Entertainment: Taking her daughter out of the house, it is popular on the Internet

Chapter 361 Someone Finds Faults, Improves Kung Fu Skills

Chapter 361 Someone Finds Faults and Improves Kung Fu Skills

After staying at home for half a month, Gu Chenfeng went to the company and spent ten days with Lu Yun to complete the post-production of the film "Ode to Joy".

Qingchen Entertainment Company immediately submitted the film to the Culture Department for review. Now, for Gu Chenfeng's film, the Culture Department's review speed is very fast, and it only took two days to pass the review.

Zhang Qingqing and Liu Kuang went to contact Mango TV together.

That's right, due to Liu Kuang's reasons, Gu Chenfeng still decided to put this "Ode to Joy" on Mango TV, and this time they chose to charge according to the ratings.

All TV stations in China have two ways of charging, one is to directly buy out the copyright from the producer, and the other is to determine the price of the film based on the average ratings.

Of course, no matter which method is used, it needs to pass the review of the TV station's review department. "Ode to Joy" easily passed the review of everyone in the review department of Mango TV.

The reason why Gu Chenfeng decided to use the second method is because he is very confident in his TV series.

Qingchen Entertainment Company has not filmed or produced any TV dramas before, they are basically movies, so it is Gu Chenfeng who makes the final decisions on these matters.

However, Gu Chenfeng has only one request, and that is when he can go online.

Because the TV series "Little Light" by Guo Chengzuo who was clamoring for it before will be released soon, and it is related to a donation of [-] million yuan.

Finally, after discussing with Mango Channel, the broadcast time of "Ode to Joy" was confirmed, and the prime time will be two weeks later.

The ratings of Mango Channel’s prime time period are higher than other time periods, so the price of the film corresponding to the same ratings will also be reduced accordingly.

To give a very simple resignation, for every 0.1% increase in the ratings of a movie broadcast in the noon theater, the price of each episode can increase by 20.00, but if it is broadcast in the Golden Theater, it can only increase. Eighty thousand, basically a difference of [-]%.

For such a challenge, Gu Chenfeng naturally likes it very much.

Now he doesn't want this little money. Of course, he doesn't think that this little profit will affect the benefits that the TV series "Ode to Joy" can bring to Qingchen Entertainment.

In the afternoon of the same day, the crew of "Ode to Joy" signed an agreement with Mango Channel, and the broadcast time was set on October [-]st.

Just three days later, Dynasty Entertainment announced that "Hour of Light" will be aired on October [-]rd during prime time on Deep Blue TV, just in time to compete with "Ode to Joy".

Gu Chenfeng was not surprised by this at all, because many people had expected this before.

And even the netizens didn't have too many surprises, because everyone knew that Gu Chenfeng and Guo Chengzuo had a charitable bet with [-] million donations before, and the two TV dramas must be fighting.

For these two TV series, whether it is netizens or people in the circle, most people are more optimistic about Gu Chenfeng.

After all, Gu Chenfeng's acting skills, script and his abundant funds are beyond the reach of Guo Chengzuo. The only shortcoming is that this TV series is the first TV series directed by Gu Chenfeng himself.

Although he has worked as an assistant director in a movie before, it is still difficult to direct a [-]-episode TV series by himself.

After all, movies and TV dramas are different. Movies compress a story to about two hours, but TV dramas need to extend a story to dozens of episodes, and a normal TV episode is 45 minutes long.

So if Guo Chengzuo wants to win Gu Chenfeng, the only possibility is that Gu Chenfeng lacks the overall control of the TV series.

But as a man with a system, Gu Chenfeng, who has exchanged SSS-level director skills, how could he not be able to control even a TV series?

In the next period of time, the two TV series started their respective promotional roads.

Of course, as a powerful director of the new generation, Guo Chengzuo is not so easy to admit defeat. Even though netizens are not optimistic about his "Little Light", he is still very confident, and more importantly, he To avenge Lei Guangyu.

