Chapter 368 Another Identity, Harry Potter Released
After Gu Chenfeng and the others left, Selna couldn't hold back, looked at Carl and asked, "Carl, what is Mr. Gu's identity? You guys treat him so loosely, and you seem to respect him very much."

You know, even if Gu Chenfeng is the author of the best-selling book "Harry Potter", it is impossible for people from Disney to treat him so politely.

It is even more impossible to give such a low share ratio. After the sales of more than 1000 million copies, there is only [-]% share.

This ratio is very low even for the best-selling authors of the Lighthouse Country, let alone for the authors of the Hua Country.

Karl smiled mysteriously, looked around, and whispered in Selna's ear, "Because he still has an identity, I have to respect him. If I don't respect him, maybe my current position will be lost." .”

Hearing Karl's words, Selna was even more confused.

You know, Carl, the person in charge of the publishing house, works at the headquarters of the Disney company, and the person who can influence this position, so he started as a senior executive of Disney?
Thinking of this, Selna was a little stunned.

Looking at Carl in disbelief, he asked, "Could it be that Mr. Gu is still a senior executive of Disney?"

"No, he is a shareholder of Disney Cinemas, and the second largest shareholder!" Carl said quietly.

"Hiss~~~" Selna took a deep breath, trying to calm down her excited mood.

Just the status of the second largest shareholder of Disney Cinemas has already proved Gu Chenfeng's extraordinaryness, and it also made Serna more sure that she must work hard for Gu Chenfeng in the future.

In the afternoon of that day, Gu Chenfeng signed a contract with Disney Publishing House on the publication of "Lord of the Rings".

Afterwards, he didn't stay in the Lighthouse Country. Even when Herman invited him to watch the finished product of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone", Gu Chenfeng didn't have time to watch it, so he went back to Jinshi directly.

For no other reason than to miss his wife and children.

When Gu Chenfeng returned to Gold City, the trailer of "Bright Sword" was launched on all channels.

The audience couldn't wait, and they watched it online one after another. The total number of hits soared to 10 million in less than 5000 minutes after the trailer went live.

This time, the trailer of "Bright Sword" is only 2 minutes in total. First, there is a piece of passionate music, and then Li Yunlong played by Gu Chenfeng comes into view.

"What the hell is the elite, what I fight is the elite, what the **** bushido, what I fight is the bushido."

"Our regiment will be like a wolf regiment. Each of us will be a howling wolf, eating the devil's meat and chewing the devil's bones."

"Wolves travel thousands of miles to eat meat, dogs travel thousands of miles to eat shit, when will our group eat meat, and when will we improve our food? That's when we meet little devils."

"I don't think of this breakout as a breakout, so what is it? Think of it as an attack, attacking the enemy."

"Even if I meet Lord Yan, I still have to pluck a few of his beards off my mind."



Zhuo Le edited every classic line of Gu Chenfeng.

Every time Gu Chenfeng finished his sentence, Zhuo Le matched it with a war scene, which immediately highlighted Li Yunlong's unique character of fearless domineering and unflinching.

It has to be said that Zhuo Le is worthy of being a great international director. He has thoroughly researched the trailer to whet the appetite.

Each frame is well designed, making people want to watch it after seeing it.

Of course, in the trailer, not only Gu Chenfeng, Li Yunlong, but also some wonderful moments of other actors were edited by Zhuo Le.

For example, Chu Yunfei: Remember, echelon configuration, segmented blocking, no matter who is fighting in Ping'an County, my 358 regiment must help the field.

Zhao Gang: Bright sword is to show our aura, it is courage and strategy, it is the spirit of a man.

Zhang Dabiao: When it comes to hand-to-hand combat and bayonet fighting, we are the ancestors of the little devils. Now these little devils don't respect their ancestors. This is not acceptable.

Ding Wei: Rather than miss the opportunity, it is better for us to attack decisively. I don't care whether this enemy has increased troops for peace, even if he goes to celebrate his birthday, you can't let him succeed.

Sun Desheng: Cavalry company, attack!

Such classic lines were edited by Zhuo Le into the trailer of "Bright Sword".

The entire "Bright Sword" trailer is full of exciting lines and pictures.

Especially in the last scene where Sun Desheng was covered in blood, waving a saber and rushing towards the enemy, people couldn't help but burst into tears.

