Chapter 37 The first day of longing, gaining 30 fans (Chapter 34 is blocked and unblocked)

Gu Chenfeng smiled at Tangtang, and said, "Don't worry, I am very familiar with this job, Dad."

After finishing speaking, he swung the ax with one hand and chopped down on the placed wood.


After a crisp sound, the round wood was split into two halves.

"Wow, Dad is so amazing, Dad is so amazing, I would like to give you a thumbs up." Tangtang, who was standing aside, saw this scene, and instantly turned into Gu Chenfeng's little fan girl.

Reba, who started the fight, was also stunned by Gu Chenfeng's operation of chopping wood with one hand.

It's too bullshit.

Chopping firewood with one hand has refreshed Reba's understanding of the work of chopping firewood, saying: "Mr. Gu, you are too good at this!"

Teacher He, who was washing vegetables at the side, saw it, and his face was also full of shock, and said: "Chenfeng, you are the best guest I have ever seen who can chop firewood, bar none."

Speaking of this, Teacher He added: "However, for the sake of safety, Chen Feng, it is better for you to hold the ax with both hands, after all, one hand is too dangerous."

Gu Chenfeng nodded and said, "Okay, Mr. He, I understand."

However, his single-handed chopping of firewood directly amazed everyone.

The netizens in the live broadcast room are also boiling at this moment.

"As the saying goes, there is no harm if there is no comparison. After watching Gu Chenfeng chopping wood with one hand, it is too embarrassing to think that someone couldn't even hold an axe before."

"There's something about this Gu Chenfeng. The moment he chopped firewood just now, he was really handsome."

"It's true. At that moment, my gaze was directly attracted by him, and I still can't pull it out."

"On the other hand, someone was just shocked by the reaction force of the axe, and just cried there. It's really embarrassing."

"Can't you be a little enlightened? If you can't do it, just admit it, and you will have to face the pain."

"Not even Reba, how did such a person reach the top position?"

"Haha, there is no harm if there is no comparison. After this comparison, someone is simply scum."

"Oh, my Kun was injured, he was injured, and the program crew didn't send him to the hospital, it's just too damned."

"Kun is hurt, my heart hurts so much, how could he be hurt, my Kun, I love you so much!"

"Kun, how are you? It's so lonely to see you sitting alone in the gazebo. Why don't I fly over to accompany you!"


In the barrage in the live broadcast room, two diametrically opposite opinions appeared, colliding back and forth with each other.

In the yard of the mushroom house at this time.

Gu Chenfeng has already started his firewood chopping performance.

Reba helped him to place the wood, and then put the wood that Gu Chenfeng had chopped aside.

Gu Chenfeng, on the other hand, is like the god of the ax descending to earth, accurate with each axe.

As for the overseer Tangtang, she turned into Gu Chenfeng's little fan girl, cheering happily while helping to move the wooden blocks.

As the saying goes, men and women match, work is not tired.

No, in a short while, with the cooperation of Gu Chenfeng and Reba, a lot of them have been split.

Seeing this, Teacher He stopped and said, "It's ok, Chenfeng, there are already enough."

At this time, Teacher Huang opened the kitchen window and shouted: "Mr. He, there is not much firewood inside. Is there any chopped firewood outside? Give me some to come in."

Teacher He replied with a smile: "Good! You can have as many as you want."

"Oh?" Teacher Huang suddenly became interested, glanced at the mountains of firewood piled up in the yard, and asked in shock, "There are so many, who split it? Could it be Chenfeng?"

"Mr. Huang, congratulations, you guessed it right." Teacher He continued: "This is what Chen Feng chopped out. He is amazing. He is definitely the most talented star I have ever seen at chopping firewood, bar none."

Teacher Huang nodded and said, "Well, young man has a bright future. If your movie "Buried Alive" hadn't been released, I would have kept you as a permanent guest."

Invisibly, another wave of advertisements for Gu Chenfeng's new movie appeared.

It can be seen from this that Teacher Huang really likes Gu Chenfeng, a newcomer.

At noon, Gu Chenfeng and others finally ate the meals cooked by Mr. Huang.

I have to say that Mr. Huang's cooking skills are absolutely outstanding. The mapo tofu, scallion pancakes and noodles are all very delicious.

At the beginning, Kun still pretended to be reserved, saying that he was trying to lose weight and could not eat too much.

But in the end, I ate three bowls, the most in the audience.

After lunch, everyone returned to the room to rest for two hours.

In the afternoon, Teacher He took Gu Chenfeng, Reba, and Kun up the mountain to collect radishes.

October is the season for harvesting radishes.

A big man actually said that the radish was planted too deep and he couldn't pull it out, so he refused to pull it out.

As for Gu Chenfeng and Reba, they rolled up their sleeves and started pulling carrots without any burden.

Gu Chenfeng also shocked everyone again because of pulling out the radish.

I saw that his movements were extremely skillful, like a farmer who often goes to the fields to do farm work, and his two hands were drawn at the same time, and the speed was quite amazing.

After some comparison, Kun was once again reduced to scum.

became the object of ridicule by netizens.

On the contrary, Gu Chenfeng gained a wave of fans by himself.

In less than a day since he came to the program "Longing for Life", Gu Chenfeng's Weibo followers have already increased by more than 30, and now it has reached 95, almost breaking through one million.

In addition to the two songs he sang before, which accumulated a total of [-] fans, and the incident that Gu Chenfeng said to the reporter at the press conference of the "Buried Alive" movie later, he immediately gained hundreds of thousands of fans.

Although some of them are black fans, they are all genuine fans, not bought zombie fans.

This issue of "Longing for Life" is destined to be the biggest highlight of Gu Chenfeng.


That night, Gu Chenfeng and Tangtang's father and daughter once again became the focus of Mushroom House.

Even Reba can only stand aside, as for Kun, there is no existence at all.

Who made his performance during the day so disappointing?

He can't chop firewood, wash vegetables, or even pull radishes, let alone let him carry them. He's a waste that's even worse than sugar.

Teacher Huang is the most direct and chooses to ignore it completely.

If it weren't for Mr. He's thoughtfulness, Kun would really have no one to talk to him.

During the chat after dinner at night, Mr. Huang always intentionally or unintentionally asked Gu Chenfeng to share the difficulties he encountered when filming the movie "Buried Alive".

Of course Gu Chenfeng knew that it was Mr. Huang who wanted to help him, so he was naturally willing to share.

This is tantamount to deepening everyone's impression of the movie "Buried Alive".

(End of this chapter)

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