Chapter 283 The stick sits on the ground and raises the price, Gu Chenfeng saves the field (please order in full)

An assistant director said very angrily: "This Li Xianming is simply too much. It is only ten minutes before he takes the stage, but at this time he actually asks us to give him the appearance fee according to the price of the commercial performance. There's no reason for that."

For one of Li Xianming's commercial performances, the appearance fee starts at least 80 yuan, and he doesn't do it for money at all, but to disgust people.

In the past few years, it is obvious that the fans of the Bang Country have made a lot of money in China, and many stars of the Bang Country are highly sought after in China, even more popular than domestic traffic stars.

Therefore, for the sake of the ratings of the Spring Festival Gala, Director Zhang invited Bang Guo people on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala for the first time.

You know, the funds for the Spring Festival Gala are allocated by the main station, and the amount is limited. Now that the Spring Festival Gala has started, all the funds are running out.

Where can I get 80 for him?
At this time, Director Zhang's face was pale, and he said with some frustration: "Forget it, just accept that I am unlucky, and I will pay the money."

Although 80 yuan is nothing to Zhang Dao, a world-renowned director, this matter is too embarrassing.

Hearing Director Zhang's words, several other assistant directors said one after another: "Director Zhang, you can't pay for this money. It's obviously because the artist from the Great Country broke his promise."

"That's right, why should we give him the 80 for nothing? We signed the contract before."

"This great Chinese guy is really not a thing, and he actually played this at a critical moment."

"Those who are not of our race must have a different heart!"


Director Zhang raised his hand and waved it, signaling for everyone to be quiet, and then said, "Nothing is as important as the Spring Festival Gala. This time it was my own decision-making error, so I will bear the responsibility and pay the money."

The matter has come to this point, everyone understands that this time only the dumb can eat Coptis.

"Hey, Director Zhang, are you all here? What's the matter? Why is the New Year's Eve so sad?" Gu Chenfeng, who had already finished singing and was about to go back after saying hello to Director Zhang, saw it when he came in At this scene, I couldn't help asking curiously.

Seeing Gu Chenfeng approaching, Zhang Daoqiang squeezed out a smile and said, "Chenfeng, you performed very well today. You have worked hard. You still have a movie to be released in the early morning. Go back quickly."

Seeing Director Zhang's expression, Gu Chenfeng felt that something was wrong, and asked with a frown, "Director Zhang, are you encountering any difficulties? If it's convenient, tell me and see if I can help you. "

If it was someone else, Gu Chenfeng might not mind his own business and quit after he finished singing, but Director Zhang gave Gu Chenfeng a good impression. Although the two have not known each other for a long time, they have only met a few times. But it was he who gave Gu Chenfeng a chance to sing solo in the Spring Festival Gala. Gu Chenfeng has always remembered this feeling.

Before Director Zhang could speak, a young staff member next to him said angrily, "Li Xianming, an entertainer from Bangguo, is about to go on stage, but he sat on the floor and raised the price, otherwise he wouldn't be on stage."

When Gu Chenfeng heard this, his expression immediately turned cold.

For these Bang Country artists, they are even more hateful than the domestic sissies. They come to China to make money openly, and then go to the variety shows of Bang Country to mock Chinese fans for being stupid and rich.

When you come to make money, you have one face, but after you leave, you have another face. As expected of Bang Country, which is famous for plastic surgery, the speed of changing faces is almost as fast as that in Sichuan opera.

To put it bluntly, artists in this country just pick up their bowls to eat, put down their chopsticks to scold their mothers, and behave like a wolf with white eyes. This Li Xianming is one of them.

However, the saddest thing is that there are still many ignorant girls in China who are deceived without realizing it.

Now this Li Xianming is directly bullying Director Zhang, if he doesn't add money, will he not perform on stage?

You know, if there was such a big stage accident during the Spring Festival Gala, then Director Zhang's reputation would be ruined.

Director Zhang gritted his teeth, and said unwillingly: "The matter has come to this point, I can only admit it, contact Li Xianming, and say that I will give the 80."

"Give it? Why do you give it?" Gu Chenfeng, who has always been modest and low-key, said angrily: "If you can act, act, if you can't act, get out. How can we let him mess up the Spring Festival Gala in Huaguo?"

If Li Xianming bullies Director Zhang well this time, next time those artists from Bangguo will have to shit on the heads of artists from Huaguo?

Although Gu Chenfeng is low-key, it does not mean that he is bloodless and has no sense of national responsibility. Art has no national boundaries, but artists have national boundaries.