After the trailer of "Bright Sword" ended, netizens started discussing it on the Internet.

"Oh my god, this trailer is too hot-blooded, I must watch this TV series."

"As expected of Mr. Gu's self-written, directed and acted TV series, the trailer of "Bright Sword" made my blood boil."

"The men in Huaguo are full of pride, and "Bright Sword" is the best portrayal of us."

"When watching "Operation Blade Red Sea" before, Mr. Gu let us know the cutest person in Huaguo through the movie, and his fearlessness in the face of danger. Now Mr. Gu let us review the hard-won prosperity of Huaguo , all of which were bought with the blood of these lovely people.”

"I heard what Mr. Gu said in the TV series: Even if I meet Lord Yan, I still want to pluck a few beards off him. This is too fucking arrogant!"

"Whether Mr. Gu's TV series, movies, or music works are very classic, especially the works written, directed and acted by Mr. Gu are even more classic."

"Now I finally understand why this TV series can be recommended by the official media. This is indeed a TV series worth looking forward to."

"Although the entire trailer is only 2 minutes long, it made my blood boil. I must follow this TV series."

"Teacher Gu once again played the role of a soldier in a TV series. With this very contagious lines, it is simply too domineering."

"Li Yunlong is definitely a different hero. The charm of other people seems to be not weaker than him. This TV series has gathered so many old dramas. It must be a visual feast!"

"Didn't you say that there is a Reba in this TV series? Why did it only flash by at the end? This time it was the trailer edited by Mr. Gu, and it was edited by Zhuo Le. It didn't surprise me Cut it out."

"The TV series "Bright Sword", whether it's the lines or the battle scenes, makes me very happy to watch."

"Not to mention, this TV series must be watched."


Almost all netizens who have watched the trailer of the TV series "Bright Sword" gave it unanimous praise.

Qingchen Entertainment Company, in Gu Chenfeng's office.

Zhuo Le laughed loudly after seeing the netizen's comments: "Mr. Gu, Mr. Gu, we succeeded."

Gu Chenfeng nodded calmly, and said: "Looking at everyone's comments, they are indeed good. It's just that when you were editing, you probably cut too little of Reba's shots."

Zhuo Liang shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: "No way, who made this movie a war movie. In this movie, there are very few female characters. If I edit it too much If there are too many, it will lower the quality of the whole TV series."

Gu Chenfeng thought about it, and felt that Zhuo Le was right.

In the next period of time, Gu Chenfeng took all the main creative members of "Bright Sword" to carry out publicity all over the country. There were more than ten publicity meetings alone, which made everyone very tired.

If it had been before, Gu Chenfeng would definitely not have worked so hard to promote it, and at most let Zhuo Le take everyone there, but this TV series is a nationally recommended film and television drama, so he had to take everyone to promote it himself.

Finally, "Bright Sword" will officially start broadcasting on Huaguo TV.

Countless viewers waited in front of the TV early on, wanting to see how awesome this TV series recommended by Huaguo is.

When the TV series started, it was an extremely majestic song.

"If the motherland suffers from QF, a hot-blooded man should strengthen himself;"

"Drink up this bowl of hometown wine, and the strong man will never return;"

"Rolling Yellow River, surging Yangtze River;"

"Give me life, give me strength."


A song "Hua Guojun Soul" sang the integrity and blood of soldiers, which made people feel excited.

The first episode of "Bright Sword" didn't have any nonsense at all, and went directly to the theme. Li Yunlong, played by Gu Chenfeng, led his new regiment, and fought a big battle with the little devil's alliance with excellent tactics.

Not only successfully broke through from the front, but also killed the opponent's team leader with one shot. This scene caught Chu Yunfei's attention.

The 10-minute fierce battle made all the audience watch it very well. Gu Chenfeng even used his SSS-level acting skills to fully interpret Li Yunlong's bravery, fearlessness and unreasonableness.

After the battle was over, Li Yunlong not only did not receive any awards for his victory because of his disobedience on the battlefield, but was sent to the logistics clothing factory to serve as the factory director, which made him full of complaints.

But that's the end of the first episode.

After watching the film, the netizens began to leave messages on the professional film review website of the Department of Culture.

