Chapter 376 Gu Chenfeng's domineering, pouring alcohol (seeking subscription please monthly ticket)

"Clap clap clap!"

There was a round of applause.

This applause came from Ding Hui, the president of Jingchi Technology Company. He applauded again and again and said: "What kind of generals are there, what kind of soldiers will they bring out? Gu Chenfeng has been a little rebellious in the past two years. It seems that the artists in his company have also become unruly, which I admire very much."

"However, Miss Xia Wanxin, you have to know that not everyone has the strength to challenge us, and I won't make things difficult for you, as long as you drink three glasses of wine in one go, I guarantee that no one will trouble you again. "

"If you don't drink, we Jingchi Technology and Yuehua alone will give you Qingchen Entertainment a headache, let alone several other film and television investment bosses."

Hearing Ding Hui's words, other people also echoed: "Yes, yes, yes!"

"Drink three cups and leave, we will definitely not be embarrassed."

"If you dare not drink it, you will be banned!"

Ding Hui raised his hand and pressed it down. After everyone quieted down, Ding Hui continued: "Xia Wanxin, if you don't want to cause trouble to Mr. Gu, then you must give us this face, otherwise, pass How can we hang out if we go out?"

"I..." Now Xia Wanxin was caught in a dilemma.

She could just walk away, but what will happen next?Jing Chi Technology Company is not a small company, and the other four investors are also well established.

Although Gu Chenfeng said before that if they encounter anything outside, they don't have to be afraid, the company can help them solve it, but Xia Wanxin doesn't want to bring such a big trouble to the company for no reason because of her own reasons.

"Yo, who is this going to cause me any trouble?"

At this moment, a loud and magnetic sound sounded, and then the door of the box was opened from the outside.

Everyone heard the reputation and looked, only to see Gu Chenfeng and Zhang Qingqing walking in, followed by a woman with extraordinary temperament, who seemed to have seen it somewhere before.

Behind them are Gu Chenfeng's driver and bodyguard Zhuang Wenjie, Wang Yao's two bodyguards, and Xia Wanxin's manager Feng Shanshan.

Just now Gu Chenfeng heard Xia Wanxin and the other party falling out just now, but Gu Chenfeng didn't lead people to rush in immediately, but opened the door only after he got the recording of the other party jointly forcing Xia Wanxin to drink.

"Teacher Gu, Sister Zhang." Xia Wanxin was overjoyed when she saw Gu Chenfeng and Zhang Qingqing, and then hurried to Zhang Qingqing's side.

Zhang Qingqing patted her on the shoulder and said: "Fortunately, Shanshan is more careful this time and called us. Otherwise, you might not know what you will be like when you are bullied. You will learn a lot of wisdom from a pitfall, and you will encounter it in the future." When you come to this kind of wine bureau, you will always find a reason to turn it down."

Xia Wanxin saw Zhang Qingqing as if she saw her confidant elder sister, and said aggrievedly: "Understood, Sister Zhang, in fact, I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

Zhang Qingqing nodded, and said: "Okay, don't worry about this matter, just go to the side to watch the play now, with Teacher Gu here."

Xia Wanxin glanced at Gu Chenfeng, then at Wang Yao who was following Gu Chenfeng, her eyes widened, and she exclaimed in a low voice, "Sister Zhang, this is not the lady boss..."

"Well, let's just watch the show!" Zhang Qingqing nodded.

She is quite familiar with Wang Yao, she is definitely a hero in the female middle school, and this is the capital city, so it can be regarded as Wang Yao's territory.

With Wang Yao around, as long as no one is killed, everything will be fine.

Gu Chenfeng scanned the crowd around the table with sharp eyes, and the actors stood up quickly in fright, joking that they were just small actors, how dare they offend Gu Chenfeng, the Buddha.

However, Gu Chenfeng didn't pay attention to them, but went directly to Ding Hui's right hand side, picked up a bottle of wine, and threw it directly on the head of the investor who threatened to block Xia Wanxin.


The wine bottle was broken, and the investors' heads were cracked.

