Chapter 308 Lifetime Achievement Award, Mrs. Gu, who is both virtuous and artistic (seeking subscription)

The host on the stage continued: "Ever since our Golden Rooster Awards launched the Lifetime Achievement Award, it has always been popular and attracts attention. This is an affirmation and honor for actors and directors."

"So who on earth will live this special honor tonight?"

Speaking of this, the host paused for a while, and continued: "This teacher, he is well-known internationally and has a high reputation overseas. He is a director, screenwriter, and even an actor."

Hearing the host's words, everyone in the audience basically knew who it was.

Because among the people present, there was only one person who agreed with the conditions stated by the host, and that was Chen Gang.

So everyone's eyes fell on Chen Gang, and the live broadcast camera also fell on him.

At this moment, Chen Gang's face is very calm, without any expression, but his heart has already set off a storm, which is enough to prove the excitement in his heart.

Although the host has not announced the name, Zhuo Le has already guessed that the winner is Chen Gang, so he is very upset.

Originally, he thought he would piss Chen Gang off because he snatched Chen Gang's best director, but now it seems that he didn't, because once he won the Lifetime Achievement Award, it would completely offset the loss of the best director award.

After all, Chen Gang has already won the best director.

However, when Zhuo Le thought that there were two lifetime achievement award winners tonight, his eyes turned to Gu Chenfeng.

In his opinion, Gu Chenfeng's achievements in the entertainment industry are not even comparable to that of Chen Gang. Since even Chen Gang can get this lifetime achievement award, then Gu Chenfeng must be able to, too.

As for the netizens in the webcast room, they have already started to boil.

Everyone at the scene could think that the host was talking about Chen Gang, and the netizens could also think of it.

At the same time, everyone also understood why Chen Gang did not leave after winning the Best Actor award. It turned out that he was waiting for this Lifetime Achievement Award.

Although many netizens are unhappy that Chen Gang won this award, they have to admit that Chen Gang's achievements in his debut for so many years are still well-deserved.

At this moment, the host on the stage said again: "That's right, I believe everyone has already guessed it. The winner of the Golden Rooster Award for Lifetime Achievement tonight is Director Chen. Let us congratulate Director Chen with warm applause." This honor."

After hearing the announced results, everyone in the audience screamed, and the thunderous applause seemed to blow off the roof of the awards ceremony.

Everyone in the crew of "Little Paoer" stood up excitedly, and cast admiring gazes at Chen Gang.

At this moment, Chen Gang finally showed a happy smile on his face.

At this moment, he was really refreshed and happy. This is a lifetime achievement award, not to mention the ability to overwhelm Gu Chenfeng, so he felt even happier.

Therefore, Chen Gang glanced lightly at the location of the crew of "Operation Blade Red Sea", the meaning of which was self-evident.

Seeing this, Zhuo Le was very upset, and said angrily: "What are you talking about? Isn't it just getting a lifetime achievement award, which means that you are fucking old and we are still young, so it's totally worth it."

Hearing Zhuo Le's words, Gu Chenfeng said with a smile: "Director Zhuo, it was the same when you won the best director award just now, I am afraid that others will see it and want to beat you up, so calm down Come on, don't lose your style."

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Zhuo Le immediately became depressed.

Am I like this just now?

No, absolutely not, I, Zhuo, would be such a person?

Zhuo Le thought about it for a while but didn't argue, looked at Gu Chenfeng and said, "Anyway, Mr. Gu, I believe another Lifetime Achievement Award is definitely for you."

At this time, Guan Gu, who had been silent all this time, also said: "Yes, I also believe that the quota belongs to Mr. Gu. How happy Director Chen is now, I guess he will be so depressed soon."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Gu, you will always be the best in my heart. I believe you will win the Lifetime Achievement Award tonight." Reba also looked at Gu Chenfeng with admiration and said.

As for Tangtang, she made a loving gesture to Gu Chenfeng and said, "Dad, you will always be the best."

"Thank you!" Gu Chenfeng smiled and patted Tangtang's shoulder, his father's love was beyond words.

Soon, Chen Gang had already stepped onto the stage and said a lot of acceptance speeches, it was obvious that he was very happy.