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's sudden sound, the people around were startled. At this time, Gu Chenfeng was not even half-approachable. He was clearly a lion about to run away. Even Director Zhang was restrained. Yes, I opened my mouth and didn't say a word for a long time.

Another assistant director asked cautiously: "But he's gone, what should we do with this Spring Festival Gala? It's unrealistic to find someone temporarily at this time!"

Gu Chenfeng didn't answer, but looked at Director Zhang and asked seriously: "Director Zhang, if you trust me, I will leave this matter to me."

"But... didn't you only prepare one song?" Director Zhang said with a wry smile.

Gu Chenfeng shook his head, and said: "Although I only prepared one song, I have more than one song in my mind. In this way, Director Zhang, you can call the backup band over now, and I will write the song on the spot."

Naturally, it is impossible to have only one orchestra in the Spring Festival Gala, but usually one orchestra is enough, and the other is mainly a backup, fearing that there may be problems.

"Okay!" Director Zhang also made up his mind, instead of being humiliated by Li Xianming, it is better to let Gu Chenfeng try.

After receiving Director Zhang's reply, Gu Chenfeng first took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Luo Qingcheng, explaining the situation, then sat down directly under the gaze of everyone, picked up the paper and pen from the table, and started write up.

A group of staff members looked at each other in blank dismay.

How the hell are you going to play in ten minutes, and you just started writing songs now?
Do you want to be so crazy?

It really is one who dares to promise and one who dares to do.

Everyone thinks Director Zhang and Gu Chenfeng are crazy. Even if Li Xianming's behavior is very angry, there is no need to take such a big risk, especially Gu Chenfeng. Get it in!
However, Gu Chenfeng didn't care about other people's thoughts, sat at the table and began to write.

Seeing this, the others moved over curiously.

These people don't understand music, so when they see the staves on paper, they all look confused, but it doesn't matter, if they don't understand the music, they can read the lyrics.

However, when they saw the lyrics, their eyeballs almost dropped to the ground.

No matter what the tune is, the lyrics are absolutely amazing.

Niubi fucking opens the door for Niubi, awesome is home!
After watching it, Director Zhang quickly said to a staff member next to him: "Go to the orchestra and ask someone who can understand the score to come over."

While Gu Chenfeng was writing the song live, on the other side, the backstage of the Spring Festival Gala.

Li Xianming sat in the lounge with a rebellious expression on his face.

The staff members of his team all had complacent looks on their faces, and they were sneering.

"Ouba's move is really brilliant. No matter how good they are from Huaguo, they were manipulated to death by Oppa. Isn't it just a show? If we give 1 yuan, we want Li Xianming and Oppa to appear in it. ? Is this sending beggars away?"

"Look, within 5 minutes, the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala will obediently send the money over."


In the backstage lounge of the Spring Festival Gala, entertainers and stars in Huaguo, no matter how famous they are, all have a unified lounge and dressing room. Only Li Xianming has a separate lounge and dressing room.

At this moment, he was sitting on a chair with his legs crossed, listening to the flattery of the team members, with a smug smile on his face.

Suddenly, a staff member with a big pie face and squinting eyes, who looked like a typical Chinese person, ran in and said, "Ouba, it's not good!"

Li Xianming asked, "What's wrong?"

"Originally the chief director Zhang Yimou was ready to pay the money, but he was stopped by a man named Gu Chenfeng, who also said..."

"What else?"

"He also said, if you can act, act, if you can't act, get out."

Hearing this, Li Xianming's face suddenly darkened, he kicked the stool next to him, and said, "Axi, what is this Gu Chenfeng? Does he mean what he says?"

"The program list has already been announced, is it possible to temporarily modify it?"

The staff member with squinting eyes replied: "I have asked someone, Gu Chenfeng is an actor who debuted in Huaguo in the past two or three years, he seems to be an actor, he is the one who just sang that song about the brave, and He's writing songs backstage right now!"

Hearing what the staff said, Li Xianming, who was still a little nervous, instantly relaxed.

an actor?
There are only ten minutes before the performance, writing songs on the spot?
Are you talking nonsense here?
"Hmph, just wait, Zhang Yimou will personally bring the money and beg me to perform." Li Xianming said confidently.

He had never heard of Gu Chenfeng, an actor, and wanted to write songs on the spot to replace him?

Li Xianming definitely wouldn't believe it. Who doesn't know that singing and acting are two different things?If you can replace yourself across borders, how can you be an ass?