"Ah~~" The investor let out a scream, covered his head with his hands, and tried desperately to struggle, but unfortunately it didn't work at all.

Just kidding, let alone a potbellied guy like him, even those well-trained kickboxing champions don't want to break free in front of Gu Chenfeng.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this, and several girls couldn't help but let out ear-piercing screams.

Who would have thought that Gu Chenfeng, who is usually low-key and modest, would have such a violent side?

Only Wang Yao thought of it, because she once fought with Gu Chenfeng in the street, so she fully understands how strong Gu Chenfeng's fighting power is.

But today she just came to the platform, and before she could make a move, she folded her arms around her chest, with a lady's cigarette hanging from her mouth, completely looking like a big sister, standing by the side watching the show.

On Gu Chenfeng's side, after the wine bottle in his hand was broken, he didn't stop, he grabbed the investor's shoulder, pulled him back, lifted him up in the air, and smashed him to the ground.

After completing a set of flowing movements, Gu Chenfeng took out a tissue from the paper box on the table, wiped his hands, sat in the position of the investor, and said lightly: " What are you? How dare you block people from my Qingchen company?"

The investor had a hideous face, and just as he was about to refute, Zhuang Wenjie grabbed him by the neck, lifted him up, pressed him against the wall, and said, "When my boss is talking, you just have to listen. , there is no need to answer, otherwise, I will pick off your pig's head, do you hear me clearly?"

When Zhuang Wenjie spoke, his body was filled with murderous aura. Although his voice didn't match, it was very intimidating.

The investor was already a little out of breath, his face was flushed, his lips were a little pale, and he couldn't even nod if he wanted to.

I could only gently pat Zhuang Wenjie's arm with my hand to show that I knew it.

Only then did Zhuang Wenjie put him down, pointed to a few stools in the corner, and said, "Go, stay there for me honestly, dare to make a sound, I will cut your tongue."

The investor had already been terrified by the murderous Zhuang Wenjie, so he didn't care about face. He covered his head with his hands and sat on the seat designated by Zhuang Wenjie, not daring to move.

"Gudong!!" Seeing this, Director Liu's throat rolled down, and he couldn't help swallowing.

This is so frightening, if he wasn't in it, he would have thought he was making a movie.

Zhuang Wenjie's appearance just now is definitely the rhythm of killing people.

It's simply too lawless.

Everyone at the table was silent, and no one dared to speak.

Even Luo Xiaoyan, who was arrogant and domineering before, is now pale and at a loss. Only Ding Hui, the boss of Jingchi Technology Company, can barely maintain his composure, and said: "Mr. Gu, have you played enough with your prestige?" ?”

Gu Chenfeng glanced at him, and said: "I'm not interested in showing some prestige in front of you, but I would like to ask, are you a group of old men, are you comfortable playing prestige in front of a female artist in our company?"

"Who is that, it's a woman, I have to make a move..."

"It's okay, I can help you!" Before Gu Chenfeng finished speaking, Wang Yao took over.

After the words fell, Wang Yao came to Luo Xiaoyan with a figure like lightning, and raised her hand, "Crack!"


Luo Xiaoyan's already small body was slapped away by Wang Yao.

However, Wang Yao clapped her hands with contempt, and said, "What the hell? Such a thick foundation? I would have worn gloves if I knew it earlier. Alas, Star Gu, you have to treat me to a good meal. It takes a lot of work to maintain your hands."

Murder and kill!
Not only did he slap Luo Xiaoyan across the face, he even lifted her up and dirty his hands.

This woman is simply too arrogant.

Gu Chenfeng smiled helplessly, and said, "No problem, I will make ten catties of sauced beef for you when the time comes."

"Then there's no problem, you continue!" Wang Yao returned to her position and became a spectator.

It seemed that the beating scene just now had nothing to do with her.

Looking at Luo Xiaoyan who was lying on the ground screaming and wailing, Ding Hui said with a gloomy face: "She is my woman, how dare you let someone beat her?"

"Wrong, I hit it myself. No one asked me to hit her. I just saw her upset and wanted to hit her. What do you want?" Before Gu Chenfeng could speak, Wang Yao said first.