September 25th.

The promotional videos of the two TV series "Hour of Light" and "Ode to Joy" were launched almost at the same time.

"Hours of Light" mainly describes a love story in college. Many things happened after the hero and heroine graduated, and finally they had no choice but to compromise with reality.

It can be said that there have been many TV dramas of this type before, and the plot is nothing new. The only thing to watch is the appearance of the two protagonists.

Although "Ode to Joy" is also an urban TV series, its promotional video is much more exciting than "Hours of Light". Another question, it writes very well about the sophistication of the world, the inconsistency of the world, and so on.

Finally, there is a scene where Gu Chenfeng and Liu Tao met by chance when they were traveling overseas.

Although the promotional video is not long, it has successfully whetted the appetite of countless viewers.

"The TV series "Ode to Joy" looks interesting. I didn't expect Teacher Gu to play the heir of a family business in it."

"Teacher Gu always feels like a rich second generation this time!"

"Hahaha, I feel that Mr. Gu wants to live among thousands of flowers this time, without even a single leaf getting on his body?"

"Originally, I was a little bored with these urban idol TV series, but I feel that "Ode to Joy", written, directed and acted by Mr. Gu for the first time, is still very worth looking forward to."

"Indeed, whether it's Mr. Gu's acting or writing scripts, etc., they are all very good, and Mr. Gu has never let us down."

"Why do I feel that the plot of the promotional video of "Little Light" is somewhat familiar?"

"I don't know how many love stories I read in college before. "Little Light" is obviously a new wine in an old bottle. The key is how the wine tastes."

"Anyway, anyway, I am more optimistic about Mr. Gu's "Ode to Joy". As for the other TV series, forget it, I don't have any interest."

"Whether it's a movie or a TV series, you have to watch the plot. After seeing the promotional video of "Little Light", I can probably guess the general direction of this TV series. However, for "Ode to Joy", only I saw the last glimpse of a heroine Andy, but what about the other heroines? I can't guess it at all."

"Support Teacher Gu, support "Ode to Joy", and hope that the ratings of Teacher Gu's first TV series will be successful."


After the promotional film came out, the promotion of the two TV drama crews had already begun.

Originally, Gu Chenfeng didn't really like to do any kind of publicity, but this is the first TV series he directed after all. He took the principle of taking it seriously, and he brought the crew of "Ode to Joy" to start publicity. .

After all, in this TV series, apart from Liu Tao, Teacher Jin and others who are relatively well-known, there are many newcomers in it. If Gu Chenfeng didn't take it with him, let Lu Yun take it to promote it, and the effect may not be too great it is good.

Three days before the premiere of "Ode to Joy", a group of strong men in sportswear suddenly broke into the crew's publicity venue.

The leader is a handsome guy in his 30s, with stern eyes, tall stature, strong muscles, and a very strong sense of oppression when he walks.

Seeing this situation, the media reporters who came to the "Ode to Joy" publicity meeting all focused their cameras on this group of people.

The handsome guy in the lead shouted directly: "Who is Gu Chenfeng?"

Seeing this group of people breaking in, Gu Chenfeng frowned slightly, stood up and said, "I am, who are you?"

Someone actually came out to make trouble for his promotional meeting?
Is this trying to challenge my bottom line?
At this moment, a handsome guy walked up to Gu Chenfeng and said with his head held high: "I am Lei Guangyu's brother, so I am Lei Hongyu!"

After hearing this person's introduction, the media reporters at the scene started discussing in low voices.

"I'll go, what's the situation, why did Lei Hongyu appear here?"

"Looking at his appearance, it seems that the visitor is not kind!"

"But didn't he go to participate in the Asian Fighting Championship, why did he suddenly come here?"

"Your news is too ill-informed. The Asian Fighting Competition ended four days ago, and Lei Hongyu won the runner-up in the [-]kg class."

