless people!"

Especially thinking of Chen Gang jumping out to mock him, Zhuo Le was even more depressed.

Hearing Zhuo Le's words, Gu Chenfeng couldn't help laughing and said: "Then why do you care about these things? In fact, in everyone's opinion, we are here to accompany you to run tonight. Since everyone agrees, how can it be considered a shame? Woolen cloth?"

"Those who ridicule us are just saying that grapes are sour because they can't eat grapes. Have their works been shortlisted? Have they been shortlisted for so many items?"

"Yes, yes, teacher Gu is right!" After hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Zhuo Le nodded, and his depressed mood immediately improved a lot.

The current "Wandering Planet" doesn't need to prove anything, because it has already been proved at the Golden Horse Awards.

As for the Huabiao Award this time, it is just a visit to see the world.

While Gu Chenfeng and Zhuo Le were chatting, two more awards were presented on the stage.

Soon it will be the turn of the Outstanding Screenplay Award.

Now everyone became nervous again, they all wanted to see if Gu Chenfeng could win the Excellent Screenplay Award.

Gu Chenfeng once again missed the award.

Netizens have already expected this, but Gu Chenfeng's fans are still a little uncomfortable.

However, this is just the beginning, and none of the excellent directors or feature films shortlisted for "Wandering Planet" won awards.

So far, out of the five nominations for "The Wandering Planet", four have been missed, and now there is only one that has not been announced, and that is the outstanding actor Gu Chenfeng was shortlisted for.

This made Zhuo Le very disappointed. Although Gu Chenfeng had comforted him just now, when he actually passed the Outstanding Director Award, he was still extremely depressed, and his heart hurt so badly that he couldn't breathe.

He finally understood the feelings of those who accompanied the runners, it was really too depressing.

The audience was also a little disappointed when they saw this. Originally, they thought that "Wandering Planet" would create a miracle. After all, this movie created a new milestone for domestic science fiction films, and even created the highest box office record of 53.3 billion in Huaguo. But it is such a film, but now it has not won any of the Huabiao Awards.

And the other star directors at the award ceremony looked at Gu Chenfeng and others sitting in the most central position, full of foolish looks.

In their opinion, what is the use of sitting in a good seat?It's not that he didn't get any award, not only did he not get the award, but he also became the object of ridicule by everyone.

Thinking of this, many people gloated a little.

The award presentation on the stage continued.

Soon all the other awards will be given out, and there will be the last outstanding actor award.

The host on the stage said: "The next award to be awarded is this year's Huabiao Award for Outstanding Actor. This is also the last award tonight. The finalists include Mr. Liu Pei from "Dragon War", "Outsmart Dragon and Tiger" Teacher Zhang Yuhan from "Mountain" and Teacher Gu Chenfeng from "The Wandering Planet", let us enjoy the highlights of these three movies together."

When the host's voice fell, everyone immediately became excited.


finally come.

Among them, the fans of Liu Pei and Zhang Yuhan are very excited and excited. In their opinion, the probability of their favorite teacher winning this award is 50.00%, and they all believe that their favorite teacher can win this award.

Not only the fans of the two teachers, even Liu Pei and Zhang Yuhan showed excitement on their faces at this time.

In their view, there is only one opponent, and that is the opponent.

As for Gu Chenfeng?It had already been excluded the moment the shortlist was announced.

The rest of the crew of "Wandering Planet" were all very nervous at this moment.

Zhuo Le even muttered to himself: "I must hit it, I must hit it, Teacher Gu must win it!"

Gu Chenfeng couldn't laugh or cry when he heard Zhuo Le's words.

Does this guy need to be so nervous?
Isn't it just a trophy?
if I get it I am lucky, but if not, it is fate.

Is it necessary to make such a big battle?
In fact, Gu Chenfeng is not so eager for the Huabiao Award for Outstanding Actor. Now that he has won three best actor trophies, and "Operation Blade Red Sea" will be released soon, he will have a chance at that time.

In no time, the screens had finished playing highlights from three movies.

The host said again: "So who is the outstanding actor tonight?"

"He is, he is... who won the best actor..."

It has to be said that the host did everything he could to delay time and tantalize people.

Among the three candidates, only Liu Pei and Gu Chenfeng won Best Actor, so the host's words meant that Zhang Yuhan gave it a pass.

Because he has never won the best actor.

The live broadcast was also shown to Liu Pei at this time, his face was full of excitement, and he even stood up excitedly, and began to hug and celebrate with the people next to him.

As for Liu Pei's fans, they all started to cheer and celebrate.