There is a sentence in it that makes everyone feel that it has something to say: "Acting is actually the pursuit of art, which takes a lifetime to pursue. Some people think that after they get some grades now, they feel that they know a lot about art. , but he doesn’t know that his understanding of art is only a half-knowledge, please continue to hone it.”

"This Lifetime Achievement Award is the greatest affirmation for me, because I have always pursued art."

Obviously, as long as anyone can hear it, Chen Gang's words are aimed at Gu Chenfeng.

Because Gu Chenfeng has won many honors at a young age, it can even be said that any actor in the Huaguo show business circle has achieved more achievements than Gu Chenfeng, who has just debuted for less than four years.

And you must know that Gu Chenfeng was already in his 20s when he debuted. It was very late to debut at this age, but he still achieved so many enviable achievements.

The current Gu Chenfeng can be called the No.1 in Huaguo's film industry.

But now Chen Gang is using this lifetime achievement award to diss Gu Chenfeng. He feels that Gu Chenfeng wants to surpass him, but he is still a little tender.

Hearing Chen Gang's words, Zhuo Le was so angry that he almost ran away.

However, Gu Chenfeng was very calm, there was no displeasure on his face, but a faint smile on his face.

I still need to temper?
Ha ha!

When the netizens in the live broadcast room saw that Chen Gang wanted to diss Gu Chenfeng at this time, they were instantly upset.

Everyone is looking forward to it. If Gu Chenfeng is announced as the other winner of the Lifetime Achievement Award in a while, how swollen Chen Gang's face will be.

Soon, after Chen Gang delivered his acceptance speech.

The host on the stage did not let him leave immediately, but said to him: "Director Chen, you will announce another teacher who has won the Lifetime Achievement Award. What do you think?"

At this time, Chen Gang was in a very good mood, and said with a smile: "This is my honor, and now I also want to know who is the teacher who can get the Lifetime Achievement Award like me, it must be a virtuous artist Shuangxin's entertainer."

When the host heard Chen Gang's words, there was a look of surprise on his face, but he quickly covered it up, handed the envelope in his hand to Chen Gang, and said, "Director Chen, this envelope has not been opened yet. I will give it to you, and you will reveal it."

Chen Gang took the envelope and said with a smile: "Okay! Then who do you think will be the teacher who won the Lifetime Achievement Award? Oh, to be honest, I am in the same mood as everyone else. I am looking forward to it and want to know who he is."

"Please allow me to open the envelope first and have a quick look."

After speaking, he began to open the envelope.

However, when he opened the envelope and saw the name on the letter paper, he was stunned, his eyes widened, as if he had seen a ghost.

Because the words Gu Chenfeng were written on the letter paper.

Could it be Gu Chenfeng, this hateful guy?

It never occurred to Chen Gang that this teacher whom he praised as being both virtuous and talented just now was actually his deadly enemy, Gu Chenfeng.

For a moment, Chen Gang's mind went blank.

When the others saw his expression, they were a little confused.

I couldn't help guessing in my heart.

Why is Director Chen's face so ugly?

Who is the other teacher who won a lifetime achievement award?
Not only the people at the scene, even the netizens in the live broadcast room also noticed this anomaly.

So everyone speculated about the reason why Chen Gang showed such an ugly expression. You must know that he just won the Lifetime Achievement Award. How can he not look as ugly as eating Xiang?

But soon some netizens thought that it should be the letter paper in Chen Gang's hand that had Gu Chenfeng's name written on it, so Chen just now seemed to have seen a ghost, stuck on the stage speechless for a long time.

At this time, the host on the stage also saw that Chen Gang had not spoken, so he reminded: "Director Chen, who is the other teacher who won the Lifetime Achievement Award tonight? We are all very curious."

Hearing the host's words, Chen Gang returned home, but his face was still extremely ugly.

Taking a deep breath, he said, "The winner is Gu Chenfeng, please!"

After finishing speaking, he immediately closed his mouth, as if someone had tapped the Ya acupuncture point.

However, the audience at this time is no longer paying attention to his attitude, and no one cares whether he talks too much or too little, because they already know the news they want to know.