At this moment, a short video that was obviously taken secretly began to spread on Weibo. With the continuous forwarding of netizens, it quickly rushed to the hot search list.

【Superstar Lee Hsien-ming played a big role in the Spring Festival Gala and maliciously demanded 80 performance fees, otherwise he will stop performing. 】

In this hot search topic, there is also a program list on the Weibo that was pinned to the top.

As soon as this hot search came out, it suppressed the enthusiasm for the pre-sale box office of the movie that was originally released during the Spring Festival tonight.

So many netizens were angry.

"Fuck, there is nothing good in this awesome country. This is our Spring Festival Gala stage in Huaguo. Do you think it's those pheasant variety shows!"

"It's simply too hateful, all these artists in Bangguo are nothing."

"Many celebrities and entertainers in our country can't get in even if they want to, but people from Bangguo actually come to sit on the floor and raise prices on the spot. It's really disgusting, rubbish, get out of Huaguo."

"I just don't understand what Director Zhang is thinking. How could he get a stick to participate in Huaguo's Spring Festival Gala? If I hadn't heard that Mr. Gu was singing on stage, I wouldn't have taken him to watch the Spring Festival Gala. I didn't expect to watch it. Here comes the matter."

"By the way, Director Zhang was also cheated by Bangzi this time. It's about to be Bangzi's turn to take the stage. In the end, he came up with a low price. Isn't this clearly forcing Director Zhang to pay for it himself?"

"That's right, the budget for the Spring Festival Gala is allocated by the main station. At this time, where is there any extra money to pay for Bangzi's appearance fee? Director Zhang has to pay for it himself."

"What the hell is a sinister villain, this kind of rubbish is recommended to be banned directly, get out of Huaguo."

"Could it be that the annual Spring Festival Gala will be messed up because of a stickman?"

"What the hell, thinking about it makes me angry. Originally, I didn't watch the Spring Festival Gala. I only came to see it when I heard that Mr. Gu was in the Spring Festival Gala. I didn't expect to encounter such a thing."


Although many young people in Huaguo seldom watch the Spring Festival Gala now, the Spring Festival Gala is everyone’s childhood memories after all. Over the years, whether the Spring Festival Gala was run well or not, netizens ridiculed it, but it was also their own thing. .

This kind of feeling is like after entering the society, when talking about your alma mater, you can scold and complain, but others scold and complain, that's not okay.

No matter how bad the Spring Festival Gala is, citizens can criticize the chief director and criticize the planning team, but if the Spring Festival Gala is messed up because of a good Chinese, the netizens will unite in an instant, stand behind the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala, and unanimously speak out.

However, in Li Xianming's fan base, there are still such remarks.

"How can these people on the Internet say that about our Oppa? It's simply too much."

"That's right, our Ouba has worked so hard to participate in the show, what's the matter with the performance fee, even if it's the Spring Festival Gala, we still have to pay the performance fee!"

"That's right, the Spring Festival Gala program team is really too stingy, and they only gave 1 yuan as an appearance fee. When did Oppa's appearance fee for a performance was less than 80 yuan?"


Many slave fans and brain-dead fans complained about Li Xianming's grievances in his fan group.

The scene at this time.

The chief of the orchestra was pulled over by the assistant director for some unknown reason, and then he saw the score in front of Gu Chenfeng.

At this time, Gu Chenfeng remembered that he obviously only needed to write out the music for the orchestra to use, so why bother to write out the lyrics as well? Thinking of this, he just kneaded the paper with the lyrics into one Group, ready to throw away.

The chief of the orchestra who had just finished reading the score came back to his senses, the shock on his face hadn't dissipated, he saw that Gu Chenfeng was about to throw away the lyrics, he quickly caught it, held it in his hand, looked at Gu Chenfeng and asked Said: "Well...can I read the lyrics first?"

"Yes!" Gu Chenfeng nodded.

For the chief of the orchestra, the song written by Gu Chenfeng just now is definitely a divine comedy, so he is very curious, what kind of lyrics can match such a divine comedy?

When the chief of the orchestra spread out the paper and looked at the lyrics carefully, his eyes soon became brighter, and he began to grow up with the score.

At this time, Director Zhang asked anxiously: "How is it? Can it work?"

He has to be anxious, now only 10 minutes away from playing.

But at this time, the head of the orchestra was completely intoxicated by the song written by Gu Chenfeng, and turned a deaf ear to Director Zhang's words, still humming in a low voice.