Ding Hui frowned and said, "Do you know who I am?"

"Who you are is not important to me!" Gu Chenfeng said lightly: "I don't hit women, but it doesn't mean that I don't have anyone who can hit women. As for that woman, if I hit a woman, I hit it."

"Looking at you like this, it seems that you have some money? But your life is in my hands. No matter how much money you have, it's useless."

"Since the establishment of my Qingchen Entertainment Company, I have been thinking, who will be the first to trouble my company, so that I can make an example to others."

"Mr. Ding Hui, you are very lucky to become the chicken that scares the monkey."

Ding Hui's face was extremely livid. It can be seen that after seeing the violence of Gu Chenfeng and his group, he knew that now is not the time to be impulsive, so he forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart and asked, "What do you want?"

Gu Chenfeng didn't answer, just pointed at Zhuang Wenjie and others, and introduced: "My brothers are all veterans, and everyone has experienced the baptism of blood."

"I'll give you two options. The first is that you can choose one of them and let him throw you from the window."

"This should be the eighth floor, right? At this height, there are quite a lot of trees below. As for whether you will be thrown to death or be thrown into a vegetative state, it depends on God's will."

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Ding Hui sneered and said, "Are you scaring me? Now everything is involved, do you still think this is the old world?"

"Hehehe!" Gu Chenfeng tapped his fingers back and forth on the table, making a sound of horseshoes, and said quietly: "The rivers and lakes have never disappeared, but people like you don't know it."

"No matter who among them, after throwing you down here, he will get [-] million US dollars, and then flee abroad. After half a year, his family will follow him, and then live the life of a rich man together."

"With [-] million U.S. dollars, you can live a very rich life anywhere in the world. In other words, you should feel very honored that your little life is worth [-] million U.S. dollars."

"Because this is much more valuable than Rex, the super rich man in the Lighthouse Country. Do you know how much he was worth on the black market at that time?"

Having said that, Gu Chenfeng raised his hand, made an eight sign, and said, "It's only 8000 million US dollars."

Rex was one of the top ten richest men in the Beacon Country three years ago. However, it was suddenly reported by the media that he died of illness. In just half a year, his business empire completely collapsed, which caused a huge sensation all over the world. .

After hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Ding Hui's eyes flashed a hint of horror, saying that the richer the person, the more afraid of death, afraid of those who are desperate.

After all, as the old saying goes, those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes.

So Ding Hui trembled with meaning in his voice, looked at Gu Chenfeng and asked, "What do you mean? Could it be that Rex was still killed by someone?"

Gu Chenfeng laughed directly, and said: "You don't really think that he died of illness, do you? How old is he? And when he is in his position, how can it be possible that there is no regular physical examination by a dedicated doctor?"

"Ding Hui, you have failed too much as a rich man, you are too naive!"

"Forget it, it's useless to tell you so much. I have the right not to choose the first option, otherwise, you will really die."

Ding Hui asked again: "What about the second way?"

"The second way is very simple." Gu Chenfeng said with a smile: "Didn't you want to force Xia Wanxin to toast, I asked her to pour wine for us, as much as I drink, as much as you drink."

"After drinking, you go your way and I go mine. I'll just pretend that what happened today never happened. Mr. Ding, what do you think?"

Although Gu Chenfeng had a smile on his face at the moment, the sternness in his eyes made everyone feel a chill down their backs.

Even Wang Yao couldn't help being a little scared after seeing Gu Chenfeng's appearance. She had known Gu Chenfeng for a long time. It can be said that besides Luo Qingcheng, Wang Yao knew Gu Chenfeng best.

However, only now did she discover that this side of Gu Chenfeng, probably even Luo Qingcheng had never seen it before.

As for Zhang Qingqing next to her, after seeing Gu Chenfeng's appearance at this moment, she couldn't help doubting herself again.

Anyway, I am also the agent who has been with Gu Chenfeng for so many years, how come I never found out that he has this side before?

After some thought, Ding Hui replied: "Okay!"