That is another person who won the Golden Rooster Award for Lifetime Achievement is Gu Chenfeng.

Zhuo Le, who was in the audience, jumped up excitedly after hearing Chen Gang's words, looked at Gu Chenfeng and said excitedly: "Oh my god, Teacher Gu, it's really you, it's really you, hahaha, it's really too much!" Amazing, Teacher Gu won the Golden Rooster Award for Lifetime Achievement."

Tangtang took the first step and hugged Gu Chenfeng and said with a smile: "Dad, congratulations, I knew that Dad is the best, and he will definitely win the award. No matter what award, as long as Dad participates in the election, he will definitely win it, because Dad is the best."

The little guy's mouth was like setting off firecrackers, chattering non-stop, which showed that she was also very excited at the moment.

As for the rest of the "Operation Blade Red Sea" crew, they all stood up to congratulate Gu Chenfeng.

When Chen Gang received the Lifetime Achievement Award just now, the contemptuous gaze made the crew very unhappy, but now that Chen Gang actually announced the award for Mr. Gu himself, let alone how happy they are.

Especially just now, Chen Gang used Virtue and Art Shuangxin to describe Mr. Gu, which made everyone feel even happier.

The netizens in the live broadcast room, especially the fans of Gu Chenfeng's movie, are also excited at the moment.

"Oh, it turns out that the other winner is Mr. Gu, haha, Mr. Gu is simply amazing."

"Seeing the moment when Chen Gang personally announced Mr. Gu's award, it was so refreshing, haha!"

"When Chen Gang made the announcement, he only used a few words, as if saying one more word would be an insult to him."

"Even if he only said one name, it was a slap in the face. Just now he was pretending to say that Mr. Gu should continue to hone his skills. Now that Mr. Gu has won the same award as him, he asked Chen Gang What do you think in your heart?"

"Haha, just now Chen Gang used Virtue and Art Shuangxin to describe Teacher Gu, and now he probably regrets it to death!"

"Regret is for sure. After all, the conflict between him and Teacher Gu can no longer be resolved, and he has never been able to take advantage of Teacher Gu."

"Tonight's biggest winner is undoubtedly Mr. Gu. Best screenplay, best feature film, best actor, lifetime achievement award, my God, Mr. Gu is only 30 years old this year, and he has won so many awards."

"I don't know why, but when I saw Chen Gang's liver-colored face on stage, I felt inexplicably happy."


When the netizens were teasing with relish, the awards ceremony was at the scene.

Amid the applause and cheers of the crowd, Gu Chenfeng walked onto the stage and came to Chen Gang's side, with a slight smile on his face.

But at this time, Chen Gang's face was as dark as Bao Gong's, as if others owed him billions, without even saying a word, he handed the lifetime achievement award trophy to Gu Chenfeng.

Then he left directly, and the accelerated pace showed his mood at the moment.

Don't want to stay for a moment.

In this regard, Gu Chenfeng was not surprised at all, and there was no displeasure on his face, and he still kept a warm smile like sunshine.

However, the presenter at the moment was a little embarrassed, but he soon calmed down, looked at Gu Chenfeng and said with emotion: "Oh, there are really talented people from generation to generation, each leading the coquettish for hundreds of years, see The scene in front of me makes the tip of my nose a little sour."

"Whether it's Director Chen or Mr. Gu, both of them are outstanding figures in our Huaguo film industry, and they are also iconic figures of the times. Today's award is more like a kind of competition between the older generation of filmmakers and the new generation of filmmakers." handover of inheritance."

"I think the entire Huaguo film industry would like to see this scene!"

Hearing the host's words, everyone nodded in agreement.

Although Gu Chenfeng and Chen Gang have conflicts, it does not affect the inheritance and handover between the same filmmakers.

The host continued: "Teacher Gu, let me tell you how you feel. Now you are the only teacher of our Golden Rooster Award who has won this honor under the age of 50."

Gu Chenfeng nodded when he heard the words, and said with a smile: "Actually, getting this Lifetime Achievement Award was completely beyond my expectation, because I didn't even know that I would get this award before."

"As you can see, the teachers who won this award are all talented and talented, and they are seniors who have won many honors. In front of them, I am just a junior. Compared with them, I'm still far behind."