Finally, after humming, he came back to his senses, nodded heavily, his excitement could not be concealed in his words, and said: "Okay, of course."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Gu Chenfeng again, gave him a thumbs up, and said, "Teacher Gu is awesome."

Then he said with some embarrassment: "This... can this manuscript be used as a souvenir for me?"

Gu Chenfeng nodded with a smile, and said, "Of course, but we don't have much time now, so hurry up and take the orchestra to familiarize yourself with the song."

"Okay, I promise to complete the task!" Hearing that Gu Chenfeng promised to give him the manuscript of the lyrics, the chief of the orchestra happily agreed and ran away.

Seeing the chief of the orchestra like that, Director Zhang was a little confused, and the other actors were also dumbfounded.

Why does this seem so unreliable?
It took Gu Chenfeng less than 5 minutes to write the lyrics and music, which made the chief of the dignified Central Orchestra feel like a treasure?

The chief of the orchestra is a serious professional. He is a member of the national team. He has performed on behalf of the national team many times. Whether it is music and art accomplishment or knowledge, they are all at the top level.

But now after reading the song and lyrics written by Gu Chenfeng, he was as excited as a child.

This is too dramatic!
"Come on, let's go and have a look!" Director Zhang could no longer hold back the curiosity in his heart, and after telling several assistant directors, he took the lead and walked towards the orchestra lounge.

Everyone else followed suit.

Regarding this, Gu Chenfeng was very helpless, he was very low-key at first, but his strength didn't allow it!

I have to admit that the level of the national team's orchestra is really high. After getting the music, I only read it once, and then I can perform it. After two or three times, I can already perform it without reading the score.

at the same time.

At the scene, the news that Li Xianming demanded a high performance fee for sitting on the floor, otherwise the show was stopped, and there was less than 5 minutes before the original Li Xianming sang the song.

After the language program on the stage was over, it was time for Li Xianming to play, but now he had to sit on the floor and raise the price, which made many people extremely annoyed.

In the host's lounge, Teacher Dong looked anxious, and the junior college kept in place, and the high-heeled shoes made a "dong dong dong" sound on the floor.

Teacher Kang is also full of irritability at the moment, because the curtain call is about to be announced, but who knows that there will be such an accident, and if there is really time for a song, how should the next program be arranged?
The time of all the programs of the Spring Festival Gala is calculated, and it affects the whole body. If there is a problem with this program, the subsequent programs will be affected, even when the countdown to the new year will be affected.

When everyone was extremely nervous, in the orchestra lounge.

After listening to the accompaniment and Gu Chenfeng's singing intoxicated, Director Zhang said to the assistant director next to him, "Go and inform the host and staff."

The assistant director nodded excitedly, took out the walkie-talkie and said: "Attention all departments, attention all departments, the next program will be changed, and the program will be temporarily changed."

"The track "Compendium of Materia Medica", composed and sung by Gu Chenfeng."

The instruction reached the ears of all the staff, and everyone was shocked.

Compendium of Materia Medica?

Isn't this Li Shizhen's medical works?

When did Huaguo have this song?

Is it so easy to sing now?Even writing can be regarded as singing?
Li Xianming also heard the voice from the back of his ears in the lounge, and stood up instantly.

The surrounding staff quickly asked: "Ouba, what's the matter, what happened?"

Li Xianming clenched his fists tightly and cursed loudly, "You're despicable and shameless, you don't have any spirit of contract."

Not to mention that the duck in his hand flew away, and now that he didn't even have the chance to leave the country, Li Xianming immediately became an idiot, completely forgetting that he himself did not have the spirit of the contract first.

He said viciously: "I don't believe that a song written in just ten minutes can be anything special."

Time passed little by little.

The language program was over. Mr. Dong walked onto the stage, the anxiety from just now was gone, and with a sweet smile, he took the microphone and said, "Time flies, and it's another year of cold weather."

Mr. Kang: "One yuan starts again, and a brand new spring is ushered in."


All the audience on the scene and in front of the TV, including the Internet, were a little confused when they saw this scene.

What's happening here?
Why the two hosts don't seem to be in a hurry at all, they don't want to kill these few minutes with such a boring opening speech, right?
At this moment, Teacher Dong on the stage continued: "Next, please ask Gu Chenfeng to bring us the song "Compendium of Materia Medica"."

After speaking, the stage lights dimmed, a beam of bright light shone in the center of the stage, and the camera shot was on the stage.

Immediately afterwards, a melodious melody came to everyone's ears, and then the subtitles appeared.