From his point of view, he can be regarded as a veteran in the wine market, and Gu Chenfeng may not be able to drink better than himself.

Gu Chenfeng nodded, and said: "Wenjie, open all the wine here for me, Shanshan, find me twenty glasses."

"Okay, Teacher Gu!"

Zhuang Wenjie and Feng Shanshan agreed, and started to act separately.

Soon, twelve bottles of liquor and twenty glasses were all ready.

At this time, Gu Chenfeng looked at Xia Wanxin who was standing next to Zhang Qingqing, waved his hand, and said, "Wanxin, come over and pour wine."

Xia Wanxin looked at Zhang Qingqing, Zhang Qingqing said softly: "Go."

Xia Wanxin nodded and walked over, picked up the wine, and began to pour wine into twenty cups, each cup could hold two or three bottles of wine, and just poured six bottles.

Gu Chenfeng took the lead in raising his wine glass, and said, "Mr. Ding, I'll do it first as a respect."

After finishing speaking, he raised his head and drank the wine in the glass, but this is not over yet.

A glass!
Two cups!

Three cups!

Every time Gu Chenfeng drank a glass, he turned the glass upside down on the table. In less than half a minute, Gu Chenfeng had already finished ten glasses of wine.

"President Ding, please!" Gu Chenfeng politely made a 'please' gesture.

Now everyone understood that Gu Chenfeng wanted to save face for the company's artist Xia Wanxin from Ding Hui.

Aren't you going to force my entertainer to drink?

Well, I will force you to drink now, and I will drink with you, occupying the highest point in terms of reason.

At this moment, Xia Wanxin felt an indescribable joy in her heart, and at the same time, she worshiped Gu Chenfeng even more, and became more determined.

Wang Yao, who was standing behind, shook her head with a smile and said, "I didn't expect this guy to be so good at playing!"

Although Gu Chenfeng's drinking capacity is not very good, but this amount of wine is still not difficult for him at all, but Ding Hui can't do it, no matter how big his drinking capacity is, he can only drink a catty or two of liquor.

The ten glasses of white wine that Gu Chenfeng drank just now weighed at least three to four catties, and Ding Hui definitely couldn't drink that much.

At this time, everyone's eyes fell on Ding Hui. Ding Hui gritted his teeth, picked up a glass of wine, and drank it. He had no choice now, he had to bite the bullet and drink it.

Under the current environment, if he doesn't drink, he fully believes that Gu Chenfeng will really let someone throw him down from the eighth floor, and then everything will be gone.

After drinking four cups in a row, Ding Hui's face turned pale, and by the fifth cup, his eyes turned red, and his stomach churned continuously.

He said, "No, I can't drink any more!"

However, Gu Chenfeng knocked on the table while looking at Ding Hui, and said lightly: "You must drink the wine I am toasting."

"You..." Ding Hui was almost unable to suppress the anger in his heart under the influence of alcohol, and said: "I just don't drink anymore, what can you do, if you have the guts, you kill me!"

Gu Chenfeng waved his hand and said, "Brother Ding, please drink."

After understanding Gu Chenfeng's meaning, Zhuang Wenjie and another bodyguard of Wang Yao walked to Ding Hui's side, pinched his mouth with one, and poured wine into his mouth with the other.

The next five cups all entered Ding Hui's stomach in this way, without spilling a single drop.

After drinking, Zhuang Wenjie covered Ding Hui's mouth for about half a minute, and he didn't let go until he confirmed that there was no problem.

"Ah~~" Ding Hui, a millionaire with tens of billions of dollars, was already pale at the moment, and he was dying after drinking more than three catties.

"Wow~~" Finally, I couldn't take it anymore, and vomited it out,
This guy almost vomited out all the sour water in his stomach.

Seeing this, Gu Chenfeng quickly kicked his right foot, and the chair moved back a few meters to avoid being affected by dirty things.

After Ding Hui vomited, he sat on the chair directly, drunk and unconscious, but how could Gu Chenfeng let him go so easily?

Directly asked Zhuang Wenjie to bring a basin of cold water from the bathroom in the private room, and then put Ding Hui's head in the cold water to make him sober up.


