Chapter 296 New Animation Film, Director Li Lan Visits
And just like that, some time passed.

During this period of time, Gu Chenfeng was still very low-key, and he hardly saw his latest news on the Internet.

On the contrary, Wang Zhuole was forced to explode some of his progress in filming small web dramas on the Internet from time to time, not only that, but also exposed the leading actors.

Surprisingly, Zhuo Le actually chose two newcomers to play the leading role this time, and the male protagonist Lin Feng and the female protagonist Xia Wanxin are both newcomers to Qingchen Entertainment.

This made netizens very surprised, Zhuo Le, a director of tens of billions, actually went to shoot a small web drama, and then praised the two newcomers of his company.

However, Zhuo Le never got tired of it, and he became addicted to filming this small web drama, and felt that it was really cool to shoot such a small web drama.

It's the feeling of asking college students to do their elementary school homework.

On April 4st, Qingchen Entertainment released a message.

"My friends, let me tell you some good news. Our company's latest animation film "Zootopia" will be released nationwide on May 5. This is a brand new story, and you will definitely not be disappointed!"

Everyone was very surprised that Qingchen Entertainment made a new animation film so quickly.

Gu Chenfeng said before that Qingchen Entertainment has not fully mastered the related technologies of animation films, and has been trying to cross the river by feeling the stones. But it hasn't been long, and they have come up with a new animation film?
This is too incredible.

"Damn it, how long has it been? Mr. Gu actually has a new animation movie coming out. Have they already mastered the technology of animation movies?"

"How do I feel that the name "Crazy Zootopia" is a bit...won't it be an animated movie that is all interpreted from the perspective of animals!"

"Seeing that Mr. Gu released the second animated film so quickly, will other entertainment companies want to hit people? After all, Mr. Gu said before that his company is still crossing the river by feeling the stones, but now there is a new animation. The movie is coming out."

"Hahaha, I'm afraid those entertainment companies will vomit blood in anger. They are still struggling to find out. Qingchen Entertainment's second animated film has already come out."

"If Mr. Gu's animated film becomes popular again, then he will be super god in the field of animated films!"

"Anyway, I look forward to the arrival of May 5st, and then we can see how Mr. Gu's animated film will be."


Sure enough, people from other entertainment companies really wanted to hit someone after seeing the news.

After they saw the success of "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World", they immediately recruited technical talents in animation design across the country, hoping to share the dividends of animation movies.

But the past few months have passed, and the people they recruited are only at the exploratory stage, let alone finish an animated film, and now they haven't even finished half of it.

Moreover, the picture quality produced is also very half, and it is still a thousand miles away from "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World".

At first they thought everyone was like this, so they didn't really care, but now after seeing Qingchen Entertainment's announcement, they realized that the 'clown' was actually themselves.

They were the only ones who really crossed the river by feeling the stones, and what Qingchen Entertainment said before was just Gu Chenfeng's humble words.

This made people from other entertainment companies very angry, and they scolded Gu Chenfeng for not being a thing, and even hoped that this "Zootopia" would hit the street, so that they would feel better.

At this time, Gu Chenfeng, who hadn't appeared for a long time, forwarded the Weibo of Qingchen Entertainment, and wrote in the repost: "The second animation film "Crazy Zootopia" produced by Qingchen Entertainment is about to I have met you all, this is an animated film that is not as bad as "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World", and it will even be stronger in terms of technology, welcome to comment."

Seeing Gu Chenfeng's Weibo post, netizens all speculated whether the animation team of Qingchen Entertainment had improved their skills.

After all, Gu Chenfeng said that this animated film will not be inferior to "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World", and it is even stronger in terms of technology.

"Is Mr. Gu's words true? You must know that the quality of "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World" is considered to be the pinnacle in our country. Is Mr. Gu's new animation film really better than it?" ?”

"Teacher Gu has never let us down, and I believe it will be the same this time."