"No way, I remember that the best result of our Huaguo fighters in the Asian Fighting Championships should be No.5. Did Lei Hongyu really win the runner-up this time?"

"Of course, many people say that Lei Hongyu has made history this time!"

"But he is so angry that he feels that something big is going to happen today. I feel that Lei Hongyu must have heard about Lei Guangyu, so he deliberately came to trouble Mr. Gu."

"Now we have a good show to watch!"


Gu Chenfeng also investigated Lei Guangyu's information on the Internet before, and knew that he has an older brother who is a very powerful boxing champion, so he asked, "Mr. Lei, I wonder what you want from me?"

While asking questions, Gu Chenfeng quietly contacted the system again:

"System, I want to upgrade my kung fu to SSS level."

[Yes, [-] million reputation points are required. 】

"What? Didn't the skill upgrade to the SSS level before have only 1000 million, why did it suddenly increase by ten times?"

[Hua Guo Kungfu is extensive and profound, and if you want to upgrade to SSS level, you need [-] million reputation points. 】

"Okay, it's exchanged!"

Although Gu Chenfeng felt that the system was a bit tricky, he still chose to exchange it. After all, what the system said was correct. Huaguo Kungfu is extensive and profound, and it is not a single skill, so it is normal for it to be more expensive.

After Gu Chenfeng raised his kung fu to the SSS level, the aura of his whole body changed dramatically. Even if he just stood there, he felt as motionless as a mountain and as thunderous as thunder.

Lei Hongyu, who was standing opposite Gu Chenfeng, didn't notice the change in Gu Chenfeng's aura, and said with a sneer: "You bully my brother, I, as a brother, should come here to seek justice, right?"

Hearing this, Gu Chenfeng was overjoyed, and said, "Mr. Lei, are you sure you didn't come to joke with me? Why did I bully him? Could it be that he lost the bet and donated money to the Huaguo Red Cross Society?" [-] million, and you still want to trouble me afterwards? Want me to give him [-] million?"

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, all the reporters at the scene looked at Lei Hongyu with great interest.

If this is the case, then Lei Guangyu's character design will collapse in an instant. At that time, Lei Hongyu will not only fail to help his younger brother, but will also send Lei Guangyu into the abyss.

"Hmph!" Lei Hongyu snorted coldly, and said, "I'm here to ask, what qualifications do you have to say that my brother can't sing?"

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said: "I don't need to say this, everyone knows it, and anyone with ears knows that I sing better than him, but he really doesn't sing very well, to be honest?"

"No!" Lei Hongyu said in a deep voice.

"Hahahaha!" Now Gu Chenfeng laughed out loud, and said, "Since Mr. Lei is so domineering, let's talk about it, what do you want?"

Now Gu Chenfeng also knows that this matter cannot be resolved. In fact, when he saw Lei Hongyu breaking in, he already had such a feeling, so he raised his kung fu skills to SSS level in the system .

Lei Hongyu's eyes were micron, with a hint of contempt in his eyes, he looked at Gu Chenfeng and said: "I heard that you are a master of Xingyi Bagua boxing, today I will compete with you, if you lose, Just go and kowtow to my brother to apologize."

Hearing Lei Hongyu's words, Gu Chenfeng was slightly taken aback.

Fuck, who leaked the news?
I seldom show my kung fu in front of others, and the only ones I know now are Luo Qingcheng, Tangtang and Wang Yao.

Wait ~
Could it be last time?
Thinking of this, Gu Chenfeng shook his head helplessly in his heart, it seemed that he was not hiding well enough.

At this time, manager Zhang Qingqing stood up and said to Lei Hongyu angrily: "Mr. Lei, Mr. Gu is just an actor, not a boxer. You have found the wrong person."

Are you kidding me? Gu Chenfeng has been busy acting and singing. He usually doesn't even exercise very much. How could he be an opponent of a professional boxing champion.