Ding Hui woke up, spit out another mouthful of cold water, opened his mouth wide, panting heavily.

"There are ten cups left!" Gu Chenfeng always had a faint smile on his face, and said, "Mr. Ding, you have to work hard!"

Ding Hui, who was stimulated by the cold water, woke up a lot. Holding his stomach that was almost burning, he gritted his teeth and said, "Gu...Gu't bully others too much."

"Slap!" Gu Chenfeng yelled at him with a slap, and said, "I bullied you, what can you do to me? Ding Hui, you are so afraid of death, how can you fight with me?"

"I said, today you are the chicken that I use to scare others to scare others! The remaining six bottles of wine are half for each of us, and you must finish them."

At this time, Tan Xin, the vice president of Yuehua, stood up and said: "Enough, Mr. Gu, you can't kill without nodding your head. You have already recovered your face, so why are you so aggressive?"

Gu Chengfeng was overjoyed when he heard the words, and said, "Who are you?"

Zhang Qingqing immediately said: "He is the vice president of Yuehua Yuelai Company, Tan Xin!"

"Oh!" Gu Chenfeng groaned, and said, "Is it Mr. Tan who threatened Wanxin to drink in the recording? Don't worry, we will settle your affairs slowly later."

"Now I'm drinking with Boss Ding, as for you? You're not qualified yet, get the hell out of here."

After finishing speaking, he said to Zhuang Wenjie and the other two, "Come on, help Mr. Ding, there are still six bottles left!"

"You..." When did Tan Xin, the vice president of Tangtang Yuehua Entertainment Company, experience such humiliation, blushed with anger and almost ran away.

"What are you, sit back for me, or I don't mind leaving a scar on your face!" At this time, Wang Yao was playing with a delicate little dagger in her hand, and she gave Tan Xin a hard look, and said.

In Wang Yao's eyes, the vice president of Yuehua Entertainment Company didn't pay attention to the shit.

Zhuang Wenjie and the two immediately walked over again, skillfully began to pour wine for Ding Hui.

Ding Hui was given a glass of wine, and Gu Chenfeng also drank a glass of wine. After ten glasses in a row, Ding Hui was completely finished. He slumped on a chair and passed out.

However, Gu Chenfeng is like a normal person, with bright eyes and extremely sober.

"Wow~" Zhuang Wenjie splashed cold water on Ding Hui again to wake him up.

"Wow~~~" Ding Hui vomited out all the wine and sour water in his stomach, making the whole box full of bad smelling seven people.

Gu Chenfeng didn't care at all, and said lightly: "Ding Hui, it's good for you to prick up your ears. You can't touch everyone in Qingchen Entertainment Company. This is the first time. I only punish you slightly. admonition."

"However, if there is another time, your life will come to an end. Remember what I said, money is not everything in this world."

"For some people, if you don't have the heart to fear life and death for a moment, then you don't even have the qualifications to be an opponent."

Speaking of this, Gu Chenfeng patted Ding Hui's face and said, "I'm waiting for your revenge, but I also want to remind you, before you come to take revenge on me, you'd better buy yourself a cemetery and a coffin."

After finishing speaking, Gu Chenfeng slapped Ding Hui's shoulder with a slap. Ding Hui, who was already drunk, how could he bear Gu Chenfeng's slap? On top of the puddle of things I spit out, I struggled a few times, but there was no movement.

Seeing that Gu Chenfeng tossed the tens of billionaires who thought he was famous without any scruples, everyone in the box turned pale with fright.

Of course, except Wang Yao and Zhuang Wenjie and a few other bodyguards.

Especially in Wang Yao's view, such a man is called domineering, if he encounters something, he only knows how to reason with others submissively, that would be too useless.

But in the eyes of others, who is Ding Hui?
The founder of Nake Jingchi Technology Co., Ltd. ranks among the top [-] super rich people in the country.

However, Gu Chenfeng didn't even pay attention to such a super rich man, let alone these little people.

Thinking of this, the others felt a bit of regret in their hearts. Why didn't they help Xia Wanxin say a few words at the wine table?