"Before Teacher Gu said that the animation team of Qingchen Entertainment Company was still groping for stones, it seemed like a trick, hahaha, other entertainment companies were still foolishly groping, I didn't expect Teacher Gu's second part to be released gone."

"Since Mr. Gu has said that this new animated film is no worse than "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World", I am really looking forward to it."


Now Gu Chenfeng's words are more useful than any advertisement, because his name is a golden signboard.

Therefore, netizens believe him very much.

So netizens began to look forward to it, wanting to see the trailer of this animated movie earlier.

After all, Gu Chenfeng released a trailer when "Operation Blade Red Sea" was released.

On this day, Gu Chenfeng had just asked Zhuo Le to release the trailer of "Zootopia", and received a call from Zhang Yimou in the afternoon.

"Mr. Gu, congratulations on making another very good animation film." Zhang Yimou said with a smile as soon as the call was connected.

In fact, he didn't know much about animated films, so he was entrusted to make this call.

Gu Chenfeng heard the words and said with a smile: "Director Zhang, you are usually so busy, you should not just call to talk about animation movies!"

"Indeed, I made this call because someone asked me to help you." Zhang Yimou glanced at Director Li who was sitting opposite, and said with a smile.

It turned out that at this time he was drinking tea with Director Li who had returned from overseas, and when Director Li came to him, he also knew that he knew Gu Chenfeng and wanted him to help introduce him.

Zhang Yimou was not curious that Director Li wanted to get to know Gu Chenfeng, because Gu Chenfeng's name had been widely spread overseas since "Operation Blade Red Sea" reached the global box office chart.

Although some media deliberately attacked him, but for Director Li, who is also a director of Huaguo, after seeing Gu Chenfeng's works, he immediately became interested in him.

No, I just came back from Hollywood, wanting to meet this legendary figure of the younger generation in Huaguo.

Hearing Director Zhang's words, Gu Chenfeng was taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "I don't know who is the big guy who asked Director Zhang to call me personally?"

In fact, he was very puzzled. After all, he didn't have a new movie to shoot now. It was just an animation movie that was about to be released. Who the hell could invite Director Zhang to call him.

He even wondered if people from other entertainment companies wanted to use Director Zhang's relationship to find him to buy animation movie scripts, or to poach technical talents from Qingchen Entertainment.

Director Zhang said truthfully: "It's director Li Lan. After watching the preview of your animation movie, he thinks it's very good. Such a work should be released globally, not just in China."

"Director Li Lan?" Gu Chenfeng was a little surprised.

This director Li Lan is the only one among Chinese directors who has won the Knight Medal of Country F and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Film Academy of Country Y. His works have won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language, and he himself has won two Oscars Award for Best Director, it can be said that he is well-known internationally.

Of course, Gu Chenfeng had heard of it, but he never imagined that Director Li Lan would be optimistic about this animated film.

However, Gu Chenfeng is also a little bit excited about releasing "Zootopia" to the world.

In fact, he has thought about it before, but there has been no channel. Now if director Li Lan introduces it, it might really be able to be released globally.

After thinking for a while, Gu Chenfeng said: "Director Zhang, how about this, let's meet sometime, and then let Director Li watch the finished film. Let's talk about the follow-up matters, shall we?"

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Li Lan nodded to Zhang Yimou with a smile, and then Director Zhang said to the other end of the phone: "Okay, Teacher Gu, then I will go to the gold market with Director Li tomorrow, I am really looking forward to it This new animated movie huh!"

"Okay, then I'll wait for you two in the gold market." Gu Chenfeng said with a smile.

A high-end teahouse in Beijing.

Zhang Yimou, who hung up the phone, looked at Li Lan in front of him and said, "Lao Li, are you really only interested in this animation movie?"

"Yes, and no!" Li Lan said with a smile: "After I came back, I watched Gu Chenfeng's previous movies and TV series. His acting skills are absolutely superb. Even in Hollywood, he is definitely a quasi-actor. Even at the actor level."

