Chapter 35: A Brother Like a Sister

Teacher Huang smiled, and said, "Zhuo Le is really lucky. He actually met you, a treasure."

"I've seen the finished film of Buried Alive. It's really good. Your acting skills can be said to be miraculous. I was shocked after watching it."

"Is this actually an acting skill that can be possessed by someone who has been a part-timer in Hengdian for five years?"

"So I'm sure, this "Buried Alive" will be a big hit!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

No one expected that Huang Xiaochu would advertise Gu Chenfeng so blatantly, and even gave a super high evaluation of his acting skills.

"Buried Alive" will definitely explode?

Isn't that too much to say?

At this time, Teacher He in the gazebo took over the conversation and said: "Oh, Teacher Huang said so, then this "Buried Alive" is definitely a good movie, friends, don't miss it when you pass by. "

"November NO.11, at midnight, "Buried Alive" is here or there."

This is definitely the first time since the broadcast of "Longing for Life" that these two heavyweights actually worked so hard to help advertise.

Teacher He works so hard, everyone can figure it out, after all, he is from Mango TV, and Gu Chenfeng is from Tianmang Entertainment, the relationship between the two is very close.

But Huang Xiaochu doesn't belong to Mango Entertainment, so he actually works so hard to help with advertising.

For a while, the netizens in the live broadcast room started talking.

"Oh my god, do you mean that Gu Chenfeng's acting skills are really amazing?"

"Zhuo Le said on Weibo that Mr. Huang is actually on the show now, calling Gu Chenfeng's acting skills 'amazing'. It seems that Gu Chenfeng is really extraordinary!"

"I don't know why, but I suddenly became a little interested in the movie "Buried Alive". When it's released, I must go and see if it is as Mr. Huang said."

"The word 'supernatural' is not used casually. Mr. Huang actually used it to describe Gu Chenfeng's acting skills. It also means that he was stunned after watching the finished film of "Buried Alive". , how good is Gu Chenfeng's acting skills?"

"Two such heavyweights are actually working so hard to advertise Gu Chenfeng's new movie. It really blinds my titanium alloy eyes!"


While the audience in the live broadcast room exclaimed, they became more and more curious about Gu Chenfeng.

Where is he holy?

In the live broadcast room at this time, in the gazebo of the mushroom house.

When Kun saw that Teacher Huang and Teacher He were both so enthusiastic about Gu Chenfeng, he was a little unhappy.

He also has works in "Longing for Life" this time, and he is here to advertise.

Now both Teacher Huang are helping to advertise for Gu Chenfeng, he quickly said: "My friends, I also have a new work to show you."

"My new album is now on sale, and I will definitely not let you down."

I thought that the two big shots would also work hard to help him advertise.


Teacher Huang didn't say a word, only Teacher He answered: "Well, everyone supports it."

Then there is no more then.

Kun was dumbfounded.

How come this plot is not right for me?

Aren't you two supposed to help me advertise?

Why did it suddenly turn off?

However, the netizens in the live broadcast room burst into laughter at the moment.

Seeing Kun's deflated expression, they were so happy!
At this time, Tangtang saw that Kun's face was a bit wrong, so out of kindness, she said sweetly: "Sister, come on, your work will definitely sell well."

As soon as Tangtang said these words, Peng Peng, who was drinking water, sprayed it out.

Reba and Zifeng also struggled to hold back, but in the end they couldn't hold back, so they could only cover their mouths, and don't smile so obviously.

As for Mr. Huang and Mr. He, they didn't hold back and just laughed.

The audience in the live broadcast room even leaned forward and backward with laughter.

"Oh, no, my stomach hurts from laughing."

"Sister, come on, hey, hello, a sentence of enchantment directly hit my point of laughter, hahaha, Kun's face is so pretty, hahaha!"

"I'm laughing out loud, Princess Sugar, why are you so honest, how can you live with this sister, hahaha!"

"Tangtang is so cute, I will be a fan of Tangtang from now on, hahaha."


At this moment, Kun's face was flushed red.

The words "sister" directly hit his heart.

Teacher He belatedly realized that he couldn't do this, so he quickly stopped laughing, and then said to Kun: "Well, Kun Kun, Tong Yan Wuji, Tong Yan Wuji, don't worry, Tangtang is not on purpose."

Then, Teacher He said to Tangtang: "Tangtang, this is not a sister, but a brother, a beautiful brother, no no, it should be a handsome brother."

As soon as Mr. He said this, the audience in the live broadcast room laughed even more.

When Tangtang heard Teacher He's words, she was very puzzled and said: "Uncle He, isn't this a sister, then why does he have long hair? And he really looks like a sister!"

Teacher He was stunned for a moment, and then explained: "Tangtang, this is brother Kunkun's style. Everyone has their own unique style."

Tangtang nodded half-understanding, then smiled and said to Kun: "This sister, oh no, is a brother like a sister. Your work will definitely sell well, come on!"

Children's brains are definitely big.

Brother like sister~~~
These words made Reba finally couldn't bear it anymore, and laughed out loud.

Although the others were also covering their mouths and trying to hold back, Tangtang was simply too cute, "a brother like a sister".

Hahaha, I really can't hold back!

This description is simply invincible.

Kun showed a smile uglier than crying, and said to Tangtang: "Tangtang, thank you for your blessing."

Tangtang chuckled, revealing two cute dimples, and said, "You're welcome, you're like my sister's brother."

Kun turned his head away, and didn't want to talk to this little girl anymore.

At this time, Gu Chenfeng said to Tangtang: "Tangtang, quickly apologize to Uncle Cai, do you know that it's impolite for you to call someone like this? You can't call Uncle Cai like that in the future."

Teacher He and others asked Tangtang to call Brother Kun, but Gu Chenfeng directly asked her to call Uncle, which made everyone laugh again.

However, when Tangtang heard Gu Chenfeng's words, she said a little aggrieved, "Dad, I know, I won't do it in the future, Uncle Cai, I'm sorry."

After finishing speaking, the eye sockets were a little rosy.

When Huang Xiaochu saw that Tangtang was about to cry, he immediately became unhappy. He is a slave to his daughter, how could he see Tangtang being wronged?
He opened his mouth and said to Gu Chenfeng: "Chenfeng, how can you talk to Tangtang in such a tone, Tangtang is right."

These words seem to be teaching Gu Chenfeng a lesson, but in fact they are mocking the demon spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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