"The classic anti-war drama, this is definitely a classic anti-war drama, unlike the previous anti-war dramas, each of which was too exaggerated."

"I can only say that this episode is really exciting. Mr. Gu is worthy of being the grand slam best actor. His acting skills are simply second to none."

"Li Yunlong is a character with a distinctive personality, with obvious shortcomings and advantages. Under Mr. Gu's interpretation, he will definitely become a classic character."

"I just want to say that in Teacher Gu's acting career, there is another classic role."

"I really like hearing Mr. Gu's swearing, and it's very refreshing to listen to it."

"Compared to those high-profile characters played by Mr. Gu before, Mr. Gu's role this time is more realistic and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people."

"I laughed so hard, Mr. Gu fell directly from the team leader to the director of the clothing factory. I just want to ask Mr. Gu's psychological shadow area!"

"I finished watching the first episode. The plot is exciting, the rhythm is fast, and the characters are very distinct. In short, I watched it very well."

"It is indeed a film and television drama recommended by the country. "Bright Sword" completely meets all the imaginations in my heart. In that era, if there were no characters like Li Yunlong, where would our good life be?"

"After watching the first episode, it was not bad. I hope the following plots will not be skipped."


After the first episode of "Bright Sword" was broadcast, netizens gave this TV series a very high evaluation.

Soon, the second episode also started. Like the first episode, the plot is still advancing very fast. The appearance of Kong Jie brought the three heroes of Jinxi together.

Especially the part where Kong Jie led the whole group to toast, people couldn't help but feel angry and burst into tears.

Less than half an hour after the premiere of "Bright Sword", Gu Chenfeng, who was drinking at home, received a call from Zhuo Le.

Obviously came to announce the good news.

The average ratings of the first two episodes of this TV series reached 6.48%, directly surpassing the average ratings of the last two episodes of the previous "Ode to Joy" by a lot.

In recent years, not to mention TV dramas with an average audience rating of 6%, even TV dramas with the highest audience rating of more than 6% can be counted in two hands. "Bright Sword" can be said to have created a miracle.

Gu Chenfeng looked at Luo Qingcheng who had just come out of the bathroom and said quietly: "Oh, my wife, maybe because of the subject matter, the ratings of the TV series "Bright Sword" are not ideal."

"Husband, it's fine, I trust you!" Luo Qingcheng said while wiping her wet hair, "This is just the beginning, I believe in your strength, and when more people know about it, the ratings will definitely rise gone."

In Luo Qingcheng's heart, no matter what Gu Chenfeng does, the first thing is to always support him. Even if Gu Chenfeng really fails, she will choose to believe in Gu Chenfeng for no reason.

"Oh, I hope!" Gu Chenfeng said with a sigh.

Luo Qingcheng sat next to Gu Chenfeng, hugged his neck and said, "Husband, cheer up, are you defeated because of the poor ratings of "Bright Sword"? You are not like this usually! "

Gu Chenfeng forcibly suppressed his lungs that were about to explode from laughter, put his arms around Luo Qingcheng's slender waist, and said in a deep voice: "Honey, you are right, I am not a man who is easily defeated. I have achieved my goal, and I will work harder next time.”

"Damn, isn't it just [-]% ratings, I don't believe it won't be achieved."

"Yes, husband, can you think so..." Luo Qingcheng was talking along Gu Chenfeng's train of thought, and suddenly realized that something was wrong, and asked, "Hey, husband, what did you just say?"

Gu Chenfeng hugged Luo Qingcheng with a suppressed smile and said, "Work harder next time, what's the matter?"

While speaking, Gu Chenfeng hugged Luo Qingcheng tightly, afraid that he would reveal his secrets.

Luo Qingcheng was not so easy to fool, after feeling something was wrong, she tilted her head and wanted to turn around to see Gu Chenfeng's expression, but Gu Chenfeng's strength was too great, she couldn't turn at all, so she simply gave up.

Said: "No, husband, what did you just say [-]%? What is the ratings of "Bright Sword"?"

If it was other TV series, she would not pay so much attention to them, but this TV series was commissioned by Gu Chenfeng to shoot by Wang Yao, so Luo Qingcheng paid a little attention to it.