This time, Liu Pei won the outstanding actor and became the amphibious actor. This is definitely something to be happy about.

As for Zhang Yuhan, he looked depressed. He didn't expect to lose to Liu Pei, so he was so angry.

Just when everyone thought that the overall situation had been settled, the host's next words stunned and dumbfounded everyone at the scene and in the live broadcast room.

The host continued: "This outstanding actor is the one who has won three best actor trophies... Gu Chenfeng, that is, Mr. Gu who starred in "Wandering Planet", let us give Gu Chenfeng a big round of applause." , Teacher Gu came on stage."

This made everyone dumbfounded.

Especially Liu Pei, who had already stood up and celebrated there, had an extremely ugly face at the moment. He never thought that the winner of the outstanding actor was not himself.

It was the Gu Chenfeng whom he had been photographing outside and whom he had always looked down upon.

This made him unacceptable.

Not only him, many people were astonished, because this was beyond everyone's expectations.

As for Zhuo Le, he was taken aback for a moment, then jumped up excitedly, hugged Gu Chenfeng next to him, and said excitedly: "Ah, ah, Mr. Gu, Mr. Gu, you won the award, Mr. Gu, you Really won the outstanding actor, you are going to heaven!"

The rest of the "Wandering Planet" crew were also very excited at this time, and congratulated Gu Chenfeng one after another.

Gu Chenfeng was a little dazed when he heard that he won the award. He really didn't expect that he would win this award.


It’s too unexpected!

After recovering from his senses, Gu Chenfeng stood up, put his hands together, and bowed slightly to the people around him to express his gratitude.

At this time, Zhang Qingqing, who was sitting in the backstage, was crying with joy. She never expected that Gu Chenfeng would actually create a miracle. Not only did he win the Golden Horse Award for Best Actor for "Wandering Planet", but this time he also won the Huabiao Award for Outstanding Actor.

Since then, Gu Chenfeng has become the Best Actor of the Three Lives, and his status has been raised again.

Just as happy as Zhang Qingqing was Gu Chenfeng's assistant Wu Xiaoxiao, this silly little girl burst into tears with excitement.

Of course, Luo Qingcheng, who was watching the Huabiao Awards Ceremony at home, was also very happy at this time.

In other words, as long as Gu Chenfeng achieved any achievement, Luo Qingcheng would be happy for him.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were all excited after seeing this result.

"My god, is this true? Am I hallucinating?"

"Teacher Gu actually won the Huabiao Award for Outstanding Actor? Oh my god, this is too crazy, isn't it unexpected!"

"I really didn't expect Mr. Gu to be able to win a Golden Horse Award for Best Actor and a Huabiao Award for Best Actor with "The Wandering Planet". This is probably the first time in history that a film won two awards at the same time."

"Mr. Gu won this outstanding actor award, and I don't know how many people will be slapped in the face."

"Let's not talk about other people. When Mr. Gu himself came here, he said that he was here to make soy sauce. I'm afraid he didn't even expect to win this award!"

"Haha, I saw that when the host said that the winner of the Outstanding Actor Award was the Best Actor, Liu Pei had already stood up to accept the congratulations from everyone, but it turned out that he wasn't him. I laughed so hard."

"Everyone in the live broadcast room should have seen it. The live broadcast camera just happened to be shown to him. I feel that Liu Pei at this moment is embarrassed and wants to find a crack in the ground."

"It can only be said that Liu Pei is really too self-righteous. He didn't regard Mr. Gu as an opponent at all. He really thought that his opponent was only Zhang Yuhan, hahaha!"

"It can't be his fault. Who would have thought that the host would be so bad, and he deliberately delayed it before announcing it."

"Although I'm surprised, Mr. Gu definitely deserves the Outstanding Actor Award. After all, the movie "Wandering Planet" is too popular, and Mr. Gu's acting skills are so amazing."


Everyone, including Gu Chenfeng himself, was surprised by this result.

As for Gu Chenfeng's fans, they were all extremely excited at the moment. When they saw Liu Pei's fans celebrating just now, everyone's hearts fell to the bottom, but who would have thought that the ending would change so quickly.

In the end, the outstanding actor winner of this year's Huabiao Award is actually Mr. Gu?
It really is another village that is bright and bright!

At this time, Gu Chenfeng had already stood up and walked towards the stage.

 Please order a monthly ticket. The typos in this chapter have been changed, and there are still others that I haven’t found. Please help me to point them out. There are more than 2 words to be updated every day. Sometimes it’s too late to check, sorry
(End of this chapter)

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