Entertainment: Taking her daughter out of the house, it is popular on the Internet

Chapter 30 I Seemed to Be in Trouble, The Whole Network Black Gu Chenfeng

Chapter 30 I Seem to Be in Trouble
Gu Chenfeng stood up and said, "Hello, reporters and media, I am Gu Chenfeng."

"I think we should return the question to the movie "Buried Alive". You haven't paid attention to the movie itself, and you are just making wild guesses here. I'm afraid it's a bit inappropriate!"

"The reason why Director Zhuo returned to China to develop is because he learned a lot of film knowledge overseas, so he came back to lead our Huaguo film to prosperity, go overseas, and let foreigners know that our Huaguo film can also go global."

"As for what you said about not being able to develop overseas, I can only say that your vision is too narrow and short-sighted."

"As for me you mentioned, before I sang, I worked hard in Hengdian. Although I am a newcomer, I don't think there is anything wrong with my acting skills. Regarding this point, please come back after the premiere of "Buried Alive". Judge me."

"At that time, if my acting skills are really bad, I will gladly accept everyone's criticism. As for the current criticism, I cannot accept it."

Gu Chenfeng's remarks were well-founded, and he did not lose his temper, nor did he give any face to the reporters on the spot.

The most important thing is that his words are full of strong self-confidence, which not only elevates Zhuo Le's feelings, but also defends his own dignity.

Zhuo Le was a little shocked by such a strong public relations ability.


After he said these words, the reporters in the audience couldn't sit still, and suddenly became furious.

"Fuck, a rookie who has sung two songs is too arrogant. Who do you think you are?"

"I admit that he sings well, but that doesn't give him a reason to mock us."

"What a Gu Chenfeng, he's arrogant enough. I'll just wait and see what kind of movie can be made with a new director and a new starring role. Such a rubbish combination."

"Do you really think you are a big star? Didn't you just sing two good songs? What!"

The annoyed reporters broke up and left the scene angrily cursing.

Immediately, only director Zhuo Le, lead actor Gu Chenfeng, producer Liu Feng and the staff of the press conference were left at the press conference.

Gu Chenfeng looked at Zhuo Le apologetically, and said, "Director Zhuo, am I being too impulsive, really right..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhuo Le laughed outright, interrupted him, and said, "Mr. Gu, what you said is too good. I have wanted to hate these nasty reporters a long time ago."

"No, before I said it, you spoke up first. What you said just now was very good."

Producer Liu Feng also nodded and echoed: "That's right, Mr. Gu, what you said is very good. These guys didn't come to the press conference at all. They were obviously here to mock us. You are so good at it, and I support you too." .”

"But..." Gu Chenfeng wanted to say something else.

But he was interrupted by Zhuo Le again, and said: "It's nothing more, I've made a decision now, and we don't need to run around for publicity roadshows anymore, I'm very confident in the quality of "Buried Alive", I believe there will be people who know what it is People know it's good."

Gu Chenfeng was stunned when he heard the words, and asked suspiciously, "This? No more publicity?"

"Actually, it's not that we don't want to promote anymore. We still need to place advertisements in major theaters, as well as promote online. It's just that we don't have roadshows anymore." Zhuo Le explained.

Gu Chenfeng thought for a while, and felt that there was nothing wrong with this. After all, once the news of today's press conference spread, it is estimated that there will be more troubles in the road show in the future.

Suddenly thinking that he was going to participate in "Longing for Life" soon, Gu Chenfeng said, "By the way, Director Zhuo, I'm going to participate in Mango TV's variety show soon, and I will promote it on the show."

With an investment of 500 million, the task given by the system is to reach [-] million at the box office. Now that the road show can't be done, Gu Chenfeng can only think of ways to promote it.

Zhuo Le also knew that Gu Chenfeng was going to participate in the Mango TV variety show, nodded and said, "Okay, "Longing for Life" is a hot show right now."

"As long as you mention it in the program, I believe that many people will pay attention to our movie "Buried Alive". This will be more effective than our dozens of road shows!"

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said, "I hope it will work!"

Just like that, the film conference of "Buried Alive" came to a hasty end.

Everyone went back to their homes. After Gu Chenfeng returned to the car, he looked at the manager Zhang Qingqing with some embarrassment and said, "Sister Zhang, I seem to have gotten into trouble."

"No, what you said is very good!" Zhang Qingqing shook her head, gave Gu Chenfeng a positive look, and continued: "Although you are a newcomer, it is reasonable to lower your profile, but those reporters and media are too much. "

"Since people don't give us face anymore, then we don't need to give them face either."

Hearing Zhang Qingqing's words, Gu Chenfeng couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "I'm afraid I'll be hacked into an African by them in the future."

After finishing speaking, he added another sentence: "However, if I do it again, I will still say that, after all, they are really too much."

Zhang Qingqing waved her hand and said, "It's okay, I've recorded all the ins and outs of the incident, and if they want to blackmail you, they definitely won't be able to blackmail you."

"And, from a certain point of view, the more they report, the more beneficial it is to you."

Hearing this, Gu Chenfeng pondered for a moment, then gave Zhang Qingqing a thumbs up, and exclaimed, "Tall, it's really too high."

My beautiful manager is really too smart, it's so cool to have her escort me!

It seems that before one's wings are full, it is still very necessary to have a brokerage company for him.


Before Gu Chenfeng returned to the company, various edited videos appeared on the Internet, and there were all kinds of black comments about the crew of "Buried Alive" and Gu Chenfeng.

Especially those journalists and media who were teased by Gu Chenfeng at the movie press conference were like mad dogs, crazily following the rhythm on the Internet.

"It turns out that the author who sang "The Hill" is so unqualified."

""Buried Alive" is just a one-man show with a male protagonist."

"An arrogant newcomer, I couldn't help but be amused."

"How dare a new director be so crazy? He wants to lead Huaguo films to the world, I burst out laughing!"

"It is recommended to block this newcomer."


All kinds of comments came out one after another, almost all of which were against Gu Chenfeng. At the same time, he did not forget to bring "Buried Alive" and the director Zhuo Le.

a time.

"Buried Alive" became popular, and so did Gu Chenfeng.

Even hotter than when he released the songs "All Over" and "The Hills".

It's just that this kind of fire is different from the previous ones, it's a fire resisted by the whole people.

"Gu Chenfeng? The one who sang "The Hill"? The song is very nice and tasteful, but it's too crazy!"

"A rookie dares to be so defiant, does he really think he's a jerk?"

"Gu Chenfeng? Who, I've never heard of it, what song did you sing?"

"I just got married. This Gu Chenfeng is actually an artist of Tianmang Entertainment. Not long after he signed a contract, he sang two songs in a live broadcast room called Shining."

"No way, when did Tianmang Entertainment become so bad-sighted that even the anchor signed?"

(End of this chapter)

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