After sorting out his facial expressions, Gu Chenfeng tried to keep a calm tone and said: "My goal is to have an average rating of more than 6.48%, but the average rating of "Bright Sword" only reached [-]%. It’s about to be hit.”

"Oh~~" Luo Qingcheng groaned at the beginning, and after she realized it, she exclaimed: "Ah~~ Husband, what do you think is the ratings for the premiere of "Bright Sword"?"

"Hush!" Gu Chenfeng made a silent gesture and reminded: "Xiao Tianqi is sleeping, what should you do if you wake him up with such a loud voice?"

"Oh oh oh!" Luo Qingcheng nodded again and again, and lowered her voice: "Husband, are you deliberately teasing me? The average ratings of the premiere broadcast was 6.48%. If I remember correctly, this result is already the highest in the last few Is it the best result of the year?"

"You actually said that you were hit, and that you made other TV series not alive. According to the information I have seen recently, this average rating of 6.48% should be the highest since the rise of the Internet age. It's the top!"

She had indeed read news about TV ratings before. Although she didn't do too much research, at least she needed to know how to measure the ratings of a TV series. That's why she knew it so clearly.

Sometimes I praise the industry. Although many things do not require in-depth understanding and research, the most basic common sense still needs to be understood.

Luo Qingcheng had been working in the hospital before, and the books she read and the knowledge she learned were all related to medicine. Since she became pregnant, because Gu Chenfeng is a filmmaker, Luo Qingcheng also watched some movies about it. People's common sense books.

Although she is not an insider now, she definitely understands the entertainment industry better than the average fan.

"My goal is [-]%!" After Luo Qingcheng broke free from Gu Chenfeng's embrace, he said with a smile.

It is still very cool to occasionally have a wave of Versailles in front of my wife.

Luo Qingcheng obviously also discovered the small calculation in Gu Chenfeng's heart, but he didn't expose him. Sometimes, men just like to have a little sense of superiority in front of women.

And a smart woman will often satisfy him, and only in this way can the life of two people become much more interesting.

Therefore, Luo Qingcheng put his arms around Gu Chenfeng's neck again, and said cooperatively: "My husband, you are simply amazing. I believe in you, and you will definitely be able to achieve your goal."

"I've always been great!" Facing Luo Qingcheng's beautiful appearance, coupled with the faint fragrance of jasmine on the tip of his nose, the dragon in Gu Chenfeng's blood began to swim.

As if feeling the heat of Gu Chenfeng, Luo Qingcheng shyly said, "What a bull!"

Next, it is naturally spring in every room.

Not long after the ratings of "Bright Sword" came out, word-of-mouth ratings also came out on the professional film review website of the Culture Department.

A total of 12 people gave this TV series a super high score of 6000. Such a high score has already surpassed the original "Langya Bang".

When Zhuo Le saw the word-of-mouth score, he was so excited that he picked up the phone and called Gu Chenfeng.

As a result, the phone alerts the user that it is busy.

From Zhuo Le's point of view, it should be that the other main creators of "Bright Sword" were calling Gu Chenfeng to congratulate him, so he stopped calling.

In fact, Gu Chenfeng is really busy at the moment, not only very busy but also very tired.

He had no idea that after word-of-mouth of the first two episodes of "Bright Sword" came out, this TV series had completely become popular in China.

Of course, by the time he knew it, it was already the next day.

In the next period of time, almost every episode of "Bright Sword" has explosive points. In the third episode, the quarrel between Li Yunlong, Zhao Gang, and Kong Jie made people laugh out loud. In the fourth episode, Li Yunlong used soil work to attack the enemy. He dropped [-] grenades in one breath, and the hearts of the audience were overwhelmed.

Episode [-]···

Episode Six···

Until the first miracle, Sun Desheng led the cavalry company to fight to the death with the enemy, and finally sacrificed. The heroic scene moved countless audiences.

Even the homepages of the official blogs of the Department of Culture and People's Daily introduced the cavalry battle at length, and the average audience rating of this episode has broken through to 7.88%.

There is no doubt that the TV series "Bright Sword" is already completely popular, and Gu Chenfeng, who played Li Yunlong, became popular again.

This time it was no longer because of his album, nor because of his movie, but because of one of his anti-Japanese TV dramas, which made him known to countless audiences across the country.