If there was a fight, what would happen if Gu Chenfeng was broken?
So as a manager, Zhang Qingqing would never allow such a thing to happen.

Lei Hongyu glanced at Zhang Qingqing when he heard the sound, and said mockingly: "Why, now the famous Teacher Gu needs a woman to stand up and speak for you?"

"If you don't want to fight, that's fine too. As long as you, Gu Chenfeng, admit that Xingyi Bagua is a bad boxing technique, I will leave immediately without saying a word."

He is not a fool, he knows that if he wants to be famous, if he makes a move before the other party makes a move, he will be wronged.

But verbal stimulation is not against the law, so as long as the opponent is stimulated to shoot first, or the opponent agrees to fight, it will be fine.

Although Gu Chenfeng is an internationally renowned star, he is not from the entertainment industry, so he has no worries at all.

At this time, Gu Chenfeng narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Lei Hongyu and said lightly: "Lei Hongyu, your aggressive method is of no use to me. I practice Huaguo Kungfu, but Not just any cat or dog is eligible for me to make a move."

Lei Hongyu sneered when he heard the words: "Yo yo yo, those of you who practice traditional martial arts, all of you talk about being powerful, but when you really do it, you are simply vulnerable."

"Gu Chenfeng, stop talking nonsense, if you have the guts, don't stand behind women, come out and compare with me."

Gu Chenfeng pushed Zhang Qingqing away, walked out, stood in front of Lei Hongyu, and asked, "How much money do you have?"

Lei Hongyu frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

"If you want me to teach you kung fu, then you have to pay some tuition fees. Of course, you are the same as your brother, and you can just pay the tuition fees to the Huaguo Red Cross Society." Gu Chenfeng explained.

Hearing his words, Lei Hongyu laughed angrily, raised his finger to his nose, and said with an exaggerated expression: "You? Want to teach me? Hahaha, Gu Chenfeng, you can really blow, I I admit that although your acting is not bad, but you said you want to teach me? Hahaha!"

"Then I have to ask, what if you lose? What should you do?"

Gu Chenfeng said without hesitation: "If I lose, I will give you the same amount, and I will also donate the same amount to the Huaguo Red Cross Society. Let's take [-] million. If I lose, I will give you the same amount. [-] million, and I also donated [-] million to the Huaguo Red Cross, and kowtowed to Lei Guangyu to apologize and pay him back [-] million."


Seeing Gu Chenfeng's situation, Lei Hongyu didn't speak immediately.

As for whether Gu Chenfeng can spend so much money?
The answer is yes, Qingchen Entertainment's current annual income is at least several billion, and these several hundred million are completely free of any pressure for him.

But Lei Hongyu himself doesn't have [-] million yuan. He sounds very powerful as a boxing champion, but that's just the value of force, not the value of wealth.

Seeing that Lei Hongyu didn't speak, Gu Chenfeng said again: "Lei Hongyu, I've already marked the road. If you want to compete with me, go to the lottery. Don't disturb our publicity meeting here."

"I understand, so you want to delay the time!" At this time, Lei Hongyu finally said: "Unfortunately, I will not give such an opportunity."

After finishing speaking, he directly took out his mobile phone, dialed Lei Guangyu's number, and said, "Guangyu, call me [-] million right now."


"Don't ask, I'm in a hurry!"


After hanging up the phone, Lei Hongyu asked his assistant to print out an agreement.

He is still very confident in his fighting power, but considering Gu Chenfeng's special status, he must do his best, that is to say, he must not give Gu Chenfeng any chance to cheat.

Of course, although there are so many media reporters on the scene who can testify, it is better to write in black and white.

At this time, Zhang Qingqing saw that something was wrong, tugged at the corner of Gu Chenfeng's clothes, and said with a worried face: "Mr. Gu, if you don't feel well later, the game will be postponed."