Speaking of this, Gu Chenfeng paused for a while, and continued: "Winning this award is more of a spur and a supervision for me, it doesn't mean that I can enjoy myself after winning this award. Lie down and sleep on the honor."

"But after receiving this award, we must continue to bring more and better works to everyone, so that we can be worthy of this honor."

The testimonial is very plain, but it has a special magic power, which makes people very excited to listen to.

At the same time, many people began to look forward to Gu Chenfeng's next movie.

After Gu Chenfeng delivered his acceptance speech, this year's Golden Rooster Award Ceremony officially ended.

There is no doubt that Gu Chenfeng became the biggest winner tonight, not only won several heavyweight awards, but also became the first four-dwelling actor in Huaguo.

Although the award ceremony is over, the enthusiasm for this award ceremony is even more intense.

Among them, Gu Chenfeng and the crew of "Operation Blade Red Sea" became the big winners tonight. Gu Chenfeng won three awards alone, each of which is very important.

Best Screenplay, Best Actor, Lifetime Achievement Award.

Any one of them is enough to shock everyone.

Although Chen Gang also won a lot of awards tonight, he was still not good enough in front of Gu Chenfeng, and even he has become the laughing stock of everyone.

"Fuck, Mr. Gu is really awesome. He actually won the Golden Rooster Lifetime Achievement Award at the age of 30. This is too cruel."

"Mr. Gu is just young. His achievements are not less than Gang Chen, but more than Gang Chen. Therefore, Mr. Gu deserves this Lifetime Achievement Award."

"Speaking of which, I was quite surprised to force Wang Zhuole to win the best director tonight. I didn't expect him to really push Chen Gang down again."

"The results of "Operation Blade Red Sea" are not a joke, okay, these are the only two films in Huaguo that have reached the top [-] in the global box office list, and these two films are both produced by Zhuo Le, so he It's normal to win the best director."

"Hehe, when I think back to Chen Gang's expression when the Lifetime Achievement Award was presented just now, I just want to laugh. I'm afraid he never thought that the winner of the Lifetime Achievement Award is Mr. Gu, hahaha!"

"Didn't expect that, didn't you see that the host didn't even open the envelope?"

"Ms. Gu is now the well-deserved No.1 in the film industry of Huaguo, the first four-period actor in history, the first actor who won the Lifetime Achievement Award at the age of 30, the first domestic science fiction film, animation Those whose films have been sent to the international market are now looking forward to Mr. Gu's next "Inception."

"Yeah, hearing the name "Inception", I feel a little attracted to me. I dare say that this movie will definitely create a new genre."


Under the heated discussions among Gu Chenfeng fans and netizens, the top three most searched on Weibo are all about Gu Chenfeng.

This shows how popular Gu Chenfeng is.

Just when everyone was discussing it, Xu Zheng, who failed to win the Golden Rooster Award this time, wrote on Weibo: "Congratulations to Teacher Gu, I knew that Teacher Gu would definitely keep moving forward. Seeing Teacher Gu Tonight I won so many awards, I really am not envious at all, I am not excited at all (crying jgp secretly) (crying jgp secretly)!"

Netizens were all amused by Xu Zheng's microblog, and they started to tease in the comment area.

However, Xu Zheng's congratulations were just the beginning.

Next, all the friends in Gu Chenfeng's circle sent congratulatory messages to Gu Chenfeng on Weibo.

Just when netizens watched so many bigwigs in the entertainment industry posting congratulations to Gu Chenfeng, Wang Zhuole was forced to come out and pretend to be aggressive.

I saw him write on his Weibo: "Hey, old guys, are you ready to welcome the best director of the Golden Image Award, the best director of the Golden Horse Award, and the best director of the Golden Rooster Award? I am Zhuo It should be the youngest director in history with three gold medals, I don't know how a great director will feel now?"

"How does it feel to be double-killed by me? Isn't it great? Isn't it particularly refreshing? Don't worry, there are still many opportunities like this, you can feel it slowly."