"Compendium of Materia Medica", Lyricist: Gu Chenfeng; Composer: Gu Chengfeng; Original Singer: Gu Chenfeng; Singing: Gu Chenfeng; Soundtrack: Central Orchestra.

As the subtitles appeared, everyone was stunned.

"I'll go. What's the situation? Why is Teacher Gu coming out again?"

"Could it be that the stick stopped acting, and then Mr. Gu came out to save the scene?"

"Damn it, Mr. Gu is awesome!"

"I really didn't expect it. I thought Mr. Gu would not be on the Spring Festival Gala, but now he is singing two solos, and this solo is just to save the audience. Mr. Gu is amazing."

"Oh my god, this is too crazy, the prelude to Mr. Gu's song is too..."

"This is a typical hip-hop R&B style, can Mr. Gu still control this style of songs?"

"Multi-talented, we are talking about Mr. Gu, who is not only great in acting, but also great in singing."

"Wow, Kaka, I thought I missed Mr. Gu's performance, but it was just right?"

"Upstairs, you made a mistake, this is the second time Mr. Gu has been on stage!"

"What the hell is "Compendium of Materia Medica"? Can this be used as a song? I've never heard of it before. Could it be that Gu Chenfeng made it on the spot?"

"Whatever, I'm happy to see Mr. Gu anyway. This should be the first time he's been seen outside of movies or TV dramas!"

"After Mr. Gu participated in the Spring Festival Gala, his popularity will skyrocket again. Doesn't it mean that the box office of "Operation Blade Red Sea" will follow suit?"

"Alas, it's a pity that the pre-sale box office of "Operation Blade Red Sea" is now sold out, otherwise it will definitely usher in a wave of skyrocketing."

"This is the scene of the Spring Festival Gala. You are here to advertise? Did you pay for the advertisement?"


When netizens were discussing, Wang Yao, who was sitting in the audience, looked at Luo Qingcheng in surprise, and asked, "When did he write this song?"

"I don't know either, it should have been written on the spot!" Luo Qingcheng shook her head, just now they received a message from Gu Chenfeng, saying that he will be on stage later.

Otherwise, they would leave early, because Wang Yao said that they would go to the premiere of "Operation Blade Red Sea" together tonight.

I just didn't expect Gu Chenfeng to go up again now.

Gold City.

Zhang Qingqing, Wu Xiaoxiao, and Zhuo Le sat together, watching Gu Chenfeng reappeared on the stage on TV, Zhuo Le couldn't help but said, "Why did Teacher Gu run up again?"

It turned out that none of these three people went back to celebrate the New Year this year, so they made an appointment to watch the premiere of "Operation Blade Red Sea" together in the evening, and they already knew that Gu Chenfeng was going to be on the Spring Festival Gala, so they had been waiting.

Zhang Qingqing shook her head and said, "How do I know? It seems that the stick has given up. Mr. Gu came out to save the scene. Fortunately, I asked him to prepare an extra song, otherwise it might be troublesome."

Obviously, Zhang Qingqing thought it was the song that Gu Chenfeng had prepared before.

Gu Chenfeng's parents' house.

Gu Jianguo, his wife and Gu Juan also found out about Gu Chenfeng's going to the Spring Festival Gala.

When Gu Juan saw Gu Chenfeng reappeared on TV, she said excitedly to Gu Jianguo and his wife, "Mom and Dad, brother is really amazing. He is the only person who has sung two songs in a row in the previous Spring Festival Gala."

"Yes, you should study hard with your brother in the future, don't just play here and there with your classmates all day long."

"There is, I just invited a few classmates to watch brother's movie together."

Luo Qingcheng's parents' home.

Since Luo Qingcheng's family of three did not celebrate the New Year at home, the whole villa felt much deserted, but the Luo Chen couple was very excited and excited at this time.

"Old Luo, look at our son-in-law singing again, it's really amazing, this is singing in front of the whole country!"

"I think he is a young man who has been arrested. He has gone to be the captain of the fire brigade. Where there is something wrong, there is Chenfeng. It's just that I didn't expect that Chenfeng hasn't sung for so long. Now he sings so well. The song "Lonely" just now "The Brave" gave me goosebumps, I don't know what will happen to this "Compendium of Materia Medica".

"As long as it is sung by my son-in-law, I like to listen to it. By the way, Lao Luo, how many tickets did you grab? I will go to see Chenfeng's movie with you later."

"Okay, I happened to grab three."

(End of this chapter)

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