He really likes Gu Chenfeng. Although he has been developing in Hollywood, he has always been very concerned about the Huaguo film market.

It's a pity that in recent years, Huaguo's film industry has been in decline. Good acting skills are already old. Among the young actors, there are not many good acting skills.

Seeing such a situation, no matter how much Li Lan wanted to help, he couldn't do anything, and even many people couldn't help him.

After Gu Chenfeng appeared, Director Li Lan saw the hope of Huaguo's film future, but at that time he did not return to China to find Gu Chenfeng immediately, but kept observing.

Later, each of Gu Chenfeng's works has achieved great success, and he is humble and low-key. More importantly, Gu Chenfeng has a passionate patriotic heart, which is not possessed by some young actors in Huaguo.

Hearing Li Lan's words, Zhang Yimou showed a smile on his face, and said, "Teacher Gu is simply a monster. It has only been more than three years since his debut, but he has already won four Best Actor trophies, plus one Shidi trophy. The total box office has reached 192 billion, and he can definitely be ranked No.1 in Huaguo movies."

"Moreover, he has also made great contributions to our Huaguo film industry, opening the two doors of science fiction movies and animation movies, making overseas dare not underestimate us, and being able to promote "Blade Red Sea Action" to the global box office charts."

When talking about Gu Chenfeng, Zhang Yimou's eyes are full of appreciation. This is the appreciation of the older generation for the new generation of filmmakers.

Especially when Gu Chenfeng helped him once in the spring evening, Zhang Yimou liked Gu Chenfeng even more.

He knew that if Li Lan could help Gu Chenfeng, even if Gu Chenfeng didn't go to Hollywood to develop, with the quality of his films, they could be screened all over the world in the future.

Li Lan nodded, and said, "Gu Chenfeng is indeed a monster. This time, I'm going to watch his second animation movie. If it's really possible, I can build a bridge and let this movie be released globally."

"Well, I'll ask someone to book a flight ticket for tomorrow morning, and I'm also looking forward to Mr. Gu's second animation movie." Zhang Yimou said with a smile.

From Li Lan's words, Zhang Yimou knew that Li Lan was planning to help Gu Chenfeng onto the international stage in another way, and he was very happy to see this.

In this way, Huaguo will have more films going international in the future.

On the Internet at this time, netizens are still discussing about the animated movie "Zootopia".

Zhuo Le, who hasn't come out for a long time, also updated a Weibo.

I saw him write on Weibo: "Dear friends, "Zootopia" is the second animation film directed by me, and it will definitely not let you down. How can the box office be similar to "Nezha"? , do you think it will come true?"

"PS: The small web drama I'm filming is progressing very fast, and it will be completed in a few days. It will definitely surprise all of you when the time comes."

Netizens did not expect that Zhuo Le's name would be named in this animated film, and what Zhuo Le, the king of the world, actually shouted that the box office of the animated film "Zootopia" would be similar to that of "Ne Zha".

You must know that the animated film "Nezha" has won a super high box office of 50.4 billion!
Is the Huaguo film market already so prosperous now that it is 50 billion at every turn?

For a while, netizens discussed it one after another.

"Damn it, are you a bit drifting, King of Kings? Is it so easy to reach the box office of 50 billion?"

"By the way, you're really thick-skinned, Bi Wang. This animated film has something to do with you, so it's just a director's name."

"That's right, that's right, have you participated in the production of "Zootopia"? It mainly tells a story, I'm afraid you don't even know it yourself, and it's so shameless to show it off, it's really shameless .”

"Hey, the little web drama that forced you to wrap up so soon? When will it be finished? I'm really looking forward to it. Xia Wanxin is quite pretty, you can watch it."

"Speaking of which, what is it like for a great director with tens of billions of dollars to shoot a small web drama? I forced you to come out and talk about it, hahaha."