She had never seen Gu Chenfeng perform kung fu before, and when Gu Chenfeng and Wu Jin were filming "Inception", Gu Chenfeng inadvertently exposed it, and Zhang Qingqing couldn't see it at that time.

So in Zhang Qingqing's view, even a hundred Gu Chenfeng can't beat Lei Hongyu.

And the bet is still [-] million, this is equivalent to Gu Chenfeng not only wanting to be beaten in vain, but also taking out [-] million?

One hundred million was given to Lei Hongyu, one hundred million was given to the Red Cross, and one hundred million was returned to Lei Guangyu.

Of course, these are not the most important, the most important thing is to kneel down and apologize in person, this is the most fatal.

"Sister Zhang, don't worry!" Gu Chenfeng said with a smile: "A real man is trustworthy, I have already said what I said, if I run away at this time, what will other people think of me?"

"It is also a very good thing to be able to raise a little money for those in need."

Although Zhang Qingqing was a little moved when she saw Gu Chenfeng's relaxed face, she still said very worriedly: "Mr. Gu, don't be arrogant, he can be the runner-up in the Asian Fighting Championship, but it's not something ordinary people can deal with. "

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said: "Sister Zhang, just put your heart in your stomach, with his three-legged cat's skill, I can easily handle ten more."

Seeing that Gu Chenfeng's mind was determined, Zhang Qingqing knew that her persuasion was useless, so she said, "Then you must be careful."

Then he retreated to the back, took out his phone, and found Luo Qingcheng's number.

Her persuasion was useless, but Zhang Qingqing believed that Gu Chenfeng would definitely listen to Luo Qingcheng, so she called Luo Qingcheng.

Soon the other end of the phone was connected, and Zhang Qingqing immediately said: "Qingcheng, I have something to tell you, but don't worry, don't get pregnant."

She also knew that Luo Qingcheng was pregnant now, if she couldn't persuade her, she wouldn't call Luo Qingcheng.

But if she didn't call Luo Qingcheng to talk about this matter, she was worried that Luo Qingcheng would complain about her, so why didn't she call her.

"Sister Zhang, what's the matter, is something wrong with my husband?" Luo Qingcheng asked anxiously after hearing Zhang Qingqing's words.

As Gu Chenfeng's wife, how could Luo Qingcheng not be in a hurry when Gu Chenfeng's manager Zhang Qingqing called to say such things?

Zhang Qingqing said: "No, no, nothing happened to him, but now there is someone who wants to learn kung fu from him. He seldom exercises and doesn't know kung fu at all. I'm worried that he will get injured. I persuaded him for a long time. Listen, so I have no choice but to call you."

"As an internationally renowned star, if he is defeated by others, he will be greatly affected at that time..."

"Huh~~~" Before Zhang Qingqing finished speaking, Luo Qingcheng let out a long breath and said, "So it's about this, then it's okay, Sister Zhang, don't worry, my husband's kung fu is very good." awesome."

Zhang Qingqing has never seen Gu Chenfeng's kung fu, nor has he seen Gu Chenfeng practice, but Luo Qingcheng knows that when he was at home, Gu Chenfeng would get up early every morning and practice for an hour in the courtyard of the villa The gong, whether it is sunny or raining, has always been like this.

Moreover, Luo Qingcheng has seen Gu Chenfeng's amazing kung fu before, but Gu Chenfeng has never shown it in front of outsiders. He has always said that practicing kung fu is for strengthening the body, not for fighting.

However, it doesn't mean that Gu Chenfeng's kung fu is weak.

After hearing Luo Qingcheng's words, Zhang Qingqing was dumbfounded, and said, "Teacher Gu knows kung fu?"

"Yes, and his kung fu is amazing, so sister Zhang, don't worry, I believe it is difficult for ordinary people to hurt him!" Luo Qingcheng said confidently.

When Zhang Qingqing heard that Luo Qingcheng believed in Gu Chenfeng so much, her eyes widened, her face full of disbelief, and said: "But this time it is Lei Hongyu, a runner-up in the Asian free boxing competition, who came to challenge him."