"I still want to run on Mr. Gu. I really don't know what to do. Is my brain buzzing now? However, I think you are right in what you said. Mr. Gu really thinks that he is a teacher with both virtue and art. Thank you for your support." ,Ha ha ha ha!"

Netizens knew that Zhuo Le would come out to pretend to be aggressive, but they didn't expect him to be so bad.

It's fine for me to pretend to be aggressive, but I still don't forget to mock Chen Gang again, which is a bit smug.

But everyone likes this kind of scene, and the King of Kings and Chen Gang are torn apart, so that everyone can have fun.

So many netizens left messages under Zhuo Le's Weibo, and occasionally helped Zhuo Le mock Chen Gang.

At the same time, everyone also discovered that Bi Wang had already won two best directors and one best newcomer director unknowingly. Even the old Chen Gang could not achieve this honor.

Of course, everyone also knows that Chen Gang didn't want to admit to forcing the king because he didn't want to admit that he was double-killed by a fledgling bastard.

Some netizens also imagined that after this incident, Chen Gang would realize the reality and would no longer be an enemy of Gu Chenfeng.

But obviously they were thinking too much, as far as Chen Gang's temper was concerned, he would never compromise, and they were afraid that the other party would do something excessive.

Inside a certain villa in Beijing.

Chen Gang's mood at the moment can be said to be extremely bad, and he has the urge to kill someone.

He never thought that he would make a fool of himself at the Golden Rooster Awards. Although he tried his best to exercise restraint, who knew that such a big joke would be made in the end.

Originally thought that he would become the most eye-catching presence in the entire awards ceremony, but in the end he became a laughing stock. Thinking about Chen Gang, he felt a pain in his liver.

He was so angry that he dropped the best actor trophy he just brought back tonight, but even so, his anger didn't dissipate.

After seeing Zhuo Le's Weibo post, he vomited blood even more angrily, wishing to reward Zhuo Le for slashing.

This guy is really abominable, too much.

After venting for more than an hour, the mood was calmed down.

So he directly called the assistant and asked him to increase the investment in the new play again. Since Gu Chenfeng invested one billion yuan, then Chen Gang also invested one billion yuan.

He has never been short of money for filming, and many investors are willing to give him money.

Chen Gang wants to suppress Gu Chenfeng severely with the current new movie, and he wants everyone to know that he, Chen Gang, is the protagonist of this era.

As for Gu Chenfeng, he is not qualified enough, and the so-called inheritance is simply a joke.

On Gu Chenfeng's side, he naturally saw the news on the Internet, but he seemed very calm, because he had expected that these friends in the circle would stand up and congratulate him.

And at this time, he himself needs to say a few words to the fans. After all, he has a lot of fans now, and Huaguo's No. 1 in the film industry is not just shouting casually.

So Gu Chenfeng wrote on his Weibo: "First of all, I would like to thank all my friends for your congratulations. I am very happy and satisfied to win these awards tonight."

"Whether it's the Best Screenplay Award, the Best Actor Award, or the Lifetime Achievement Award, every award is an affirmation and a spur to me, which will make me work harder."

"I hope my next movie won't disappoint everyone. This is a very interesting subject. Everyone is welcome to supervise. I believe that with your supervision, I will work harder, stay true to my original intention, and make more and better films." work."

Netizens started to leave messages in the comment area after seeing Gu Chenfeng's Weibo post.

"Congratulations to Mr. Gu, congratulations to Mr. Gu. Since then, Mr. Gu has become the first four-period actor in Huaguo, and he is also the youngest winner of the Lifetime Achievement Award."

"No matter how many awards Mr. Gu wins, he is always so humble and knows what he should do. Unlike Chen Gang, when he got the Lifetime Achievement Award, he started to get carried away and pretended to be aggressive. Unexpectedly, he was given by Teacher Gu in the end. Instant kill."

"Mr. Gu, who is both virtuous and artistic, thank director Chen Gang for putting such a perfect label on us, Mr. Gu."

"That's right, if there hadn't been director Chen Gang, we wouldn't have thought of labeling Mr. Gu with the combination of virtue and art."

"To be honest, I'm really looking forward to the filming of "Inception" and its early release. What will happen to a movie with an investment of one billion yuan?"


(End of this chapter)

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