Seeing that Zhuo Le was so arrogant to call out a box office of 50 billion, netizens ran to Gu Chenfeng's Weibo to ask.

They wanted to see what Gu Chenfeng's box office target for "Zootopia" was.

After all, Zhuo Le likes to brag, his words have low credibility, but Gu Chenfeng's words have very high credibility.

Everyone thought that Gu Chenfeng would not reply. After all, he is so busy every day, but what netizens did not expect was that Gu Chenfeng actually replied under a netizen's message.

"Five billion is the bottom line."

50 billion is actually just the bottom line?
Doesn't that mean that in Gu Chenfeng's opinion, the final box office of this animation movie will reach more than 50 billion?
Teacher Gu is too confident about this animated film!
Many netizens thought it was a fake account, but when they clicked in, they found that it was really Gu Chenfeng, which shocked everyone.

However, regarding Gu Chenfeng's words, netizens formed two factions. One faction thought that Gu Chenfeng was a bit arrogant, while the other thought that Gu Chenfeng's work was arrogant and self-confident.

So the two factions had a unique discussion, and this discussion made this matter a hot topic on Weibo.

When other entertainment companies saw that Gu Chenfeng's box office target for his second animation film was 50 billion, they felt very headache.

50 billion is the bottom line?

What the hell, is Gu Chenfeng so confident?

You know, these entertainment companies have not yet conquered some important technologies in the field of animation films, but Gu Chenfeng has started to make money again, which makes them want to beat Gu Chenfeng up.

People who eat alone are the most hateful.

It wasn't just people from other entertainment companies who were upset about this, but other directors who were also screened on May [-]st were also very upset after hearing Gu Chenfeng's remarks.

But they have nothing to do.

the next day.

Gu Chenfeng received two great directors Li Lan and Zhang Yimou in the company.

Naturally, the two also saw the news on the Internet yesterday, so after seeing Gu Chenfeng, Zhang Yimou sighed: "Mr. Gu, standing in front of you, I suddenly feel really old. From now on, Huaguo's film industry will be yours." It's the world of young people."

50 billion at the box office, even Director Zhang dare not say this easily, but Gu Chenfeng said it openly.

When Director Li Lan heard it, he also said, "Yeah, after seeing Mr. Gu, I feel as if I have fallen behind."

Hearing what the two directors said, Gu Chenfeng hurriedly said modestly: "I said, two great directors, stop making fun of me, let's watch the finished film of "Zootopia" first!"

Hearing this, the two directors immediately regained their spirits. The purpose of their visit this time is for this animated film.

Soon, Li Mu will screen the finished film.

Apart from Gu Chenfeng, Zhang Yimou, and Li Lan, those who watched the film together this time were also Zhang Qingqing, Liu Kuang, and Zhuo Le.

more than an hour later.

After everyone finished watching this "Zootopia", director Li Lan was the first to stand up and applaud: "Mr. Gu, your team is really amazing. I dare say this animated film, even if it is placed in Hollywood , and it is definitely at the top level.”

Although Li Lan doesn't know much about animated films, as an internationally renowned director, he definitely has a good eye.

This animated film is very good in terms of character design, world view, and the rationality and logic of the story. The most commendable thing is that in this animated film, even the characters and images of the supporting characters are well designed. It also alluded to many problems in human society.

At this time Zhang Yimou also clapped his hands, looked at Gu Chenfeng and said, "Mr. Gu, I have to admire you, you are such an evil genius, even if it is not released globally, 50 billion box office is not impossible!"

He thought that the animated film produced by Gu Chenfeng would not be bad, but he did not expect it to be so good.

Through this film, Gu Chenfeng once again proved that animated films are not only for children, but for people of all ages. Even Zhang Yimou felt that this film can become a world-class animated film.

At least he has seen cutting-edge digital stunts, innovative plots, new uses of old stalks and cute Q style of painting from this animated film, utopian inspiration, funny warmth, natural ecstasy/spirituality, conspiracy reversal, allusions to animals human social problems.