"Ah?" Hearing that the other party was actually the runner-up in the free boxing match, Luo Qingcheng also became a little anxious. She thought they were ordinary people, but she didn't expect the other party to be so strong.

Therefore, Luo Qingcheng said: "Sister Zhang, you give Chenfeng the phone number, and I'll talk to him."

Holding the phone, Zhang Qingqing came behind Gu Chenfeng, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Teacher Gu, Qingcheng's phone number."

Hearing Zhang Qingqing's voice, Gu Chenfeng was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head and gave her a hard look. Needless to say, she must have filed a complaint, but at this time he didn't have the heart to care about it so much.

With a smile on his face, he said to the other end of the phone: "Honey, what's the matter?"

"Honey, are you going to compete with some kind of boxing runner-up?" Luo Qingcheng on the other end of the phone asked worriedly.

"Wife, don't worry, these little guys are not my opponents." After Gu Chenfeng explained, he continued: "Don't worry, don't worry, I promise you that I will be fine son."

Gu Chenfeng knew what to say at this time, and Luo Qingcheng was somewhat worried, so he could only resolve the battle in the fastest way.

Although Luo Qingcheng on the other end of the phone was very worried, she didn't say anything more, she didn't want to put too much pressure on Gu Chenfeng, and said: "Be sure to pay attention to safety, I believe you, I will wait for you at home with the children .”

"Don't worry, I'll give you a video when I'm done." Gu Chenfeng promised again.

After talking to Luo Qingcheng for a few more words, Gu Chenfeng hung up the phone.

At this time, Lei Hongyu also came over with [-] million and the prepared agreement.

After Gu Chenfeng read the agreement, it was completely in compliance with the legal procedures. Without saying a word, he signed his name directly on it, and at the same time took out a check with [-] million written on it.

Gu Chenfeng did not take out the other [-] million yuan, but it was written in the agreement.

Because of the two hundred million, one hundred million was given to the Huaguo Red Cross Society, and the other one was returned to Lei Guangyu.

Everything was ready, and after seeing Gu Chenfeng signed his name on the agreement, Lei Hongyu nodded in satisfaction and said, "Hehe, you dare to fight with me, Gu Chenfeng, you are very courageous."

Gu Chenfeng smiled, and said to Lu Yun: "You call all the crew over there first, and don't let everyone get too close, so as not to accidentally hurt you."

"Okay!" Lu Yun was full of worry, but he didn't have a good solution at this time, after all, he didn't know kung fu.

Then Gu Chenfeng said to Lei Hongyu again: "Mr. Lei, first of all, on behalf of the Huaguo Red Cross Society, I would like to thank you for your generosity, and for those who need help, thank you for your [-] million donation."

"Hahaha!" Lei Hongyu laughed loudly when he heard the words, and said: "The money is ready, it depends on whether you have the ability to get it."

The reporters from the peripheral media all pointed their cameras at the two people on the stage. These reporters were very excited. After all, such a scene can be said to be rare in a thousand years. It is a big deal that they can meet Good luck.

You must know that since Gu Chenfeng made his debut, he has rarely encountered setbacks. Of course, it does not mean that he has not encountered setbacks, but with his strong professional ability, he has easily resolved them all.

This is the first time someone has come forward to challenge his kung fu.

But does Gu Chenfeng really know kung fu?

Let's wait and see!
At this time, Gu Chenfeng had already taken off his coat, and the application was serious. He wanted Lei Hongyu to salute with his fists together and said, "Huaguo's traditional kung fu, Xingyi Baguaquan, Gu Chenfeng."

This is the understanding of the Martial Arts Festival, and Lei Hongyu naturally knew it, so he also bowed and said: "Freedom to fight, Lei Hongyu!"

The two looked at each other, and the surrounding air instantly became tense.