As long as he said a word, even if it was useless, Gu Chenfeng would definitely appreciate it.

After finishing Ding Hui, Gu Chenfeng turned his attention to Luo Xiaoyan who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead, and walked towards her slowly step by step.

" don't come here!" Luo Xiaoyan couldn't stand Gu Chenfeng's sharp gaze, she was so frightened that her soul trembled, her body was trembling, and then a puddle of water appeared around her, followed by It smells like urine.

No one thought that Luo Xiaoyan, who has always been arrogant and domineering, was scared to pee by a look from Gu Chenfeng.

Gu Chenfeng stopped in his tracks, frowned, and said, "How dare you bully my company's artistes if you are so cowardly? You really don't know what to do. Now give yourself ten slaps."

"Clap clap clap!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Luo Xiaoyan raised her hand without the slightest hesitation, and slapped herself continuously, as if she was afraid that Gu Chenfeng would find fault, she beat you so hard that her pretty face was swollen.

Gu Chenfeng said: "Go away!"

Luo Xiaoyan quickly got up, ran to the corner and squatted down, not daring to speak.

Gu Chenfeng looked at the other three investors and said, "You are film and television investors. I heard from Sister Zhang that two of them have also cooperated with our Qingchen Entertainment Company. They should have made money, right?"

"Yes, yes, I made money." An investor nodded and bowed.

"Bang!" Gu Chenfeng slammed the table and said angrily, "You don't talk about eating Qingchen's food, but you smash Qingchen's pot. I hate people like you the most."

Before Qingchen Entertainment, as long as it was Gu Chenfeng's work, it never let other people participate in the investment, but for some film and television works that Gu Chenfeng did not participate in, Liu Kuang still let others participate in the investment.

After all, an entertainment company can't do it alone, so other people are allowed to participate in the investment.

One of the investors smiled wryly, "Mr. Gu, we were wrong. Your lord has a lot, so let's bypass us this time. We promise, there will never be a second time."

Another investor was very clever, turned around and bowed to Xia Wanxin, and said, "Miss Xia Wanxin, I was wrong, please forgive me."

The others also looked good, and bowed to Xia Wanxin to apologize.

This made Xia Wanxin a little overwhelmed, she looked at Zhang Qingqing and asked, "Sister Zhang, what should I do?"

Zhang Qingqing is worthy of being a gold agent. She considered this kind of matter very comprehensively, so she looked at Gu Chenfeng and said, "Teacher Gu, why don't you just forget about it. The culprits are Ding Hui and Luo Xiaoyan, not them."

After speaking, he looked at several investors and said: "I will meet our Qingchen artist in the future, please take care of the bosses."

When everyone heard this, they hurriedly said: "Definitely, definitely."

Gu Chenfeng knew that Zhang Qingqing usually wouldn't ask her to intercede. Since she said so, she must have a reason, so she didn't care about these investors.

Instead, he walked directly to the side of Tan Xin, vice president of Yuehua Entertainment Company, sat down, and said, "Mr. Tan, you said that you want to propose our company's artists to the crew of "Jiangnan Trail", right?"

Tan Xin blushed a little, and said, "I... I'm just scaring her."

"Scare?" Gu Chenfeng laughed suddenly, and said, "Interesting, really interesting, do you think you can scare the artists of my Qingchen Entertainment Company at will?"

"Mr. Tan, I don't like the drama "Jiangnan Xiaodao" very much, so I only have one request, and that is to disband the crew of "Jiangnan Xiaodao"."

"No!" Director Liu, who hadn't said much, immediately objected after hearing Gu Chenfeng's words: "For this film, we have been preparing for half a year before we are ready to start filming. We must not give up."

Gu Chenfeng said with a smile: "Director Liu, you have made a lot of movies with good reputation and box office. I respected you a lot, but tonight you showed me a shameless man who groveled in front of investors. villain."

"As the parent of the crew, it's fine if you don't protect your actors, and you help a group of idiots bully the actors of your crew, what right do you have to talk to me?"