Hearing that the two great directors are so optimistic about this animated film, Liu Kuang and others were very excited.

Especially Li Mu, this is the second animation film he has produced, and he is even more excited to be praised by two great directors, Zhang Yimou and Li Lan.

But he still set his eyes on Gu Chenfeng, wanting to see what he had to say.

After all, all the scripts and character sketches of this animated film were made by Gu Chenfeng. Only when Gu Chenfeng is satisfied can it prove that Li Mu made this animated film.

Gu Chenfeng first looked at Li Lan and Zhang Yimou, and said modestly: "Actually, this is the first time I've seen a finished film. I didn't expect Mr. Li and the others to do a very good job. I don't worry when I hear what Director Zhang said. will be slapped in the face."

In fact, he was also very surprised, because when this animation film was on earth, it was world-class, and in this world, the technology used by Li Mu and the others was even much better than that on earth.

At this time, Li Lan said again: "Mr. Gu, if you want, I can help you find Disney for the global distribution of "Zootopia". I believe they will be very happy to see this animated film."

Disney, one of the six major entertainment giants in Hollywood, if they are responsible for the global distribution of "Zootopia", then this high-quality animated film will definitely become popular all over the world.

Hearing Li Lan's words, Liu Kuang and others became inexplicably excited.

Even Gu Chenfeng was a little taken aback. He didn't expect Li Lan to recommend "Zootopia" to Disney for distribution.

After pondering for a while, Gu Chenfeng said, "Director Li, I can hand over the overseas distribution to Disney, but the Huaguo distribution must not be handed over to them."

"Of course, this is our base camp. If we hand it over to them, they can't do well. They are only responsible for overseas global distribution." Li Lan said with a smile.

Gu Chenfeng nodded and said, "That's no problem, please trouble Director Li."

Li Lan waved his hand and said: "Mr. Gu, you are very polite. I am very happy to see such a good animation film appearing in Huaguo's film industry, and also a young filmmaker, Mr. Gu. Walking around in the film circle, I am very happy to be able to make some contribution to the Huaguo film industry."

Next, Gu Chenfeng asked Li Mu to take the finished film of "Zootopia" with Li Lan to Disneyland.

Two days later, Li Mu called Gu Chenfeng and told Gu Chenfeng that Disney's review department was very optimistic about the animated film "Zootopia", and even gave an average score of 9.5.

And said that as long as the overseas distribution of "Crazy Zootopia" is handed over to them, they are willing to sign the contract with the lowest distribution share.

Hearing this news, Gu Chenfeng was a little surprised.

The six giants of Hollywood, they are all masters who eat people and don't spit out their bones. This time they will take the initiative to give up profits, which is too abnormal.

Later, after understanding, it turned out that Disney's market share in the past two years was not too high, and it was already the bottom among the six Hollywood giants.

Disney wants to use "Zootopia" to stabilize their decline in the field of animated films, so they would rather give up the profits and win this animated film.

Of course, Gu Chenfeng also knew that Li Lan must have helped a lot in this matter, and Gu Chenfeng would always remember those who helped him.

Originally, Li Mu asked Gu Chenfeng to go over to sign the contract, but considering the distance was too far, Gu Chenfeng didn't go, but faxed a copy of the authorization agreement.

Ask Li Mu to act on behalf of Gu Chenfeng to carry out the signing of "Crazy Zootopia".

It can be seen from this that Gu Chenfeng really trusts Li Mu very much.

After signing the contract, considering that "Zootopia" will be released in Huaguo on May 5, Disney also decided to release it at the same time as Huaguo.

It just so happens that there are still more than 20 days before May [-]st. Although the time is a bit rushed, Disney's publicity channels are very scary. It only took three days to let the promotional advertisements of "Zootopia" spread all over the world. worldwide.

(End of this chapter)

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