"Ha!" Lei Hongyu took the lead in shouting loudly, took three steps in a row, came to a place not far from Gu Chenfeng, kicked him sideways, and ruthlessly kicked Gu Chenfeng's chest.

"I'm going, it's so fierce!",

"As expected of the Asian freestyle boxing competition, the runner-up in the [-]kg category is still something."

"I don't know if Teacher Gu can handle it?"

After seeing Lei Hongyu's posture, the onlookers couldn't help but let out a burst of exclamation.

However, when Gu Chenfeng saw this, he sneered, instead of retreating, he advanced, his right hand was like lightning, he grabbed Lei Hongyu's ankle, shook slightly, and then took a step back.

"Ah~~" A loud scream sounded.

I saw Lei Hongyu fell directly to the ground, hugging his ankle, applying for some pain, and his face turned red.

It turned out that Gu Chenfeng's flick just now directly removed Lei Hongyu's ankle joint.

"Fuck, what happened just now?"

"I don't know, I just saw Mr. Gu just took a step forward, then took a step back, and then Lei Hongyu fell directly to the ground."

"This speed is too fast, we haven't felt it yet, is it over?"

"Is this a publicity stunt created by "Ode to Joy"?"

"How is it possible? Lei Guangyu lost the bet. For example, the Huaguo Red Cross donated [-] million for Mr. Gu, and the relationship between Lei Guangyu and Guo Chengzuo is very good. Now "Ode to Joy" is fighting with "Little Light" , as Lei Guangyu's elder brother, how could Lei Hongyu come to help Teacher Gu to promote it?"

"What's going on? Isn't this too fierce? Could it be that Mr. Gu is still a kung fu master?"


The media reporters at the scene, the melon eaters, and even the members of the crew of "Ode to Joy" were all surprised at the moment.

At this time, Xia Wanxin, who is also from Qingchen Entertainment Company, walked up to Zhang Qingqing, gently tugged at the corner of her clothes, and asked, "Sister Zhang, did you see clearly how Teacher Gu made a move just now?"

"No!" Zhang Qingqing was also shocked. After shaking her head, a smile appeared on her face again, and said, "But I know, our Teacher Gu won."


Gu Chenfeng in the center of the crowd was like a god of war, looking down at Lei Hongyu, and said, "Kungfu is a killing skill, not a child's play, your so-called fighting competitions, in front of real kungfu masters, you can compete with children Playing around doesn't make any difference."

"Although I haven't mastered my kung fu yet, I'm still good enough to deal with a runner-up in a so-called fighting competition like you."

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Lei Hongyu stood up struggling and said fiercely, "I haven't lost yet!"

Just kidding, this is a contest between free fighting and Huaguo's traditional martial arts. How could he give up so easily?
What's more, there is another [-] million in there.

Although Lei Guangyu made a lot of money every year as a freshman, he would lose [-] million yuan in such a short period of time, which was enough for him to return to before liberation.

As for Lei Hongyu himself, he can't make much money from boxing for a year, and he will have to fight for a long time before he can fight for [-] million yuan.

Although it is impossible for him to step on Gu Chenfeng's shoulders to become famous, he is also determined not to admit defeat. There are still disciples of his own martial arts gym behind him. If he admits defeat at this time, how will he surrender to those disciples in the future?

"Don't be brave!" Gu Chenfeng shook his head when he heard the words, and said leisurely: "I have already removed your right ankle joint with my hand. If you try to force it again, I can guarantee that you will From now on, I will never be able to enter the ring again."

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Lei Hongyu's face changed instantly, his eyes fixed on Gu Chenfeng, and he squeezed out a sentence from his teeth reluctantly, saying: "I lost today, and I will lose [-] million. Reach the account of the Red Cross, but I will come to you again."

"Hehe!" Gu Chenfeng smiled slightly, and said: "If you want to come to me, you are welcome at any time, as long as you have enough money, but I kindly remind you that before you come to me next time, it is best It is to find a teacher who really understands kung fu to teach you how to practice boxing."