In the past, whether it was a music album or a movie, there was a certain threshold, but now there is almost no threshold for TV dramas, so the market is wider, even some old people who don’t surf the Internet, after watching this TV drama I like it very much.

This allowed "Bright Sword" to have more than 200 million viewers after only four days of airing, giving this TV series a super high word-of-mouth score of 9.65.

You know, when the first broadcast ended, 10,000+ people gave a score of 9.66. Now that four days have passed, the number of people who scored has increased by more than 100 million, but the word-of-mouth score is still at 9.65, only a drop of 0.01 points , it is conceivable how popular this TV series is.

And this is also the highest score in the TV drama industry in the past ten years. Before that, who would have thought that an anti-Japanese war film could get such a high score and be so popular?
Many netizens have discussed it on the Internet.

"I have already watched the first eight episodes of "Bright Sword". I absolutely love the character of Li Yunlong. Mr. Gu has portrayed this character really well."

"This is the real anti-Japanese war movie. Almost every episode looks very comfortable. I want to watch it after watching it."

"I feel that the image of soldiers in the TV series "Bright Sword" is the closest to reality. Our ancestors back then had the spirit of Li Yunlong, so they were able to bring us a happy life today."

"Indeed, the characters in it are very well portrayed and very down-to-earth. Most of the soldiers at that time were not well-educated, so some small flaws in life, such as swearing, are very normal. This character has flesh and blood."

"That's right, that's right, the characters portrayed in many TV dramas nowadays are not human beings, but gods!"

"When I saw the cavalry company, I really cried. The actor who played Sun Desheng is simply amazing."

"Cavalry company, attack! Hearing this sentence, Sun Desheng's bloody face is all in my mind, it is simply amazing."

"I was originally a beauty lover, but after watching the first eight episodes of "Bright Sword", I fell in love with people like Li Yunlong, Kong Jie, and Sun Desheng, because they are really attractive."

"I feel that what the Huaguo entertainment industry lacks the most is the energy in "Bright Sword". Mr. Gu is simply awesome!"

"The TV series "Bright Sword" captures the courage of the Chinese people. I hope those little fresh meats will take a good look and see what kind of person is a real man."

"I fell into the pit from the fifth episode, and strongly demanded that "Bright Sword" be published online as soon as possible. If you want to watch it again, what are these domestic video sites doing? Such a good TV series is not available on the website. ?”


However, the online version that netizens are looking forward to, according to the agreement signed by Gu Chenfeng and the national TV station, must wait until the broadcast of "Bright Sword" is over before it can be published on major video websites.

However, seeing that "Bright Sword" has become so popular, how can the three major video sites survive? Every second is money, so the three video sites immediately filmed a capable team. The entertainment company discusses the purchase of exclusive rights.

That's right, exclusive, not joint.

An extremely popular TV series like "Bright Sword", no matter which video site it is broadcast on, will bring them millions or even tens of millions of members.

Therefore, in fact, the profits that "Bright Sword" can bring are secondary in the eyes of the three major websites, and these fee-paying members are the key to their competition.

Zhang Qingqing, as the representative of the producer of "Bright Sword", gathered all the people from the three video sites together. After some discussions, he finally decided to use secret casting to make the selection. In this way, it is fair and just, even if it fails. Nothing to say.

Representatives of Uniqlo, Penguin, and iQi, the three largest domestic video sites, all agreed with Zhang Qingqing's proposal.

Soon, the three companies began to bid separately, and finally the Uniqlo TV website gave the producer 75% of the share, and got the exclusive right to broadcast "Bright Sword" on the Internet.

After hearing the conditions given by Uniqlo, the representatives of Penguin and iQi both shook their heads and smiled wryly.

Although Penguin and iQi, the two video sites, have their own funders behind them, and they both gave them low bids, but Uniqlo also has a funder behind it, and the financial resources behind it are no more than those of the other two. wife and children.

But relatively speaking, the person in charge of the Uniqlo video website has greater decision-making power, and the original Uniqlo funder gave instructions to add 5.00% to the highest share of the other two dismissals.

In other words, they did not have a bottom bid, and when the Uniqlo representative bid, they did not write the number, but this sentence: "5.00% more than the highest share that Aiqi and Penguin fired."