"You..." Director Liu's face turned red instantly.

Although he is not an internationally renowned director, and his domestic popularity is not as high as that of Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, or even Chen Gang who has quit the film industry, but he is not much.

Have you ever suffered such humiliation?

"Huh!" Gu Chenfeng snorted coldly, and said to Tan Xin: "Mr. Tan, you can go back and tell the boss of Yuehua Entertainment what I said, and you can just say, as long as the filming of "Jiangnan Trail" starts... "

"From then on, all the movies you Yuehua invested in can only be screened in China at most. Overseas, as long as they are theaters under my name, I will only give you the lowest share."

At this time, Wang Yao stood up and said: "The domestic Longda theaters will not give high rankings to the movies invested by your Yuehua Entertainment Company. As for other domestic theaters, it depends on yours." The relationship is hard."

Hearing Wang Yao's words, Tan Xin frowned and looked at Wang Yao.

If Gu Chenfeng said that it would be released overseas, he would obstruct it. At worst, Yuehua would make steady progress in China in the future, and wait for other people to open up channels for overseas theaters before going abroad for screenings.

But this woman actually said that she wanted to suppress Yuehua in domestic theaters?
Who is she?
Does she really have so much energy?

Gu Chenfeng saw that Tan Xin didn't quite believe Wang Yao's words, so he said with a smile: "You can doubt what I said, but you must not doubt what she said, let alone make your Yuehua movie not be released in China. , even your entire Huayi Company, if she wants to punish you, it will be very easy."

"If you don't believe it, you can try it."

After speaking, Gu Chenfeng stood up, glanced at the other actors, and left with everyone.

The people in the box were left behind, and everyone looked at each other in blank silence.

After coming over for a while, Tan Xin suddenly remembered something, and quickly shouted: "Hurry up, send President Ding to the hospital."

After hearing his angry shout, everyone came back to their senses, and hurriedly sent Ding Hui to the hospital for gastric lavage.

On the other side, at the entrance of the hotel, Wang Yao looked at Gu Chenfeng and gave a thumbs up, saying: "Star Gu, I didn't see it, you are still a smiling face, you are so ruthless!"

Xia Wanxin also said with a full face of admiration: "Mr. Gu, you were so domineering just now!"

Gu Chenfeng rolled his eyes angrily, and said: "Domineering fart, I just went to scare them. Now it is a society ruled by law, you think I really dare to kill people!"

"Fortunately, I called Yaoyao over today, and those people were scared out of their wits, otherwise I don't know what to do next."

Xia Wanxin said with a face full of surprise: "No way, it looks like the real thing to me."

Seeing Xia Wanxin's appearance, Zhang Qingqing shook her head helplessly, and said, "You, why are you as innocent as that girl Wu Xiaoxiao? It was clearly performed by Teacher Gu and the others just now."

"They acted arrogantly from the moment they entered the door, in order to calm them down."

Xia Wanxin's eyes flashed, and she said: "That's not right, Mr. Gu is an actor, it's normal to act so well, but other people are not professional actors, how could they be so realistic?"

As she spoke, she looked at Zhuang Wenjie and asked, "Brother Wenjie, tell the truth, if Ding Hui hadn't been overwhelmed, would you really know how to do it?"

Zhuang Wenjie said without hesitation: "It wouldn't be at that time!"

"What do you mean you wouldn't know it at that time?" Xia Wanxin asked like a curious baby.

Zhuang Wenjie still replied coldly: "Killing people in front of so many people is an extremely stupid thing. If Ding Hui is strong enough, then I will only go to A kill."

"I have a hundred ways to quietly make him disappear into this world without any traces being detected."

When Gu Chenfeng heard this, he patted Zhuang Wenjie on the shoulder and said, "Wenjie, don't talk nonsense, we are law-abiding citizens, how could we do such a thing?"

After Zhuang Wenjie realized it, he nodded quickly and said, "Yes, Mr. Gu is right!"

Xia Wanxin obviously didn't believe it, and was about to speak, but was blocked by Zhang Qingqing and Feng Shanshan, and Zhang Qingqing even warned in a low voice: "This is a matter between their men, don't ask so many questions."