"Otherwise, even if you go back and practice for another 100 years, you still have no hope of defeating me. Huaguo Kung Fu is number one in the world. This sentence is not just for fun."

Lei Guangyu took a deep look at Gu Chenfeng, did not speak, and asked the person he had brought to leave on hold, and went directly to the hospital.

Moreover, he quickly transferred the [-] million donation to the account of the Huaguo Red Cross Society.

Although [-] million is a lot, if he doesn't pay this kind of charity bet, what awaits him will be a devastating blow, so no matter who it is, he will not challenge this bottom line, and Lei Hongyu is no exception .

It's just that after Lei Hongyu told Lei Guangyu about this matter, he almost severed his brotherhood with him.

After Lei Hongyu and others left, the promotional activity of "Ode to Joy" could no longer continue, and it ended in a hurry in less than 5 minutes.

At this time, Teacher Le looked at Gu Chenfeng and asked with great interest: "Mr. Gu, is there really a kung fu in this world? Isn't this kung fu that only appears in martial arts novels?"

Gu Chenfeng smiled, and said: "Of course not, I was just trying to scare him. In the novel, the broken muscles and bones are actually explained in modern language. It's just a technique to remove other people's joints. It’s just a stroke of ingenuity.”

Of course, this knowledge was automatically instilled in Gu Chenfeng's mind by the system after Gu Chenfeng raised his kung fu to the SSS level.

"There are 206 bones in the human body, twelve joints in the limbs, and 210 small joints. As long as you understand these, and the speed is fast enough and the explosive power is strong enough, you can easily remove the human joints. Let them directly lose the ability to fight again."

This is Liu Tao who asked very curiously: "Then Mr. Gu, is there really such things as true energy and easy water floating in the novel?"

"Sister Tao, do you read too many martial arts novels?" Gu Chenfeng looked at Liu Tao and explained: "The so-called true energy and lightness skills are just fabricated by novelists. existing."

Zhang Qingqing asked curiously: "Then how did you defeat Lei Hongyu? I saw that his muscles are much stronger than yours."

Gu Chenfeng explained: "In Huaguo Kung Fu, there is an old saying that is to train the muscles, bones and skin externally, and train the breath internally. No matter whether it is internal boxing or external boxing, there has never been muscle training."

Speaking of this, Gu Chenfeng looked at Zhang Qingqing and asked, "Sister Zhang, do you know why?"

"I don't know!" Zhang Qingqing shook her head decisively.

If you don't know, you don't know, to be honest.

At this time, Teacher Le took over the topic and said: "I really want to hear a kung fu master say that exercising muscles is actually useless. A real kung fu master really wants not to practice this thing."

"That's right!" Gu Chenfeng nodded and said, "Practicing muscles will increase your strength, there is no doubt about it, but as you get older, your muscles will also become insignificant. After the age of 50, even if you are No matter how well-developed the muscles are, they are at most only a little stronger than ordinary people.”

"But our Huaguo Kungfu is different. What it trains is the muscles, bones and skin. From the inside out, it fundamentally improves the figure of the human body. The muscles are only exercised by the way."

"I remember that some martial arts masters in the past were obviously thin and bony, but they were extremely fierce when they fought, and even a hundred muscular strong men were as strong as before. Like a strong ants, it can be dealt with easily."

"This is because their kung fu has reached the realm of entering the family, and their physical fitness has been permanently improved, and this improvement will not decline with age!"

Of course, other people are not from the kung fu world, so they must not understand this knowledge. After hearing Gu Chenfeng's Chinese speech, they suddenly realized it.

Teacher Le even said directly: "It's really better to listen to Jun's words than to read ten years of books. Now I finally understand why the whole world says that our Chinese kung fu is the best in the world. That's why."

(End of this chapter)

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