The result is that iQi and Penguin both gave 70.00% share, so Uniqlo is naturally 70.00%.

Soon, Gu Chenfeng came over and signed the exclusive online broadcast copyright agreement of "Bright Sword" with the video website Uniqlo. On the surface, it seemed that Uniqlo had suffered a big loss, but in fact it was Earn a lot.

After the premiere of "Bright Sword" on the national TV station, it was seamlessly connected to the Uniqlo video website, which directly brought a fee of up to 500 million yuan to the website, which made the Uniqlo website executives and The benefactor behind it is ecstatic.

Of course, these are all later stories.

After Gu Chenfeng settled the network broadcast agreement of "Bright Sword", he entered the life of salted fish again.

Since the new year has just passed, Gu Chenfeng has not yet decided what works to make this year. Whether he should continue to make TV dramas, or try to make movies, or write a few more songs this year, and then hold a concert.

Gu Chenfeng hasn't thought about these things himself, so he plans to rest at home first.

Of course, Gu Chenfeng rested, and Qingchen Entertainment Company did not rest, they have their own work to do, for example, the company's newcomer Lin Feng, because he starred in the TV series "Bright Sword", many people know him, There are many crews looking for him to film.

As for Xia Wanxin and Su Xiaoyu, they are also well-known for their roles in "Ode to Joy", and now they are very busy every day, whether they are filming or appearing in variety shows, they are very fulfilling anyway.

This time, Zhuo Le didn't rush to ask Gu Chenfeng for the script. Maybe he was tired from filming the TV series "Bright Sword", so he just kept playing in the company, and then started to write the script himself.

Time passes day by day.

On the NO.20 day of February, the much-anticipated "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" was officially released globally simultaneously.

It can be said that Disney has pinned all their hopes on this movie this time. It can be said that whether the box office of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" is good or bad is directly related to Disney's position among the six giants of Hollywood. .

It is more related to its market share and the company's market value and other aspects.

Because although the current Disney has breathed a sigh of relief by investing in Gu Chenfeng's works and co-publishing Gu Chenfeng's movies, countless Hollywood film giants are still eyeing this company, wanting to bite off a piece of Disney. Here comes the meat.

Today, Gu Chenfeng managed to bring Luo Qingcheng to dress up in disguise, and came to Longda Cinema to finish watching the movie.

After watching it, Gu Chenfeng showed a bright smile, and said, "I didn't expect that these little guys that Disney hired are pretty good at acting!"

Luo Qingcheng nodded, and said: "It's really good, they have shown all my fantasies about the characters in this novel."

The first fan of the "Harry Potter" series is Luo Qingcheng, so besides Gu Chenfeng, she is also the person who knows the novel the best, the characters, the plot and other aspects of the novel.

In the past period of time, she was basically the operator of the author account of this novel, and she knew more about the popularity of this book than the author Gu Chenfeng.

Gu Chenfeng said with some regret: "Oh, it's a pity, I didn't get the shares of the Disney head office, but only got the shares of the theater, otherwise I will make a lot of money this time."

Luo Qingcheng said a little speechlessly: "Honey, are you short of several hundred million dollars?"

In her opinion, what Gu Chenfeng meant was the box office share of "Harry Potter", but Gu Chenfeng didn't mean that.

Gu Chenfeng explained: "Honey, you can't just look at things on the surface. Do you think I'm talking about the box office? No, I actually see the market value of Disney."

"With the success of this movie, the market value of Disney will skyrocket immediately. Once it rises, it will be a scourge. No matter how you say it, it can earn more than 20 billion US dollars."

"Actually, what really makes money is the market value. Movies don't make much money."

Once the movie "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" is successful, it will greatly increase the market value of Disney, and at the same time, promote the fame of the novel to the world. By then, even "Lord of the Rings" will benefit a lot. shallow.

Moreover, the success of the first film will have a favorable impact on the next seven films.

The next day, the word-of-mouth score of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" came out, and 8 people gave it a super high score of 9.12, ranking first among all movies in the same period.

And netizens gave almost all praises for the movie.

"This movie is too good-looking, it's worthy of a Hollywood blockbuster!"

"It's a good thing Mr. Gu is filming a TV series recently. Otherwise, even if it's his movie, if it meets this Harry Potter, I'm afraid it might not be able to win?"

