Entertainment: Taking her daughter out of the house, it is popular on the Internet

Chapter 28 2 Variety Show Chapters, which one do you want to be on?

Chapter 28 Two variety shows, which one do you want to be on (recommended tickets for further reading)

Half an hour later.

The black nanny car parked steadily at the door of his small restaurant. Gu Chenfeng just got out of the car with Tangtang in his arms, when he saw Deng Junmei walking out with a big smile on his face.

Chong Tangtang shouted: "Oh, my precious granddaughter, you are back."

"Grandma!" Tangtang broke free from Gu Chenfeng's embrace, and ran towards Deng Junmei.

The little girl looked very affectionate when she saw Deng Junmei, and Gu Chenfeng from behind looked at her with a faint smile on her face.

This kind of family happiness is really good!
When Gu Chenfeng brought Tangtang home, he was in Tianxin Garden Villa on the other side.

Yang Jiao sat in the big empty house, staring at the photo of a cute little girl on her phone in a daze.

After divorcing Gu Chenfeng, Yang Jiao is completely free.

Her marriage was originally married with a son. Except for her better girlfriends, fans didn't know that she was married.

During this period of time, she was singing and dancing almost every night, filming on the set during the day, drinking and playing cards at night, but after a period of madness, her life returned to peace.

Seeing that all the sisters were being greeted, picked up and dropped off, or visited, and only she was alone, Yang Jiao couldn't help but hear Gu Chenfeng and Tangtang.

She thought that Gu Chenfeng would come back soon and beg for her to get back together.

But it has been more than a month, and the other party has not even sent a message, let alone a phone call.

A few days ago, she also heard that Gu Chenfeng actually participated in a movie invested by Tianmang Entertainment Company.

Is everyone in this company mentally ill?
Or is there no one else in their company?
A newcomer actually invested in a movie just for him?
When she first met Gu Chenfeng, Yang Jiao had also seen Gu Chenfeng's acting skills, which could only be regarded as good in group performances, but it was far from reaching the level of an entertainment company investing in movies for him.

This is too exaggerated.

"How much money can a trash movie with an investment of only 500 million yuan make?"

"I want to see how you make Tangtang's life a hundred times better than following me!"

"I am useless, and I have to drag my daughter to suffer. I have never seen such a selfish person."

"Just wait, Gu, you will come back to beg me sooner or later!"

Just as Yang Jiao was muttering angrily, the phone rang suddenly.

After answering the phone, he asked without interest: "What's the matter?"

"Hey, sister, do you want to go to the spa?" Ning Ziqi's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Don't go, I'm not interested!"

Yang Jiao said something angrily, then hung up the phone.

During this period of time, "Xiangmi" has also been filmed to the last moment. Although she is tired from filming every day, it is more of a emptiness in her heart.

Contrary to Yang Jiao, after Gu Chenfeng finished filming "Buried Alive", he took Tangtang to his parents' side on weekends. The whole family was very happy and happy.

From Monday to Friday, after delivering Tangtang in the morning, Gu Chenfeng would go home to hone his acting skills, and pick up Tangtang after school in the afternoon.

He also thought about exchanging his prestige points for some scripts, but he thought that his first work had not yet been released, so he dismissed the idea.

During this time, Gu Chenfeng seemed to want to make up for everything that Tangtang had lost in the past.

As long as Tangtang likes, he is satisfied with all kinds of beautiful clothes, furry dolls, toys, playgrounds, etc.

Tangtang is as happy as a princess.

Seeing his daughter so happy, Gu Chenfeng felt that everything was worth it.

In this way, Gu Chenfeng played with Tangtang for half a month, and the days were extremely pleasant.

this day.

Gu Chenfeng suddenly received a call from Director Zhuo Le.

"Mr. Gu, the post-production of "Buried Alive" has been completed, and I have confirmed with the theaters that "Buried Alive" will be officially released nationwide at midnight on November 11."

"How is it? Do you have any little expectations?"

On the other end of the phone, Zhuo Le seemed very excited.

When Gu Chenfeng heard the news, he was indeed a little excited. He could not wait for this day.

Then he said aloud: "Director Zhuo, this is really good news, what do I need to do?"

"Not for now!" Zhuo Le continued: "However, after five days, you will follow me to promote everywhere. Can you spare some time?"

Gu Chenfeng nodded and said, "No problem!"

As a leading actor, it is incumbent to go to the road show to promote, and there are system tasks.

It is definitely not an easy task for a movie with an investment of 500 million to get a box office of [-] million.

"Okay then, I'll call you then."

After Zhuo Le said a word, he hung up the phone.

Just as he hung up the phone, Gu Chenfeng's phone rang again.

After looking at it, it was the agent Zhang Qingqing who called. After connecting, Gu Chenfeng asked, "Sister Zhang, are you looking for me?"

Zhang Qingqing on the other end of the phone said: "I just got the news that the release time of "Buried Alive" has been confirmed, in the early morning of November 11th, are you ready?"

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said, "Just now Director Zhuo has called me and told me that I... have already prepared."

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Zhang Qingqing said: "Well, I also believe that you are ready. By the way, your Weibo company has already authenticated you. You can go up and take a look when you have time."

"Because of those two songs, there are now [-] followers on the account. Although it is not many, I believe that after "Buried Alive" is released, there will definitely be more."

"Thank you!" Gu Chenfeng thanked.

Originally, the company planned to help Gu Chenfeng apply for a Weibo account, but at that time Gu Chenfeng used his previous account, so Zhang Qingqing directly got him a verification.

After all, Weibo is also one of the main battlefields for star promotion.

At this time, Zhang Qingqing said again: "By the way, because Tianmang Entertainment is backed by Mango TV, and now your first movie is about to be released, Minister Liu has won two variety shows for you, let you choose .”

"The first one is "Longing for Life", which is currently on the air, and the other is "Ace", a partner of Mango TV. Which program do you want to go to?"

In this world, the reality show "Longing for Life" is different from the reality show on Earth. It is broadcast live throughout the entire process. It can be said that it is absolutely true, and it is easy to expose the shortcomings of celebrity artists.

After all, there is no chance of redemption in a live broadcast.

It is precisely because of this that the program "Longing for Life" is the hottest program at the moment, bar none.

Of course, as for the program "Ace", it is also very popular, it is the trump card program of Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV stations.

It can be said that it was not easy for Liu Kuang to win these two programs for a newcomer like Gu Chenfeng.

Hearing the choice given by Zhang Qingqing, Gu Chenfeng did not answer immediately.

Zhang Qingqing on the other end of the phone continued: "I personally recommend that you choose "Ace". The recording of this program only takes one day, and it is still recorded and broadcast, so there will be no major problems."

"However, "Longing for Life" lasted for two days and one night, and it was broadcast live throughout the whole process. It is easy to expose some problems, and the risk is relatively high."

(End of this chapter)

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