Gu Chenfeng ignored Xia Wanxin and the others, walked up to Wang Yao, and said, "Yaoyao, thank you for coming to help today, it seems that I have caused you trouble again this time."

"It's okay!" Wang Yao waved her hands carelessly, and said, "These are nothing serious, just remember the sauced beef you promised to make for me."

"Don't worry, I won't forget, I'll go back and make a courier for you after I finish filming "Changjin Lake"." Gu Chenfeng said with a smile: "This is the time for supper, let's find a place to eat What time?"

"The capital city is your territory, you lead the way, and I treat you."

"Okay!" Wang Yao nodded and said, "No problem at all."

Afterwards, a group of people drove behind Wang Yao's car and went to eat supper.

Xia Wanxin, Zhang Qingqing, and Feng Shanshan were sitting in a car. Zhang Qingqing looked at Feng Shanshan and Xia Wanxin and said, "What's the matter with you? Didn't I tell you before? Don't participate in this kind of occasion. Why don't you Listen?"

"Sister Zhang, I..." Feng Shanshan didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Although she is also an agent, in Qingchen Entertainment Company, Zhang Qingqing is definitely the boss among the agents, and Feng Shanshan must listen to her.

Xia Wanxin stuck out her tongue and said, "Sister Zhang, I don't blame Sister Shanshan for this matter, I was the one who wanted to come, I thought it was just the main creators of the film crew having a meal together, who would have thought there would be someone from the investor side. "

Zhang Qingqing snorted, and said: "Old Ghost Liu must be playing tricks in the middle. Although this guy is talented, he has no character and is not a good guy. Wanxin, your performance in the end was not bad. You played our Qingchen momentum."

Xia Wanxin asked with some embarrassment: "Sister Zhang, did I cause trouble for the company?"

Zhang Qingqing smiled, shook her head and said, "I guess it's the Jingchi Technology Company and Yuehua Entertainment Company who caused the trouble this time. Did you just notice the woman next to Mr. Gu?"

"She has a big background, not only what Tangtang is doing, she has a very good relationship with Qingcheng, and her identity and background are even more terrifying, so Jingchi Technology and Yuehua Entertainment may be in trouble in the future .”

"Besides, Mr. Gu will not let these two companies go. If he dares to bully our Qingchen artists, he must be courting death."

Soon a few cars came to a Beijing private kitchen.

After coming to the box and finishing ordering, Gu Chenfeng looked at Zhang Qingqing and said, "Sister Zhang, we will add a code of conduct within our Qingchen company in the future."

"What code of conduct?" Zhang Qingqing asked very puzzled.

Gu Chenfeng said very domineeringly: "You just tell Minister Liu, let him tell everyone that in the future, no matter whether it is an investor or a director, as long as you dare to bully our Qingchen artists without any reason, you don't need any If you don't mind, just call back."

"We can't bully others, but we certainly can't be bullied. If anyone pretends to be a grandson outside and dare not resist when he is bullied, then let him get out of here immediately."

"What I look down on the most is this kind of bloodless person. It's an embarrassment to our company."

Upon hearing this, Xia Wanxin and Feng Shanshan clapped their hands and said, "Teacher Gu, you are mighty."

Zhang Qingqing said with a smile: "Teacher Gu, you really never know how to compromise, you can easily offend people!"

"Compromise is only for the weak, he doesn't need to compromise with anyone!" Wang Yao said with a smile, obviously she also glanced at Luo Qingcheng, and stood firmly behind Gu Chenfeng to support him.

In fact, Wang Yao knew that although she, as the daughter of the Wang family, could still help Gu Chenfeng a little, but it won't take long for Gu Chenfeng to become an existence that doesn't need anyone's help.

Maybe it won't be long before Gu Chenfeng grows up, and the Wang family still needs his care!

The current Gu Chenfeng has only debuted for a few years, but the achievements he has achieved, the industry he has mastered, and the wealth he has accumulated are beyond the reach of many large domestic companies.

(End of this chapter)

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