"It's hard to say. Mr. Gu's previous movie ratings are not low. Whether it's domestic or overseas, the word-of-mouth ratings are very good."

"That's true. It can only be said that the movie "Harry Potter" is the best achievement Hollywood has achieved in the Chinese film market in the past two years!"

"Don't you know that the author of "Harry Potter" is from our country of China? I heard that it was launched by Qidian Literature Network!"

"Yes, yes, I saw this novel on the Qidian Literature Network before, so I went to watch this movie. It must have been more than two years. At that time, I first started to update it on the Qidian Literature Network. Follow this novel."

"I remember that author seems to have written this book and became the master of Qidian Literature Network!"

"Later she wrote another book called "The Lord of the Rings", which was also very good-looking, but no one knew who the author was. Both "Harry Potter" and "The Lord of the Rings" were very popular. Thinking that there are such powerful web writers in Huaguo, this ability is almost as good as Teacher Gu's!"


Originally, this was a word-of-mouth film review of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone". In the end, many people began to discuss the author of this novel in the comment area. After all, this novel belongs to Huaguo, which made Huaguo's movie fans very excited.

However, no matter what the netizens commented or said, Qidian never came out to respond, because they signed an agreement with Gu Chenfeng, no, to be precise, they signed an agreement with Luo Qingcheng.

With the explosion of the movie "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", the sales volume of the novel on Qidian has skyrocketed.

Of course, its box office is also under the good word-of-mouth effect, and it earned 2.33 million on the first day, ranking second.

On the second day, the box office reached 2.75 million soft sister coins, ranking first.

On the third day, the single-day box office was 2.59 million.

On the fourth day, the single-day box office was 2.18 million.

fifth day...

After a week, "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" has earned 15.84 billion box office in China, and its global box office has reached 18.38 billion US dollars.

Disney Films.

After reading the box office report for the first week of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone", Herman was ecstatic and said happily, "It's a success, it's a success, it's finally a success!"

Since he became the CEO of Disney, Herman has actually been under a lot of pressure. Although some decisions made before have benefited the company a lot, they have also saved the company from the risk of bankruptcy.

But all of these benefits depend on Gu Chenfeng, and the success of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" now depends entirely on Disney itself.

And this time Disney not only owns one, but there are seven more in the future. As long as the "Harry Potter" series is finished, Disney will definitely usher in a steady improvement in the future.

Therefore, the word-of-mouth and box office success of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" is undoubtedly a shot in the arm for Herman and Disney Films.

Moreover, the following seven novels can actually produce nine movies, which is simply a cornucopia.

Herman took a deep breath, suppressed the joy in his heart, and let Disney's publicity department hype the box office of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" on the Internet reached 18.38 billion US dollars in the first week, and "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" The follow-up films of Li Porter series will be filmed one after another.

After this publicity, the effect is definitely immediate.

In just two days, the stock of Disney Films skyrocketed by 40.00%, and its market value has exceeded the $800 billion mark.

You must know that this has skyrocketed by nearly 600 billion U.S. dollars, which is why Gu Chenfeng regrets not buying shares in Disney Films.

If the 20.00% stake in Disney theaters had been exchanged for [-]% of the Disney headquarters, then this wave would have earned at least billions of dollars.

Of course, there is no medicine for regret in the world, and it is impossible for Disney to give Gu Chenfeng a stake in the head office now.

However, Gu Chenfeng didn't gain anything this time. After he learned that "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" had been completed, he began to pay attention to Disney's stock.

Seeing the right time, he bought a billion dollars directly, so this wave of Disney's stock price soared, and Gu Chenfeng also made a lot of money.

The reason why he dared to buy one billion dollars at once was that first of all, the one billion dollars was a yearly dividend for Disney theaters, and even if it was taken out, it would not affect the normal operation of Qingchen Entertainment.

Secondly, he believed in Disney's special effects company, as well as the fan group of his novels and the quality of the novels. After considering all aspects, Gu Chenfeng bought one billion dollars in Disney's stock at one time.

Of course, Gu Chenfeng did not plan to hold it for a long time. After the total box office of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" comes out, Disney's stock price will increase again. At that time, Gu Chenfeng will cash out and leave the market. It's time.

(End of this chapter)

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